A Guide to Kingdom Building ( Me Reincarnated 365 x)

Chapter 95 - 95- The Isle Of Crescent

Aturs, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 32nd day of Fall, Arenfall


There was a sense of relief after the carriage finally stopped in front of the castle's gate. Arterius silently thank the gods for lifting the burden of travel from him. He smiled at the Commander and Stolas. He could feel a tingle in his spine. It was rush of excitement! He could no longer contain himself, he wanted to burst out of the carriage and just be done with the introductions. But that wasn't how things work.

The cavalry got down from their horses and bowed to the Lady of the House. They lined up in a perfect tight square around the carriage. The knights of House Beiroff came out with the banners of their respected houses and that of the Principalia. After that, a pair of 7 knights from the Bieroff's household lined up adjacent to each other holding their swords up high.

Arterius noticed immediately what they were trying to do. House Bieroff was trying to emulate how the Arterian Houses would welcome their guest especially, the royal family. It would have been an impressive feat as what he saw how the Lucresias, Prestonheims or the Crovars would but this one, failed miserably.

As much as he would like to give credit where it was due, this was just off the mark. It wasn't up to the standards of how you welcome someone from the royal house especially when it was an official visit. The knights stumbled around and wasn't able to hold the banners as high as they can.

But that wasn't the purpose of his visit. He wasn't there to criticize on how clumsy the knights did their welcoming duties. He was there for something crucial to the future of the empire as what his godfather, Lord Prestonheim has stated in that letter.

After Stolas got out of the carriage and announced the Royal House's arrival. Prince Arterius went out of the carriage. He tried his best to be graceful as he could as he walked under the knights's swords salute.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

At the other end waiting was the Lady Adrena Bieroff, dressed in her black dress with strings of golden roses inlayed on the black silk. She also wore a black veil that hid most of her face. It hard to identify how she's reacting to meeting Arterius and he hated it.

Arterius find it odd to speak with someone without seeing their eyes. The veil was hindering it and it was making him uncomfortable yet, he had to play his part. Lady Adrena curtsied to him and greeted him in a jovial tone.

"Fair greetings, Prince Arterius!" She began. "I hope traveling to our humble abode didn't gave you any difficulties, especially crossing Oyue's Sea." The warmth and welcoming voice proved to be too inorganic for Arterius. Something about it seemed to be forced and it was unsettling.

"Fair greetings Lady Bieroff—" He greeted back.

"It's Lady Adrena to you, My Prince. Please I insist you calling me that." She butted in.

It was an odd experience all together to be in her presence. Not to be called by her married title was something unheard of in the proper context of the high society. To be called by your given name means there was a certain familiarity between the both of you. But this wasn't the case with Arterius and her. They just met but she had to honor a Lady's request.

"Certainly, Lady Adrena." He bowed slightly.

The Lady smiled and escorted to the garden where a banquet of food awaited them. Prince Arterius wanted to skip the pleasantry part of the entire ordeal, but he decided to play along. He ate again with a hearty meal of some bread, honey and fruits. He also took one of their sliced meat and cheese to be stuck in between two loaves of bread.

She even included a bard to entertain them during their breakfast. Commander Crovar laughed out loud to the jests of Lady Adrena, while chugging a cup full of wine. Prince Arterius knew fully well the ruse behind all of it. After sipping from the cup of wine Arterius went on and asked the question.

"Lady Adrena," He sipped again from his cup. "I find someone amiss. Where is Lord Prestonheim?" He asked.

Lady Adrena's face suddenly went blank. She squinted for a bit and then smiled again. "Well, Lord Commander Prestonheim isn't doing well. He's sick."

He thought the answer was too suspicious. "Then I would like to see him. Sick or no, Lord Commander Prestonheim wouldn't refuse to speak with his godson."

"No!" Lady Adrena stood up from her table. The music stopped playing and her true colors finally surfaced.

