A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 316 - 288

Chapter 316: Chapter 288

I straightened my tie and made sure my shoes were tied. I glanced over at Meridia as she adjusted her dress back on herself.

She easily regained her normal demeanor and with a few motions, it looked like she hadn't been bent over her own throne just a few minutes ago.

I was still a little peeved that my Gorgoneion was gone.....or maybe it wasn't? I would check in later, see If I could get it back.


Seeing her bent over again, fixing her dress a little...

I really couldn't help myself.

A crisp clap echoed out into the otherwise silent area.

Meridia stiffened, then slowly turned back towards me, a bright red hue on her cheeks. I assumed it was only matched by the new red spot her left butt cheek was now sporting.

"I regret nothing."

"For last words, they are not the worst I've heard." She said dryly, waving her hand and I felt the void tug on me.

"Wait!" She paused as I smiled towards her. "I love you."

She huffed cutely, rolling her eyes. "I love you too, despite how much of a fool you are."

"...be gentle."

"I'll be as gentle with you as you were to me."

"To be fair, you were the one who was being roug—" The words died in my mouth and I only saw the flustered face of my Lover for a brief moment before I was pushed through the boundaries of her realm.

I saw existence stretch, stars fade, replaced by the cosmic powers that coated the very walls of reality.

Honestly, If I wasn't so used to this kind of experience, it might have given me a sort of existential crisis. But at this point I was used to seeing things that a normal person shouldn't see.

Otherwise, it wasn't the worst method of traveling through different plains of existence that I'd ever used.

Kind of pleasant, actually.

Like laying down in a boat as it floated down a quiet river.

Until I was jerked in another direction, directly pulled back towards the plane that I knew to be Nirn.

The familiar sensation of that place was easy to notice after spending so much time there. Each world has its own 'flavor' for people who travelled around like I do.

The stench of death hit me immediately, and I didn't even notice how I came out face first into a stone floor.

I let out a sigh, slowly standing up as I noticed I was within a summoning circle of sorts.

I blinked looking around.

Many undead monstrosities surrounded me. Hooded figures that were no doubt Necromancers. And there were many victims of their crafts, thrown about at random, their bodies torn apart, and even more were strewn across what looked like primitive torture machines.

"That's the most human looking Daedra I've ever seen." One of the hooded figures commented. I could vaguely see red eyes underneath.

I guess I was.....technically a Daedra by their definition.

On a side note, Meridia threw me into the 'path' of their summoning, basically usurping it. And they 'just so happened' to be Necromancers, what a coincidence.

Well played.

I fucking love that woman.

"Quick, bind him!"

"The spell is already going, he can't escape and he'll be our slave soon enough."

I looked down at the floor, the Spell Circle was underneath me. And I felt the magics trying to wrap around me, but the combination of both my Aura and my Magic Resistance meant they were just slapped away.

However, these idiots didn't seem to realize that.

"It's done, he's ours!"

"Well done, kekeke.."

"We're one step closer now."

The closest one to me, who appeared the leader, raised his staff up as if to command me. "Now, give your name and enter our service permanently!"

I kinda just stared at him incredulously.

"Can he not speak our language?"

"Daedra should be able to speak it..."

The leader spoke up again. "I command you! Speak!" He flared up his power, trying to intimidate me.

If you insist.

"Have you heard about our Lord and Savior Meridia?" I slammed Dawnbreaker into the ground, pulsing its Holy Light.

It took a moment, but ever so slowly, they realized they fucked up.


I always loved coming to the College

Just something about the Academic settings made me feel at ease. Well, some specific examples excluded. You pretty much always had to be on guard when at the Clock Tower, even if that was the most prestigious magical research institute back home.

Admittedly, the College fell short in comparison, but I much preferred the ambience and relaxed nature of this place.

In the future, I think I would happily send any of my children that had the inclination here when they reached a certain age. Let them get experience in a place like this before branching out to institutions like the Clock Tower.

But I digressed. As my idle thoughts took me through the outer courtyards of the College, I ran into a familiar face and my own face split into a wide grin. "Tolfdir!" I exclaimed upon seeing him.

