A Gorgeous White

Chapter 180: Deeper In The Slumber Of The Night (1)

Chapter 180: Deeper In The Slumber Of The Night (1)

The scent of soothing lavender-honey blend melted Moulin's insides as he sighs within the comfort of the warm waters welcoming his bare skin. Naked from head to toe, like a divine yet devilish seductress who sought to devour the hearts of men and women alike. Flower petals in different shades floated on the surface of the glaucous waters, and the warm steam somewhat served to heighten the already appealing atmosphere.

A flush of pink painted his naked back that leaned on the smooth edge of the pool. Slowly silver pupils peeked from between the fluttering lashes of the youth. Moulin gradually turns his head and stares at the golden-haired man taking off his shirt and tossing it on the stone bench where Moulin had neatly folded his. Watching the rippling muscles of Hadrian's back contract made Moulin narrow his eyes slightly. The man's masculinity never failed to make him feel envious and heated at the same time. There was a strange satisfaction just watching the man bare himself before his eyes. Moulin felt unusually enticed.

"Done?" He could not help but say.

A deep chuckle resounded throughout the room. The very sound of it made Moulin felt shivers claim up his spine. His throat felt parched.

"You sound quite eager, young master." Hadrian turns his head and eyes the captivating sight of the youth. He secretly inhaled a sharp breath. A stuttering exhale, and he boldly removed his lower garments without a second thought. The symbol of his masculinity, erect like a weapon. Moulin didn't shy his eyes away this time; however, embarrassment still painted his delicate cheeks. As Hadrian approached the pool's edge, Moulin stood up from his spot and began to move towards Hadrian. The water gorgeously rippled around Moulin's hips. He's a bewitching siren eyeing his victim.


That one word escaped his mouth, and Hadrian only revealed an amused smile as he obeyed. He sits at the edge of the pool. His knees hooking the blunt border. Let's g the water soak his feet and parting his thighs to welcome the intriguing lover.

Moulin settles himself between Hadrian's muscular thighs. His fingertips enticing touched the rough skin and slightly kneading it. Lifting his chin, water droplets fell from his lashes and his chin. His rosy lips, plump and inviting. Eager and yearning for touch.

Hadrian bent his head and carefully held Moulin's cheeks. His breath grew heavy at the mind-hazing view beneath him. Any man would be foolish to hesitate in ravishing the beauty before him. Hadrian was no fool, but for the young man's love, he would even cut out his heart. 

"Kiss me..." Moulin whispers, stretching out his neck like a starving mermaid in the water. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hadrian smiles, "Yes, Master..."

Moulin held Hadrian's hands that were caressing his cheeks and pulled Hadrian closer. The wet slide of the man's tongue welcomes itself inside Moulin's mouth. Stroking and exploring with a wet sound. Moulin moans as he subconsciously held Hadrian's arm to steady himself. Hadrian's grip on his nape was right. The dominance hidden underneath that submissive act resurfaced instantly as soon as the man had tasted the sweet addicting mouth belonging to the youth who was holding unto him with desperation. Wetness shamelessly flowed in between Moulin's thighs underneath the water.

A silver string connected their lips when Moulin pulled away for air. His fingertips were digging into the man's skin, almost strong enough to draw blood.

Hadrian's hand that rested on the youth's vulnerable nape slowly climbs to weave its's fingers through Moulin's silky white hair. Moulin only releases a gasp as his hazy eyes meet Hadrian's dark ones. The man grinned, "How I love it when you become so eager for my touch."

Suddenly, fierceness flashes in those endearing silver eyes. "I didn't tell you to speak..."

The grin became wider. "Forgive me; I didn't realize."

Moulin lowered his eyelids as he stares at the man above him. With one move, his soft fingers wrapped around the engorged cock that looked desperate for attention. His sudden actions made Hadrian abruptly clenched his jaw. The cords on his neck became visible as overwhelming heat floods his lower body. 

What a cruel move, little doll. If I weren't gentle with you, I would have held your neck while I pounded into you.

"You don't deserve my forgiveness, you lowborn." Moulin hissed as he slightly tightens his grip on Hadrian's manhood. The bulging veins pulsed against Moulin's sensitive palms; there was a streak of white that began to appear at the slit of the cockhead. A shiver. Moulin calmly traces the bead of white on the man's cock with a fingertip. His silver eyes cooly observed the man's restrained expression like a master testing his slave. He began to I've his hand, up and down, keeping a torturously steady pace.