"What do you mean no? Are you saying he doesn't want to speak with me? Or…you don't want me to speak to him?" He asked while raising his eyebrow.

Lady Adrena's face went red with the question. "You don't understand Prince Arterius, Lord Commander Prestonheim is a wanted man! He killed—"

"That accusation had no bases? Or could you give any evidence of that claim?" Arterius asked.

"You should believe me Prince Arterius, my men will now go to the mines and get the evidence you need to get him convicted." She said.

"Get evidence in the mines?" He raised his eyebrow again. "You mean to say you place him under arrest without sufficient evidence?!"

"Well…I know that…he killed my husband!" Lady Adrena was getting desperate. She tried her best to dish out any sort of claim she can throw against the poor Lord Prestonheim.

"Killed your husband?" Prince Arterius scratch his head. "Lady Adrena, your husband died from an attack done by a monster in the mines. The reports indicated that it was."

"He's lying! Lord Commander Prestonheim is lying! He killed my husband! He made up that report!" She insisted.

"Lying? Made up the report? It was your doctor who said that it was. If you're skeptical about the report, you better ask your doctor." He answered. "Again, Lady Adrena, where is Lord Commander usPrestonheim?"

"I won't let you see him!" She shouted hysterically, "Knights! Knights!"

The Bieroff's knights came with their swords unsheathed. Commander Crovar stood up from his seat and had to intervene quickly. He pulled out his sword and used his exousia to coat his sabre with swirls of water.

"Knights, stand down!" Commander Crovar said. "Lady Adrena, tell your men to stand down or else, I would have to cut them." He pleaded but Lady Adrena wouldn't listen.

"Knights, defend the honor of the House Bieroff!" She commanded her knights.

The knights came forward with their swords and tried to slash Prince Arterius, luckily, He was saved in time by Commander Crovar, pulling him out of harm's way while simultaneously parrying the blow.

Commander Crovar activated his ability and made use of the water swirling around his sabre. He slashed his blade cutting down 3 men while cleaving the rest with his swirls of water.

"Don't make this difficult on you Lady Adrena!" Commander Crovar stated. "You might end the entire Bieroff line due to your actions! Stand down now!" He ordered.

"I AM NOT AFRIAD!" She tore the veil she held on her hand. "I am—"

"What would your brother say about this? You raising a blade against the royal prince, could spell disaster and shame to him." Prince Arterius asked.

Lady Adrena suddenly stopped and murmured something, as if she was speaking to herself. "M-my brother?"

She looked pale as if blood was drained out of her face when Arterius mentioned about his brother. He knew from rumors how brutal Senator Lucresia could be either to his servants or to family members. That's why he understood the fear Lady Adrena had for him.

He was desperate to see his godfather and asked him about the aetherium stones he discovered. Lady Adrena went silent for a while before ordering her men to go back to the stations. The confused man reluctantly obeyed.

"Fine," She mumbled to herself something once again. The odd behavior didn't go unnoticed. Prince Arterius saw this and pitied the poor Lady. Who would have thought that Lady Adrena was still trapped from the grasp of her brother?

Lady Adrena ordered her handmaidens to take them to Lord Prestonheim's room.

Prince Arterius and Commander Crovar followed them along with the desolate halls inside the castle. The barren walls made the castle look eerie. They followed the handmaidens into the grand stairwell before turning a left into a corner where a single door was locked.


The knights guarding the door where approached by the handmaidens and after whispering in their ears. They bowed to Commander Crovar and Prince Arterius then left them alone. Commander Crovar opened the door.

The Commander peeped inside and saw no one was there. Suddenly, Commander Crovar was pulled in by huge thick arms. Both men struggled inside the room. Arterius had to rush inside and tried his best to call Lord Prestonheim to stop whatever he was doing to Commander Crovar.

"Lord Commander Prestonheim I ask you to stop!" He shouted.

Lord Prestonheim quickly recognized his voice. "Prince Arterius, is that you?"


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