The Older Mage perked up, turning to look at me. His expression changed abruptly, adorning a smile himself. "Oh Wilhelm, what a wonderful surprise."

"It's been far too long." I greeted. "How have you been?"

"I've been doing as well as one could expect under the circumstances. And Yes, how long as it been? It seems that we've both been busy and running around these past weeks. My old bones finally needed a rest as it was." He let out a chuckle.

"I heard you were hurt when those Dragons attacked. Are you okay? No lingering ailments?"

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"Oh yes, I have that curse called Old Age." He snickered. "Unfortunately, the Archmage did not have a cure for such a horrendous disease."

"Please, you'll outlive us all."

"I certainly hope not." He smiled warmly. "This old man wants to retire at some point. If I have no one to pass my teachings onto, then I'll have to work until I drop." He let out a good natured chuckle.

Tolfdir was such an amazing person. In the time I spent at this place, I've never once heard a single bad thing said about him. And he even helped me so much when I was...younger.

When I was so cocksure after first arriving here.

Felt like a lifetime ago.

I really needed to do something for him. Maybe give him some of the wine I plan on making with the Peach? Give him a few more years of youth?

I think I owed him atleast that much.

"Have you come to see the Archmage?" He asked.

"I was just stopping by to visit. I was in the area, and thought I could spend some time catching up and talk to a few people. Is the Archmage around?"

"He is, but you may not have luck meeting with him for the moment. He said he was going to lock himself in his quarters for a few days. I did not ask further, but I assume he is dealing with some important or delicate matters." Tolfdir replied.

"Oh well." I shrugged. It wasn't like I had anything important to talk to him about. Just wanted to check up after dropping a few bombs on him. Though, there is one person I specifically wanted to meet. "You wouldn't happen to know about a newcomer? A woman with a purple robe, blue hair, pointy ears?"

"You must be speaking about Medea. Such a wonderful young woman she is. A brilliant Mage as well. Why, I can't help but feel I'm the one learning new things every time we speak." It wasn't hot air, he was genuine with every word he spoke.

Huh, guess she's thriving here as well. "She around?"

"Mmm..." Tolfdir tapped his chin. "Ah." He nodded. "I believe she is in Sergius's lecture on Advanced Enchanting methods."

"Sergius. He handles the supplies as well, right?"

"Indeed." Tolfdir answered with another nod. "Is there something you require? Perhaps I can help you?"

"Well, not so much that I need something." I scratched my cheek. "I stumbled upon a bunch of Necromancers who were.....not quite law-abiding. Suffice to say I've found myself with a good bit of supplies I wanted to offload while I was here."

Tolfdir, uncharacteristically scowled. "Unfortunate. Perhaps if there were less such individuals in the world, certain Magical Studies wouldn't be so taboo."

"I don't have a have an opinion one way or the other in this circumstance." Though his view of it was pure and one that came from an inherent desire to merely learn.

"Of course." Tolfdir chuckled again. "Your patron, I believe, would not take kindly to you practicing such things."

"Yeah, let's go with that." I shared a knowing smile with him.

I guessed he was 'in the know' in regards to my relationship with Meridia.

If she found out I was touching such a thing, she would definitely spank me, and not in the fun way. That's not to say I was not some-what knowledgeable in such crafts, just that I don't practice.

"Since Sergius is busy, I don't mind handling the medial work."

"You sure, it's quite a bit..."

"Oh don't worry." He waved me off. "These old bones still got some strength to them."

...Alright then.

I waved my hand, letting out about a half dozen sacks of various goods. Food, Potions, various Alchemical and Enchanting supplies. And various weapons and such that I'm sure they could distribute if needed.

I was about to say something until the Older Mage flicked his hand and they all floated up in the air.

He gave me a cheeky little smile, practically reading my thoughts.

"Come, I'll lead you to the hall that he's lecturing at." Tolfdir smiled, turning towards the college, beckoning me on.


I quietly opened the door to the lecture hall. And it seemed some things were the same regardless of where you go. The whole thing was set up like how you would find back home.

Rows of seats set up in a semi-circle as they descended forward. And the teacher standing up front so everyone could see him.