Moulin felt a thrill when the hand on his hair tightened, and Hadrian growls with want. A surging sense of excitement enters Moulin's skin. Tempting him to go even deeper and forget the dreadful consequence it would bring him.

He dips his head. The flat part of his tongue licks the head of Hadrian's manhood slowly. The tangy taste in his mouth was dismissed, and instead and a feeling of satisfaction engulfs Moulin when he hears Hadrian intakes a sharp breath. However, he winced slightly when there was a sharp pain on his scalp. Nevertheless, he continued and buried the throbbing members into his mouth, sliding erotically into his throat. The man's girth was beyond what he could imagine. He could barely move without choking. Although he could not take the man's entire length into his mouth, he resorted to pleasuring the man with the use of his tongue. 

The soft caress of his tongue excessively stimulates Hadrian's leaking cock. The tip was being cruelly teased. A stuttering breath leaves Hadrian's mouth. It was arousal like no other. Like being doused with hot water and then being exposed to cold air, his skin prickles, and he shudderscontrol slipping. 

With the grasp of Moulin's hair, he pushed Moulin deeper, and his hips thrust, following Moulin's movements. Moulin widened his eyes, and he instantly grabbed Hadrian's arms. He did his best to widen the channel in his mouth while his brows furrow as he stares at Hadrian's expression.

Seeing Moulin like this, so considerate, trying his hardest to please him, and ONLY him, Hadrian felt addicted. Intoxicated by the thought that this person before him would please only him forever. He was unaware of the devilish smile that shaped his lips. Witnessing the sight before him, Moulin took it in his heart. 

Hadrian tilted his head as his gaze at Moulin's. The yearning smoldering flame of desire sparks between them. 

With a grunt, Hadrian pistoned his hips and shuddered when he released inside Moulin's mouth. Moulin's little adam's apple bobs uncontrollably, Swallowing every last drop. There were tear trails staining his cheeks. His mouth, round and stretched Moulin. A sting at the corner of his lips. Under the weight of the cock inside him, his tongue curved. Pillowing the thick shaft. 

When the hand holding his head in place loosened, Moulin slowly pulls away. The strange feeling of the shaft sliding out of his throat made Moulin squeeze his thighs close. White fluid dripped from his lower lip when his mouth parted to breathe. He leaned on Hadrian's hard abdomen, breathing heavily. His fingertips had created scratched the man's arms. Moulin remained motionless.

Hadrian lowered his head while steadying his breaths. He carefully held Moulin's face and kissed the youth's lips, his nose, and his eyes. His actions were filled with adoration. Moulin chuckled, and he raised his hand and pulled the man in a deeper kiss. I should not be the only one covered in your spend, you stupid man!

"My fire, My moon, My dawn... My life..." Hadrian whispered between their kiss. He felt his soul tremble and his heart pound within his chest. So much... I adore you... I live for you... So be mine. Only mine.

Moulin pulls away from the kiss and silently caressed Hadrian's face with his fingertips. "I am yours..." He said as if to reply to the hidden thoughts in Hadrian's mind.

He was drowning. Hadrian felt a shudder enter his soul as Moulin said those words. 

"Now... " Moulin held the edge of the pool and raised himself from the warm waters. Water droplets slip down the youth's fair arms, and a flush of red highlighted his curves. The voluptuous body was revealed to the beastly eyes of gold. Hadrian greedily took in the view of Moulin's naked body. His once spend member began to rise like a starving beast.

"Now lie back," Moulin ordered as he leaned forward and used his fingertips to push Hadrian backwards. Hadrian decided to play along with Moulin's wishes, feeling as though indebted. The growing warmth in his heart made him yearn for the youth's touch.

A smirk appears on the man's face. His golden eyes stared at the youth passionately, anticipating Moulin's performance. "Master is indeed bold and wanton. No seductress could match your aggression."

Moulin slapped Hadrian's arm. "Shut up and please me, slave..."

Releasing a throaty chuckle, Hadrian smiled.

"As you wish, my master..." 

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