A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 147 - 147-After Tea Session

Jovis, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 51st day of Fall, Arenfall


Dusk was already on the horizon when their little negotiation was finally concluded. Lady Bieroff unfortunately went home without any glory or victory for her to bring back home. The Lady hurriedly stormed out of the negotiations earlier at that time when Prince Arterius and his mentor finally sealed the deal.

Prince Arterius pitied Lady Bieroff to some extent. She was a proud Lady of her house and yet she was treated so far like nothing more than just a mere ornament to what was supposed to be her plan. She sat down the entire negotiation with no say on the matter in fear of what 305-M might report to his brother. Arterius realized how strong Senator Lucresia's grip was on his sister and his ability to exploit the situation to his advantage was truly awe-inspiring and terrifying all at once.

Speaking of which, the sly Senator seemed to be worried about him and his capabilities. Just the thought of it made his heart skipped a beat. Prince Arterius realized that he was finally being taken seriously by no one else but by one of his biggest detractors.

The sound of his former mentor's voice declaring how he was becoming a problem for the influential senator sounded like trumpets in his ear. However, that also meant another thing. That meant that he cannot afford to lose this wager. This was his time to show them that he can become a major player along with his well-known brother. He wanted to move the empire not with wars and campaigns, but rather with technology and progress. He knew this risky task he had was his steppingstone to his vision and right now, he has to keep it going.

He took a deep breath and went out of the tent after instructing the knights to stay on guard and asking his ward to fix him a much-needed dinner. His right leg still ached with every step that he took but it was getting more tolerable than when it started. The cold air was no longer bothering him as much it did when he arrived. But despite this he'd still wish he could get a speedy recovery for him to stop limping already. Maybe people would respect him even more once he could walk back straight again without any help of a cane.

He finally sat on a stump a few footlongs far from the camp. He sat on it and looked up towards the starry sky getting himself lost in the twinkling bright path etched across the sky. His thoughts were still preoccupied with 305-M's motive.

"What did he mean by it's more than just that?" He mumbled. It's true his former master was truly hard to read to the point of becoming an enigma. What are his ulterior motives? Is he planning to take the research away from him once he gets the chance? Or is he trying to help him with the projects he had in mind?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

His thoughts wandered deeper at the contrasting feelings he had over his mentor. On one hand, he wanted to trust him and include him in the plans he had regarding the expedition. His former mentor's extensive knowledge over Alterian Alchemy and dwarven lore might prove useful in unlocking the secrets of the aetherium ore. On the other, he had bad feeling about his master's recent appearance. The old man could most likely have concocted something with the sly Senator and might be plotting to sabotage over him, or since he had already let him in, he might be planning to expose the current situation they had now with expedition. All scenarios are seemed to likely happen but knowing 305-M's volatile personality, he could only hope for the best possible outcome.

"Seemed you're in too deep thinking?" His godfather approached him out of nowhere.

Prince Arterius was somehow relieved that his godfather came and interrupted him. Atleast now, he could voice out some of his concerns that was plaguing him.

"I am worried, godfather." He answered back to Lord Prestonheim. "Have I made the right decision by bringing 305-M in along with the possible partnership with house Lucresia?" He stood up from where he was sitting and glanced at Lord Prestonheim.

His godfather was silent and took a while to answer his question, "If I would be honest with you, I would say it might be a wrong decision." Lord Prestonheim sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "But that is only because I hated those two men and I knew how they work."

"Then, why didn't you stop me?!" He bursted out. "I would've taken—"

"You told us not to interfere regardless." His godfather sternly answered.

Prince Arterius quickly realized the unwaranted anger he threw to his godfather. "Oh! I did told you that." He sighed as he scrathched his head.

"Did you just accepted that deal out nowhere because you got overwhelmed and excited?" Lord Prestonheim asked as he looked at him straight in the eyes.

"No, absolutely not…" Prince Arterius sighed. "I-I have a plan. It's just that—" he bit his lip.

Lord Prestonheim placed his hand over Prince Arterius' shoulder, "My dear child, you shouldn't doubt your plan."

"I know but…"He took a deep breath. "What if I…fail? Then what am I to do? I…"

"Would you let your plan fail?" Lord Prestonheim asked him with a gentle voice, like how a father would comfort his son.

Prince Arterius went silent for a moment. The question his godfather threw on him made him reflect on his decisions he made until that point. He knew why he accepted the invitation and that was because he was confident that even with his enemies eyeing on him as close as they can go, he would still remain victorious.

"No, I never would." He answered back. "The thing is, I plan to let him report what he sees in the camp and make sure that they get the newest information on the research on aetherium. I want them to see what my capabilities are! I just have to deal with the drawbacks this might cause, but I'm in for it." He nodded.

Lord Prestonheim smiled, "You're as daring as always. Arterius, I am here to support you and will help you realize your dream. But you have to make sure you only give them bits of information about the goings on of this camp. Remember, too much of it and it may cost you more ."

"I know," He smiled. "Would you care to join me for dinner so we can talk on what we can give them?"

Lord Prestonheim smiled and nodded. The pair was about to get inside the tent when all a sudden the horn blew. The knights began running into their positions. Lord Prestonheim shielded Prince Arterius and asked him to stand by his side as he puts up a protection spell. Some of the knights ran towards the gate with bows on their backs while others created a stone barricade blocking the gate's entrance. Everyone was ready to fight back at the treacherous Bieroff's. It was a good thing, Prince Arterius along with Lord Prestonheim had planned this already in advance. 

Prince Arterius' heart sank. He never would've thought that Lady Bieorff would have the guts to attack them. He thought that she was under her brother's control. That she wouldn't make a move until he said so. But it looked like she was already hellbent in claiming her rights to the land, Prince Arterius' family gave to them. 

"There getting closer!" Lord Prestonheim exclaimed as the galloping horses were already audible from where they stood. "Take cover here and don't you ever get out of this spell circle!" his godfather sternly said. 

The knights near the gate drew their arrows and were ready to open fire. Prince Arterius could see from the distance how the knights clenched their jaws and took deep breathes. It was about to begin. Suddenly the galloping horses stopped. 

Prince Arterius could see the confusion on the knight's face as they aimed the bow at someone from beyond the barricade. A few moments later, the knights began looking at each other, confused. Then one of them decided to bring his bow down and ran towards Lord Prestonheim. 

The knight bowed immediately to his godfather and whispered something in his ear.  He saw his godfather's face reddened as he stomped his foot on the ground. Lord Prestonheim hastily approached him after their conversation, still red and seething from the news he heard from the knight.

"W-what's going on?" Prince Arterius asked. 

His godfather took some deep breaths tryiing to calm himself. As he was doing that, Prince Arterius noticed the knights lower down the barricade. 

"Prince Arterius…" His godfather finally spoke. "Servus 305-M is officially under our care. He was just escorted out of the Arenfall Castle." 

Prince Arterius peeked from the circle once again. As the barricade was lowered he saw his former mentor ride a horse while being followed by a mule dragging a cart filled with sacks. Walking beside it was a small hooded figure who was dragging the beast forward.

"W-what's going on?" Prince Arterius looked confused. "He was supposed to be—"

Lord Prestonheim sighed as he massaged the bridge of his nose. "Are you ready?"

Prince Arterius hesitantly nodded. He never expected that his plan would come to play as it early as it was. "Geez…Here we go.." He took one deep breath and approached his former mentor.

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