A Slave To My Vengeful Lover

Chapter 498 - Flight Tickets..?

Anna's Pov:

I am so scared to look at Mark; he is full of rage at me and he did not allow me to touch Alex, his ignorance really hurts me, I understand I need to face a lot of struggles after this interrogation. Hope the interrogation gives the good conclusion on my dad that he does not relate to Ria's case, and I wish Mark's rage should calm down...


When Tom is interrogating about Ria, I can understand how much pain Mark feels when my dad is saying about Ria, so I try to console him but he immediately push my hand away and looked at me with his dagger eyes, that's it I was out burst with my tears…

I can't bear if Mark is mad at me, and I can't live if he ignored me. I made a mistake, I should have told to Mark about the message I got. But I am excited to meet my dad…

And my dad is saying the facts for Tom's questions, but Tom is still interrogating him in the view as if he is one of the culprit in Ria's case. I know my dad will prove to be genuine at last, but I didn't understand why Tom suddenly gets furious at my dad after he looked at the files which are given by the cops...

I continued to listen to their interrogation... 

Tom: Say the facts, Lucus, and don't waste my time by saying your lame story again and again...

And don't try to see my other side...

Now, tell me, did you really escaped from John or you are trying to escape from us by creating a fake visa and passport?

(Tom shouted at my dad out of furious, I didn't understand why he is asking the same question again and again.)

Lucus: I am saying the truth, sir. I did not understand why you are doubting me.

Tom: because you booked the tickets 1 week ago, so how do you think I will trust your lame story?

(Tom said with his furious tone and even I am shocked after listening to Tom, how can my dad book the tickets a week earlier?

My dad immediately cut off Tom's words in the middle.)

Lucus: That's impossible sir, I am imprisoned by that time so how can I book the flight tickets? 

Tom: Now you are trying to say another lame story?

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Lucus: No sir, I am not saying any story; I am still confused and did not understand what you are saying. How can I book the tickets by that time when I don't have any clue whether or not I will succeed in escaping?

Tom: so whom do you think these tickets were booked by?

Lucus: It's obviously John…

(Everyone remains silent and yes it's John who booked the ticket in advance to trap my dad…

Come on, Tom, please try to understand my dad…

Lucus: Still now I think I escaped from him, but now I understand it's a trap. He trapped me to make me the centre point in Ria's case...

Tom: So, do you want to escape from the city with your entire family...

Lucas: What?

Tom: Your tickets were booked along with your two children, who are Anna and Alex...

(I am shocked the moment I listen to Tom, Did I heard the right thing?

I understand John is creating the scene that me, my dad and Alex are trying to escape from the city…

What he is trying to prove?

I immediately looked at Mark and he too looks so shocked and I am sure he definitely thinks that I am planning to escape from him...

And accidentally I bring Alex to the airport and Mark may definitely think that we are planning to escape from the city...

I understand John's trap is to break the relationship between mine and Mark.



You made me fall into your trap...

What if Mark really trusts John's plan and thinks I am cheating on him?



Mark will never trust John's trap, I know he is furious but I know he never takes the wrong step…

God, please save me from this situation…

Please don't allow John to break our relationship…

In between my thoughts, I continued to listen to their interrogation...)

Lucus: I have no clue what you are talking about, sir, do you think I still have a family?

I lost my beloved wife Rosie, it's a big loss in my family...

And I don't know where my Anna is, and I don't know where Alex will study. So how do you think I will book the tickets for my family to escape from the city?

(Yes, what my dad said is right, he really don't know anything about us, and he didn't even send any messages to me, all these was done by John. John sends the messages to me in the name of my dad, I should explain to Tom and Mark about it. Hope they should understand what I will say.)

Tom: Then what is the reason behind Anna and Alex visited when you are in the airport?

Lucus: Even I don't know how Anna knew about my whereabouts...

Even I am shocked by looking at her along with Alex at the airport...

(Mark immediately looked at me for an answer, but I am still scared to face him, I can't bear if he shouted at me. So I didn't say anything to him unless it is Tom's presence.

And I can understand Mark is thinking that I was pre-planned for the past one week to escape from the city...

Why he is not in a position to understand from my side?

How he can think I am escaping from him?

Does he really think I will cheat on him?

He knows that I can't live without him, but why he will think in such a way that I will cheat him?

In between my thoughts Tom paused the interrogation and take a break and speak something to the cop, he immediately reached to our room and his serious face turn to normal the moment he looked at us and he sits in the chair by holding his head and involved in his own thoughts, the file he looked before was kept on the table. I can understand how stressful the interrogation is, actually he will easily handle the interrogation in his own style but he convinced with my request and trying to do the interrogation without hurting my dad...

Mark immediately turned towards Tom and went close to him and waiting for his answer.

After a few minutes, Tom opened his eyes, and he immediately looked at me in confusion, and finally, he breaks the silence in the room...

Tom: Anna, please tell me what happened?

So I can understand whether your dad is saying the truth or not...

(I nodded my head as ok, but my tears are still overflowing from my eyes.)

Tom: Tell me clearly, Anna, what happened?

How do you know about your father whereabouts that he is at the airport..?

And why did you take Alex along with you?

(I take all my strength to explain to him and started explaining to him with my shivering tone.)

Anna: Tom, I got a message from my father that he wants to meet me and Alex and he also said it may be the last time to see me and Alex; I am scared and confused and have no idea what's going to happen to my dad...

And in a few seconds, I got a message of airport address and he is requesting me to keep it as a secret, So, I don't want anyone to know about it that he is in the airport and he requested me to meet him secretly and he also said it's his last time to look at his children...

I am confused and nervous...

And I know I made a mistake without letting you and Mark to know about my father's message. I thought I can request him to attend my wedding and later you can proceed with your interrogation procedures...


(I stay quiet because Tom knows what actually happened from the airport and he nodded his head as ok...)

Tom: But Anne Lucas said that he didn't send any messages to you...

Anna: Yes, Tom, he shocked the moment he looked at me at the airport, the first question he asked me is how I know about his whereabouts...

Tom: But you said your father send the messages to you...

Anna: Yes Tom, the from address of the messages are in the name of my dad but my dad said that he didn't send any messages to me and he also said it's John's trap to make my dad to centre into Ria's case...

Tom: ok Anna, if you don't mind can you give me your mobile phone?

(I immediately take my phone from my sling bag and gave it to Tom...

Tom holds the phone, and he also holds the file he placed on the table and went into another room...

I am clueless and didn't understand what Tom is thinking, and Mark is still looking at me with his dagger eyes. I am scared to look at him.)

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