A Hospital in Another World?

Chapter 240

Chapter 240

"Ouch... I’m exhausted..."

Garrett staggered and collapsed to the ground. Seven or eight rooms, the entire red zone! All cleaned up by him alone!

Pouring disinfectant water by the pitcher! Splashing it by the bucket!

The record room, the material preparation room, were somewhat better, not heavily contaminated, at most, just searched by the thief. The dissecting room was also okay, but the bacterial culture room, he painstakingly wiped inch by inch! T_T

The ceiling!

The floor!

The walls!

The broken culture dishes had to be disposed of according to medical waste standards, put into sharp object boxes (sorry, none available, only individually packed in large pottery jars), then incinerated with white fire!

Since coming here, he hadn’t done such strenuous physical work!

Cleaning everything wasn’t enough. Next up, sampling the entire house and conducting bacterial culture experiments! Dozens of culture dishes were set up in the laboratory, one by one, opening and closing lids, conducting sedimentation bacteria tests!

Those grand magicians stood by with their hands folded, not willing to lend a hand! Even the necromancer followed beside him step by step, whenever Garrett did something new, he would come over to take a look and ask:

"Why are you splashing water on the ceiling?"

"Why are you randomly sprinkling around?"

"What are you cooking? Soup? We don’t eat... "

"What? Not for us to eat? "

"It’s so stuffy! Can I take off the protective suit? No? Can I go out? What? Not allowed either?"

"What are you doing? The lid is still open!"

"Came back to close it... couldn’t you have just closed it directly earlier?"

Garrett: "..."

You can at least help me with something during all these questions!

Finally, when all the cleaning was confirmed complete, Garrett collapsed directly on the floor upon returning to the cleaning area.

Suddenly, his collar tightened, lifted by a hand and spun around in place. Garrett’s brain was still dizzy as he was placed on a chair, raised his hand, lifted his foot, assuming the least strenuous position possible.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Glancing sideways, the hand holding him had no muscles, no skin, not even joints or ligaments, just a skeletal hand!

Seeing him looking over, the skull collapsed with a clatter... collapsed... collapsed... still extended a bony hand, patting its bones, picking up the skull and placing it on top, trying not to take up much space.

Looking at the necromancer again, the black-robed grand magician casually turned his head, pretending the skeleton wasn’t summoned by him.

Garrett: "..." Thank you!

"Why bother with this." Seeing him collapsed and not even wanting to move his fingers, the two energy manipulation grand magicians both felt sorry for him and couldn’t help but laugh. The white-robed mage from the protection department even added:

"And you insist on wearing that suit, why bother! Putting it on and taking it off, plus a shower, wastes at least an hour!"

"... Look at your puppet." Garrett retorted weakly in the presence of his seniors. The white-robed mage raised an eyebrow, and beside him, two metal puppets swayed and walked towards their master. He immediately leaned over, joining the curse mage and the divination mage to observe:

These two puppets were originally identical, but after going through the hazardous area, they had some differences. The one wearing the protective suit had a layer of moisture on its body, while the one relying solely on magic, without protective gear, had some undried disinfectant water on its feet. Visually, neither of them had any damage.

The curse mage manipulated the curse, thumb and forefinger forming a circle, looking at his own puppet through the circle. Before he could figure out anything, the black-robed necromancer had already swaggered over and reached out to touch the one without the protective suit. As soon as he touched it, his eyes lit up:

"This one’s mine! —— I’ll pay double!"



Two voices screamed simultaneously. One was Garrett, deliberately neglecting the one without the protective suit when spraying disinfectant water; the other was the divination mage, whose eyes widened, fingers twitching worse than last night:

"This one is very dangerous! Extremely dangerous!!!"

"Where is it dangerous?" The white-robed mage continued to argue. Garrett had already jumped off the chair and staggered over. With a culture dish in one hand and a cotton swab in the other, he wiped the puppet:

"I can’t give it to you! Giving it to you will cause trouble! —— Look carefully at its danger!"

Saying that, he wiped several lines on the face, chest, legs, and arms of the puppet. After each wipe, he drew a line in the culture dish, then wiped again with a new cotton swab. After wiping them all, covering the dish, he pointed to the culture dish:


A faint green light spilled out. In the culture dish, on the semi-transparent agar culture medium, clusters of bacterial colonies suddenly appeared. Except for the first scratch on the face, the other scratches all had dense bacterial growth.

He repeated the same with another puppet wearing a protective suit, exactly the same, and cast the spell of acceleration. At least, now, no one could see any spots with the naked eye. The curse mage observed through the circle formed by his thumb and forefinger for a long time before murmuring somewhat incredulously:

"I seem to see a little..."

