A Gorgeous White

Chapter 190: I Adore You

Chapter 190: I Adore You

Eyes closed. Breaths slow. 

A smile slowly adorned the youth's beauteous face. Bliss and satisfaction engulfed his whole being. He relished the warmth between his body and the man holding him close. 

It was already midnight. The river of blue lights had finally disappeared in the night and the vibrant skies of gold had turned pale and grey, slowly enveloped by the darkness of the night. The sparkling golden snow that blanketed the ground had turned to pale white. 

A pure white snowflake fluttered on top of Moulin's nose. Moulin shifted with a chuckle as the ice melted on his skin.

"Childish..." Hadrian glanced at his lover.

Moulin's smile faded into a frown. "It was ticklish."

"And here I thought you were colder than ice." Chuckling, the lord shook his head. "Such innocence..."

While wearing a frown, the youth bumped his elbow on the man's belly. Hadrian furrowed his brows and laughed briefly at his beloved's reactions. 

Ignoring the lord beside him, Moulin lifted his face and stared at the dimming skies. The experience was brief but he thought it was worth it. He loved every moment he spent with Hadrian under the Ecklarian snow. 

Pressing his lips together, he shifted his gaze to face his lover. Silver eyes appeared soft and endearing as if the person under that beautiful gaze was the most significant being in the world. 

With such a look, every single individual would fight for it.

Moulin smiled as Hadrian silently met his gaze with equally affectionate eyes.

"I love you, My lord." 

With all my heart... 


Words spoken softly. Filled with truth and devotion. Such words were common. It could be spoken with hidden malice, feigned affection, and without meaning.

But when Moulin said it. It was equal to a tidal wave of hot energy overflowing from Hadrian's heart. Immeasurable and powerful. Utterly beautiful...

Hadrian was frozen.

There were no words to describe what he was feeling. 

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Fingertips trembled as his long fingers tightened around Moulin's hand. The buried heart that feared to expose itself freed itself from the depths of the darkness. He never felt such boundless warmth. Such simple and common words could actually shake him. Hadrian chanted it in his mind and printed the youth's affectionate expression in his memory. He would treasure it forever. He will greedily be obsessed with it. 

Moulin chuckled.

His sweet laugh finally snapped Hadrian out from his trance. 

It was amusing to witness the fearsome Lord's dazed expression. Moulin didn't even know that Hadrian could manage such an expression. Hadrian was probably unaware of the redness on his face as well. Moulin restrained a laugh. 

The youth's amused grin filled Hadrian's view.

Moulin chuckled, "You should see your face. Hahaha! I can't-Ah!"

Hadrian abruptly pulled him closer and captured Moulin's parted lips. Moulin's silver eyes widened in surprise but as Hadrian slipped his tongue inside his lips, the youth gradually closed his eyes blissfully. Moulin lifted his arms and circled them around Hadrian's waist as the lord held his cheeks and pulled him even closer. 

Passion and desire erupted within their connection. Intoxicating and profoundly stimulating as well as sweet and delightful.

Moulin smiled between the kiss. Glee filled his dazzling pupils as he slowly pulled away from the kiss. "Does this mean you love me too?"

The man's golden gaze deepened. "I love you, I worship you, I need you, I will live for you, I will die for you..."

"Alright, alright." Moulin chuckled. He patted the Lord's cheek playfully. "That's quite exaggerated, My Lord."

"Exaggerated or not... It is what my heart speaks for you." Hadrian leaned and briefly kissed the youth's lips. "I adore you..."

Moulin smiled, "As do I..."

With a smile, they both reached for each other and kissed. The snow gently falls upon their hooded heads, resting on their shoulders.

Suddenly, a loud voice shouted not far from where they were standing. 

"Hey, you two!"

Moulin flinched. He and Hadrian withdrew and turned their gaze to a couple of knights pointing at them.

"You are not supposed to leave your homes! Come here!"

One of them eyed them suspiciously and hurried to cross the bridge.

Moulin frowned and he tugged Hadrian's arm with a sigh, "Come, let's return."

"If it pleases you, I can make sure they forget this night ever happened." Hadrian smiled at his lover with dark eyes.

Moulin smacked his arm, "Don't even dare... Let's just hurry..."

"As you wish, young master." The Hercullian lord chuckled. He then pulled Moulin's waist to him and teleported both of their figures away from the area.

The knights were dumbfounded when they realized that the two people were maeruthans, abruptly disappearing before their eyes. 

