A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 156: The Depressed King

Chapter 156: The Depressed King

I could see two people in the sky on the far right and then two more on the far left but I didnt know who they were. Wait, on the far left, was that.Patrick?

Hey? Thats Patrick isnt it?

I didnt really ask the question of anyone specific.

.Yeah, it looks like Patrick is here.

Toa squinted up at him before replying.

Why.is he flying around?

That blue flame on his backWas that Sarahs fire? No way when did he learn to use that? I took a moment to expand my senses, trying to get a grasp of how many people there were. Just below Patrick I could feel Oswald and Sabrina then from straight ahead I could feel Ichijo. Hes a good guy but I should avoid getting too friendly with him since Ill have to kill him someday.


Toa looked at me questioningly as I stood there in thought.

For now lets do Patrick first.

A demon seemed to be chasing Patrick so I took aim at its back.

Unreasonable Robbery!

The demons heart was pulled out of its chest and I watched it fall to the ground.


I passed through the town and out into the grasslands surrounding it so that I could get a view of the entire battlefield.


There were demon and mage corpses everywhere and Ichijo was running around doing his best with a golden sword in hand.

Where should I start?

Then I looked up and saw two people fighting above me.

Him I guess.

I forgot his name but I remembered this demon from the bar.

Unreasonable Robbery!

It wasnt an attack but I instead pulled his entire body over to me.


I decided I should restrain him too.


The demon was held in place by the white arms.


Hey, long time no see?

Patrick appeared in the sky above me as I addressed the demon. After a subpar landing he ran over to me with Sarah and Yui.


I didnt say anything back to him. Then behind him an old man appeared from the sky as well. When did flight magic become so popular?


The old man tried to talk with me as soon as he landed.

I believe its Nito correct?

Who is this guy? Oh well, I decided to ignore him and turned back to the demon.

Do you remember me?

I removed the arm that was gagging the demon.

hah.hah.yeahI remember you.

The demon answered while catching his breath.

I see. And? Why did you come?

I came to help Lady Totalica!

Help huh..What is up with this large number of demons? I know that you came here for Toa but arent there a little too many of you for that?

If they prepared this number of troops just to kidnap Toa it seemed like it was a little overkill.

All of us came to save lady Totalica.

Dont lie to me. This number isnt needed just for one person. Are you demons all stupid or something?

Arent you misunderstanding something?


Youre the one who captured Lady Totalica right? This army is here to kill you. My name is Kaiser Shastain. Im one of the higher ups in the demon kingdom. Do you know what that means?


In other words.

Hes royalty.

The old man said.

Did you think that the demon kingdom wouldnt retaliate after you treated me, someone related to the demon queen like you did?

Kaiser grinned as he said this. It seemed like he was trying to say something like humans died because of you but I dont actually care. Although I guess I should have killed him back then after all.

I see, So you brought innocent demons to their death because you wanted to kill me huh?

What? What are you talking about?

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Thats what happened wasnt it?

If he hadnt brought the army here then none of them would have to die. I had the white arms turn him around so he could see.

They are going to die now.

Gyahahahahaha! What are you talking about! I dont care who you are, its impossible to defeat this many of us!

I looked at the moving fort in the center of the army. I saw something similar in a movie once and my guess was that was the command tower.

Ill take care of that fort first.

I stuck my hand out.

You, are you Nito?

The old man asked me the same question that he did earlier. Haaaa.what does he want

Who are you?

Cant you see that I have to start killing demons, stop annoying me.

I am Braums, I might look like this but I am an adventurer.

An adventurer huh? .Hes pretty old.

And? What business do you have with me?

Braums looked at me then Kaiser, then at the those behind me.

What are you? What is this strength..

This is stupid, can we do it later? I have to take care of the demons now.


Why is it necessary for me to kill them in the first place? Suddenly my line of thought changed. I dont have to kill them, do I? Its not like the people who died are going to come back to life, theres no one left to protect anymore is there?

You said your name was Kaiser?


Are you willing to withdraw?


Kaiser looked offended.

Thats what Id expect of a human! Seeing this number of opponents would do that to anyone though I guess. But dont you understand? We came here to kill you and I cant withdraw without Lady Totalica anyway! All the humans here will die today! Gyahahahahaha!

