A Nascent Kaleidoscope.

Chapter 418 - 379

Chapter 418: Chapter 379

"It's a lovely evening." I casually said as I strolled up towards Salem as she looked out across her domain from atop the castle.

She didn't turn around, merely leaned on the ledge that overlooked the wilderness to the horizon. "Every evening is the same here."

"Perhaps, but if you're here, it can't be anything but lovely." I countered.

She glanced at me side-eyed and I could barely see her roll her eyes in response, the faintest hint of a smile forming before disappearing.

"I met your Ex." I decided to share openly as I walked up to the edge and rested my elbows on it to look out into the distance.

"You met Ozma." Salem repeated. "You are not harmed?"

"There's very little he could actually do to me in his state. I didn't even know who he was until he started to tell me about the whole Maiden thing. I couldn't even pick up on him possessing any Magical ability since it was so miniscule."

She chortled in amusement. "Serves him right. Did he attempt to recruit you?"

"Yup." I hummed.

"And I am assuming anything he said was full of half truths or outright missing explanations to make himself appear more mysterious and knowledgeable?"

"That is frighteningly accurate."

She let out a disdainful snort. "He never changes. What did you respond with? Should I be worried that you are now one of his sacrificial pawns here to make an attempt on my immortal life?" The sarcasm was rather obvious.

"That's right, I decided to join Ozpin's side for reasons I can't logically explain off the top of my head. Your reign of terror ends here, Salem." I half heartedly played along. "And I certainly can't be bribed and swayed to your side with promises of an intimate nature."

"How convincing." She drawled.

"I did convince him that there's a secret society of magic users that he doesn't know about though."

That got a response from her. She actually started giggling, opting to cover her mouth as they continued for a pleasant few moments. "I can picture the look on his face as he desperately tries to figure out how he could have been so oblivious."

"I may or may not have told him something else."


"...told him we were dating." I coughed awkwardly.

She stared at me for a moment before pursing her lips. "I'm sure he took that well."

"Wouldn't know. I left right after I dropped that in his lap."

The corners of her lips curled up in amusement. Though, another glance at me and she frowned. "Why are you being so distant?"

"I didn't want to make you feel uncomfortable." I scratched my head awkwardly.

"Since when have you cared about that?" She let out one of her cute huffs. "Need I remind you about our first meeting?"

"Then I can be willful?" I asked.

"Do what you want, it's not as if you've ever asked for permission before." She huffed again.

I took that as permission and walked closer to her. I could see her glancing at me out of the corner of her eye again and I snuck my arms around her from behind.

"What do you seek from me?" She quietly asked. "If it was before, I would have thought you desired my power. Be it my magic or the Grimm under my hand, yet, it should be inconsequential for you. What do you want from me?"

"I want nothing material from you."

"Then why?"

"Is it so weird that I want you just for you?" I rested my head up against her shoulder. "The question is, what do you want?"

"I want to die."

It took a second for me to process the words, but I felt my heart drop once I did.

She put a hand on mine. "I wanted to die. Perhaps I still do. I have lived for a very long time and I lost my will to live long ago. I wanted the Relics to bring back the Brother Gods so they could finally end my existence. Now, it is an option presented to me and I hesitate. Tell me what you want from me."

"I want to hold you in my arms like this forever. I want to see your smile that's reserved only for me. I want to hear your snarky comments when you try to tease me. I want to help you when you're sad. I want to go through life, all the ups and downs, with you at my side. And I want to make you happy through everything."

"Would you kill me if I asked you to?" She asked, squeezing my hand tightly.


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"Would you mourn me after I died?"

"Yes." I answered again.

"How comical. I'm reminded of how cursed I really am. When I can finally fulfill my wish, there is actually someone who would mourn my passing and I feel an ache in my heart at the thought." Her nails dug into my skin, but I don't think it was intentional on her part so I ignored it. "I am willing to give it a try."

Her grip eased up and she relaxed more in my arms. "I don't know if I even remember what it's like to love. I have felt nothing but anger and hatred for far too long."

"I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing most of the time, so we can stumble through this together."

"How reassuring." She snorted, however there was a distinct absence of the earlier tension. "I am not sure I ever wish to marry again. All I have to remember from my previous one is the hate I still hold onto and it has soured me to the concept."

"It never has to be a consideration if you don't want it to be."

She nodded. "I do not believe I will ever desire Children again. The deaths of my children so long ago broke me and the pieces never were mended. I don't know if I am even capable any longer, but I do not wish to find out."

"As long as you're by my side, I don't care." As much as I wanted a big family, I didn't want Salem to feel any of these residual emotions.

"Then it is decided." She said as a matter of fact. "If I think of any more issues, I will raise them. But I have no other points I wish to make known before this happens."

"Before what happens?" I raised an eyebrow. "You never said what you wanted."

"Are you going to make me say it aloud?"

"Hmm, yes."

"You are a vain and petty man." She huffed once more. "What did you say to Ozma? That we were dating? A more casual comparison to courtship? It is adequate enough for my purposes. I will not have you be known as a liar, we are dating."

"So Salem, Queen of the Grimm, is my woman." I squeezed her a little in my arms.