The man eyed me briefly but never missed a beat as he was in the middle of a sentence.

I looked around and found who I was looking for.

Medea was sitting far in the back, in the corner.

Even if she never looked at me, I knew she noticed me. She scribbled away on some parchment as I took a seat next to her.

'The primary Enchantment requires a yet higher leveled source of Magicka to anchor it to the item of choice, lest the secondary enchantment usurp the initial Magicka Reservoir for itself. This is why it's rare to find an item with two enchantments of the same strength. We'll be discussing ways around this on the next lecture. But for now – '

"Whatcha need, boyo?" Medea finally spoke up.

"Can't I just drop in to say hi to a friend?"

"Hmph." She snorted, jotting down some more notes.

I cast a couple runes onto the table, creating a shoddy Bound Field. Essentially, it stopped sound from escaping, but not from entering so I didn't disrupt her plans. But also, I didn't want to distract anyone else.

"What If I need to ask questions, hmm?" She lightly teased.

"If such a regarded Magus had to ask questions, then I really question where I stand."

"Down here." Medea quirked a smile, moving her hand down towards the ground. "On the ground. I would go lower, but the floor is in the way."


"I'm adorable~"

I rolled my eyes. "But you're seriously not having issues, right? I'd feel pretty shit if you were genuinely having trouble and I interrupted you."

Medea scoffed. "Of course not, who do you think I am?" She blinked. "Actually don't answer that. I know you'll give some cheeky answer. But I wanted to just hear his lecture verbatim. This is an entirely different system than what I'm used to. I've already understood it, but hearing their own experiences isn't unimportant when they've been using it for hundreds – thousands of years."

"That's a valid point. Never know what little tricks or tips you would take a long time to figure out yourself."

"Hmm, it's as you say. But anyways, what do you need?"

"I wasn't kidding, I was just checking in to see how you were doing. Yeah, there's something I wanted to talk with you about, but I'm also curious about everything else. How's the College been treating you?"

"It's been...dare I say, fun." Medea smiled brightly. "I haven't had this much fun since, well, when I took my lessons with Circe when I was still a child. So many new things I've been learning, it's wonderful."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." I was genuinely happy that Medea was having fun. "Where's your Fiancé?"

"Oh, Hubby somehow landed himself a tutoring job for some of the rich families in town. Don't know how it happened, but he's somehow teaching things like Arithmetic and all that. We originally came for a vacation, but the amount of money he's making...."

Well, if that's how they chose to spend their time, it wasn't my place to say. I knew they were having some kind of money problems, -- living at the temple and everything, but I also didn't want to butt in there. I just helped in a non-pitying way.

"You can also stay as long as you want. I set it up –"

"Yes, yes. I understand the Mechanisms. Even if your Magic isn't something I'm compatible with, the concepts aren't beyond me." She said rather flippantly.

"Welllll excuse me princess"

"Hmm, you're excused." She smirked.

"You're so kind." I said with another roll of my eyes. "Anyways. No one's been giving you troubles?"

"Ugh, a few here or there. That one Elf you told me to watch out for, he was making passes at me. Annoying slimeball that he was."

I couldn't help but frown at that. "He did the same thing towards Artoria."

"Don't worry. I've recently conducting an interesting experiment. I learnt about one of the local Phantasmal species – specifically of the High Elf Variety – how many curses it would take to breach their innate Magic Resistance."

"Oh?" I quirked an eyebrow. "Are you sure? Perhaps some....further research is required."

Medea cackled ominously. "Don't worry, I intend to thoroughly research the subject. Once a certain individual is able to take a few steps away from their toilet, then the experiment can continue."

Scary Medea was scary.

Though the thought to of Arcano being cursed with such horrendous bowel movements was hilarious.

"Visit the Library yet?"

"Do you even have to ask?" She gave me a dry look. "On a side note, Jinn is an absolute treat. She's always so helpful and just a delight to talk to. Not to mention how intelligent she is. It's so easy to get lost in a conversation or argument with her about any random Magical Subject."

"Yeah, Jinn is pretty great. She was so excited to get that 'job' of hers in the Library. She loves managing that wealth of knowledge."

