A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 173 - 173- Comes The Fortnight

Maraus, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 70th day of Fall, Arenfall


"What do we know so far about aetherium?" Prince Arterius asked Stolas while eating his breakfast.

"Well," Stolas took his bound notes out and flipped through the pages. "As far as we know, the ore could potentially be a great source of energy, as 305-M stated. Aetherium could also be incorporated in weaponry thus giving it impeccable abilities, according to 305-M 's notes."

Prince Arterius nodded while sipping his tea.

"And as for the recent one, it seems like aetherium could also be converted into a substance and be used in living organisms as well." Stolas flipped through his notes and checked if there was something that he'd missed, but that was all. "That was the last of the report, Prince Arterius."

Prince Arterius stood up after finishing his tea and spoke to Stolas with sparkles in his eyes. "Fascinating, isn't it? This…this…ore…could truly become the future of our Arteria!" He smiled.

Stolas smiled back tiredly at him, "Indeed it is, but…" His ward paused and sighed.

"What do you mean by that? Why but, Stolas?" Prince Arterius seemingly furious over his ward's comment.

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Stolas looked at him with worry, "How long have you slept? Are you even getting some sleep? I mean I can see you lay on your bed but other than that…" He paused and sighed. "I've heard some of the knights…are worried for—"

"Has that something to do with aetherium?" Prince Arterius raised his eyebrow. "No one bats an eye if I had slept well before, they shouldn't be starting that now! What's your point, Stolas?" He sat on the on the dining table, hunched and tired of the conversation.

"Prince Arterius, you need to rest. Your mind is too preoccupied with the campaign." Stolas bit his lip. He held himself from saying something worse and hurtful to his friend.

"Yes, what about the campaign? Are you going to tell me to pack up and go home?!" Prince Arterius glared at him, "You know that my life and honor lies in the balance here! You should know better than anyone because you were there from the very start!"

Prince Arterius noticed that he was raising his voice to his friend. He banged his fist on the table and sighed. "Damn it! I cannot leave, Stolas. I just can't." He gritted his teeth. "I know putting 305-M in the inner circle was a gamble, but I have expected him to be at least discreet about certain things…for old times sake." He mumbled a curse.

"I know," Stolas placed his hand on his friend's arm. "But, I think this time you gambled with the wrong person. I knew sooner or later he would betray you and he did it in broad daylight."

He nodded and gave his friend a tired smile. "I should've known better." He sighed. "When did you say, the Senate delegates would come here?" He asked his most-trusted ward.

"Within a fortnight." His ward answered. "I know that you won't let them take this project away from you."

"No, I won't." Prince Arterius answered.

"I supposed you have a bargain in mind?" Stolas went to his small table at the other side of the tent near his bed. He took out his quill and inkwell and stared at him, as if asking him to tell him what to write.

"I have nothing more to bargain, Stolas." Prince Arterius sighed as he stood up from the table. "I am going out for a walk. I need to talk with 305-M."

"With him? You threw a knife at him the last time! Who knows what he might do to you?!" Stola frantically grabbed Prince Arterius' cane and coat. "Let me join you—"

"I wish to speak with him alone. I want to know why he did it!" He insisted. "Just give me my cane and I'll be on my way."

Although hesitant with his order, Stolas had no choice but to give him his cane. "Please be careful. I have faith that we still have this campaign. Just give them something to chew on and I know we can—"

"I appreciate your kind words, Stolas." He said to his ward. "But at this point, all we can do is pray. Just pray that the gods are listening to my pleas." Prince Arterius stepped out of the tent and was welcomed by the thick morning fog from the hills.

The tent still buzzing around, however, everytime he would pass by some of his men, they would become eerily silent. Their eyes would seem to stab him like daggers, and they would whisper things behind his back. He could hear them from where he was. He knew the camp thinks he had been consumed by his greed and ambition. He knew they think he was going insane for not leaving the campaign all together. He knew how much lives he had sacrificed for this ambition and yet, somehow, he wanted it to continue.

After reflecting on 305-M's actions, he knew his mentor meant well…at least that's how he wants to put it. But putting things in perspective, it seemed like his mentor was trying to save him from himself. He was trying to save him from the spiral madness of the obsession he had for the aetherium and for the recognition from the crown.

He paused at the middle of the path going to 305-M's tent. He set his eyes to the left and saw his godfather's tent noticeably half-way through his journey. He wanted to talk to his godfather too, who was furious to learn the news of his mentor's action. It had been almost 5 days now since they last spoke, and all his godfather could say was to think of his next actions very carefully.

  It was a vague statement from a man who had always counseled him through his dire times, but he did understand his silence. He walked past his tent and went on to his former mentor's tent. The knights saluted him as they saw him coming. At times he wished they wouldn't do it. In fact, he just wanted to pass by them as if he was invisible, but that was still an impossible thing for him to do.

The tent was lively as he approached. Baubles and metals were clanging, he could hear 305-M's voice faintly from the distance. He seemed to be upset about something. As he went closer, it became more apparent what he was hearing. His mentor was scolding—no, beating someone up.

"Useless, gnome!" His former mentor shouted at the top of his lungs. "Get out of here! And bring this trash along with you!"

Prince Arterius could hear a dull metal sound hitting someone. He rushed to the tent and when he opened it, he saw the small dwarven girl getting out of the tent carrying broken glass baubles and dented bronze pots along with her. Their eyes for a moment, then she ran away.

305-M was standing at the table where the monster's head was placed. Surrounding the decapitated head was barrier, one of his mentor's creations that was said to help preserve flesh for a very long time. His mentor looked at him and grinned.

"Are you here to finish the job?!" 305-M said. "I had a dagger waiting here for you to stab me at the heart by your command.

Prince Arterius looked at his mentor's bloodshot eyes. He looked at his face and saw the busted lip and swelling brow. It seemed like he his former mentor had it rough. From the looks of it, he seemed to have been beaten in black and blue just recently.

"Well, Prince Arterius," He took a deep breath as he took a swig off some wine from his jug. "What do you want from me?"

"The truth." Prince Arterius answered. "I want to know why you did it. Why would you summon the Senate here? You know that they could take away my birthright now. You know that I haven't sent any reports yet of our progress here. What you did just put my life in jeopardy! Why did you have to do it?!" He clenched his fist as he tried to suppress his anger.

305-M raised an eyebrow at him and offered him a seat. "You are too naïve, Prince Arterius!" He poured some wine on a cup and offered it to him. "Drink, you'll need it while I speak."


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