A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 92 - 65: Lack of Ability (Seeking Recommendations)

Chapter 92: Chapter 65: Lack of Ability (Seeking Recommendations)

“Have you finished negotiating?”


Gonnia and Handlebar Mustache had discussed for a long time, and by evening, everyone had turned down Handlebar Mustache’s dinner invitation.

Bailuo was now anxious to return, to prepare for the fifth page of the Miracle ritual, and to take a good look at Bai Yino’s Miracle Power.

He didn’t have the time to spare for a meal and drinks with others.

“The first batch of trade will be in a month.”

“Hmm, by then, we should be able to assemble a sufficient military force, able to suppress even a rebellion.”

Bailuo did not trust the slaves he had bought.

He would provide them with food and shelter, then brainwash them, until they were trained to be loyal to Yatun, before attempting to bestow Miracle Power upon them.

But this was inevitably going to be a select few; for most of them, not to mention loyalty, they didn’t even have the qualification to receive a Miracle. Miracle Power was special; it had the ability to verify loyalty in and of itself.

If one harbored malice, or any hostility towards the Master of Miracles, then the Miracle Power would definitely not bless them.

As for the other citizens, to deter them, Yatun needed its own armed forces.

The descendants of the Tree Elves were about to awaken. Although they were few in number, only 80 individuals, once they achieved a Miracle, at least 60 adult members of a Lower Miracle Race could be gained.

With such power, even if spies were mixed in among the slaves, Bailuo would not fear.

“After we return, we must unify our thoughts,” said Bailuo, “Sherri, Lilith, and Xiao Bai—their existence will be a secret within secrets, not to be known by any non-core Yatun people.”

The so-called core Yatun people included those from the Yatun Clan who followed Bailuo earliest and the Treant Race that would become Bailuo’s Miracle Race in the future.

Those were the people Bailuo absolutely trusted.

And they would also serve as secret guardians, becoming the royal guards of the Yatun Duchy, protecting the royal secrets.

Beyond this, were those who had completely accepted Bailuo’s Miracle Power.

Such people, absolutely loyal, would also be eligible to become part of the core Yatun people, and Bailuo would treat them no differently from the Yatun people he treated now.

“Next, we must carryout the second task.”

The second task was to provide Yatun Island with enough livestock and horses. At the same time, Bailuo also wanted to import some dairy cows and poultry, to provide Yatun with milk and eggs and expand the menu.

Initial Sprout Holy Pouch could produce seeds but not create livestock.

Luckily, this part of the trade was relatively easy.

It did not involve any political struggles, just straightforward commerce, and with more profits, no one would complain.

Bailuo did not select just one supplier but spread the benefits, contracting the transport of livestock and horses to six merchants to ensure there would always be someone delivering supplies to him.

However, before Yatun Island opened its port, all supplies would be sent to an island four days’ sailing to the southwest of Yatun Island, and from there, Yatun officials would handle the transfer.

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Naturally, if a tail was discovered, they couldn’t blame Bailuo for being ruthless.

“Alright, let’s set off.”

Returning to the ship, Bailuo announced their departure; after being away for seven or eight days, everyone was already missing life in Yatun.

“Let’s go, let’s go, time to go home—”

Little John was very happy, and Fiona retracted Baiying Yin, beginning to tell her little friends about her progress in magic.

There was an interesting occurrence that needed clarification.

Fiona and Baiying Yin had been away from Lilith for a long time and at a great distance, yet the magic power and Fairy Power within them continued to grow.

Regarding this, Bailuo judged: ‘Miracle Power should be irrelevant to spatial distance; no matter how far apart, the benefit will still be received.’

“So Xiao Bai, what exactly is your ability?”

Lilith and Sherri were both very magical.

So as a Miracle Creature, Bai Yino should not fall far behind.

Though he didn’t know what Shi Long Survivor was, Bailuo felt that Bai Yino definitely wouldn’t be weaker than a Fairy or a Pegasus.

“Xiao Bai doesn’t know.”

Bai Yino just felt she had become hungrier, but other than that, nothing seemed amiss.

“If your appetite has grown, perhaps, so has your strength?”

After Bailuo spoke, he began to test Bai Yino’s strength.

There was indeed an increase in strength, but not much.

“Could it be that you’re not a strength-type Miracle, Xiao Bai?”

Bailuo then tested many of Bai Yino’s attributes, yet the results were even weaker than ordinary peers, let alone exhibiting the magical strength of a Pegasus or a Fairy.

“Xiao Bai, do you feel useless?”

Having no remarkable abilities made Bai Yino very sad.

If she hadn’t completed the Miracle Contract and was still that helpless slave, Bai Yino might have been on her knees again, clinging to Bailuo’s trouser legs, pleading for him not to send her away.

“Not at all!”

Bailuo treated Bai Yino like a sister, and seeing her dispirited, as the Miracle resonated with its master, it pained him greatly, “Have some steamed buns, you’ll feel better after eating one.”


Bai Yino was quite simple – minded—smiling when happy, and looking down when upset.

But most of the time, she stayed quietly in the corner eating steamed buns.

So, there was no problem that couldn’t be solved with a steamed bun.

If there was, then have another one!

“Feeling better?”