One of the knights, who was one of the second young master's knights of the Grand Fraunces Household, squinted his eyes in uncertainty. Was it just him or did he really saw the wisp of silvery hair that slipped from the other person's hood? 


The night was absolutely unforgettable. When Moulin and Hadrian returned to Moulin's quarters, the smile on Moulin's face didn't fade away even until they both went to sleep after a midnight snack that Pola had left in the room.

The next morning, Moulin slowly opens his eyes and smiles when he sees Hadrian who was silently staring at him with amusement. 

"How irritating..." The youth narrows his eyes. He lifts a finger and flicks Hadrian's tall nose with envy.

"Does it displeases you to wake up under your beloved's gaze?" Hadrian smirks.

"It does when I realize he was strangely staring at my face while I slept." A corner of Moulin's lips twitched. "Your face is a sin..."

"Your beauty is a sin." Hadrian countered with a smile. "It makes me feel unsettled to leave you for a single second."

Moulin sits up with his elbows supporting his body. "You're leaving?"

"Hm." Hadrian rose and planted a kiss on the youth's head. There was helplessness in his voice when he spoke. "I have been gone for a few days, chaos ensues within the court if those unworthy lords are left unwatched. The guild needs their Lord's presence as well."

Moulin furrows his brows. "I see. How long will you be gone?"

"I'll return on the day after tomorrow." Hadrian slowly kissed Moulin's exposed jaw. Sharing kisses and sweet words, the two cuddled with each other on the bed. Moulin could not keep Hadrian from his lordly duties. He understood how busy Hadrian should be. With uneasy eyes, Moulin realized how much he had monopolized Hadrian's time recently. 

When the both of them have finished washing up and eating their meal, Hadrian gave Moulin one last deep kiss and with a profound gaze, he kissed Moulin's hand and promised that he would come back as soon as he can.

"I am perfectly capable of being patient, Milord." Moulin frowned with a raised eyebrow.

"Will you not miss my presence?" Hadrian smirked.

"If Snow can miss you then perhaps I will... " Moulin smiled darkly.

Golden pupils shifted and eyed the little white-furred fox patiently waiting for Hadrian to disappear before his eyes. The black wolf pup blinks at Hadrian expectantly.

"Hm... Perhaps I should take the wolf with me." Hadrian expressionlessly stares at Snow.

Snow barks loudly with a snarl.

Snow: Don't you dare!

Keir: (wags tail excitedly) Really? Master will take me along?

Moulin sighed. He shook his head and gazed at his lover. "Hurry and go, you fiend."

With a chuckle, the lord kisses Moulin goodbye and disappears with a flash of light. 

Silence once again filled the entire room. The breeze from the open balcony made the thin white curtains flutter elegantly. With slow movements, Moulin reached for the blue ribbon that tied his hair. His heart swelled with longing.

He chuckles to himself. What was he worried about? Hadrian would just leave for a day. It wasn't like the man hadn't left him alone for numerous days...


Moulin realized how he was becoming more and more attached to the lord. 

With a sigh, Moulin picks up the two little pups from the soft carpet and places them on the bed. He pulled the tasseled rope beside the bed to summon Pola.


"Young master..." Pola calls nervously after she cleaned up her young master's room. 

Moulin lifted his chin and closes his eyes as he breathes in the cool air of the snow-covered balcony. His lashes fluttered against the wind. Silver strands of stray hair dance elegantly. The youth looked exceptionally pure and lovely. The sight somehow calmed Pola's heart.

"Hmm, What Is it, Pola?..." Moulin said as he kept his eyes closed. He stretched his arms and held the banister, feeling soft snow beneath his palms. The cold brought him solace and ease. His lips parted taking in cool air.

"Um... The second young master wanted me to relay to you a message." She replies with an uneasy gaze.

Silver eyes opened. Moulin slightly turned his head. "Brother Emlen? What is it?"

"He wanted to invite you over to his personal training ground..."

"Really?" Moulin smiled with furrowed eyebrows. "How sudden of him. He usually uses the indoor training grounds during the winter..." 

"He said to meet him this afternoon if you are a bit busy..." Pola added. Her voice slowly softening.

"No. I will meet him right now." Moulin smiled as he turned his head to glance at Pola. "Please take care of Snow and Keir while I'm gone." He began to walk and patted Pola's shoulder before he headed to the doors of his room.

Pola silently lowers her head before she turns around and watches as Moulin petted the two little pups before leaving the room. 


She presses her lips together and bows her head. "Forgive me, master..."

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