A Gorgeous White

Chapter 215: Breaking The Seal

Chapter 215: Breaking The Seal

"I am your Lord."

A heavy gust of frigid wind swept past the three men. When those words were uttered, not even Moulin could refute it. However, even with the silence and the oppressive ambiance that threatened to derive them from breathing, Moulin unyieldingly met Hadrian's eyes. 

His assumptions were now proven true. Hadrian had indeed changed. And it wasn't for the better. Somehow, Moulin believes it was that he was the sole cause of Hadrian's change. 

"Aedion, please leave us," Moulin muttered, never left eye contact with the man in front of him.

Raising an eyebrow, a cold smile graced Lord Hadrian's lips. Golden eyes were filled with incredulity and intrigue. "You are brave enough to order my people in front of me?"

"Yes, I am..." Moulin replied straightforwardly. "If it means to keep you from spilling more blood, then I shall. And I will do it over and over again if I must." Silver eyes narrowed. A defensive and piercing gleam flashed in his eyes. He appeared like a warrior facing an unbeatable enemy.

The man named Aedion hesitated. However, Moulin had given him the chance to save his life, and he would not waste it. With a bow of his head, he spoke, "Excuse me, my lord." With that, he hurried out of the picture. However, his knees were weak and in pain. He suffered pain as he forced himself to walk away. Within his mind, he thanked Moulin greatly.

Once it was the two of them once more, a suffocating silence enveloped the air between them. Any third party would be haunted by fear of anticipation. 

When the third gust swept past them, Moulin finally opened his mouth and spoke with a severe countenance. 

"I do not care whether you are lord or not. Even if you are emperor of the lands I am standing on or ruler of the skies I am beneath of, I wouldn't care less." Moulin turned his head and approached the bench where Snow and Keir were slumbering. With a lowered gaze and a heavy heart, the youth continued. "Before my eyes, you are just a man."

Hadrian quietly listened. His heart thundered within his chest from the youth's words. His gaze was intense as he stared at the slender youth turning his back to him.

Moulin narrowed his eyes and looked back. "Don't provoke me, Hercullio. Don't make me regret choosing you." Moulin clenched his jaw, "It is I who owns me. Not you."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


Thunderclaps roared frighteningly. The bright day instantly dimmed, and strong winds were sharp and violent. Green leaves, along with red rose petals, moved like a snowy blizzard as the gusts carried them. The flashes of lightning filled the dark skies. It was as though the gods were angry and furious. And This time, Hadrian knew this wasn't just because of him but because of a particular young white-haired man standing before him. 

Both their emotions erupted at the same time. 

When Moulin yanked his gaze away and once again turned his back to Hadrian, he unhurriedly moved to pick up Snow and Keir. Anger welled in his heart. He never wanted to say those words to Hadrian, but it seemed like the man had forgotten that he had stood equally. There was no superiority between them. However, now, Moulin felt that if he would only stand by and watch the man kill Aedion before his eyes, the spilled blood would consume Hadrian. Just like how his father did to Moulin's grandfather. 

He needed to be stopped. And Moulin would no longer accept those consequence Hadrian that made for his sake. If it takes him to turn his back to Hadrian, then he shall do it.

Suddenly, before Moulin could bend down to pick up Snow and Keir, a strong hand gripped his forearm painfully. And with a simple pull, Moulin was forcibly pulled backwards. His foot slipped, and he felt gravity take him before a brief flash of light filled his vision. 

The soft bedding of a bed met his back, and Moulin bounced at the impact. He felt the edge of the bed beneath the back of his knees. Silver eyes widened in shock as a shadow hovered over his body. Ferocious eyes of burning gold were reflected within Moulin's eyes. The bright flash of lightning briefly dappled over Hadrian's looming face. Expressionless and fierce.

Moulin breathed when a rough hand laid flat at the center of his stomach. Then the strong palm began to put more pressure as it slowly climbs down to Moulin's waist. Moulin's breath stifled as he struggled, but he was no match against Hadrian's strength. He felt his limbs go weak once Hadrian's palm finally settled on his lower abdomen. 