Medea abruptly punched me in the shoulder. It didn't quite hurt but I felt it. "And she's so enamored with you, I swear, I was wondering if that disgusting Goddess cursed her as well. And I hope you know she has absolutely no filter once she gets comfortable. Actually, I take that back, I think she does it on purpose."

Medea suddenly punched me again.

"Oww, what did I do!?" I rubbed my shoulder.

"You better treat her well." Medea huffed. "First you took my Saber, and now you somehow have that delightful girl too. If I see either of them sad, it's your ass."

"Okay, Mom."

Medea wretched. "The idea of you being my son almost made me throw up."

"Fuck you."

"Hah, you wish."

"Meh, I have a better Witch."

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that."

Somehow, I don't see myself winning an argument with this woman. "Changing the subject. I used Ddraig's spell, it works."

Medea's eyes widened. "Really?" There were sparkles practically coming out. "Wait.....what happened that you had to use it? I didn't think you would test it without us there."

"That sorta bridges into the main reason I came. Basically.....The other Youkai faction was attacked. The Local Fae were the culprits. Nurarihyon – the leader over there declared War, and Yasaka followed suit."

"Messing with those things is never a good idea." Medea turned serious. "I don't know what they're like in that world, but back in ours, they're only a few steps blow Divine Spirits in their 'Authority'."

"You don't need to tell me that, I'm more than aware. Thankfully, they don't seem to be the same...mostly. One of their leaders made a partial appearance, and my first instinct was to call her a Nature Spirit."

"Complicated. Very complicated. I hope you're not asking me to stick my hands into that mess. When things of that level escalate any further...well, I don't want to be around when the Gods start truly moving."

"I would never ask you to join in on our mess." I said with completely sincerity. The others – Achilles, Atalanta, Sasaki, they live very.....mercenary lifestyles right now. They still haven't settled down like Medea has. She has a Fiancé, she's trying to live her life. I would never force her into a war like this. "But I had an idea I wanted to run by you. And if you're willing, pay for your services. Afterall, I don't know anyone else that can match you in the crafting department other than Scáthach. And even with her, I'm positive you beat her out in terms of sheer mass production while still keeping a high quality."

Scáthach's true expertise was not found in crafting, but she could certainly hang with the best of them. Just look at her weapon, it was made a Legend of multiple people through the years. That being said, Medea probably had her beat in that regard.

"That sounds like something more I'd be willing to consider." She tapped the table. "What do you have in mind, boyo?"

I withdrew a handful of Petty Soul Gems, setting them on the table. "I assume you've messed with these already?"

"Yes, I have." She picked one up, eyeing it. "I admit I was...skeptical when it was explained to me. But a harmless way to harness the power of a non-sapient soul for Magical use that causes no harm. It's a novel concept that I found myself envious of not having in my own life. These would have made so many things much easier."

And I did double check on the regular usage of Soul Gems. They don't go to that wretched place like I had feared before. Black Soul gems though, those got destroyed on sight.

"I don't need to explain much then. As you know, Petty Soul gems are the lowest tier." I picked up one in my palmed and crunched it, shattering it into about 10 pieces, letting them fall onto the table. "Each of these pieces still holds about the same fractional power comparably to the size of the whole. Each a tenth of the Soul Gem's overall power."

"Yes, I I'm following the simple math, I'm just confused as to where you're going with this."

"You're aware of those staffs that use a single spell and require the useage of Soul Gems to recharge?" I saw her nod so I continued. "Smaller scale, intended for single a casting, maybe more depending on the spell. A single Petty Soul Gem equals ten – Wands, or something. Instead of using the Soul Gems to recharge the Mystic Code Itself. These – Pieces act as the foci."

"An interesting idea. But the power would be.....average at best. And you would only get a handful of uses before it would quite literally crumble."

"The majority of Youkai are fighters." I explained. "And we're vastly outnumbered if what I've discovered is correct. So imagine giving each Youkai a couple of these – wands. Little more than sticks, and they don't have to worry about maintenance or anything like that. Simple use and throw away. Fire and forget if you know the term."