"It does not imply permission for you to grope me." She glowered. "I can feel something poking my rear and I am more than able to guess what it is."

"That is an unconscious reaction due to excitement." I quickly defended myself.

"Is that what it is?" She snorted, wiggling her butt against me. "It feels like something else."

"Frankly, it's your fault."

"My fault is it?" She forced her way out of my arms, turning to face me. "Are you blaming me for your inability to control your desires?"

"I blame you for being so desirable."

"She was right." Salem's finger ran down my chest.

"Who was right about what?"

"You will need a firm – " She grabbed me through my pants. "Hand."

"....Please be gentle." I whimpered. "You are grabbing a very delicate part of me."

"Oh?" She ever so slightly tightened her grip. Not enough to hurt, but enough that I winced. "Where was that earlier bravado?"

"Curled up and crying in the corner." I could probably crush a diamond with my sphincter right now.

"How pitiful." She frowned. "Step forward, and place your hands on the railing."


Lewd Ahead warning


"What?" I blinked, but I felt a tiny bit more pressure from her and I followed her instruction.

"You should be proud, very few have had the honor of me personally doing this." I was about to question what she was talking about, but I swallowed any words the moment her hands started fiddling with my zipper. "An impressive showing if nothing else." She whispered, freeing my cock from the confines of my pants. "That other lover of yours was not lying it seems." Her hand gently caressed my length as she hovered behind me.

"Salem you don't – "

"Hush." She whispered, leaning against my back. "I do this because I want to. You may consider it proof of my commitment; I do not take partake in such actions lightly."

Something cold and moist suddenly touched my cock after a brief pause from Salem. Her saliva mixed with her hand and she began to earnestly start pumping along my shaft. Her other hand quickly joined to squeeze and massage every inch of me.

"How is it? It has been many years, but I believe I am still skilled." She sounded quite smug, probably because she could hear my groans with each movement. "Do you wish to ejaculate? Is my touch that enticing? I will allow it if you ask for permission." Her hands stopped, and her breath tickled my ear. "Say the words and I will continue."

"You are a cruel woman." I forced out.

"As you should already know." She didn't deny it. "This is your punishment for all your previous provocations. Every time you stared so blatantly at my rear. Every lewd comment you made. And every time you teased me, making me forced to sleep with a nostalgic ache between my legs." She simply ran one of her fingers up and down, her nail barely touching my skin, sending shivers down my spine. "But look at you, twitching in excitement. You enjoy making me feel this way, don't you?" The way she hissed in my ear with the words just made me excruciatingly hard in response.

"I'll remember this when the roles are reversed." I breathed out.

"At your mercy? Is that what you dream of? To take this large phallus of yours and have your way with me?" She chuckled. "I am not without my own mercy, I can feel how much you are enduring." She said that but her hands completely vanished, I glanced behind me to see her hands sneak up her dress. She looked me in the eyes and pulled down. "Did you not wish to see this before? I will grant your wish." She resumed her position but dangled a pair of tasteful black lacy panties in front of my face. "I would not have you make a mess of my castle." She gracefully draped them around the tip of my cock and firmly grasped me again.

"Salem..." I grunted out again.

Her movements picked up fanatically. She quickly caught her stride and I felt myself reaching my tipping point. "Yes, don't fight it. I will allow you to ejaculate into my undergarments."

It may as well have been a command, because as soon as she said it I felt the dam break and my knees buckle from her efforts. Her movements slowed down to something more rhythmic and with each pump of hers making me spurt out into the fabric of her panties.

"And what am I supposed to do with these now?" Salem held up her now soaked panties for me to see. "After last time, I suppose it would be improper of me to be without undergarments on." She once more locked eyes with me and unfolded the soiled garments and slid them back up her legs until they were firmly returned to where they were before.

I was ready to grab her and make way to the nearest bedroom, but a finger pressing against my still erect cock made me pause. "You get one." She declared. "For now." She added on with another whisper. "Your room is still available. Take care of your remaining needs by yourself. But I will allow you to continue fantasizing about me." The smugness radiated off her. Though that disappeared after a moment and a softness returned to her gaze. "We will speak more in the morning about the future and the past. You promised me a story, and I will hear it when we have both settled our emotions."

I dumbly nodded and watched her saunter away. She intentionally swung her hips in an exaggerated manner.

I'm now wondering if she initiated something like that because we were both emotionally high-strung after the talk.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I slumped against the railing, catching my breath. "What a woman."


Lewd Over


Ozpin POV

"To what do I owe the pleasure, Qrow?" I barely looked up to see his bird form on the ledge of the window.

"Had some time, came to check up on you." He said, transforming back into his human form. "How are you doing, Oz?"

"I am....coping."

How was I supposed to answer that question? In the span of a few days, I feel like everything I knew about the world had flipped upside down.

....was this how everyone else feels when I revealed the existence of the Gods and Magic?

"Any news about the whatcha-macalli that the kid mentioned? You know, with the magical people and whatever."

"The 'Mage's Association', Qrow." I corrected him, knowing full well he remembered the name. "And no, I have yet to find any evidence of its existence. I'm starting to wonder if it was not something made up to spite me."

