A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 101 - 101- Whatever It Takes

Aturs, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 32nd day of Fall, Arenfall


"Are you insane?!" The freed slave blurted.

"What did you just say?!" Commander Crovar shouted. "W-what did you just say to your—"

"Thank you, Lord Commander," Arterius interrupted. "But I think his reaction comes from a place of trauma." He added.

Normally, that would have caused a citizen their heads. But this was different, the freed slave had seen something diabolical inside that hole. He heard the story from Lord Prestonheim while they ascended towards the camp. He knew what they had been through and understood how difficult it was for all of them to face these creatures. But still, this opportunity, no, this destiny was something they should grab for themselves.

Arterius understood why his godfather had to go through the hell he had inside the castle just to protect the information from the other nobles. It was important and could potentially change the Principalia's trajectory, to the top of the world. Getting the information into the wrong hands, or worse, letting the other unscrupulous nobles take possession of the mines could spell doom for Arteria and the Prima's bloodline.

He understood well how this would've gone if the Lucresias had acquired the mines. Their influence and wealth could effectively destroy the Prima line. The ambitious Senator and their ancestors had long coveted the throne of power from them.

Arterius knew that this risky move might bear no fruit. This was a race to power after all, and his godfather made sure he was the one to take it rather than the greedy Senator or his younger brother. He knew he must make this move—the deadly gambit which he prayed would pay off well.

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"Pardon my desperation." The prince bowed his head, "But you must understand this too, good Ser, that my look of excitement is more of a look of obsession to make the Principalia stand out from the rest of the countries. With the wars we had with the other kingdoms, this discovery could end it all and make us—"

"How much?" Adaloun quickly interrupted. He looked at the prince straight in the eyes as if he was asking for something more than what he just asked.

Arterius had to think for a moment about what it meant. Could it be about money? If it was, that's not a difficult thing to resolve.

Commander Crovar approached the freed slave and grabbed him by the collar, "What are you trying to say, you insolent fool?! Are you trying to milk the Prince for money?" He lifted Adaloun like he was nothing more than paper.

Arterius looked around confused with how to approach the situation. He tried finding answers from Lord Prestonheim who stood silently at the corner, not giving a care about the freed slave's safety. The prince glanced towards his ward, his eyes asking to intervene, but his ward felt no need to heed such request. In their eyes, Adaloun rubbed them off the wrong way.

The furious Commander shook Adaloun violently, "Tell me, freed one. What do you mean by that?! Answer now! Your life depends on it!"

The freed slave calmly looked at the prince, "How much are you willing to sacrifice for this vision of yours? For your…dream—"

"I am talking to you!" The Commander covered Adaloun's mouth with his other hand and was about to snap his neck.

"ENOUGH!" Arterius shouted. "Let that citizen go. He has all the right to ask me that question on this ridiculous request I am putting him up with!" The prince said.

The old veteran glared at the freed slave before letting him go. Commander Crovar was a huge man, at 6 footlings and 8 fingerlings. He towered the generals of the Arterian Units and in terms of brute strength, he was a cut above them all. But Prince Arterius notice that despite his intimidating size and aura, the freed slave remained calm to a point that it feels like he knew how to handle himself against anyone.

Whether he was feeling arrogant or just confident about his abilities, Prince Arterius couldn't help but notice Adaloun's calm demeanor despite the life-threatening situation. He was curious about it, but he rather focus on what they have on hand.

"Tell me, Adaloun," The prince demanded for the freed slave's attention. "Why are you asking for the cost? If it is money, I can pay you handsomely. If it is freedom, well, you are already free. There's nothing more to worry about that one. If it is about—"

"I am talking about the lives you will put at stake." Adaloun interrupted him again. "I am asking you how far will you go for that?"

 Arterius was worried that Commander Crovar would react violently against the freed slave, but Lord Prestonheim patted the Commander's shoulder before he could react. The prince wanted to thank his godfather, maybe, he'll do that later. For now, he's obliged to answer that question. It was that question he feared Arterius would ask. No one could quantify a life let alone ask how many he was willing to sacrifice to achieve it.

"You know Adaloun, the empire was built on the bodies of those men who sacrificed their lives to see it grow." Arterius began. "No empire ever succeeded without laying its foundation on the lives it took and the lives it bore. So, if you're asking me on how much lives would I stake, I would answer, a lot."

Adaloun looked at him in the eyes with an expression which he vaguely understood as wander and disgust all at once. The freed slave looked at his godfather with eyes expressing regret and defeat. He let out a sigh and nodded.

"If I have to be honest with you Prince Arterius. I am against the idea of opening that hole once again." He looked at the aetherium stone sitting on his palm. "For this stone…No good will come out of it…but if Lord Prestonheim wills me to be there…I won't even give a second thought."

Arterius felt the freed slave's hesitation. He knew deep down that the slave would only do their bidding out of Lord Prestonheim's order. He was also told how his godfather forcefully let Adaloun swore allegiance to their house. The prince knew for a fact that the freed slave would be doing it for the sake of duty more than anything else.

"I know this would be a burden to you, but the rewards, I promise you will be great." He said to Adaloun.

The freed slave looked at him and said, "I am not particular with any reward, I am already free, I guess there's that. But if I may make a request." He paused as he waited for Arterius' approval.

The prince knew how this would go. On his books, this type of conversation might lead to an egregious amount or an impossible favor. However, they needed the freed slave. He knew his way inside the hole. He could help them against any impending threats inside that nightmarish underground tunnel. His godfather had nothing but high praises for the man even telling them how he could easily get a higher rank in the knighthood based on his abilities. Adaloun might still be at a disadvantage being that he had placed his loyalty to the Prestonheims which meant his godfather could simply order him around, but he was willing to listen to his demands.

"I will listen to your request and will take it into consideration." He answered.

"Fair enough." Adaloun nodded. "I will only allow my comrades and a handful of your trusted knights to go down there. I want armors like those of the knights and weapons as good as theirs."

"That is impossible!" Commander Crovar exclaimed. "The knightly armor and weapons are only to be used by the knights! That's a decree that I am willing to—"

"We shall think about it." Arterius interrupted.

"What?! But Prince Arterius, that would mean…sacrilegious to the Order!" Commander Crovar reacted.

"That's why we have to talk about these things." Arterius answered. "Thank you, Adaloun we shall call you back after we settle this…quandary. Please, take your rest and by the morrow, we shall get this finalized."

Adaloun bowed to him and the rest of them. He made his way out of the tent and headed back to their camp to maybe tell the predicament he's in. Prince Arterius could only imagine what he made him go through again, but he saw confidence in Adaloun's eyes. There was calmness in his expression. It was as if he anticipated everything about it. He wasn't certain but it surely piqued his interest.

"Prince Arterius!" Commander Crovar's voice echoed. "What your planning is unacceptable to the order! August, would you back me up on this! He is risking his status as a prince you have to—"

"I know." His godfather calmly answered. "But I believe you have a plan?"

Arterius took a deep breath, "Do you have all night?"

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