A Proud Man Called Himself A Medicinal God!

Chapter 1327: It’s You

Chapter 1327: It's You

Shen Xiang didn't know where the top of the Five Snake Mountain was, but after asking around, he found out that it was outside the wilderness not far from the center of the main palace. There was a mountain that looked like five snakes coiled together.

It was just getting dark, but Shen Xiang had already arrived at the top of the Five Snakes Mountain, waiting for the arrival of Uncle Li. Before he came, he had inquired about Uncle Li. He only knew that Uncle Li had suddenly appeared, had no background, and his strength was unknown, but his alchemy skills were very advanced. Although he only stayed on the third floor to help people refine earth-level pills, many people thought that he might be an alchemy immortal.

He has been in Wandan Tower for more than ten years. During this period, many major forces have tried to win him over, but none of them have succeeded. Moreover, his strength seems to be very strong.

Late at night, the silver moonlight shone on the top of the Five Snake Mountain. Shen Xiang lay on a flat stone, bathing in the moonlight and admiring the bright stars in the sky. The starry sky here was the same as the one he saw in Emperor Tian, ??but it seemed to be brighter here. Just as he was staring in a daze, he suddenly heard Grandpa Li's loud laughter.

"Master Jianglongmen, I guess you are here a long time ago."

This sentence scared Shen Xiang and also made him alert.

"Do you recognize me?" Shen Xiang's face was full of caution, his whole body tensed up, as if facing a powerful enemy.

"Look at me like that. If I had any ill will towards you, I wouldn't have made an appointment to meet you here! After all, we should be considered family. My apprentice is doing very well in your Jianglongmen." Uncle Li said with a smile.

Shen Xiang was stunned for a moment, then asked in surprise: "Are you Li Tianjun?"

Back when they were still in the mortal martial arts world, Dan King Li Tianjun was already famous, and Li Baojun was his disciple. However, he later heard that Li Tianjun lost to an old woman and lost everything.

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"How did you recognize me? I have deceived many powerful guys." Shen Xiang was still wary.

"I can't really explain that feeling. It's the experience I've accumulated from years of alchemy. As long as you get close to me, I can sense that wonderful feeling. It's hard to explain. I've heard my apprentice talk about you, so I guessed it was most likely you." Li Tianjun looked confused when he talked about this, and he himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

"Maybe because the path you take is different from mine, but the goal is the same, so I feel this way."

"When did Elder Li mention me to you?" Shen Xiang asked, "Can you still contact him now?"

"About twenty years ago. It's impossible now. Di Tian is becoming more and more solid, and it's hard to convey the information here! At that time, he mentioned to me your unique method of alchemy, so when you refined the life-saving pill last time, I knew it was you." Li Tianjun said.

Now Shen Xiang saw his old man appearance, which of course was not his original appearance, he had also disguised himself.

"I'm just wondering why you didn't stay in the palace? Weren't you doing well in Shop No. 6 at the beginning? Why did you run out later? I also heard that you were from Demon-Slaying Peak." Li Tianjun asked curiously.

"That Sixth Prince is not a good guy, so I ran away!" Shen Xiang sighed: "Now he is the king here, so I have to be more careful."

Li Tianjun certainly didn't know about the other things he was doing here.

"Senior Li, why are you here too? I heard that you lost to a guy called Bixia Danxian." Shen Xiang asked, not afraid of hurting Li Tianjun's feelings, because Li Baojun said that his master was very easy to get along with.

Li Tianjun shook his head and smiled: "I can't help it. I am also a human being. I always lose sometimes. I have to say that Bixia Danxian is really amazing. I was too arrogant at that time. But this is a good thing for me. It made me grow a lot."

"It's great to meet an acquaintance here, even though this is the first time we meet!" Li Tianjun patted Shen Xiang's shoulder and laughed.

"Senior Li, to be honest, I have to thank you. Although I have never met you before, the medicine gardens you left behind have been of great help to me." Shen Xiang looked solemn.

"You're welcome. The things I left behind are nothing. They are all things I think are useless." Li Tianjun looked at the busy city in the distance: "I just didn't expect that a guy like you could have such a powerful ability and take a different path."

"I can teach you that alchemy technique." Shen Xiang said immediately.

"No need for that. I also want to try and see if I can break through those rigid rules and walk my own path. That would give me a greater sense of accomplishment." Li Tianjun smiled with relief.

This made Shen Xiang admire her even more. Compared with Wang Qiongjin, the difference was obvious.

"It won't be long before Bixia Danxian comes here, and then maybe I'll compete with her again." Li Tianjun sighed softly.

"Oh? Is it a competition held by the new king? I will also participate when the time comes." Shen Xiang said: "I am going to get the prize. This new king should not be stingy."

Li Tianjun smiled and said, "He Peiqing has always been generous, so the prizes will definitely be good things. However, those who can hold on to the end will all be at the level of Danxian. The details will depend on the rules of the competition."

"Isn't this competition open to all the alchemists?" Shen Xiang frowned.

"That's true, but anyone can participate. At that time, we will specify rules suitable for all alchemists to participate. However, the alchemy level of Danxian is definitely much higher than that of other alchemists. Among the layers of competition, I'm afraid only alchemists can stand out." Li Tianjun said: "But if it's you, maybe you can break this pattern at that time."

Shen Xiang felt a lot of pressure just thinking about competing with a large group of Alchemy Immortals, not to mention that Li Tianjun would also participate. Although he had walked a different path of alchemy through the art of Tianlian, he was still too young.

"This time it can be said that He Peiqing is directly challenging the Holy Pill Realm in order to establish his prestige. It can be said that it is a contest between the alchemists of the entire Wandan Immortal Kingdom and the alchemists of the Holy Pill Realm. However, I don't have to represent the Wandan Immortal Kingdom at that time. It would be more interesting if I could defeat the Holy Pill Realm and the Wandan Immortal Kingdom in one fell swoop." Li Tianjun smiled slightly and looked into the distance with full ambition.

Shen Xiang clenched his fists slightly and said with a smile: "It would be even more interesting if I could defeat a large group of Danxians in one fell swoop!"

Li Tianjun looked at Chen Xiang and said with a loud smile: "I am very much looking forward to it."

"But then again, you don't need to get first place. As long as you can make it to the last batch, it will be enough to slap those alchemy immortals in the face. But you also have to be careful not to reveal your identity. During the competition, many big names from major forces will come, maybe even the Dragon Emperor will come." Li Tianjun's face became serious.

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