A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Garrett walked up the central aisle of the auditorium, stepping onto the platform.

There was no one on the platform. The host smiled at him from the side podium, and the archmages sat below, gently applauding. In the midst of his busy schedule, Garrett glanced at his seat and saw a skeleton sitting in it, solemnly raising its bone hands, clapping away...

...What’s the meaning of this? If I don’t finish the task quickly, will I end up like it?

And, where are the big shots who were supposed to award me?

He took two more steps forward, slowing down. Hey! I’ve already taken two steps onto the platform! Three steps! If I walk any further, who will give whom the award?

At that moment, a thunderclap resounded through the air.

Garrett almost jumped back. Blinding flashes of white light filled his vision, even when he immediately closed his eyes, his retinas still saw flashes of black and white, constantly flashing.

Garrett squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the tears that welled up to flow out. When he opened his eyes again, a thunderous portal had appeared in front of him, a white flash of lightning respectfully parting on either side. A pair of shiny black leather shoes slowly crossed the threshold.

There was the sound of chairs scraping against the floor behind him. The mages stood up in unison, standing at attention, bowing their heads in reverence:

"Welcome, Your Excellency, Lord of Thunder."


Garrett quickly followed suit and bowed his head. Just before he did, he caught a glimpse of the other’s full appearance:

The mage looked very young, with handsome features and neatly combed black hair. His shirt was pristine white, with a perfectly tied bow tie, a meticulously tailored black three-piece suit that wouldn’t look out of place in the previous century. The only thing indicating his extraordinary status was the single eyeglass perched on his nose, crackling with electricity, emitting faint popping sounds.

...Can he see clearly with half of his vision blocked like that?

Garrett was curious. The newcomer had reached him, turned slightly, and stood facing the audience below. The thunderous gateway behind him closed inward, disappearing without a trace, and the host immediately exclaimed:

"Next, we welcome His Excellency, Lord of Thunder, to present this year’s Rising Mage Award to the winner—"

Applause surged once more. The legendary mage glanced at Garrett, pushed his monocle up slightly, and began his speech:

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"After deliberation by the council, this year’s Rising Mage Award goes to Garrett Nordmark.

Though only a level two mage, he has made significant contributions in the field of research, helping the council contain a potential plague and safeguarding the lives and health of many mages.

In recognition of these contributions, the council hereby presents this annual award. Garrett Nordmark—"

Garrett hurried forward, standing in a position where the dignitary could see him conveniently without obstructing the view of the audience below. He lifted his head slightly and saw that the Lord of Thunder’s gaze wasn’t focused on him, nor did it seem to be directed at the audience below. Instead, it seemed to be slightly tilted toward the side of the monocle, as if staring at some plane in the void.

Curious, Garrett followed the direction indicated by his gesture and saw countless tiny blue dots floating on the lens, arranged in rows as if they were text. The blue dots flashed and disappeared in an instant, while the Lord of Thunder maintained his gaze into the void, continuing his speech:

"May you maintain your spirit of inquiry and continue to strive for greater achievements. May we meet again beyond the mysteries!"

This statement was delivered in a flat tone, devoid of any rise and fall, clearly not something he often spoke as a leader. Did he just read it off the projection of the speech on the monocle?

"May we meet again beyond the mysteries," Garrett repeated quickly. When he raised his head again, the Lord’s gaze finally focused on him, and the monocle was now clean and clear, without any lightning or blue dots, transparent and clear, just like an ordinary lens.

"You’ve done well." The Lord of Thunder, the legendary mage Decar, smiled slightly, his right hand extending outward. An assistant quickly stepped forward from the right side of the platform, holding a tray with both hands and bowing slightly, presenting it to the legendary mage.


Is this my prize?

Garrett couldn’t help but look into the tray. In the center of the tray lay a long black box, adorned with a row of gemstones in various colors, vaguely forming a constellation shape. The Lord of Thunder pressed a finger on the box lid, and a bolt of lightning leaped up, darting across the gemstones on the lid.

The long box opened silently. Inside the deep black velvet lining lay a quill pen, entirely golden-red in color, reminiscent of the feather of a phoenix in legends. The Lord of Thunder picked up the quill pen, scanning it with his head lowered, and the monocle flashed again.

"Leave your mark." He handed it over to Garrett briskly. Garrett respectfully accepted it with both hands. It felt hard and cool to the touch. Upon closer inspection, it was made entirely of metal. With a breath, each feather trembled gently, like real feathers on a bird.

How did they achieve this... Garrett marveled silently, following the instructions of the legendary mage, he reached into his own mental power and left his mark. As his mental power made contact, the relevant information about the quill pen unfolded in his mind, line by line:

"Infinite Ink Pen, a 9th-grade magical item (sealed). Requires a mental power level of 7 or above to unlock the seal and unleash its full power.

Thoughts bestow wisdom upon people, preventing them from losing themselves in the fantastical world. Grasp (or wear) this quill pen, and you will be immune to attacks from spells of 5th grade and below, illusions, and soul-control magic.

This pen contains powerful magical energy. When it is within one foot of you, it will provide you with a constant Mage Armor. When the armor is breached, it automatically triggers a Force Field. You can cast Teleportation once a day while holding it (those above level 7 can specify the destination themselves).

A diamond is embedded near the nib of this pen. If you dip the nib into an ink bottle, the diamond will absorb the entire bottle of ink and turn black. Thus, until the diamond returns to transparency, you can write with it continuously without worrying about the ink running out. Young mage, if you really want to put it in your pocket, remember to add a pen cap.

Furthermore, due to its shape, you can also use it as a material for Feather Fall... Don’t worry, only Feather Fall can’t damage it."

This is really something to save my life... defense, protection, teleportation, Feather Fall... just missing any attack spells. Garrett felt like laughing a little. He held the quill pen, bowed deeply:

"Thank you very much, Your Excellency!"

These functions are exactly what I wanted! Who wants to fight? If there’s a spy targeting me, I’ll go find the big shots to intervene! And the function of the infinite ink, it’s really thoughtful...

This quill pen looks beautiful too! Golden-red! It’s clearly different from ordinary quill pens at a glance! No need to worry about others taking it casually, just stick it into my pocket, and then it drifts away I don’t know where!


The Lord of Thunder turned away disdainfully. What’s wrong with this little guy... No rings, no bracelets, no wristbands, no watches, no necklaces. These are the most common styles of magical equipment. He rejects them all, none of the ready-made templates are useful!

During the previous communication, the alchemy master in charge of making the prizes had a fit, pounding the table several times, indicating that he would not take on the job again... Picky, a mere fourth-level mage, what qualifications do you have to be so picky!

He really put it in his pocket! The chest of that single-breasted coat was even specially made with a pocket, how ugly!

"Don’t think that just because you have this, you can run around! Before you reach level 7, the constant teleportation on it can only teleport within 100 kilometers, and the destination is close to the outer edge of the mountain peak enchantment! If you run too far, you won’t be able to pull yourself back, and no one can save you!"

"Yes, Your Excellency! Rest assured, I won’t run around!"

Garrett happily accepted the prize and went down. Oh yes, that box is also his, although the appraisal showed that it has no special function, it’s just a box with a magic lock, but it’s so beautiful!

It’s adorned with various gemstones!

Even if it can’t be used to cast spells, it’s still very valuable!

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