"I mean....wouldn't it be weird if you could find it that easily? Isn't it supposed to be hidden or something?"

".....that is also a valid point." As loath as I am to admit it. I just needed to calm down and pace myself. Nothing would get done if I was trying to rush. Thankfully Glynda gave me a cup of my favorite Coffee to keep me sane through this period.

I relished the taste. The hint of cinnamon combined with the Mistralian blend. I could practically feel the stress wash away from –

"What about the kid banging your ex-wife?"

And it's gone.

"Must you say it like that, Qrow?" I set my mug down, letting out a deeper sigh than I've had in many weeks. "And that's not what Mister Schweinorg said."

"Oz." Qrow looked at me with a very serious expression. "You run a school full of kids. You know damn well what 'dating' means."

.....dammit Qrow.

"I find it very unlikely that Salem is 'banging' a young man like Mister Schweinorg." I let out another sigh, adjusting my glasses. "Salem is a monster in every sense of the word. She would not waste time on.....on dalliances."

"...she drunk called you."


"After stealing my scroll. And letting me leave."

"...your input has been noted."

"Are you upset cause she told everyone about your small dick?"

"Thank you, Qrow! Do you have anything important to inform me about or is this merely a social visit?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose and briefly considered stealing his flask again.

"Nah, just came to bother you."

"Dare I ask why?"

"Want a truthful answer, Oz?"

"Please, enlighten me."

"I'm a little pissed still. It isn't like hugely important to know that our biggest enemy was your Ex-Wife, but it makes me wonder what else you're hiding that could be important. So, yeah, Oz. I'm a little annoyed, so I figured I'd share it with you." He fetched said flask from his pocket and took a swig of it.

"....I apologize for not telling you, Qrow."

"I know." He replied. "And I know you mean it."

"But you're still upset."


"And how much longer will you be upset for?"

"What's today? Saturday?" He hummed. "I'll probably be over it by Monday."

"...very well." Once more I rubbed the bridge of my nose, letting out a sigh. "Continue."

"You still plan on making the invincible girl the next Maiden? She's close to the kid, yeah? Might turn out bad."

An actual question, a welcome reprieve. "There is a risk, but there is also the benefit of drawing Mister Schweinorg close to us. The way he spoke, it was clear that he was not....aligned with Salem in an antagonistic way towards us, or perhaps Remnant as a whole. And through the video surveillance of the time spent between both Miss Nikos and Mister Schweinorg, it's clear he cares about her. If Miss Nikos inherents the Maiden's powers, it may mean she is safe from any further attempts."

"Could backfire if he learns about how dangerous it is?"

".....that is a possibility." I fully acknowledged.

"Hey, did you tell Jimmy that the kid isn't a woman?"

"I relayed the news to James that his theory was not accurate. He insists that it's still a possibility and is keeping an open mind." I resisted the urge to sigh for the fourth time since Qrow came.

James was many things, hard headed being firmly near the top. Oh, he wasn't focusing a large amount of resources on it anymore, but he won't simply take Mister Schweinorg's word for it. At least I could focus his efforts on finding this supposed Magical Society that has escaped my notice for an uncountable number of lifetimes!

"Got a question for you, Oz."

"Against my better judgment, ask away, Qrow."

"You've dated a lot over the years, right?"

"I have had many relationships over my incarnations, yes." I dreaded what he was going to follow up with.

"So you're pretty knowledgeable about that sort of thing, between a man and a woman..."

"....are you asking me for advice, Qrow?" I blinked in surprise. "Or is it about Taiyang and Raven? I admit I've never had a situation quite like that one."

"No, no..." He shook his head, taking his flask out again. "So Salem was a babe, didn't expect that. Like, I'd hit it if given the chance."

".....is there a question to follow up this statement, or did you simply wish to inform me that my Ex-Wife is attractive?"

"Since you've been with a lot of chicks over the years, how does Salem rate? You know, wink wink, nudge nudge." He whistled at the end taking another drink of his flask.

"Are you asking me to.....rate the ability of Salem during intercourse in comparison to my other experiences? The woman who controls the Grimm of the world, the immortal and terrifying witch that could have just as easily torn out your spine as much as taken your scroll?"

"....yup." He nodded.

"I will answer your question on two conditions."


"Accept my apology fully."

"Alright." He accepted. "And the other?"

"....hand over your flask."

"I just had a thought, Oz." Qrow said, while tossing me the metal container.

"And what's that, Qrow?" I probably was not going to like what he had to say, but in a moment, I probably wouldn't not care with the amount of alcohol I was pouring into my coffee.

"If Salem is busy being banged by the kid, doesn't that mean she wouldn't have time to be, you know, evil?"


"Imagine if we won because she just needed to get laid."

Even without any effort, Salem made my life miserable.



Just a heads up, started the move to a new apartment and fucked up my PC. Motherboard is probably borked, but we'll see. I still have my laptop, but it's a bit more awkward.

Also, have another lewd omake to post separately after this chapter.

If you want to read 7 chapters ahead or support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / astoryforone

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