His other forearm presses down below Moulin's collar bone. 

"What are you doing?" Rage filled the youth's voice as he lowered glances downwards.

"Will you regret choosing me?" Hadrian's voice was low and intimidating. Without the light within the room, his expression was unseen, shrouded by darkness, but Moulin could see glimpses of it when the lightning flashes. The wind made the doors of the balcony burst open. Gusts of frigid snow entered the threshold, swirling chaotically.

"Hadrian..." Moulin called with a warning. His voice threateningly low, filled with indescribable rage. How dare he treat him this way!

"Tell me..." Hadrian ignored his tone and continued to speak. "Will you leave me?..."

Angered and upset, Moulin struggled. With bared teeth, he scowled openly and snapped, "Release me."

With those words, Hadrian tilted his head back. It seemed as though something snapped inside him. It was then that Moulin felt fear.

"If that is your answer..." Hadrian muttered when he stared down at Moulin's infuriated look. However, he felt no regret for what he was going to do next. Golden eyes flashed with intent. "...Then I might as well imprison you to my side."

Moulin suddenly felt a sharp pain erupting from where on his lower abdomen. It was hot as though something was being shredded within the inside. A faint glow appeared beneath Hadrian's palm. A cast invoked to break another. 

When Moulin felt something inside him shatter, he struggled violently. Silver eyes glowed with ferocity as he unconsciously moved to defend himself from Hadrian's acts. His arms lifted, and a freezing force exploded from his hands. Hadrian narrowed his eyes and was flung a few steps backward. 

When the man finally withdrew, Moulin crawled farther up the bed with resentful eyes. He held his abdomen with trembling hands. Disbelief and outrage layered his silver pupils, and sweat dripped down from his forehead. 

Hadrian looked at his expression, and he stopped. A lone tear fell from Moulin's pale cheek. It was this that made him freeze in his place. 

"You... How dare you..." Moulin hissed as his shoulders shook. The pain within his body gradually disappeared, but he was scared of the effects of what 'that man' did to him.

"What did you do..."

In the next second, the snow and the gusts of wind abruptly stopped. A silence so ominous one would shudder in fear. 

Lord Hadrian glanced down at his hand and slowly spoke without meeting Moulin's gaze. 

"I broke your womb's seal."

It felt as if cold water was doused over Moulin's body. A deathly silence plagued him as disbelief and horror filled his eyesa mixture of dark emotions. 

"Y-You... " No words could describe the shock in his heart. "Why... "



Anger exploded inside Moulin's chest. Eyes dilated the veins of his neck pulse with smoldering rage. There was no need for the bastard to answer the question. Moulin was clear about what Hadrian was planning to do to him.

'This' was his plan to imprison him?! To fuck him until he could bear a fucking child?!

Moulin swiftly raised his arm, and a white gleam flashed. 

Hadrian lifted his gaze, and a crystal shard sliced the side of his cheek. Blood instantly dripped from the side of his face. However, his expression was neutral. 


"Shut up!" Moulin held his face with two hands. His fingers trembled. For the first time, he showed his weakness, his vulnerability.

He stayed in that position for a while three minutes. And Hadrian watched him in every second, not leaving his eyes off him.

"You fucking animal..." Moulin hissed as he lowered his hand. He lets them drop on his lap with a shuddering exhale. 

"I will leave you to your thoughts," Hadrian spoke.

Moulin's eyes flashed. Anger boiled in his eyes as he snarled, "No need." With a hand on his abdomen, he left the bed and headed to the door. "I will leave here myself."


"I said shut up!" 

A frozen sheet spreads out to cover the whole room in a blink of an eye. Hanging icicles lengthened downwards from the flat ceilings. Even the bed was not spared.

With angered eyes, Moulin's voice broke. "Don't let me see your face. If you even dare, I will fucking freeze this place and never come back!"

He bolted to the doors, and with a slam, only Hadrian was left to dwell in the freezing darkness of the room.

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