A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 331 - 298

Chapter 331: Chapter 298

Salem POV

"What did you say?"

"I missed you." He repeated those words so flippantly with that.....warm smile on his face.

"Your absence was not noticeable in the least" I rolled my eyes at his attempt with honeyed words. Did he think that saying something like that would make me swoon over him? That over large ego of his would find itself deflated then, because I did not return the sentiment.

....even if he continued to look at me like that.

"If I'm not welcomed, I wouldn't want to impose. I suppose I'll take my leave." He looked....dejected, bringing a foreign but unpleasant feeling within my chest.

"Hmph, to waltz into my castle then leave immediately." I scoffed. "Do you have no sense for common courtesy? As host, it is my obligation to entertain you, regardless of my lack of desire to do so."

Stupid man.

Don't look so happy with me merely extending the proper etiquette that was required. I would not shame myself as a Queen to kick you out after making the trip here.

"I'm happy with any time we can spend together."

Don't be pleased by such a trite thing.

I am not doing this for your enjoyment.

So stop that ridiculous smile of yours!

With a huff, I pushed myself off my throne. I couldn't stand to look at his stupid expression any longer. These conflicting feelings that swelled up were becoming annoying. Instead, I walked towards one of my seers, floating in the corner to focus my attention on.

"As the Master of this domain, I shall properly express gratitude for your gift you deliver upon my subordinate."

....It would be rude of me not to properly thank him. Cinder did an awful job of doing such herself, and I would not let him think I am not educating her correctly.

He provided her with a Staff.

A real one, no mere trinket or bauble that could be found on the modern markets. I held it only briefly, yet I could tell it would synergize with most Magics that were cast through it.

How long has it been since I held a real Magical Item and not one of my own creation?

To even make something like that, how hard must it have been to find the materials in this era?

I never liked to wield a staff myself. I could not deny the benefits such a focus brought, but I preferred the speed which I developed by not relying on a Magical Foci. Ozma would swear by his staff, but I was still the better spellcaster.

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For Cinder, I cannot see the harm in her using one. It may help her become competent to the point where I was not embarrassed by her.

"She's something like your apprentice, right? It's only proper that I give her something decent if I'm trying to court you." He replied.

And he said something ridiculous again.

Court me?

A continued jest that I had allowed for reasons I could not seem to understand.

He said it before, and the time previous. I should throw him out for spouting that nonsense so blatantly again.

....Yet it was difficult to respond to such an absurd claim.

Thankfully, he was most likely preoccupied with staring at my rear, as he tended to do. If he merely replied that it was just a lustful desire born out of his youth, I would be more prone to believe such a thing. It would certainly be easier to navigate around, simply lift my dress up, allow him what he wished for a few moments, and he would be putty in my hand. Gods know if I just offered him my rear for whatever perverse fantasies he dreamed, I could gain access to all the secrets he held, to gain the Relics he hides away.

No, he insists on this approach. To flirt with this Queen of the Grimm. To try and move my decrepit and dead heart out of some misbegotten desire that I cannot fathom.

I, of course, only allow it to better learn his secrets.

"I suppose she could be seen as an apprentice of sorts." I decided to just ignore his words. It was not worth the effort to dwell upon. Surely, he would lose interest at some point, there was no point in giving it any more of my thought. "How far she can go, I do not know, considering she wasn't born with the gift properly." I sniffed.

If it was Magic not of Ozma's I would have found the act distasteful. To give Magic to someone..... so undeserving as this 'new humanity'. No, since it came from one of those 'Maidens' whom were given the gift by Ozma, I would welcome it wholeheartedly and even take pleasure in taking it away from that scornful man.

"With you teaching her, I'm sure she'll go far. You were able to give her the capacity for actualizing spells in the first place. That kind of thing is not easy by any means, and just says a lot about your knowledge and experience." He praised me with genuineness in his tone. "Really, the only thing to be worried about is that she's leaking it all over the place."

"I do not need your praise.....regardless of how deserving it is." I turned my nose up at his continued attempts at winning my favor.

Even if it had been a long time since my talents have been properly appreciated. I have not had someone who could share my understanding and interest in the Magical Arts in...thousands of years.

"What about her leaking of Magical Energy? That seems like a problem that could have some consequences if left unchecked. Are you simply waiting for it to.....bottle itself up so to speak, stymy by itself? Or possibly it's some overflow from its original source?"

His questions were intriguing, interesting, even. I turned back to face him. "I was waiting to see how long the effect persisted before I was forced to take action." I admitted. It was not an exact process, and I was...eyeballing it as I went. As strange as it was to be as flippant with the whole situation, there was no true or proper guidelines to base my actions off of. "I have thus far only began the process of teaching her how to harness the Magic within."