"A Thousand of these Petty Soul Gems equals about Ten Thousand of these 'Wands' then?" Medea seemed to be thinking out loud. "It would certainly prove useful in warfare, but if you're thinking they're some sort of game changer –"

"I don't" I cut her off. "It's just...I'm not foolish enough to think one of us can be everywhere at once. It's a war not a fight. I'm just trying to eek out any advantage for us that I can. Arming our soldiers with more power and options is basically what I'm on right now. And giving them a way to use magic without months of training can help level the playing field away from the Fae's favor."

A Thousand Youkai all lined up, facing off against a force of Fae – most likely of higher numbers. If all of them could just simply reach to their sides, lift up a simple stick and unleash a basic fireball, numbering in the thousands with repeated use, it would do something.

It's unfortunate that giving them guns wouldn't do much. It might be comical and win a battle or two versus lower end opponents, but mundane weaponry isn't hard to defend against. It doesn't hold the same 'weight' that Magic does.

But in regards to the wands, quantity is a quality of its own.

And who says they had to be offensive spells?

Give every Youkai a wand with a few uses of a Healing Spell?

Or maybe a Warding spell?

The options are nearly limitless.

"I can't fault you there." She let out a sigh. "Do you have more specifics?"

I took out my notebook, handing it over. "It starts on page 27. I wrote out my thoughts and possible methods of application in crafting."

I didn't interrupt her as she skimmed through my notes. However, when she turned the page, a small smile made its way onto her face. "I'll help, but I also want a hand in this." She tapped on the page, looking rather amused.

I couldn't help but chuckle myself. "Well, every war needs Siege Weapons."


Zekram Bael POV

"Enter." I closed the book I was reading, setting it on the table next to me.

"Ancestor." The Current Head of the Bael Family bowed respectfully.

I eyed him for a moment before letting out a breath. "Raise your head."

"Yes, Ancestor." He replied, standing straight up. "I bring news from the Old Satan Faction."


"My spies have told me that there's been some talk about...disobeying your commands, Ancestor." My descendant hesitantly relayed the information.

I tapped my finger upon the closed book, a hint of annoyance flashed across my mind before I regained my composure. "If they know what's best for them, they will listen to my words."

"....Are you sure you wish to side with the New Satans in this circumstance? We could join in on the Old Satan Faction and gain some resources while they voiced their complaints."

How short sighted.

They were asking for a pittance after being thoroughly humiliated, and you want to stand with them? Why not just whore yourself out on the street for a few gold coins if that's all you can think about?

"Perhaps I should remind them for who's descendants they decided to attack in their pitiful game."

"But Venelana left the family, she's no longer a Bael, Ancestor. Why should we care about what happens to her? And Sirzech's son wouldn't have been hurt, he was too precious to control him."

"Ridiculous." I scoffed at his continued short sightedness. "She is, and always will be, a Bael. While she carries my bloodline, she is a Bael. Her Son who sits on the throne, is there because of my bloodline, and he is a Bael. Her daughter who shows magnificent talent as well, is a Bael. Her Grandchild has already shown outstanding talent as well, and he is thus a Bael. You would do well to remember this, Child. I looked the other way when you sought to remove your son, don't continue down this foolish path."

It didn't matter what last name they carried. They were Baels, and everyone knows it still.

However, I was not displeased with the Gremory brat that Venelana married. She was always an intelligent woman, but she never had the...passion for the political games that her husband did. I was pleased with the results of their union and I had nothing bad to say about that aspect. I was able to gain more strength due to that union as well.

And that's ignoring the son they produced in my glory.

"But Sairaorg doesn't have the bloodline, Ancestor." The fool quickly tried to cover himself.

"And what if he has children?" I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "Do I really need to explain how our Devil Genetics work?"

"...No, Ancestor."

Hmph. He's lucky that the boy was still under our control.

"Tell me in detail, what of these disappointments who cling to their Ancestor's coattails?" The irony was that he could not understand that I added him to such grouping.

The biggest disappoint in the Bael house right now. While Sairaorg did not possess the Power of Destruction, his father did. And yet, what had he done? Absolutely nothing.

It's almost shameful that the one's carrying the Gremory name had furthered my agenda more than my own family.