After eating ten red bean buns, Bai Yino smiled contentedly, “Red bean buns, so tasty.”

“As long as you like them.”

Bailuo laughed, “Our home may not have much, but steamed buns, we have plenty of!”

The journey back was without any incidents.

The slave trade required a month, but livestock transportation was much faster. Traders had already begun preparations, and while Bailuo wouldn’t be bringing them back personally, everything would be ready in three days.

So, within ten days at most, this batch of livestock would be transferred to Yatun Island by the Tree Elves.

At that time, the People of Yatun would no longer lack meat, and their diet would become more diversified and nutritious.

“I see the island, boss!”

Little John, standing on the lookout platform and gazing through a telescope, saw Yatun Island and excitedly waved to those below.

“Finally, we’re back.”

As Bailuo said this, he noticed that there were many more birds in the sky.

To the uninformed, one may think these were migratory birds unique to Yatun Island, but in reality, they were the Sea Soldiers of the Yatun Naval Headquarters, aerial scouts from the Fairy Clan.

“Your Majesty, Ensign Baiying Yin of the Naval Headquarters is here to report!” Under the lead of Baiying Yin, about a hundred seagulls and migratory birds circled in the air before landing on the ship’s railing.

“We’ve been away for half a month, and the Fairy Clan has grown this much?” “It’s reached 400, Your Majesty!”

Baiying YingYingYing was very skilled at tallying numbers and reported the distribution of the Fairy Clan on the island to Bailuo: “About 120 Feathered Fairies, 150 Aquatic Fairies, and around 130 of the Fluffy Class.”

Feathered refers to birds that have received Lilith’s Miracle Power.

Aquatic pertains to animals capable of living in water.

Fluffy denotes creatures with fur, such as cats and dogs.

However, there was a problem here of differentiating food from fairies.

Bailuo had foreseen this and had Lilith make some adjustments.

For instance, the classification of Aquatic Fairy Class only includes larger fish and fish-like creatures such as dolphins, sharks, and whales, ensuring that fishermen wouldn’ t capture any Aquatic Fairies.

As for the Fluffy Tribe, it was limited to pets kept by the Yatun people.

Purely wild animals would not be bestowed with Fairy Power by Lilith.

When it came to birds, there were not many restrictions; domestic poultry could not be endowed with sentience.

However, for foreign bird species, their classification had to be clearly determined first.

Afterwards, the People of Yatun would also remove these bird species from their dietary menus.

It must be said that, with Lilith’s production of Fairy Power remaining constant, cultivating them in such a concentrated manner was far more efficient than spreading them thinly and casting a wide net.

“There are this many already?”

Bailuo noticed that the growth rate of the Fairy Clan was much faster than that of the Yatun Clan.

The only regret was the extreme reproductive isolation within the Fairy Clan. Even if they were both fairies, different species could still not reproduce with one another.

Fortunately, fairies don’t define their race by reproduction.

As long as they were offspring of Lilith’s miracles, they were all considered family, and even cats and mice wouldn’t attack each other.

“Feathered fairies, help me keep a close watch on Yatun’s gateway, and monitor the entire sea area at all times.”

“At your command! Your Majesty!”

The fairies’ wisdom was a gift from Bailuo, and in their eyes, Bailuo was no different from a god who created them.

Serving Bailuo was their honor.

“Right, since there are already 120 of the Feathered Tribe, your military rank should also be promoted to reflect that, otherwise it won’t be convincing.” Bailuo said, “From today on, I appoint you, Baiying Yin, as the Captain of the Yatun Naval Headquarters.”

“Gaa ”

Overwhelmed with joy, the eagle let out a duck-like cry again: “Thank you, Your Majesty! Baiying Yin will definitely swear to repay your grace with my life!”

“I grant you Lower Tier appointment authority, but don’t overdo it, understand?”

“Subordinate understands!”

Baiying Yin flew off happily with his brothers and sisters, and Baiying Yin, who had accompanied them all this way, also left with them.

Once he reached the island, Bailuo found the People of Yatun already waiting at the port.

For them, welcoming the return of their king was more important than anything else.

“Bro- — ”

From afar, Bailuo could hear Inya’s voice. Bailuo also waved with a smile, while Bai Yino looked curiously at Inya by his side.

“Eh? Who’s the new person?”

“Brother, who is this?”

This was the first meeting between Inya and Bai Yino, and perhaps due to the same kind attracting each other, Inya sensed a familiar presence in her.

Inya: “I’ve seen this girl before.”

Bai Yino: “No, we haven’t met.”

“This is Xiao Bai.”

“This is Inya, my sister.”


Inya greeted with a smile, and at the same time, Bailuo introduced Bai Yino to everyone else.

The People of Yatun naturally had no doubts about someone Bailuo personally brought back, but they would still observe them closely for a while to prevent new people from being spies sent by enemy forces.

This task had nothing to do with Bai Yino, of course; she was a miracle, after all. But in the future, this task would definitely need to be well-arranged by Bailuo. Before long, a large number of immigrants would come to this land, and when that time came, Bailuo alone would definitely not be sufficient to establish a security frontline.

The People of Yatun must become the firewall of the nation, the eyes and ears of Bailuo, ready to monitor any place at any time.

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