A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 114

114 Maxwell Treshvire

A tall, devilishly handsome, and well-built athletic man, in his early fifties, sauntered in slow motion down the airport arrival terminal. His sparkling deep blue eyes had an undertone of ire, mystery, and unfathomable beauty. His clean-shaven square projected chin and well-defined powerful jawline were captivatingly gorgeous. His intimidating but magnetic aura got heads turning and eyes gawking. He was a perfect definition of elegance, sophistication, and beauty.

Some ladies had tried to flirt with this gorgeously handsome man but one deadly look from him got them to reconsider their lustful desires. He rarely spoke as his eyes did all the communication and people strangely understood him.

From a distance, Leon caught sight of his uncle strolling down, without any care for the eyes following his every footstep. He smiled, admiring his uncle’s elegant taste in fashion, which was always a distinguishing factor of the Treshvires.

Ella followed Leon’s excited gaze and her eyes suddenly locked on Maxwell’s, who had already seen them and was walking directly toward her.

“Hello Uncle,” Leon said in a thrilled tone.

“Leon, my boy,” Maxwell gently patted Leon on the cheek and returned his gaze to Ella.

“G...good afternoon, Mr. Maxwell Treshvire,” Ella’s agitated voice made Maxwell chuckle.

“Leon, what frightening words have you filled in your wife’s head that is making her quiver like a fish in troubled waters.” Maxwell gave Leon a cute but deadly brief stare.

Ella unconsciously tightened her grip on Leon’s arm. She tried to control her erratically beating heart but the more Maxwell spoke, the more terrified she was. “Ella, calm down. Just stick to Leon like ants to sugar, and you’ll be fine,” she tried reassuring herself.

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Leon raised one hand in surrender and said; “only good words, uncle. You know me!” He grinned.

“Yes, I know you, mischievous boy,” Maxwell’s face broke into a smile, which instantly vanished like they were never there. “Here, take this!” He handed his luggage to Leon. “You can go ahead of us. Your wife will be riding with me. We will meet you up at the villa.”

Leon gave Maxwell a questioning stare while Ella’s spirit was screaming inwardly; “no, no, no!”

“Don’t worry, Leon, I will bring her to you in one piece if she cooperates,” Maxwell smirked evilly.

Maxwell stressed out his hand towards Ella. “You are family now! You can’t be glued to your husband like that in my presence. Walk with me, I won’t bite except if you give me reason to.”

Ella held her breath as she unwillingly left Leon’s sanctuary. She gently placed her warm but sweaty palm on Maxwell’s outstretched hand and took careful steps toward him.

Leon smiled at this. He took his uncle’s luggage and left after giving Ella a reassuring stare.

“What’s your name, beautiful?” Maxwell scrutinized Ella with eagle eyes for a brief second. Then he took her in his arms as though they were a couple and led her slowly toward the airport exit terminal.

“My name is Ariella,” Ella spoke softly. Strangely, she felt calmer in Maxwell’s arms. Were all the Treshvire men this outwardly intimidating but inwardly soothing? She queried her thoughts.

“What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.” Maxwell’s voice was extremely calm but firm. “You must be really special to have caught my nephew’s attention. Tell me, how did you both meet?”

Ella’s heartbeat stopped momentarily at that question and started beating widely. Her pulse rate increased and she felt light headed. She wanted to say something but felt tongue-tied.

“Oh God, help me!” Ella cried within. “How am I supposed to tell him that when I met Leon, I was very rude to him? How am l supposed to tell him that I was careless and almost risked Leon crushing me with his car? What would he think of me?” Ella’s mind was in frenzy.

Maxwell chuckled when he took note of her disoriented state. Strangely, he was beginning to like her. Her cute but funny reasoning made him amused within. It has just been a few minutes in her company and he couldn’t stop himself from feeling this giggly.

He taught of something naughtier and decided to see how she would react to the question. “It seems your meeting with my nephew was either spectacular or demeaning,” he said bluntly. “I know my nephew craves for the female folks. So, where do you fall in? Was the meeting overly spectacular or too demeaning for you to answer?”

Ella’s eyes were suddenly clouded with tears. At this point, she would choose a thousand insults from Leon’s mother than be in his uncle’s company. ‘How could this man be this direct, intimidating, and blunt without a strand of empathy toward her feelings? How was she going to escape from these stupid questions? Did he plan on humiliating her? Why did Leon leave her like this?

Ella’s trembling hand rose to her neck. She didn’t know how to respond to Maxwell’s questions and she knew that not answering could only aggravate things for her. Suddenly, her touring hand touched the amulet around her neck and an overwhelming peace enveloped her. She felt calm and all the anxiety in her body evaporated into thin air.

She cleared her throat and spoke up. “I wouldn’t consider my meeting with Leon demeaning or spectacular. It’s something I would consider as fate or chance.” Ella spoke softly.

Maxwell was inundated by her response. He had expected a catastrophic reply from her but she had taken him by surprise. “Wow! Tell me more!” His blank face brightened up.

Even when John tried to greet Maxwell when they got to the black limousine, he was silenced.

Like a gentleman, Maxwell guided Ella as she entered the car before he got in and shut the door.

Ella smiled at his gentlemanly behavior. Then she continued with her story.

“I met Leon the day I got cheated and deceived by my former place of work.” Ella’s face dampened and her eyes shimmered, as the memory of that day came flooding in.

“How do you mean cheated?” Maxwell’s eyes burned in anger. He was greatly provoked by Ella’s sudden change in expression. If she still felt this way about her past employers, then they must have hurt her badly.

“I hope whoever cheated you is not still alive,” Maxwell said between gritted teeth.

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