"Mmm, too soon to tell." He rubbed his chin. "Would it be impolite if I asked for an update later? It really is an interesting thing you're doing."

"I suppose I can allow you to know my dealings." I could ignore this abominable feeling in my chest more easily when we speak of other things. "And....your insights aren't not wholly unwelcome."

He was knowledgeable and it wasn't unpleasant to converse with him on subjects we both clearly were well versed in.

If he dared to try and court me, it was only proper that his Magical ability be up to a certain standard.

I would expect no less, otherwise I would be insulted by his attempts.

.....if only he stopped looking at me with that damnable smile of his again.

"Now, what boon do you desire?"


"You have bestowed a worthy gift upon someone under my tutelage. It would look bad upon me if I did not return the gesture." I put my hands on my hips as his eyes briefly flickered downwards. Knowing I could hold his gaze even with the knowledge that he had.....other women who saw to his desires. It was oddly satisfying. "Tell me what you desire. Knowledge? Ancient treasures? I am the Queen of the Grimm, there is little I cannot offer."

"Anything?" He slowly developed a Cheshire grin.


"This is not what I anticipated."

He laughed at my admittance.

"What is so humorous?!"

"Nothing, it's just.....the situation is familiar."

"Hmph." His stifled giggles only grated on my patience.

They were in no way pleasant to listen to.

I sat there, motionless, as he continued to have his way with me. Unable to voice a complaint due to the rather mundane nature of his request.

I was at his mercy completely.

He chose to use my lap as a 'pillow' as he called it.

He lay there, head upon my thigh, eyes closed in a strange peacefulness.

Did he not know that I could end his life with but a gesture? He put himself completely at my mercy, utterly unguarded from anything I wished to inflict upon him.

Perhaps I should invade his mind? Test his defenses. He would be completely caught off guard and I'm sure I might be able to scour him for the information I desire. It was not my area of expertise, but I'm sure I could force the issue...the state of his mind afterwards was another matter entirely.

But for some reason, that thought left a sour taste in my mouth.

Of course, I would never do something so inelegant.

I could –

I paused.

Why was I running my fingers through his hair? And why did hearing his content noises make me feel so pleased with myself? For some reason, it was bringing a warm sensation to my chest to see him so relaxed in my embrace.

I jerked my hand away with a huff. His eyes opened again, looking up at me with such a soft gaze.


Stop it.

I had to bring him upon the top of my castle so no others could happen upon me making a fool of myself once more. Otherwise, all respect I had garnered would have been utterly destroyed.

"Did you expect me to ask for something else~" The corners of his lips curled up.

"Of course." I pursed my lips. "What foolish person, when offered a boon, from me, would ask for – this."

"Really? I think I got a better deal. Would have given a lot more than just the staff if this is what you offered."

"Do not think you are allowed this lightly." I gazed down into his eyes. "No man has been given the privilege for many years. I merely took pity upon you for wasting the opportunity given."

"Hmm, maybe I should have used the boon more favorably then. Since you were obviously expecting me to do something lewd. Now I feel like I disappointed you."

"Who is disappointed!?" The sheer nerve of him!

To insinuate that I was in expectance of him to lay his lecherous paws upon my body.

"It's not too late~" He had that annoying look about him once more. "Would you deny me if my hands started to wander~"

"Wander? You make it sound as if they would not immediately latch upon my rear if I allowed you." I raised an eyebrow and flicked away his raised palm. "Your intentions are obvious." I huffed, turning my nose up. "You will sleep tonight knowing you missed an opportunity that will never come again." His chuckles just annoyed me further, thinking I was merely jesting!

He slowly rose up away from my lap.

.....it was odd to feel that pressure upon my skin now move away. That was it, nothing more. I was merely tired of him weighing upon my thigh.

"What if I ask nicely?"

"What dare you ask of me? You think I will just offer you anything you desire with but some honeyed words?" I scoffed at his foolishness. "If you attempt to take liberties with me again, know that you will have to bear the consequences."

I waited for him to inevitably do something to earn my ire. I would cast him from the top fo my keep, see him fall into the mud below. Then he would know that I am not one to make jests at.

"And if the consequences are worth bearing?" He said quietly, leaning in and I could do nothing to stop his advance.

Why did I not stop him when I knew what was going to happen?

I stilled, even when his face approached mine so slowly, his breath brushed against me. Why did my eyes close, in anticipation?

I felt a pressure I had not in eons. It was quick, excruciatingly quick, as his lips met mine for only the briefest of moments. The faint softness, the slight taste, they were gone just as quickly as they arrived.

I opened my eyes to see his face only mere inches away from mine still, his eyes meeting mine.

And...why did I feel as if my face had heated up and my heart beat erratically?


Next chapter coming up in a couple minutes.

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