A Story of Evil

Chapter 100: The Chaos VII

Chapter 100: The Chaos VII

The attack was an overflowing amount of power all focused at Jubilee. It was thrice the amount of mana which the Void king could produce and, this alone was enough to know that it was lethal. 

Kingsley watched all of this hit his target. It would be an understatement to say that it was powerful because, the amount used by Kingsley was enough to damage even a dragon. 

This plastered a triumphant grin on Kingsley's face. Finding it impossible to control his joy as he bursted in laughter.

"HAHAHAHA! I knew it! You are just another lousy human who can't do anything on your own. Pathetic!" Kingsley knew that he already won. 

The Void king's presence completely disappeared and, there was no trace of him left. Not even Jubilee's shadow remained. All that Kingsley waited for was the disappearance of the dark field created by his opponent. And this was when his smile began fading.

"What's going on here?" Kingsley's attack already ceased and, all of it definitely hit his target. There wasn't any trace of his enemy being alive. Yet, Kingsley was still stuck in the dark room. Without it showing any signs of disappearing any time soon.

"What kind of sick joke is this? Let me out! LET ME OUT!" Kingsley continued making one attack after the other. Spreading it across the whole field. Yet all of this was simply swallowed by the infinite abyss. The minutes dragged on and, in the silence of the subspace, Kingsley began feeling a foreign emotion. 

All the hair on his body rose. His heart began thumping stronger. His legs got weaker and, his body somehow felt cold. The creature flew from one end until the other but there was no escape. He was stuck there, lost in an infinite nothingness.

"Are you scared now?"

"W-What? Where are you?" Kingsley's voice was a nervous wreck. He still couldn't see Jubilee anywhere but he knew his mind wasn't playing tricks with him. He knew that the king was there and, in fact, even spoke again.

"This space, as you said, is something that uses up Pandora's powers. However, I am not simply borrowing it. I'm upgrading it. Making it stronger than it already is."

"W-what do you mean?"

"This space is the same as you. It eats up everything that comes inside it. All mana used within this space is given back to me."

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Horror was written on Kingsley's face at that moment. He finally saw Jubilee slowly materializing below him and, the continued attacking the king. Releasing every skill shot which he could. But it was no use. Everything simply passed through the body of the Void king which seemed to be made by nothing than living shadows at that point.

"You are not the only one consumed by greed Kingsley. Just like this subspace, my greed is bottomless." King Jubilee declared, finally back to his full form. With no damage being sustained. He then stared at the frightened Kingsley as he continued speaking.

"Unfortunately, you won't live to tell what you experienced here."

The king began generating all of the mana stored within the space. Kingsley tried moving out but, was caught in a gravity bind. He tired attacking again but Jubilee simply wiped them all away with [Reverse Analysis]. Destroying every skill and making them vanish into thin air.

"Wait! I can give you the information you need! I can tell you who I am and where I'm from. I can tell you how many others are out there! Please spare me!"

The reaction of Kingsley at that point was all too human. Fear of the unknown. This is the one thing all living creatures share in common. But there was no room for mercy nor negotiation for Jubilee. 

"You stepped into my domain.  Defiled my people. Corrupted my knight. Made me slaughter the lives of countless innocents without any goal nor purpose. You even dared kill me. And you expect me to show mercy?" King Jubilee expanded his skill even more, creating a blazing inferno, filled with metal and rocks floating around it. Like a miniature world destroyed by the sun.

Even in the distance, Kingsley was already burning but so was the king. Both of their bodies was being burned at that moment, making the creature scream and ask for help. Yet none of the sort was coming for him. Not after being isolated with the king.

"A bit of your flesh is enough for me to make my research. I have no need for serpents in my court." Jubilee said, finally releasing his, exploding right away and filling the field with light as far as the eye could see. Burning everything without mercy as Kingsley screamed and cursed at the king.

"CHAOS WILL FIND YOU!" Was the last thing he said before burning entirely.

With this, Jubilee finally dissolved the field. Returning him back to the prison cell with a piece of Kingsley's skin on his hand.

"Well, now that I'm through with that, I guess it's time to return." Just as King Jubilee said this, he felt his body freeze up. The Void king dropped to the ground, coughing non-stop as more blood came out of his mouth.

"I guess this si a fair trade for using that much power." He said, deciding to rest at that moment. Not knowing that his opponent was still lingering within his domain.

Kingsley is a simple creature. All he wanted was to corner the Void king while also making sure that his objectives were reached. For this purpose, he silently worked within the past month. Increasing the number of those he gave powers to while also brainwashing them. 

King Jubilee was not able to trace this because, he simply does not have any skill that could do so. And since Kingsley stayed within the slums, it was practically impossible for him to get noticed. The place still reeked of crime and sin after all. With this, he completely concealed himself in the masses.

There was only a single problem for Kingsley. Since the Void citizens didn't have any powers, there was not much he could do but to simply allow their bodies to go beyond its limits. Permitting all he gifted with an ability to be as strong as a regular physical enhancer. A limit which could also be broken once they [Turn]. A word Kingsley used to pertain to the phenomenon of "monsterification". 

The payout for this power, however, is nowhere near safe. Those affected by this get their bodies torn internally; making it deteriorate slowly until they finally die. Even without "turning", this effect was already beginning within those that he gifted. Leaving Kingsley with a month to create havoc. All for the purpose of ensuring that, his monsters could still work at optimum performance.

Not the king nor Sol knew of this. During the past month, the boy was busy recovering while, the king was busy in developing the ten domains. There was no lead to Kingsley's whereabouts after all. 

This lead to the predicament currently faced by the domain. And although Jubilee has defeated Kingsley; the creature was nowhere near dead.

The creature could exist as long as there was a person who was infected by the chaos seed. Although all of the slum dwellers containing this was killed, he was able to save up one specimen. One which made close contact with him. The Void Queen, Octavia. 

"This is not over Jubilee! I will have my revenge!" 

Upon transferring to the queen's body, Kingsley hastily made his way out of the castle. He was far from being completely restored. The fight drained him of all his powers and, would take him months in order to gain it back. He needed to devour more mana using creatures once again. 

Although it would take a while, he didn't mind because, the time he would use to recover was also to gather enough skills to counter the Void King.

"I'll infect more humans and rally them against you. Mark my word Jubilee, I will take you down!"

This was a perfect plan. Something which put a smile on Kingsley's face as he finally reached the main corridor of the castle. He was already out of breath, all because his new host was out of shape. But this was a minor concern for him as he finally reached the doors. Opening it and hearing the sound of gunshot right away.


Blood spilled on Octavia's chest. The surprised guards tried getting near but were pushed inside the castle. Two more shots were made and Kingsley could hear the screams of women nearby.

He looked at who it was that did that to him and, saw that it was only two children. And even before he could scream in rage, a bullet pierced though his head. Dropping his lifeless body to the ground as a fire crystal was then thrown at him together with fuel. Lighting him up and burning him completely.

"Well, so much for being heroes of the Void." Alice said as the soldiers began surrounding them.

"Yeah, this is gonna be rough." Sol said, raising his hands in surrender.

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