A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 115: 88 Accumulation (Vote for Recommendations)

“Now is not the time to send envoys,”

Grandfather Andrew shook his head, “At present, Yatun needs to first conceal itself and accumulate more trump cards, more aces!”

“We need to train our troops, then boost our military strength as much as


In the land of Miracle Mainland, though the economy is also needed, compared to military strength, it really doesn’t amount to much.

Only with a strong fist, with power, can you protect yourself, can you plunder others.

This logic, Bailuo understood better than anyone.

“The war with Morgan, in fact, is also imminent,” Elder Mountain Grandpa also said, “We don’t have any sources of information. Although it’s true that the enemy is exposed while we are hidden, conversely, it could also mean that we are exposed while the enemy is hidden.

Because neither side knows the situation of the other, it is up to Morgan to

decide when to attack.

As for Bailuo’s situation, Morgan couldn’t possibly fully understand it either.

“What about taking the initiative to attack?”

Grandfather Andrew spoke up, “When the time comes, we could strike first, wipe out all of Morgan’s pirate groups in the Eastern and Northern Seas, and eradicate his forces.”

The Tree Elves, having awakened to the Miracle Power, had greatly increased their strength, and they were becoming somewhat inflated.

Even the typically modest and gentle Grandfather Andrew became an advocate for war when facing external enemies, and he was very firm.

“Morgan’s deterrent power is divided into two parts: the first is the Miracle

Power, the second is the massive pirate groups.”

Even though Elder Mountain Grandpa was in charge of logistics, he had, in the past, traveled everywhere with Uncle, and when it came to war experience, he was far beyond Bailuo, Sister, and the others.

“The former will require initiating the War of Miracles to determine the victor.”

“But for the latter, if we, the People of Yatun, decide to take action, we can completely clear the Eastern Waters in the shortest time.”

To the People of Yatun, a bunch of mere mortals as pirates, even if there were

fifty thousand or a hundred thousand, would still be no match.

They were just numbers, waiting for death, that’s all.

“The risk is too great.”

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“You all underestimate Morgan’s strength. With our current military level, it would be very difficult to confront Morgan directly without several years’ time.”

Uncle’s thoughts differed from those of Grandfather Andrew and Elder

Mountain Grandpa; he did not agree with trying to take control of the seas now, as there was no meaning in that.

The People of Yatun did not need those empty gains, and Bailuo, having discussed with Uncle, knew the pros and cons.

The intentions of Elder Mountain Grandpa and Grandfather Andrew were actually very clear; they wanted to expand towards the mainland and lay the groundwork for the future war with the Iron Eagle Kingdom.

But they were too hasty, and they underestimated Morgan1 s strength too much.

If Morgan’s territory over the seas were to be viewed as a rectangle, then by making two vertical cuts and one horizontal cut, it would turn into six smaller regions.

Yatun Island was located in the top right corner of these six regions, the one in the very corner.

It was situated to the south of Hiruen, which was under Count Thorn’s dominion. Almost all the coastal areas could be controlled through these waters.

To be honest, Bailuo also wanted to gain this area.

Because in doing so, Bailuo would be able to cut off the trade of Thistle Province and even build defensive fortifications along the coastal regions.

“Furthermore, pirates are merely ordinary people at the end of the day. In the eyes of the Master of Miracles, just another ten or twenty years would suffice to raise a new batch of pirates.”

“Whether Morgan would engage in confrontation with a Master of Miracles over a few mortals he sees as expendable, remains to be seen.

Masters of Miracles liken themselves to gods; how could they deign to regard those ordinary pirates?

But if Bailuo really struck at Morgan’s face, it would truly become enmity, and that would not be beneficial to the People of Yatun.

“However, no matter what, we cannot sit passively and just take hits.” Old Uncle said to Bailuo, “Even if we must fight, we should choose a battlefield outside of Yatun.”

Indeed, there were Lilith’s stone golem puppets and war ancient trees, but Morgan had miracles too.

Allowing Miracle Power to clash on Yatun Island, what difference would it be from bombarding our capital?

“The Little Witches’ powers are steadily increasing; in a month and a half, we can obtain more Miracle Troop Types.”

The current military strength of Yatun mainly consists of over twenty People of Yatun, as well as eighty Tree Elves.

Beyond that, there are some fairies as well.

Having undergone the training arranged by Old Uncle, the fairies should also be able to offer Yatun a few new Miracle Troop Types in a month and a half.

“With 400 members of the Fairy Clan, we should be able to turn at least half into soldiers.”

This way, 200 fairies plus 70 Tree Elves and 20 witches (10 Tree Elves were included among the witches).

Nearly 300 Miracle Troop Types would make the People of Yatun overwhelmingly superior against any Pirate Group.

To put it bluntly, can the pirates injure the Tree Elves if they just stand there and take the attacks?

Without Miracle Power, it would be very hard to shake the life force of the Tree Elves.

You cut them, and they heal immediately.

For pirates to fight Tree Elves, it’s practically no different from seeking death. “However, the problem is, the exact combat strength of our Miracle Troop Types of Yatun is still unknown.”

Old Uncle said, “Sigurian under Morgan’s command, his miracle army, just so happens to provide us with an opportunity to test Yatun’s military strength.

Yatun is not an average nation, but a Miracle Kingdom.

Apart from wars of miracles, meaning those involving Miracle Troop Types and Miracle Power, Yatun holds an invincible advantage in ordinary warfare.

Just as it is now, even if Bailuo rules over a population of hundreds of thousands, if there are those among them who want to rebel, it would be easy for Yatun’s Miracle Troop Types to suppress them.

This is the fundamental reason Bailuo doesn’t mind introducing a foreign population.

He holds the knife, and they are but fish on the chopping board.

Bailuo can choose to kill them any time he wants-none would escape!

As for Sigurian’s power, he was stronger than all the Miracle Troop Types Yatun currently possessed; however, Old Uncle was certain that Sigurian was no match for Sherri and Lilith.

“Additionally, we’ve been away from the mainland for almost two months now.”

Old Uncle said, “I reckon the news of our departure should also have reached the Iron Eagle Kingdom by now.”

Having killed those merchants, even with the information so secluded, there would still be awareness.

Then there’s the Venomous Snake Gang, a rather influential local gang in the Ancient City Xilu’en; Old Uncle felt that eventually, they would become an obstacle for Yatun.

“We’re already overseas, and we already possess considerable strength.

“Even if they investigate and find out,” Bailuo said indifferently, “do they dare chase us all the way here?”

“Let them come. We’ll kill them one by one.”

Bailuo and the People of Yatun were no longer the rootless drifters they once were.

They now have a foothold and possess Miracle Power to protect themselves.

Witches, fairies, Pegasi, Tree Elves…

The People of Yatun long for war, and Bailuo, in this life, is also one of the People of Yatun.

Thus, he looks forward with anticipation, to the moment the People of Yatun step onto their stage in this world for the first time…

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