A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 105

105 Frost’s Agony

“Boss, what do we do to the squealing chicken?” Sky asked when Leon received the call. “Should we send him to the slaughterhouse?”

“Sky, give me five minutes, I’ll be with you shortly,” Leon replied and ended the call.

He turned his attention to Ella, who had stopped crying. She was feeling calm after unburdening her heart.

“I’m so sorry for losing my nerves,” Ella’s said in an apologetic tone. “The sight of blood and Frost screeching got to me. I guess I’m not as strong as you.”

“You are stronger than you could ever imagine, my love,” Leon smiled “This is your first time practicing with a live target and if I were to sincerely grade you, I will give you eighty percent.”

“Really! Even after my poor performance?” Ella’s face brightened up. “Don’t you think you are biased with your grading? I feel you giving me that high score because I’m your wife. A sincere score should be... forty-five percent.”

“Hahaha!” Leon laughed out loud. “That is five percent above failure! I totally disagree with your judgment. Some people can’t even look into the faces of their victims when they shoot them. However, not only did you shoot Frost, but you reveled in his misery. How about seventy-five percent and don’t even think of arguing it otherwise I’ll be forced to tickle you.”

“Alright! Alright!!” Ella couldn’t hold back her laughter as Leon nuzzled her neck with his nose. “You win! I accept your honest score.” She shoved him backward and stood up.

“I need to quickly attend to some important matters.” Leon also stood up and pulled her back into his arms. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He cupped her face and kissed her lips tenderly before releasing her from his hold.

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“All the crying and throwing up has got me hungry,” Ella said in an embarrassed tone. Is there anything here to eat, she looked around the office with hungry eyes.”

Leon chuckled due to her cute behavior. I will send something nice over. Although there are some cookies and soft drinks in the fridge.

Leon kissed her forehead and left the office.

Immediately after Leon left the office, Ella went straight to the fridge. She brought out a pack of cookies and a bottle of soft drinks and finished them within a twinkle of an eye.

Frost lay in the pool of his blood reeling in pain when Leon re-entered the room.

Leon stood for a while enjoying the sight of Frost’s misery. He smirked devilishly when Frost’s weak eyeballs focused on him.

“How does it feel, Frost, to suffer at the hands of a female? Did you feel the adrenaline rush when Ella shot you? Doesn’t it feel beautiful to experience real pain?” Leon walked up to him and squatted beside him.

“Let me tell you a secret about the female folks. They are such loving, fragile, and beautiful creatures ever created. Treat them like the priceless golden eggs that they are, and they would worship you like a demigod for the rest of their lives. However, if you treat them like scum, they will bring the apocalypse on you.”

Leon dug his forefinger into the bullet wound on Frost’s shoulder and twisted it in a circular motion, causing Frost to squeal in agony.

He took a bottle of dry gin and poured it into the bloody mess he had made.

Wave after wave of anguish erupted all through Frost’s system. It felt as though he was body was been heated in concentrated sulphuric acid. His agonizing scream was like those of a sperm whale that had lost its calf.

“Please! Please!!” Frost ignored Leon’s haunted expression, as he begged for mercy.

“I haven’t even started dealing with you, yet you are begging for mercy.” Leon spat out wickedly. What Ella gave to you was just the tip of the iceberg. I have a whole menu planned just for you.”

What you are experiencing now is nothing compared to what I’m going to do to you. For every tear you made my wife shed in the past, you are going to pay for them dearly with your pathetic life. I’m so going to enjoy torturing you until you beg for death.” Leon stood up and walked out of the room.

“Sky, get the doctor to stop Frost bleeding and attend to his injury,” Leon instructed. I will be back tomorrow evening to give him the first dose of a bittersweet pill.”


Albert Robinson and his adopted son Luke Robinson were going through some documents with the family lawyers

Albert and his lawyers were finalizing the necessary documentation which gave the Robinsons one hundred percent supremacy and ownership of the F&K fashion home.

When Albert was made to pay the court compensation fee of five hundred million to the APB fashion company, he quickly initiated the process of acquiring the F&K fashion brand as his own. He also ensured that Chloe signed over her forty percent shares of the company to him before she was taken away. Then, he instantly made Luke the new CEO of the F&K fashion brand in Chloe’s place and also gave him Chloe’s shares.

Earlier, in the contract agreement, Albert signed with Frost and Kyle, it was stated that if either Frost or Kyle breached the conditions of the contract, then they would forfeit their shares to the Robinsons.

Albert had purposely insisted on this clause in the contract, due to his hidden motives of acquiring the whole company in the future. He was a shrewd businessman who was always on the lookout for a new company or business to acquire. Hence, when Frost greedily and maliciously came up with the lucrative proposal of selling some part of the company shares, Albert smartly agreed to it without flinching.

Albert cunningly insisted that his family must have the largest share percentage due to the huge amount of money he was pumping into the company. He also dangled the cheese of millions of dollars for the company’s refurbishing and restructuring, which the greedy mice; Frost and Kyle couldn’t resist.

Albert was aware of the games Frost and Kyle were playing by coming to him for financial assistance. Hence, being an experienced businessman and real estate developer, he decided to play along like a foolish wealthy man, who didn’t understand the value of money. He knew that someday, one of them would breach the contract and everything would return to him in a thousand fold. However, he never anticipated that he would be claiming the company so soon.

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