A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 167: Best friend

Chapter 167: Best friend

After packing we were standing near the front gate of the school in the rain. I had planned to leave without telling anyone but Patrick had appeared there.

Youre being kind of standoffish Nito.

Sorry I had planned to leave without saying anything.

The tone of our voices made it sound like we were still familiar with each other but we werent and I knew it was my fault.

Its thanks to Nito

Patrick said suddenly.

I was able to change thanks to you. Before you came I was alone and didnt have any friends. When you came to this school you were the one who reached out to me. You saved me.

Youre exaggerating. Even the power you have now you got yourself.

Sarah and Yui appeared beside him and looked at me like I was something unpleasant.

As spirits we cannot disobeyAdams will. But looking at Patrick when he was with you I thought that we were all living a different life. The abysss fool, the spirits, and Patrick the guardian of the end. I thought many times that maybe it wouldnt become like that.

The guardian of the end?

When did he get a new title?

So the end doesnt come.The abysss


Sarah choked on her words, was it hard for her to say?

The one who protects the world from the fool of the abyss. It is the role of the one who has a contract with a spirit king or queen.

From the fool of the abyss huh?

Did you say to stop the end from coming? What does that mean? Why would that come?

However I suddenly remembered that time and figured that that would probably what it meant.

You already know dont you?


But you can still choose

I found myself wondering if Sarah actually cared about me.

The spirits can sense the abyss. For some reason as that time approaches the guardians will begin to gather. Its not what we spirits want but its as if the will of Adams is whats causing it. When all five guardians gather together its a sign that the world is about to end.

A sign huh?

So that is the will of Adams?

Probably. Although admittedly he hasnt actually told us very much.

The five guardians, meaning that Patrick is one of the chosen ones right?

You did it Patrick. Youre one of the chosen.


However Patrick like Sarah, had an unpleasant look on his face. I tried to just joke and leave on a laugh but it didnt seem to work.

I understand what youre trying to say. However I will continue going down the path that I believe in. I have three friends with me now who believe in me. I was oppressed before and called imcompetent and now everything that happens is by my own will. Even if the time youre referring to does come then I will not doubt myself.

I turned my back on Patrick after I said this.

What are they so worried about? Of course, I knew what it was, I have had plenty of chances to notice after all. Sarah, Bell, Sabrina and Oswalds words all had a similar message and all spoke of an anonymous adventurer. I had no choice but to notice.

The traitorous adventurer has fallen into the abyss.

Meaning that anyone who touches the abyss is a fool and will one day betray everyone and bring ruin to the world.

Sarah once said that Adams himself was once a kings candidate himself. Perhaps he saw something in the abyss and decided that it was evil. He left three warnings behind and his ideas have become ingrained in the minds of everyone in this world.

Patrick.I.We, wont become that.

I am my own person.

As long as I believe in myself the abyss will not betray me and I will not betray you.

But that wasnt enough to make Sarah believe in me.

Your will doesnt matter. The abyss will take you over someday. When that happens you will no longer recognize Patrick as a friend.

Is that what Adams thought? Theres no evidence that he was correct is there?

Perhaps she is worried that I will be swallowed by the abyss but I have Bell.


I figured this is what the conversation would turn into but I consider Patrick a friend so I wanted to talk normally before I left.

See you around Patrick, good luck.

I wanted to have a more pleasant conversation with patrick but it turned out like this in the end. I said goodbye with my back towards him and walked away.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com


I heard Patrick shout from behind me.

I dont know how to react anymore.

We! NoTo my Youre my best friend!


Heh.Best friend huh?.Then see you around best friend.


It was raining today. It was sunny earlier but now we couldnt really see anything anymore and all you could hear was the rain hitting the ground.


Im glad I was wearing a mask other wise I would be soaked.

Lets go..

When I spoke my three companions smiled like usual and I no longer looked back.

After exiting the main gates we saw several carriages there but one was about 5 times larger than the ones you would see normally. When the door to it opened I saw Schneiser appear from the inside. I thought I knew the reason why he had been waiting for me so I decided to take the time to thank him.

You really helped me out by finding me not guilty.

But even after I said that Schneisers expression did not change.

Its a little different than not guilty. You have been left in my care. However I do not intend to restrain you nor am I going to be keeping watch over you.


The rain has gotten pretty strong. Why dont we speak in the carriage?

Im pretty sure the inquisitions final decision was because of this guy. He was after all the one who told me not to lie or say anything about the abyss. Of course I also have the promise with Leonardo as well.

In that case since Im talking with you now this means that my promise with Leonardo has also been fulfilled correct?

Hmm, I shall inform him when I return.

Then another king appeared from a carriage nearby. It was the Queen of the republic of Delorite.

