A NEET’s Guide to the Parallel World: Healer, the Strongest Cheat?

Chapter 182: Dismissed

Chapter 182: Dismissed

My king, please flee!

No! Absolutely not! Im the king so why should I have to run away!?

He was inside a large room of the castle, with the Great wall corp destroyed it seemed as if there was no one left to protect Tonpearl. Of course there are guards everywhere in the castle but they are more of a decoration. In other words once the castle is invaded it is easy to reach the king, Tonpearl never thought that his way of doing things and making his guards just pretty things that he kept around would one day destroy him.

Ive contacted Dams Arden, they will be here soon. Just be patient.

All of those that surrounded the king were put there due to his favor. In other words the only reason that they served the king was because they were taken in by the power of their position. They thought that for the rest of their lives they wouldnt have to worry about food or honor, all they would have to do was just follow Tonpearl.

Tonpearl stomped on the ground in indignation. Beastmen were gathered in the corner of the room in fear as they had no idea what was going on.

I will protect this place with my life! My father gave this castle to me, I cannot turn my back on it!

Tonpearls attachment to the castle ran deep. The aides however stepped out into the corridor checking in either direction. Being beside the king for so long had caused their senses danger to deteriorate and neither they nor the king were aware theat their deaths were imminent.

Meanwhile Ankh and the other two entered the royal castle and their destination was the exact room that the king was waiting in.

Whats wrong with this castle? Why is the security so lax?

It had been a while since they entered the castle now but they had not come across a single guard. Although the castle was poorly guarded that didnt mean that there were no guards as two women appeared in front of them.

Beastmen huh?

The two beastment had fox ears growing from the tops of their heads and tails, but other than that they looked identical to humans. When they saw Ankh and the other two they looked frightened.


Romero added.

They are probably Tonpearls slaves. The pig captures beautiful beast women and calls them his collection.

I see, evacuate any others before joining Alicia. Although you might want to hurry a little.

Is something wrong?

Lana asked.

I can feel a presence outside the country. I assume they are probably a reconnaissance unit because they arent moving.

So they have informed other countries about what is happening then?

Dams Arden.

Somehow Ankh was able to identify them from this distance as Lana walked up to the two beast women.

Dont be scared. We have freed all the slaves from the factories already so all thats left are those of you that are in the castle.

The two women looked at each other in confusion. Their eyes were lifeless as if they could no longer understand the concept of happiness. When Ankh walked up to them they grew even more frightened because of his strange appearance.

Are you tired of living?

In response to that question the womens eyes opened a little wider.

Your life is yours so if you want to die then thats fine. However I have come here to kill Tonpearl, so why not go on living and get revenge against the one who locked you up with your own two hands?

Ankh told them that he was here to kill Tonpearl as he thought that might be the only thing that could give them hope.

It doesnt matter if hes killed because your wounds wont heal. However you should feel some release from the pain. So if you want help then reach out, however if you want to be left alone then we will leave you here. This country is going to be destroyed though.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ankh just stood there after he said that waiting for a response.

Ill follow you.

One of the beast women answered quietly.

Then I will help you. We are heading to where the king is, you can either follow us or you can wait near the gate and my friends will come and pick you up. What will you do?

F, Follow you.

Me too.

The looked up at the mask that Ankh wore and answered with a slight tone of desperation.


He then touched them both on the head without warning.

Dont worry, Im just going to heal your wounds a little.

The two of them seemed confused for a moment before a green light seemed to spill out of the palm of Ankhs hand.

It wont be complete because I cannot heal the spirit. It doesnt matter how good you are because magic has its limits.

Although he said this the expressions on the faces of the two women began to grow brighter.

That should do it.

Strength seemed to have slightly returned to their eyes.

Romero, Lana, bring them along.


Got it.

Ankh started to walk forward again and the two women followed him, supported by Romero and Lana. However it seemed that Ankh had lost a bit of his composure now, the evidence was in the shaking of the castle around them. His magical power began to leak out due to the anger he felt and was affecting their surroundings.

Alicia, once you have finished the evacuation come to the castle immediately.

