A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 178: William

Chapter 178: William

After gaining the title of great mage we all went to a nearby restaurant that William recommended. We had a few drinks and I was interviewed by Francesca. It was annoying but if she doesnt promote the fact that Im a great mage now then there really isnt any point to me having the title.

I see, so that large amount of red water was caused by Nitos magic, correct?

Yeah. I was told I could use whatever magic I wanted so I did.

Francesca ended the interview after that while Dolly somehow refrained from taking pictures as I wasnt wearing my mask right now.

Master, what are you going to do now that youre a great mage?

I didnt really have anything planned out that I could use as an answer to Nems question though.

Well for the time being were going to form an alliance with Dams Arden and then Thats all Ive got right now.

Then Sufilia spoke up.

Even if you have become a great mage the world wont know unless its made public. Forming an alliance is a great way to do that as Im sure it will be a big deal for the people of this country.

Should we make an alliance with the demon country next then?

Toa asked.

Even if I said that was the case I dont have any specific plans for it. If you want to explore this country we can stay here for a while since we arent really in that big of a hurry. Besides, adventures are supposed to be spontaneous right?

After that William spoke up with a smile on his face.

You sure are a strange one Nito. You have great magical talent but for you adventures just seem to happen. Most adventures have a schedule or at least a destination in mind. But more importantly, Nito there is something I want to talk to you about the great mage title.

Talk to me about?

What is it that he wants to say?

I believe there was an evaluation for getting the title was there not?


Part of that was the threat level evaluation correct?

Now that you mention it there was.

They did say that to become a great mage they would judge me on power, threat level, and job.

So the threat level is to judge how threatening a person can be and as a result that person is treated as a country by other people.

Okay..meaning what?

It is safer to keep watch over dangerous people that leave them to their own devices. In other words now that Nito has the title of great mage he is under the supervision of the church.


Theyre surveilling me? That sounds very unpleasant but William was still talking.

Of course there are benefits to you becoming a great mage. For example, youre invited to attend the mage gatherings hosted by the church. This is where aristocrats and other wealthy individuals request mages from the church to complete certain requests that they pay a very high price for.

I see, Im not particular strapped for cash but I guess if the request was interesting enough I might accept it.

There is something else that is important. Did you receive a piece of paper from the judges?

I did get a piece of paper but when I tried to take it out to show him..


It was a card that came out of my pocket.

Oh? It seems that the application procedure has already been completed.

Its been completed? What does that mean didnt the receptionist say that she was going to apply for me or something?

It would seem that you didnt get an explanation. The paper is supposed to change into that card as soon as the procedure has been completed. This card proves that Nito is now a great mage. Certain information will be sent to that card from time to time as well, such as when and where the mage gathering is, the requests that I talked about, etc. It also allows you to use the churches facilities, oh maybe we should talk about this somewhere else?

Apparently this card is pretty valuable, maybe I caused everyone to panic a little to much seeing how they completely forgot to tell me anything. Without William here to explain things I probably would have just thrown this card away.

Anyway, the kings will now begin to recognize you as a great mage level threat. Of course even I have heard about your amazing feats and about how you fought off the demon army. However, becoming a great mage offers you a different level of recognition.

In other words from now on I will be recognized as the great mage Nito and will be seen as a threat. This was probably why I was found not guilty at the inquisition.

I see.It cant be helped I guess.

Maybe I should thank Schneiser and think of this as a good thing.

I understand now, thank you for explaining all of this to me.

Although I was still a little curious about the mage church, I really didnt know much about them.

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William, you seem to be quite familiar with the mage church. Do you mind telling me a little about it?

No problem.

He then began to explain.

Nito, you know about the wizard of genesis, Adams, right?

Of course.

That will make this a lot quicker then. The mage church was established by Adams. It is an organization that manages powerful mages, because of this many of the kings from various countries invest in it as well. Ixos is of course also closely related to Adams but it follows the rule of the pope. Those who live in that country see Adams as a god but it is different for the mage church.

The mage church sees Adams as a leader while Ixos worships him as a god.

Although in terms of power Ixos is probably more powerful. After all the mage church is just a management system.

William, Adams is dead right?

William answered with an odd smile on his face.

Of course, no one actually knows when the church was created.

So in other words the mage church is a stupid organization that just blindly believes in Adams will, it feels the same as Halekuwait and Fishnatica.

