A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 45 - 33 Predecessor King of Yatun (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 45: Chapter 33 Predecessor King of Yatun (Seeking Recommendations)

Translator: 549690339

The Ancient City Xilu’en was established by the People of Yatun as a coastal city eight hundred years ago.

It was the place where the People of Yatun landed after crossing the vast ocean in search of the New Continent. To the ancient Yatuns, this ancient city was no different from a peace dove bringing an olive branch.

“Unfortunately, when the Iron Eagle King rebelled, this place also suffered looting,”

“So compared to the ancient glory, it has indeed fallen into disrepair,”

Uncle, recounting the disaster of those days to Bailuo, had not witnessed it with his own eyes, but the places where the Yatuns once lived still retain a large amount of classical literature.

Having read these documents, Uncle knew just how splendid and great the Kingdom of Yatun once was.

‘Without relying on the power of miracles, by our own mortal hands, we too can stand between heaven and earth!’

“The predecessor kings of Yatun, impressive indeed,”

Bailuo commented on the Predecessor King of Yatun, “Not everyone has such courage.”

Regrettably, in this world, miracles are most important. Choosing to swim against the current, they could only be ultimately eliminated.

“However, at least they have proven to us the drawbacks of not relying on miraculous power.”

When those around you are using firearms and you’re still pursuing punch and kick, it’s simply too foolish.

The spirit is commendable, but surrounded by robbers.

You’d at least need to survive first, then contemplate how to implement your ideas, right?

Bailuo never denied the predecessors’ ideology, but how did that saying go?— Grown-ups, times have changed.

“Blocking my way! Get out of the way!”

Ahead, a lavishly dressed fat man was whipping a group of refugees, and Bailuo frowned slightly.

Refugees congregated here, seemingly unaware of which area had been struck by flood disasters, resulting in a large number of people being left homeless.

The Iron Eagle Kingdom had no plans for relief, and these people didn’t dare to rebel.

So, the best future they face is to become someone’s slave; if luck turns sour, they could only wait to die in a reeking ditch.

“Such ugliness,”

The senior sister, riding horseback and following Bailuo, fell a bit behind and said, “Though the Iron Eagle possesses so many miracles, why don’t they bring a better life to this country?”

The wonder of miracles, the senior sister had already felt it.

If Lilith’s power could be better developed and utilized, the whole Iron Eagle Kingdom could transform and attain sublimation.

Fortunately, although the senior sister hated it, she did not lament.

Her nature was too cold, her only warmth given to Bailuo and the Yatuns.

The life and death of outsiders, the senior sister always indifferent to.

“This is also why I look down on the Iron Eagle King,”

Uncle and senior sister, both riding ordinary horses, including Nors and Jiera, he said, “A Middle-ranking Miracle can create a Miracle Kingdom, yet the Iron Eagle King does not aspire to advance. For over two hundred years, his country remains the same.”

Countless refugees, most of them suffer from hunger and cold, while a few hold the country’s wealth and power.

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Theyjoinhands with the upper tiers, monopolizing the country’s resources.

“Why is it like this?”

Bailuo asked Uncle, “Don’t those Masters of Miracles care?”

“It’s not that they don’t care, but they don’t need to,”

Senior sister told Bailuo, “Miracle Lords, compared to common folk, are like deities to mortals. What they possess isn’t power, but strength.”

Strength is fundamental; those powerful merchants, frankly, are no more than dogs they keep.

Miracle Lords can replace them at any time.

And in order not to be replaced, they must demonstrate their value, to let the great ones above see that they can bring luxuries of the ultimate indulgence.

If the Miracle Lords want gourmet food, they must contribute; if they want beauties, they must find them everywhere.

“Immense pressure has turned these people hideously ugly,” the senior sister said, “They vent their brutality on the weak, ultimately creating such a country.”

The upper step on the lower, the strong humiliate the weak.

If you get killed, blame only yourself.

No laws, no morals, all like beasts of the wild ages, knowing only slaughter and ‘cannibalism’.

