A Gorgeous White

Chapter 199: The Golden Fortress

Chapter 199: The Golden Fortress

It filled his lungs, the cool wind of winter. 

Despite the tears that threatened to freeze as they fell down his cheeks, the youth didn't let his emotions completely overwhelm him. He kept his head high as he breathes. Breathing slowly, steadily, trying to calm himself as tears fell from his cheeks.

He was now standing before the frozen lake of the northern mountains. The place where he was first brought to this world. The first thing he did when he arrived was let his sorrow out.

His heels dug deep into the bed of snow. The tip of his boots slightly reached the edge of the frozen lake before him.  Its mirror-like surface reflected the light gray skies as well as the youth's reflection. His silver hair came undone as the frigid wind brushed his figure,

The navy blue ribbon became loose from the knot that tied up the mass of silvery hair. It fluttered away, carried by the wind. It curled and swayed as it gently landed on the pure-white ground. Moulin hadn't noticed it. He kept his eyes closed as he tried to soothe his mind and his aching heart.

It scared him. The thought that dream he had finally obtained, the dram of having a family to love him would shatter and break because of him. Fear gripped his heart. Would they hate him after what he had done? Would they not want him back? 

His fingers trembled at the thought.

Rough fingers reached down to pick up the long blue ribbon from the ground. With worried eyes, Lord Hadrian slowly approached the young man.

Moulin lets out a stuttering exhale when he finally stopped his tears. Suddenly, he felt long fingers weaved into his hair. Curling silver locks around the thick digits. Moulin slightly opened his eyes. A sigh escaped his lips.

He lets Hadrian braid his hair as carefully as he can. Taking his time to knot the blue ribbon at the end of the braid. The man gently caressed Moulin's hair. His big hand found its way to hold the young man's shoulders. After a few minutes later, the youth's lashes fluttered open. His eyes still held faint sorrow but his heart had begun to ease. The guilt and dismay, settling deep within his silver eyes began to slowly dissipate into nothingness the more the man's warmth lingered on his shoulders.

Moulin lowered his gaze. He started at his reflection on the frozen water, "Did I make the right choice?"

Hadrian softened his voice. "I cannot say what is right and wrong. But perhaps, it's a good choice to give them time"

"Mn" A nod. A faint smile graced the youth's lips. "Will they hate me?"

Hadrian furrowed his brows. Slowly, he lowered his hands. His arms circled Moulin's body into an embrace. Bending his body, his large form towered behind the youth's lithe body. His touch was comforting, Moulin could admit. He loved it. 

"They may be furious but they would never hate you, Moulin. I can see how much they love you so much. So much that they would take you away from me for the sake of protecting you. They would never hate you" Hadrian spoke softly.

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Moulin pressed his lips together to restrain another river of tears threatening to flood out of his eyes. Hadrian's words truly helped him lift the heaviness in his heart. He recalled the gentle smile his mother gave him. How her warm eyes spoke to him with kindness and understanding. 

Moulin gradually lifted his hand and touched Hadrian's hand. The Lord embraced him even tighter. 

The two stayed in that position until Moulin finally felt himself cheer up. 

Not far from where the two lovers stood, a little snow-white fox stared at the scene unblinkingly. Within his round silver eyes, was the reflection of the couples's figures. They looked as if they came out from a painting. They appeared as though nothing could tear them apart. An eternal promise blossomed from their hearts,

"Woof?" Keir tilted his head as he stared at his friend in confusion. What was she staring at?

Snow instantly whipped his head to the little black wolf and he began to chase the other while happily yipping loudly. Keir joyously played with his dear friend on the snow.

Not long after, Moulin pulled away and tilted his head up to ask, "I left my family for you. Now, it is your responsibility to take care of me."

Hadrian stared at him for a few seconds before a hearty chuckle escaped from him. "Of course, why would I not take responsibility for my actions. My poor homeless little lover would become very pitiful if no one would be there to spoil him."

Moulin cocked an eyebrow, "You would let just anyone spoil me?"

The man stopped. Golden eyes darkened out from Moulin's sight, "I would never let anyone touch you unless it is me."

Moulin smiled as he leaned his head back. "Good. I would punish you if you fail to please me."

"How terrifying" 

The youth nudge the man with his elbow with a chuckle.

The two then pulled away from each other and headed towards where the two little pups were playing. Hand in hand. Finger intertwined together, they walked unhurriedly. Letting the calmness of the surroundings sink between them. Savoring each other's touch only through the connections of their link fingers. Truthfully, this type of touch wouldn't be able to satisfy their need and want for the other's heart and existence but for now It felt enough.

Moulin lifted his gaze. 

He stopped in his tracks. Fingers around Hadrian's fingers tightened,

The Lord noticed Moulin's odd reaction. He turned to follow his lover's gaze.

The cave of ice. The home from which Moulin had dwelled before.

Before their eyes, the place was now buried under large boulders of ice. The cave had collapsed. A thick blanket of snow had already covered it giving them a faint idea that the cave had crumbled a long time ago already. 

Moulin's eyes blankly stared at the place where he had once lived. Rocks of ice had filled the cave. A thick layer of snow had coated the rubble and not a hint of what was inside could be seen. Pain pierced inside Moulin's heart as he stared. His lips parted but he could not utter a word. 

In his mind, he recalled when he had spoken with the god's child, Morhas. When the ice crumbled beneath his feet and he was plunged into the dark frigid waters. Never to hear the rest of the child's voice again

Perhaps that was when the cave had collapsed. 

