A Stolen Kiss From THE CEO!

Chapter 168 - 168 A Cute Chauffeur

168 A Cute Chauffeur

Back to the present...

“Oh you poor baby,” Ella pulled Leon into her arms and started stroking his back tenderly. “I’m so sorry. I totally understand how you feel. I have been there before and it’s not a fun place to be in.”

“Thanks.” Leon beamed at Ella’s tenderness.

Ella had magically erased all his depression and heartache without doing so much. He felt lighter and unburned. He pulled out of her arms and told her about how his father had kept the secret of his sickness away from him until he had less than three months to live.

“Your father is much more considerable.” Ella sighed. “I found out about my dad’s sickness on the day he died. My father didn’t give us enough time to prepare for his departure. I guess it was too excruciating for him to say goodbye to us. Nonetheless, I’m here for you. If you need anything from me, just mention it and it will be done swiftly.”

“Really!” Leon smiled.

“Yes, really, really!” Ella smiled and playfully plucked his nose.

Leon gently pulled her up and made her sit on his thigh. Somehow, he had a strong feeling that Ella was still feeling hurt from his earlier forced entry. Even though he had the strong urge to make love to her, he inwardly decided that he would give her a week to heal before any form of sex.

“Okay! What if I said I just want one passionate kiss from you before I cuddle you back to sleep.”


“Just a kiss?” Ella looked at him suspiciously.

Leon chuckled at her cute animated expression.

“I promise, just one kiss and I will be fine.”

“Cold, warm, or spicy.” Ella queried further.

“I think warm will do,” Leon nuzzled her neck with the tip of his nose, causing her to chuckle.

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“Okay, one warm kiss coming right up.”

Ella leaned closer and waited for him to cover up the space. Leon grinned at her playful yet tempting and flirtatious smile. He covered up the space between them and kissed her passionately on the lips.

True to his words, he helped dress her up in her night wares before cuddling her to sleep.

By morning, Ella was feeling much more blissful and well-rested. However, her morning sickness symptoms were becoming more pronounced and annoying.

Aside spicy food aroma that made her feel nauseous, Leon’s sweet-smelling cologne which she went to bed loving, has drastically turned into a pungent smell.

Thankfully, Leon was not in the bedroom when she ran into the bathroom to throw out her guts. However, this didn’t help her case as his cologne fragrance could be felt in every corner of their bedroom.

“After throwing up for a while, she felt weak and shaky. Her legs trembled under her weight and the nausea feeling didn’t go away.

Picking up herself from the bathroom floor, she hurriedly ran out of the bedroom to get a breath of fresh air.

“Ella, are you all right?” Leon called out to her as she ran past him without giving him a second glance.

“Yes!” She said in high pitched tone. “I just need to stand out by the terrace.”

Leon stood transfixed on a spot, already dressed and ready to leave for an early morning appointment at work. He was going over to her room when she dashed past him, leaving behind her captivating natural scent as a trail.

He was unable to decipher the reason for her behavior and wondered if she was still angry at him.

He thought for a split second and decided to join her on the terrace.

“Good morning, sunshine.” Leon wrapped his hands around her waist and kissed her.

“Good morning, love,” Ella replied in a dismissive tone while she held her breath intermittently.

“Are you still angry at me for last night?” Leon asked as he felt the stiffness of her body to his touch.

“No, I’m not.” She replied curtly. Her face contoured as her stomach churned even more. She felt something rise in her throat and she quickly cupped her mouth with both hands.

Ella was concerned that she wasn’t managing the situation properly and she feared that she might throw up on his body.

“Leon,” she tried to push down whatever was threatening to come out from her throat. Then she gently tried to release herself from his firm hold. I need...um...”

“You need what?” Leon spun her around so that he could look into her eyes and read her expression.

“Oh no!”


When Leon spun her around, everything she had been trying to hold down in her stomach came out of her mouth, redesigning Leon’s face and clothes.

“Shit! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!! I tried to hold it back!” Ella cried in a panicked and terrified voice. Her face was red with embarrassment and her body trembled from exhaustion.