“I’ve been to many countries, but of all the places, only the Iron Eagle has this desolate look,”

Uncle shookhis head and sighed, saying, “It’s mainly the geographic location of the Iron Eagle, the Mountains, the ever-night; these formidable kingdoms serve as a barrier between it and the Far North Empire and Holy Empire.”

“Without the threat of foreign enemies, naturally, they lack the motivation to progress.”

Bailuo also knew about this geographical situation; he was not very clear about the power struggle at sea, but the continent, especially the eastern third of the Miracle Continent, he understood exceptionally well.

“What is your business?”

The group chatted softly, and soon it was their turn to enter the city.

“We are merchants from the Bolder Commercial Association, Tuya Family.”

Bailuo took out a merchant certificate along with a pouch full of coins, “Business is tough on this side, so I plan to seek refuge with relatives in the Kingdom of the Mountains. I hope you can accommodate.”

To bring in so many people at once, the Miracle Lords don’t care, but while the King of Hell is easy to deal with, his underlings are troublesome.

In every place down the line, there’s a chance to skim a little off the top. Who doesn’t make trouble for others, trying to extort a bit more benefit?


The whip lashed through the air with a terrifying sound, followed by a group of refugees’ anguished cries.

“No money, without money what city can you enter? Xilu’en is not a place for you lowly creatures!”

Looking aside, refugees unable to pay the city entrance fee were arbitrarily abused by the soldiers, while others watched the scene with indifference.

“Hurry up and go in!”

The soldiers opened the pouch and saw several Large Silver Coins inside, they immediately allowed passage.

It’s known that the entrance fee here is just one Large Copper Coin.

Such a generous handout, who would care what Bailuo’s business was.

At the same time, Bailuo’s bribe was also a hint not to divulge his and his party’s movements.

That’s nothing special, after all, who doesn’t have a few enemies and nemeses?

“Let’s depart.”

After Bailuo spoke, he rode ahead, and everyone else along with the convoy immediately followed.

Entering the city went without any incident, just as planned.

To be honest, the Ancient City Xilu’en left Bailuo somewhat disappointed.

The decrepit houses of the Lower City District, the stench in the cracks of the roads permeated with years of filth, and the listless faces of the pedestrians showed not the slightest vitality.

Of course, those covering their noses, speeding on horseback, or driving carriages, naturally had a different experience.

Capable people lead good lives; after passing quickly through this place, the Inner City District and Upper City District were their domains.

Compared to the hellish entrance, that’s where heaven was.

“Forget about heaven.”

“Next, let’s go directly to that gang.”

Bailuo didn’t plan to spend the night in Xilu’en. The longer they stayed, the greater the risk. “It’s best if we can set sail before this evening.”

“Use plans A and B together.”

Uncle said so, then told Bailuo, “I recognize the markings of the Venomous Snake Gang and know which ships are theirs. I’ll take some people to the port first, Sherri will know where I am.”


Bailuo split the group into two. He led his senior sister to the Venomous Snake Gang.

Uncle took Nors, Jiera, Inya, and the rest to the port to prepare for setting sail.

“Be careful.”

“With Lilith and Sherri, and senior sister,” Bailuo said with a smile, “our strongest fighters are with me.”

“Leave early, return early.”

“Don’t worry.”

Bailuo gave a glance to his senior sister, who immediately turned her horse around and then led the way.

“This way!”

The gang, which composed the local thugs and ruffians, wielded power in various cities, with some even spanning towns to build a regional organization.

The rich ingratiate themselves with the Lords, while the poor bully the weak.

The Venomous Snake Gang was one such organization. They rarely dealt with the rich and powerful but instead exploited the equally poor, using this to grow stronger.

“Senior sister, have you done business with the Venomous Snake Gang before?”


Isefia nodded, “I helped them kill someone.”

“For money?”

“No,” senior sister said, “that person just happened to be investigating Yatun’s whereabouts, so I took the opportunity to kill him.”

Bailuo thought: That’s truly befitting of my senior sister.

“Next, do I negotiate, or do you?”

“You know what Uncle thinks,” Bailuo said, “I’ll do it.”

“You can’t negotiate.”

“That’s exactly the point!”

The two rode through several alleys, and soon, they arrived at an area where tents were strung across the sky—the slums of the Ancient City.

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