Was this guy always like this? I cant actually remember..

I see. Well, it looks like it cant be helped after all.

I thought that since there was no one left here to save that I could fulfill my promise to Toa in another way. But.

Nito. Kill the Shastain demons..

Toa said.


Even Patrick turned a surprised look on Toa.

You promised didnt you?


Toa was telling me to kill them.

Toa, Is that..really what you want?

Everyone has already evacuated..

I dont want them all to die but if you dont kill them then they will just attack again. Thats the kind of country that Shastain is, they kill anyone who doesnt think the same way that they do. Even their own people.

Lady Totalica, thats a misunderstanding.

Kaiser said.

Shastain demons dont do that.

Toas expression changed completely.

Shut up.

Toas magic power rose as she advanced on Kaiser and pointed the snake sword at his throat.

Kaiser smiled wryly as he saw Toa.

Shastain didnt kill anyone. Your..Gaha!

The moment that Kaiser tried to say something, Toa slit his throat.


I shouted her name without thinking but that didnt change anything she had already slit his throat. Toa who told me not to kill him before had just did so without any hesitation. A demon.one of her own people.


As Kaiser choked on his own blood he looked back at me and gave me a bloody grin and then.. He died.


Toa had blood all over her face.

Toa was staring at the demon in front of her, her eyes wide.


Then suddenly, Toa screamed.


She dropped the sword and looked at her hand trembling. She looked confused as if she wasnt aware of what shed just done.


I picked up the sword and put my arm around Toas shoulders. She slowly turned towards me shaking as though she was scared.



What.this.Why is there blood..

What is going on? The same thing that happened back in the bar seemed to be happening again. It seemed like she had lost her memory. Then her head drooped for a moment before she looked up again.

Ahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahaahahhahahaha!

Suddenly Toa was laughing.


I have no idea whats going on? Did she break?

Toa? Whats wrong?

Toa stopped laughing when Nem asked and looked over at her.

Nothing Nem. I just feel better?

This wasnt Toa. Who was it?

Whoare you?


Toa looked at me with her eyes shining.

What are you talking about Nito?

With the blood that was on her face her smile looked eerie.

Im Toa. Totalica

Patrick was confused and couldnt move.

What the hell are you doing?

The old man asked. But thats what Ive been trying to figure out for a while now.

Why did you kill him? I had a lot I wanted to ask him

Theres no need for that. Hes not an interesting person anyway. He insulted Nito so I killed him. Thats a good reason right?

Her tone was totally different. Toa would never get mad enough to kill someone.

Are you really Toa? ..

Didnt I just say that?

Toas smile looked angry, she had the same look that the old Sufilia did.

Nito? Hurry up and kill Shastain.


Kill them. You promised, didnt you? You said youd kill them.

I said that I would help everyone. I said that I would have to kill demons to do that but I never promised to kill them.

But if you dont kill them more humans will die and then you would be breaking your promise to me.


What is going on with Toa?

Toa, why dont we calm down a bit?

Sufulia tried to intervene.

You shut up.

Sufilias hand froze before she reached Toas shoulder, she hadnt expected those cold words.

You cant take my Nito.

Sufilia was so confused by what Toa just said that she couldnt say anything back.

The Shastain demons wont leave until they finished what they came to do. Thats what kind of people that woman keeps around her.

What do you mean that woman?


Wasnt that the queens name?

She will destroy whatever and kill whoever it takes to get what she wants. Thats what kind of woman she is. If her goal is me then she will never give up and Shastain will chase you forever.

Why does Toa continue to refer to them all as Shastain? Arent they demons like her? Looking at her I felt like I could see part of myself inside her, it felt like I could see her want for revenge. But she shouldnt have those feelings?

You want me to kill them?

Yeah. Kill them.

Toas people?

This isnt my fathers kingdom, they arent my people.

Toa wanted me to kill them, in fact she was telling me so over and over. But I had made a promise so I opened the door to the dungeon and pulled Bells wand out.

Are we doing this master?

Bell asked as soon as he was out.

Yeah, help me out so I dont get swallowed.

Okay. If that is masters will then I wont say anything else.


Dont apologise you decided this on your own didnt you?

Bell smiled as I held my hand out towards the battle field.

Regal Innocence..

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