A Gorgeous White

Chapter 209: Hiding Beneath A Mask

Chapter 209: Hiding Beneath A Mask

The walk back was ominously silent. 

Their footsteps resounded through the massive hallways. Every servant, every knight paused to bow as they walked by, not lifting their heads until their figure's disappeared from their sight. Moulin glanced at the man walking beside him. Hadrian kept a hand around his waist. As though he was afraid that Moulin would run off once he released the youth.

When they arrived at the dining halls Lord Hendrick immediately stood up from his seat. Concern filled his eyes and his complexion was pale. When Grandfather Hercullio caught sight of Moulin's familiar figure, he sighed in relief and slowly sat back on his chair. For Moulin, the man's actions made him confused. He looked so worried.

Hadrian pulled a chair for Moulin before silently taking the seat next to his grandfather. 

"My Lord, Are you feeling unwell?" Moulin asked when he turned to observe the older man's expression.

Lord Hendrick smiled faintly, "No need to worry, child. I am well." 

A those words were spoken, servants began to place the food on the table. Their actions were extremely cautious, Moulin noticed. The youth also discovered the faint tremble of their hands as they worked.

Unconsciously, his eyes slowly shifted at the man sitting across him. Wearing a cold expression, he didn't even bother to meet Moulin's gaze.

None of them spoke during the meal. Lord Hendrick, who Moulin thought was always bright and pleased, uneasily concentrated on his meal. It was as if all sound was sucked into an invisible void rendering the hall soundless. 

As just like that, the meal passed quickly, and Hadrian abruptly escorted Moulin to his quarters before his grandfather would make a move to talk to the youth.

Within the room, Snow finally reunited with Keir, who was brought into the room just moments ago. The two friends immediately run off to play, leaving the bedroom to the two silent men.

The calm wind from the balcony brushed Moulin's face making him unable to resist walking over. However, his feet stopped before the arch, and he furrowed his brows. He remembered how Hadrian spoke to him at the courtyardboldly declaring his authority within the fortress before his eyes. He felt the dreadful darkness within the lord's voice. Hadrian felt so distant at that moment.

He had always known how Hadrian treated others differently than how he treated Moulin but Moulin had never thought the man would treat others to that extent.

Moulin stopped once he realized his thoughts...

From the way Hadrian spoke to him. His threats, the darkening look in his eyes, the vicious words. 

Unease filled Moulin's expression.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Hadrian didn't intend to keep him here...



Moulin blinked and abruptly shook his head. No, why am I assuming that kind of idea?

Although this was what his kind was telling him, warning him, Moulin felt like it was all a bluff. He didn't like to think of something to make his faith on the lord waver.

Before he could further sort his thoughts, Hadrian suddenly spoke from behind him.


The youth flinched at the call of his name. The loose strands of his silvery hair danced with the passing wind as he slowly turned to face his lover. Silver eyes slightly squinted but there was no softness of warmth in it. 

Hadrian stood with a soft gaze. As if it didn't matter if the world around him would burn down into cinders. As long as he had the young man before him within his sight, he didn't need to care about anything else. A covetous need rose from his chest. It was broiling with smoldering fire. When he had realized that that worthless maid had lost his beloved. It felt as though death was striding within the halls. 

Anything could happen to Moulin if he were left alone. 

There was always a foreboding feeling that dwelled inside his chest. He felt as though the youth's foretold death was nearing. It was strange how he had frequently felt it. He could not help but want to lock Moulin away. To the farthest and most indestructible fortress in the land. Far from the guild. Far from the Fraunces estate. If he keep him at his side... perhaps, Moulin would escape the prediction.

And he would be safe...

The lord's eyes deepened.

Slowly, he approached the youth. 

"Stop..." Moulin forced out. 

Hadrian's steps ceased. Golden eyes stared deeply at Moulin. His gaze felt as if it could swallow Moulin whole.

Moulin narrowed his brows. "You... Will you kill for me?..."

"Why wouldn't I?" Hadrian replied. "I know you will also do the same for me."

"Hadrian..." Moulin helplessly sighed. His shoulders slacked. "I will kill for you but not someone innocent..."

"You think I've killed innocents?" Hadrian raised a brow. The shadows of the clouds shrouded the balcony.

Moulin frowned. "You know that is not what I mean."