Nito, I am Sylvia from the Republic of Delorite. Could I have a moment of your time?

What a strange queen. She has a butler but is holding her own umbrella, even Schnieser has his butler holding his.

What is it?

It wont take long I just had something I wanted to tell you.


Do you need me to give you permission to speak to me twice?

Nito, youre a hero!

She suddenly grabbed me by both of my shoulders.

Please dont forget that! There are many more things that I would like to talk with you about so the country of Delorite welcomes you. If youre ever in the area be sure to stop by.

She bowed and then left with her butler. She doesnt seem like a bad person, in fact she kind of reminds me of Sierra. Anyway for now the four of us were invited into Schniesers carriage.

Inside the sofa was like a mobile apartment, we were guided into a carpeted living room and invited to sit down on a sofa with Schneiser sitting down on one opposite us. Why did they even build hotels at the venue!?

Im going to be straightforward.

Schneiser began the conversation.

I want you to come to Dams Arden.

Thats what I thought.

Whats your reason?

I pretty much know.

As I explained earlier you have been left in my care. But more so, I would like to form an alliance with you.

An Alliance?

A promise made between like minded people, alliance. But

Arent you the king of a country!? Im just an adventurer. How can a country have an alliance with one man?

Ive never heard of it before either?


Is this guy making fun of me or something?

I guess normally you would either hire them or absorb them into your country.

I guess customarily you would ennoble or give them a knighthood if you wanted them as part of your country.

But you want to form an alliance?

Right, thats why I want you to come to Dams Arden.


Why do I have to go all the way there just to form this alliance?

It is impossible for someone to form an alliance with just a single individual since that is what you are currently I would like you to come with me so that I may give you the title of Great Mage.

Great Mage?

Ive heard about it several times. Its the highest rank a mage can earn.

Thats correct, I have given a letter of recommendation to the mage church in Dams Arden.


This guy is just doing whatever he wants now.

I sent a letter of recommendation to the mage church.

I heard you, the first time. Im asking why I have to be a great mage?

Hmm? I see

Schnieser looked surprised.

You dont know what a great mage is?

What do you mean?

Schnieser began to explain.

No country would be willing to form an alliance or go out of their way to contact a mage. However this is different when it comes to a great mage. A great mage is considered to have National-class power. While no country would go out of their way to deal with a normal mage, a great mage may be treated as a country in and of themself making it okay for countries to form such relationships with them.

A country?

Those that have acquired the title of great mage will be recognized as a country from that point on. As long as they are a country, even though they are just a mage they cannot be absorbed into another country. However even though they are still just an individual they are recognized as a country so other countries may form alliances with them.

And? What do you mean by alliance?

I more or less understand the system now.

First you will be my backing and I will be yours. At some point other countries or organizations may try to recruit you, however if you are a Great mage they will be unable to do so. If something goes wrong with that you will have Dams Arden to back you up. Similarly if someone was to turn their attention to Dams Arden we would have you to back us up.

So does that mean that hes trying to make it so that no one else can touch me?

I dont mean to deceive you. However if we do form and alliance could you try not to cause any problems and reduce how often you use the abyss?

The abyss In other words he knows everything? Does this mean that the other kings knew of it as well and that the reason for me being declared innocent was under the assumption of me forming this alliance?

I hate being tied down. Besides, no matter what the seven kings think of me I am just an adventurer.

Of course, I have no intention of binding you to me. However you also are no longer just an adventurer. Meaning that other forces will come and try to recruit you, when that happens how will you repel them? With force? I believe that would cause even more problems for you. However if you form an alliance with me then that would be prevented.

If I refuse him here then I will be pursued even further. In other words I really cant refuse..

Is master going to become a great mage?


Nem asked happily.

Lord Nito is already a great mage so it is a natural result!

Even Sufilia is joining in?

So, what are we going to do? Are we going to Dams Arden?

Why is Toa so enthusiastic about this? Doesnt she want to go home?

I dont mind becoming a great mage but I dont think it will really matter.

Mages are just political tools and magic is a tool in and of itself.

An alliance huh.

You dont have to decide right now but if youre not in a hurry why not come to Dams Arden for now?

I cant help but be a little worried but what I shouldnt do is be indecisive.

Well, if you three are okay with it why dont we go for now?


I will follow after Lord Nito!

Its up to you.

Well if everyone is fine with it

In that case Nito I formally invite you to Dams Arden.

Schnieser instructed the coachman where to take us and the carriage began to move. A surprise adventure is always good after all thats what adventuring is all about. After we visit Dams Arden then we can go to the demon country. Then suddenly the door to the next room opened.


Hello Nito.

I have heard this voice before.

What is going on? Why is Francesca and Dolly here?

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