The went up a large staircase as Ankh telepathically contacted Alicia. Just beyond the stairs they had ascended was the room where the king was waiting.

Theyre here. I can feel the magical power of Tonpearl and several others inside.

Lord Ankh, allow me to enter first.

Lana suggested.

No.They seem to be waiting. And I put your safety first so I will be the one to enter, although there is no cause for worry. There is no one here with the power to kill me.

Ankh opened the door slowly.


A command was heard echoing out inside the room and various types of magic were cast. Fire, water, magic spears and arrows, all of this flew towards the door and merged into each other.

I dont want to waste time here.

As he said that Ankh erased all the magic that had been coming towards him. Everyone just stood around staring at him with a dumb look on their faces. No one was able to understand what had just happened as Ankh entered the room. His eyes followed along the walls, they passed over the king who was protected by numerous aides as he stood on his terrace. Ankh didnt even pause as he saw this but instead looked over into the corner of the room at those who were huddled together, the beastmen.

He saw all different races there including some dwarves as well. Further past them was the door to the open bathroom where even more of them could be seen. Like the ones he had found in the hallway all of them were only wearing thin white undergarments. It was then that he realized why all of them had been captured, they were all here to satisfy the kings lust.

I see, so youve managed to get this far then.

Ankh slowly turned to look at Tonpearl.

You really are trash.

The look in the eyes of the aides protecting the king grew hostile. However Tonpearl pushed his way through them to the front.

Who the hell are you!? What are you doing here and why did you enter without permission!? Commoners like you cannot enter here, this is the kings sacred room!


Ankh laughed loudly as Tonpearls expression cramped. He could tell that the man dressed in white was not an ordinary person.

You really cant see it. You are all garbage, but despite that fact you are unaware of the rotten odor that you give off.

What did you just say to me!? I am the king of Pascantin, what makes you think that you can get away with saying all of that!?

Tonpearl was enraged but all he could do was spout empty words as Ankh spread his arms.

To the other fools in this room. Are you not tired of taking care of the pig? You are all, dismissed.

In the next moment all of their heads seemed to have been blown off. They remained standing for a moment as blood spouted out from their necks in a red shower coating everything around them. The curtains, the floor, the walls and most off all Tonpearl who had been standing right in the center of all of them.

Uaaaaagh, Gross! Im dirty now! Gross!

Fuhahahaha, You cant get any more dirty than you already are. That isnt possible for trash.

In the next moment Tonpearl was lifted off of his feet into the air as Ankh activated a strange ability.

I..I cant move!

Tonpearl kicked his legs and moaned in agony then after a moment he appeared to have fainted.

What do we do now?

Romero had entered the room now.

Alicia and everyone is now helping us evacuate everyone from the castle. You two should hurry and join her, take them with you as well.

By them he meant the beast women who were in the room.

We will execute this pig somewhere else and we also have to take out the group from Dams Arden. Ill do that myself though.


Romero and Lana walked up to each of the beastmen in the room and explained what was happening while Ankh left the room with Tonpearl floating behind him.

Lord Ankh!

The voice belonged to Alicia.

The evacuation will be completed soon!

Good, is everyone outside?

Yes, they are waiting outside the walls.

Okay, Im going to go ahead with this pig. There are scouts from Dams Arden here, they are a little annoying as I dont want our existence to be revealed just yet.

Okay, Ill hurry.

Thank you, Lana and Romero should be coming soon.

As Ankh left Alicia continued to rescue the slaves from inside the castle. When he reached the town and began to walk through it the empty factories began to explode. However Ankh didnt even look in their direction as they did because they seemed to be doing so due to one of Ankhs abilities. As he exited the main gate and stepped outside of the walls he saw a horde of slaves that had been evacuated. Pascantin was not a small country by any means and the amount of slaves that had been rescued was a startling amount. Some were humans but most were from other races.

Lord Ankh.

When Ankhs followers noticed that he was there they walked up to him to get their orders.

The other three will be bringing more so just wait here for a while. I am going to go and get rid of the rats.

Ankh was looking off into the wilderness as he said this but his followers just tilted their heads in confusion.

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