Im more interested in the raid on Nito by the demons.

William suddenly changed the subject, why would he be interested in that?

Ask me whatever you want.

I dont have anything to hide.

I want to know why that demons appeared in the first place?

Toa who was sitting across from him looked away at that question.

Hmm Well its not really a secret but thats because Toa is a demon.

I see..

William fell silent for a moment although he looked at Toa several times.

Shastain attacked the humans trying to get to me.

Toa said.

William didnt seem to react to what she said but instead appeared to be thinking about it calmly.

I see. Since Toa is a demon, that must mean that you have reasonably high magic power.

William had a mysterious look on his face.

This might be rude but, as far as demons and Shastain go, is Toa considered unique?

I might be a demon but I am from Urzora, not Shastain.

Williams expression began to change as Toa explained.

I see, so the ruler of Shastain was a woman but Toa is part of the ruling family in Urzora?

I was surprised when he said this, its a little scary how quickly this person catches on.

It wasnt that complicated of a story.

William seemed to have understood something from the expression on my face again.

Cases like this are not uncommon. There are other nations that are ruled by females and where it is customary to take magical power into consideration when choosing the ruler. It would seem that the Demon country isnt so different after all.

Although William seemed to have a good idea he didnt have any specific information about the demon country.,

So why was Nito charged with a crime?

William changed the topic again, although it seems that he is already aware of how I killed a student.

I see, I have known Schneiser for a long time and I do not doubt his judgement.

That said I didnt necessarily think that Schneiser was trying to fool me in any way.

When I first met you I was full of dreams about this world and was ignorant. However since then I have made friends and traveled, on those travels I have come to realize that there is no country that is decent. There are only those countries that oppress beastmen and permit slavery.

Why was I telling William all this? He and Sierra were the first ones to have a decent conversation with me in this world but that felt like such a long time ago.

Did the world seem that strange?

William asked quietly.

Yeah, First, I think that Pascantin and Utopiya should be destroyed.

Toa called my name when I said that. Her voice sounded a little worried. But beastmen and dwarves are wonderful creatures and

Humans only oppress others.

Everything had gone quiet before I noticed.

Pardon me for saying such things!

I dont think its possible to repair the situation now.


William said something strange to me.

Why dont you just make your own country?


Create a country where no one is oppressed.

Create a country?

I never though about that. Can you even make a country in the first place? What does it even take to make one?

In other words, Im supposed to become a king?

Yeah, it wouldnt be unusual for a great mage to form a country, Rare but..

But can I even make a country? I dont really have the knowledge required for that?

I do.

I see.

This conversation started to seem fishy, William seemed to know a lot though. Is it just because I dont trust people easily any more, maybe I have a habit of doubting others but I didnt feel any malicious intent coming off of him.

Do be honest, I came to this country to see Nito.

Huh? To see me?

Yes. I would like to get straight to the point. I want to make use of your power.


Williams just stated that he wanted to use me.

Use? Can I hear your reasoning?

Francesca was grinning while she listened, although both Toa and Sufilia had their eyes wide open. It seems they were in shock at the thought of me creating a country.

I recently spoke with a merchant by the name of Bartholomew Roberts in the town of week.

Who is that?

I dont think I know them?

Oh you dont know him? Roberts said that he was a close friend of yours.

Roberts.Roberts Is that the guy that owned the liquor store where I sold old gert?

Im not sure if its the same Roberts that I know.

Roberts said that he bought some Old Gert from You.

I see, it would seem we are talking about the same person then.

No one in the merchant world doesnt know who Roberts is as he is a descendent of someone known as the wine millionaire Hayden Roberts.

I feel like Ive heard that name somewhere before.

What happened to him?

Before that lets continue with what we were talking about. I have traveled all over the continent and all for the sole purpose of creating my own country. I met many people on my journey who could help me when the time was right. However, I came to realize a problem, I didnt have someone who could be king of this country.

I see

I have no idea what this guy is talking about anymore.

I wanted to create a country but I did not want to be king. I just dont have the ability to be king. It also takes a great deal of money so I thought about just starting a town at first and collecting taxes to expand but that seems a little too boring doesnt it?

I dont know?

To be honest I just wanted to travel.

I dont want to be a king but I do want to create a country.

Our eyes met.

Do you want to be a king Nito?

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