Moulin's eyes quivered as he clenched his fists. This cave was Morhas's tomb, where his body had perished and where his soul was revived. However, now it was reduced to a pile of rocks of ice. What does this mean for Morhas?

"Moulin" Hadrian approached his lover as he tightened their linked hands. His eyes drifted to the youth. Witnessing the hidden despair and pain within those silver eyes made him uneasy and worried. "If you wish, I will find someone to fix this place."

Moulin furrowed his brows. His head shook and he replied. "No It can't be fixed. Even if it was, it could not restore its original form." 

'And it's soul' the youth thought with a sullen smile. The days he had spent here had vanished along with its destruction. However, the memories stayed warm inside his heart. He will never forget it. 

Helplessly, looking at his lover, Hadrian gave a soft smile as pulled Moulin, heading towards the two little beasts who had ceased their movements. Snow and Keir were silently observing their two masters with innocent eyes. They looked behaved and obedient. Moulin could not help but reveal a smile. 

The moment the youth's smile appeared before his eyes, Snow instantly jumped to his master's arms. Moulin was caught off guard, he immediately released Hadrian'a hand and caught the energetic little fox. Snow blinked innocently as he snuggled in his master's embrace. His beady little eyes glanced at the place where the cave previously was. He whimpered as he curled his little body deeper in Moulin's embrace. Moulin sighed when he heard the pitiful whimpers that came from the little ball of white in his arms.

Hadrian bent down and Keir happily jumped into the lord's embrace. There was no fear and hate within the wolf's golden eyes. Instead, there lies boundless surprise and delight. His tail wagged vigorously as he barked happily. However, Hadrian only gave him one cold stare before the pup was silenced. Keir behaved himself within the lord's arms but his eyes were shining brightly.

"Let's go" The Lord turned to the youth beside him. His voice, filled with comfort.

Moulin looked at him confusingly, "Where will you take me?"

"Since you have boldly proclaimed our love at your estate then perhaps, I should achieve it as well." A grin was plastered on his face as Hadrian spoke.

Moulin frowned. "Don't cause trouble. I don't want to spend the whole day being annoyed and irritated. I want to rest and think." He fiercely narrowed his eyes at Hadrian. "I want a soothing bath, a library, and a bed."

Amusement flashed within those golden eyes. Hadrian restrained a chuckle as he nodded obediently. "As you wish, Young master"

Without warning, Hadrian pulled Moulin's waist towards him, earning him a yelp from the youth. Snow barked in annoyance when his head almost bumped with Keir. Moulin lifted his gaze to glared at Hadrian but before a spiteful word could escape his mouth, a flash of light filled his vision.

In less than two seconds, Moulin felt the temperature of the air around him change. Warm daylight touched his white skin and a cool breeze brushed his cheeks. He felt the arm around him loosen it's hold around him and heard Snow and Keir's confused barks. As his vision cleared and adjusted, he roamed his eyes around his surroundings.

Moulin stopped. 

He blinked. 

The vast ocean presented itself in his field of vision. He held back a gasp as he took in the sight of the breathtaking horizon. Beautiful white clouds drifted in the cerulean skies. The smell of the sea brushed past his nose and the caws of seagulls reached the youth's ears. A lengthy stone banister sits a meter before his body. Translucent gold gauze curtains fluttered with the wind as they draped behind the lover's figures. 

Shifting his gaze, Moulin noticed the towering coastal cliffs that stood mightily against the raging waves below it. The wide balcony was connected to the earthen walls. It faced the oceans and the strong winds without fear. Realization then came to Moulin that they were standing within that very balcony. 

Moulin blinked once again and turned his head to face Hadrian who had a smirk hanging on his lips. "Where is this?"


The youth frowned, "Don't play with me, Hercullio."

The man stilled. With a helpless sigh, he could only lean down and peck the youth's head as he responded. "Its one of my rooms in the Golden Fortress."


Moulin's eyes widened. He had read about the Hercullio's territory expansion. The Imperial family made great effort to grant the Archnobility a great portion of the royal family's land. Ever since the countless accomplishment the Hercullio's had done for the kingdom, their influence had spread wide and their rewards for their victories were akin to an emperors's wealth and that was not even comparable to the wealth from the family's hundreds of crystal mines.They had countless martial strongholds situated in many parts of the land but none was as great as the Archnobility's heart of the blade, The Hercullio's Golden Fortress. 

The Golden Fortress was the Hercullio's most formidable martial stronghold. It was were the Hercullio's predecessors had dwelled even before the Red War. 

Moulin felt as though the place was too sacred for someone like him to step foot on. Hadrian noticed his shock and in unease and he was unable to resist a laugh. 

Moulin stared at the man with an incredulous expression. "This isn't funny! Why would you bring me here? A nice shack in the woods would have been nice."

Hadrian chuckled, "Its our secret sanctuary..."

"Its a military base." Moulin retorted.

Hadrian only raised an eyebrow before he placed the black wolf in his arms on the floor. Moulin eyed him before he also let Snow play with the little wolf. 

Snow happily jumped on Keir as he took in the new place. Excitement filled his little body. The thrill of exploring a foreign place made him so energized. He hurriedly scurried past the curtains but before he could run around the place his paws abruptly stopped. The little fox  fell over! It's body flopped on the carpeted floor. 

Snow stopped before two pairs of neat combat boots. 

A man towered before the small little animal with surprised eyes.


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