"You’ll see it clearer with a microscope." Garrett replied softly. Before the other could ask what a microscope was, the white-robed mage raised a question:

"Did you use the acceleration spell by yourself? Wouldn’t there be an imbalance in magic power between the two sides, resulting in different amounts of acceleration?"

Garrett smiled slightly. With a stroke on his spatial bag, he took out another two sets of culture dishes and cotton swabs, handing them over:

"You make a valid point. I also suggest conducting another experiment —— this time, we won’t use magic to accelerate. Let the culture dishes stand still for 24 hours and observe the growth of the colonies. You can try it yourself, and I’ll do another set..."

He handed over the experimental equipment. Before the white-robed mage could react, the disassembled skeleton had wobbled over and took the culture dish. Garrett nodded, stood up straight, and turned to busily prepare for the next step.

The mage from the protection department, suspicious, took the experimental equipment and began on his own. After Garrett and him had taken the samples, Garrett bowed slightly and stood upright again:

"Sorry, I have to sterilize the path taken by this puppet and everything it touched... Bernard! Come help me spray disinfectant! And you, Master—"

He turned to the necromancer who was rummaging on the ground, wanting to scrape off the ash on his fingers and bring it back:

"You just touched this puppet! Please, immediately, wash your hands!"

The necromancer shrugged and, under Garrett’s stern gaze, obediently went to wash his hands. As he washed, he kept turning his head, looking at the alchemical puppet being sprayed with disinfectant

water, his face full of frustration.

No, it was as if he had lost a billion, or even a bone dragon!

Watching the alchemical puppet being sterilized, Garrett finally relaxed. He sat down on a chair, half-asleep, and muttered:

"Aurora, you go watch the search team, make sure every place the intruder passed is sterilized..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his head tilted, and he fell asleep on the spot.

He slept until dawn. In a daze, it seemed like a familiar voice was calling him:

"Garrett! Wake up! They caught the person!"

"Don’t disturb me... let me sleep..."

Garrett mumbled and turned over. The person persisted, pushing him:

"Get up! They found the person, but the thing is gone! The grand magicians are looking for you!"

"If it’s gone, it’s gone..."

Garrett burrowed deeper into the blanket, unable to resist the noise, so he simply pulled the blanket over his head.

Beside his bed, Aurora Worton was rubbing her hands, eager to try again, but was stopped by Bernard. The barbarian made a "hush" gesture, silent for a moment, then exclaimed with frustration:

"Save people ah!!!"


Garrett sprang up.

Only when he woke up could he accept the information. Garrett got out of bed, brushing his teeth and washing his face while listening to Aurora’s report:

They did find the intruder, but he was already dead;

The three stolen test tubes were nowhere to be found, and a teleportation array was found under the intruder’s body, highly suspecting that the items had already been sent away;

The destination of the teleportation array is being analyzed by the grand magicians and should have results by tonight...

"Has the dead body been sterilized?" Garrett sprayed out toothpaste along with his toothbrush. Aurora quickly reassured him:

"Yes, it’s been sterilized! The grand magicians froze the corpse directly, and the entire cave and tunnel where the teleportation array was found were washed with disinfectant water to ensure there are no problems!"

Heaven knew that since the night before last, his senior brothers and sisters, and their disciples, had been making disinfectant water day and night, almost going crazy!

Distillation water, refined salt, power on, large bags of lime gathered, collecting flammable gas, collecting caustic soda...

Four laboratories were bustling, working at full capacity. When has the 375th floor of the Tower of Heaven ever done such rough work!

"As long as it’s been sterilized." Garrett finally breathed a sigh of relief. He hurriedly tidied up and immediately grabbed Aurora:

"Where was the dead body found? Was everything sterilized along the way? Take me there, I want to sample and analyze!"

"Isn’t that necessary...?" Aurora hesitated. Another magician had already walked over from the next room:

"I’ll take him!"

"Grand Magician!"

Aurora immediately bowed. Garrett looked in the direction of the voice and saw Lord Thunder Horn, as well as other members of the review committee, had already left, leaving only the black-robed necromancer lurking and refusing to leave. Outside the door, two skeletal horses stamped their hooves, saddles ready.

Opposite the necromancer, the member of the manipulation department, the Grand Magician Carlisle, who called Old Sam, was like a sheepdog guarding against wolves, sticking to the necromancer without leaving an inch. His black face level was almost as dark as the necromancer’s skull.

"Take me there!"

Garrett had started packing. He didn’t care who would take him, tossing things into the spatial bag one after another:

Culture dishes, culture medium, microscope, glass rod for guiding spells, and anything else you could think of. Oh, don’t forget the coins, and the bell carrying the "coins", so he could do whatever he needed at any time:

"That guy ran away, and I’m going to analyze and sample everything along the way to make sure there’s no bacterial leakage! Plus disinfectant water, and the bleach you’re going to make, take as much as you can carry!"

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