I suppose it didn't matter.

A Bael wass a Bael, regardless of what name they wore.

"They're upset that you stood with the New Satans during the incident. And now that you're also pressuring them not to interfere with the upcoming Peace Meeting, there are many more voices who are showing discontent."

"Now they will know not to cross me." I glowered. "And if they continue to push this issue, I will retaliate. Make that clear to them."

They think they can kidnap and try to steal my bloodline? Not just Venelana, but Millicas as well. I had a.....soft spot for the young Devil. I admit to requesting time to nurture him every so often. They're fools if they think I'm going to let it be at just this either. I simply don't wish to cause any problems until certain things were settled.

"Yes, Ancestor." He stiffened. "But.....why are we caring about the Peace Conference?"

"I have a...newly vested interest."


"The recent addition to my descendants that I have been made aware of. Your sister's apparent Grandson that no one bothered to tell me about."

Perhaps the fool could feel my irritation as he shrunk down in my presence.

"But he's just a Half-Devil." The current Head of the House muttered, seemingly ignoring every feat the child had performed thus far.

But that was not what I focused on for the moment.

"And he carries my Bloodline, boy. He carries my bloodline, and he's not under our faction." I grit out in annoyance. "This Peace Conference is an opportunity to pull him back in where he rightfully belongs." Under my control, just as everyone else was.

I've heard such information that this new descendant of mine already had a harem of his own. I would normally not care about such things, but when he can potentially pass my Bloodline outside of our society, then it becomes my concern.

How long until he gets one of his lovers pregnant? He was apparently with that Fox Youkai in the East. Would she produce a Youkai with the Power of Destruction? She's directly under the Shinto's Head Goddess, how would I have to maneuver to get any of said children under Devil Rule?

That foolish Sirzechs.

Could his Maid not keep him in line? Did he really have to look for a human to relieve himself? The odds were astronomically lower, but even then, he simply had to take the boy in. Hells, I would have gladly sponsored the boy if he showed ability with the Power of Destruction. I would have used one of my free pieces and turned him into a true Devil.

Problem Solved.

Unfortunately, it seemed my descendants were intent on their foolish endeavors.

I was originally against the Peace Conference. I felt that my descendants would grow stronger, that Devil Kind would grow stronger, if we still had an 'enemy' to face. It was clear that we were not truly at war anymore, but we could still tell the new generations about our 'hated foe'. However, after seeing the recent generations that came about, it simply isn't worth the effort.

They had become fat and lazy.

I may as well use this opportunity to improve my own position and gain what I want from my newest descendant.

The only problem was how to go about bringing him back.

"Ancestor, I have....other news to report."

"Hmm? Speak." I may as well hear what he had to say. Rarely was there such a thing as useless information.

"There has been talk that my sister has....taken a new lover. My spies overhead the peerage of my Niece talking about it."

Not relevant, but not useless. "I find it unlikely that she will choose a partner that I am against." She would know better than that. "And I care not for what she gets up to. She already fulfilled her obligations, and then some." I partially allowed the marriage with her and her husband because of my own relationship with their Ancestor. One of the few of the Old Devils that I could manage to get along with even if her attitude often grated on me.

"Even if it's with her own Grandson?"

That...gave me pause.

"Well done, Venelana." I couldn't help but smile. However, it quickly disappeared once I saw the descendant of mine pouting at me praising his sister over him.

Yes, I could use this.

He was young still and has a harem.Rias did look quite a lot like her mother. Should I interfere with her marriage with the Phenex brat? Push her towards him as well? It wouldn't be difficult to have Venelana step in line if I told her to, but her daughter was still rather rebellious.

Though, I was curious to see what a spawn of those two bloodlines would look like. My Power of Destruction was obviously superior, but would it bestow a form like Sirzech's can take? To be able to become Destruction incarnate just how the Phenex family can take on their own flames with such ease?

Decisions, decisions.

I would have to decide by the time the conference arrives.


Here's Tuesdays/Wednesday's chapter. Also, the next chapter will be released on friday due to the pat chapter being much longer than a normal chapter. The same recent the recent p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m chapter took two days to release.

Anyways, if you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.