She tried using her hands to wipe the yellow-brownish substance she vomited off Leon’s face when another nausea feeling hit her and she ended up throwing up more on his clothes while panting heavily.

“Not again!”

She was about to run away from Leon’s presence fearing the worst when he caught her by the waist and made her face him.

He could read the terror, shame, and panic on her face but there was no anger or resentment. This made him inwardly happy but he was greatly disturbed at the thought of a sick wife.

“Could my action of yesterday be responsible for the sickness?” He queried his thoughts. He shook his head and focused on Ella.

“Sweetheart, calm down. I’m sorry, I didn’t notice you were not feeling so good. What do you want me to get you?”

“Water, and don’t ever use that cologne again.” Ella voiced out what she really needed without thinking of the consequences.



After getting ready for work, Denise and Tom came downstairs for an early breakfast. They walked into the dining room chatting and laughing heartily when a gorgeously dressed Fred took them by surprise.

“Good morning Tom, good morning, princess!” Fred smiled charmingly. “Your chauffeur is at your service.”

Denise felt her heart skip a bit as she stared at Fred in awe. Her eyes were almost popping out and her mouth formed a perfect O shape as she admired Fred’s taste in fashion.

Fred was dressed in a well-tailored two-piece black suit, a white dazzling inner shirt, and a complimentary black tie that matched his well-polished black leather shoes. His perfectly fitted black chauffeur hat, matched with dark round-rim shades on his well-chiseled face, gave him the looked of a supermodel detective.

When he sauntered towards a hypnotized Denise, he smiled again revealing his perfect set of white teeth.

“Would you like to eat at home, first or would you want me to get you breakfast when I dropped you off at the office?”

“Umm... Tom,” Denise looked at Tom, whose face had turned red with jealousy. She breathed out forced air which she didn’t know she have been holding back all this while.

“Fred, don’t tell me you a serious about this chauffeur thing.” Denise felt trapped as she couldn’t stop admiring Fred. “I was only trying to tease you yesterday.”

“On the contrary, I take everything seriously. Especially when it concerns the woman my heart beats for.”

Fred ignored Tom’s monstrous glares. He focused all his attention on Denise, who seemed to be currently infatuated with him. He was happy that he could strike an equal blow to Tom after the previous day’s humiliation.

“Fred I really don’t want to hurt your feelings, especially since I’m going to be your brother’s wife.” Denise shook off the temporal spell Fred cast on her.

“I could be nasty and you might hate me for it. As I said before, I belong to your brother and you should respect that. However, if you want to carry on with this madness of yours, then be my guest.”

“I’m here on a self-discovery path because I lost the only woman I have ever loved to my brother.” Fred took off his shades only to reveal his hypnotic sea-green eyes.

“If it takes me to be thrown into the fire one hundred times just to prove my undying love for you, I will gladly be burnt and scorched for you.”

“Fred, enough of these stupid games,” Tom said between clenched jaws. “You don’t get to flirt with my woman or profess your stupid love to her in my presence.”

“Tom, you gave me one week with a condition, and so far I have kept to my promise. I’m been open with my feelings to Denise before you because I want to be plain with you.” Fred furrowed forehead and flared nostril conveyed his displeasure due to Tom’s statement.

“This is no game to me. The reality is that we are both crazily in love with the same lady and I have promised you that I will never go beyond my boundaries.”

“Okay, the both of you are making my head spin right now with your bickering and I’ve suddenly lost my appetite.” Denise came between the two brothers for fear that they might start throwing punches at one another.

“I’m a big girl and I know what I want. So, if this is not a game, then let’s have fun with it. My cute chauffeur,” Denise turned to Fred and smiled. “Please, get the car ready for me and my fiance?”

“Okay, my princess.” Fred smiled triumphantly.

“It’s ma’am to you,” Denise flashed him a mockery stare, causing Tom to chuckle.

“Okay, ma’am!” Fred left still smiling as he thought of all the beautiful things he planned on dazzling Denise with.

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