"Ah..." Hadrian feigned a surprised expression, and he advanced towards Moulin with slow, predatory steps. "Do you deem Lady Heizea innocent?"

"It was an accident-" 

Golden eyes narrowed, "You know very well it is not. Stop defending that woman and accept that she wished to murder you. Heizea's hatred runs deep in her bones. That disgusting woman was lucky I had endured her presence for years for the sake of her father."

Hadrian held Moulin's cheek. His touch was sudden and rough but Moulin only felt coldness on his cheek. Lord Hadrian narrowed his eyes and slowly bent his head and planted a kissed on the young man's lips. 

"I only wanted to protect you, Moulin. Nothing else..."

Those words thawed the frigid wall of ice in his heart that Moulin had built up. The youth could feel Hadrian's breath on his lips and the tip of his nose that briefly caressed his cheek. However, hidden underneath those rough, calloused fingers was the desire to fist the soul that lies beneath his beloved's body. Moulin stood still as he accepted the lord's touch. 

With those hands, he could easily wrap them around Moulin's neck. Against the lord's strength,  a quick defeat would fall upon Moulin.

Indeed, it felt threatening.

"You are becoming... strange..." Moulin blankly whispered. His eyelids slowly lowered a she spoke. The cold air swept past their figures.

Hadrian gently pulled the youth into his arms. He weaved his fingers into the curls of elegant white strandshis movements, soft and careful, as if he was stroking a delicate treasure. He slightly closed his eyes as he stared at the vast horizon. "Will you not like me if I am?"

"No... I will forever like you..." Moulin embraced Hadrian with furrowed brows. 'However, I am afraid that I might come to fear you someday...'

Hidden from Moulin's sight, a dark smile curled on Hadrian's face. "As will I..."


"Please..." Moulin clenched his hands on Hadrian's strong back. "... change so much."

He didn't know what he truly meant by what he said. Therefore, he could only mutter these words, hopefully. Moulin closed his eyes.

"Mn..." Hadrian replied. 

It didn't lessen the unease in Moulin's chest even a little, but he only convinced himself that Hadrian had understood him. 

Snow and Keir quietly scurried towards the bedroom. Their paws felt the softness of the carpets as they ran. However, when they saw their masters' postures. They screeched to a stop. The atmosphere around them was solemn and grim.

The little snow-white fox's silver eyes narrowed in anger. Why did master look so sad?!

Before he could bark furiously, Keir hastily clamped his jaw around Snow's nape and quickly dragged his mischievous friend away. Little whimpers were released from Snow's mouth as Keir rapidly yanked him out of the room.

Unaware of the two little pups' actions, Moulin released a sigh as he pulled away from Hadrian. He moved away slightly while keeping his head down. His gaze subconsciously drifted to his arm. His arm that had made him suffer greatly.

"What is happening to me?" He muttered as he exhaled. Why is everything so exhausting all of a sudden? Honestly, one more, and he wouldn't be able to take it anymore...

Hadrian looked at Moulin's depressed expression while the youth eyed at his arm.

"What is in your mind?"

"The events that involve this strange limb." Moulin frowns. His eyes glanced at Hadrian, "I reckon you are knowledgeable about this given your ability to abate it..."

Hadrian lowers his head as he gently to reached out to raise Moulin's hand. "Do you not realize anything? Recall anything?"

Moulin blinked. He paused as he tried to sift through his memories. However, he could not determine which would indicate what Hadrian was implying. "fraid not... What do you want me to remember?" Moulin asked. A crease appeared between his brows. 

He had to know. It was the first time he experienced something as odd as what happened to him in the courtyardthe surge of violent electric energy. It was powerful and menacing. Ultimately uncontrollable. 

Hadrian smiled and shook his head. "I will tell you tonight."

"Is it so difficult for you to tell me right now?" Moulin cocked an eyebrow. 

Hadrian smiled, "I have something else to relay to you. I believe it would greatly please you once you hear it."


Confusion filled the youth's expression. Internally, there was dread as those words entered his ears and at the same time hope. What is it that Hadrian want to convey to him?

"Tell me..." Moulin knitted his brows as he said. 

The man slowly wrapped his arms around Moulin's waist. He stared intensely at the youth's eyes. Moulin could see the tenderness in Hadrian's gaze. It felt so gentle that he somehow felt it was a trap.

Golden eyes narrowed.

"Your family wishes to hear your voice..."

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