A Story of Evil

Chapter 78: The Public

Chapter 78: The Public

After a storm, one would expect the calm to come in. A soothing moment for everyone to pick up all the remains of those unfortunate enough to be devoured by the chaos. A time to rebuild from the rubble. A time to recover. A time to rejuvenate.

But the world isn't that fair.

Within the Void, there was a large commotion caused by the fact that, Solomon displayed the use of powers. Every Void citizen demanded an answer from their king. Yet all they received was silence. What would aggravate this situation more was if the people knew that the king himself had powers. But the rulers decided to keep this as a secret among themselves for the time being.

It was like they forgot of the good things that were to come. How they would finally be placed on a better plantation and, start living decent lives. They all focused on Sol, to the point that the Bloodbournes needed to live in Pentagon for a while. All because the people were flocking over them and demanding the said answers.

A similar situation was happening in the flame domain. All because their dear prince turn into something that resembled the devil himself. King Nova didn't' even have time to mourn the loss of his son nor give a proper commemoration of the boy. All because, aside from the fact that the public generally hated his guts they had more fuel to feed their flames due to the said transformation.

The earth domain was the worst of them all. Without the king and his whole family, the aristocrats have each formed a faction. Fighting for power and beginning something that might as well lead to a civil war. With all of the sins committed by the king and his titans, they knew better than to trust those around them. Gossips have run amok of certain individuals who could turn into these and, they were scheduled for execution.

Furthermore, the monarchs who lost to the Void titans have received the same level of distrust. Queen Electra and Queen Reoul, despite needing rest, confronted their citizens and assured them of a better future. The results of the Culling was far form being decided at that point. But nobody wanted their children to be part of the competitions anymore. Not while those same leaders were sitting on their thrones.

The storm ceased. It was overtaken by an even greater storm. Days were long and hard for the monarchs and, a week of this passed by.

"Father! Open up this door!" A young adult male with black hair and a fair build banged on the door of King Jubilee's office. Beside him were two attendants who tried reasoning with him.

"Prince Jules, you need to calm down."

The prince stopped at that point. He took a good look at the person who said it. With his blood red eyes showing nothing but anger.

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"Calm down?" He immediately punched the same attendant who spoke to him. Sending her down the floor as he stepped on her head.

"How can I calm down Nibi? HUH!" He began stomping on her head. Mercilessly. Like he wanted her dead.

"HOW CAN I FUCKING CALM DOWN WHEN MY FATHER IS RUINING THE REPUTATION OF US ROYALS!" He continued stomping a little more. Only after Nibi screamed did he finally stop. Breathing before he continued to speak again.

"For fuck's sake! I thought he was finally becoming a decent person because he booked mother and I to the only luxurious hotel we have in this fucking hellhole. Yet this is what I return to?" He was talking about the gossips of course. One of the favorite pastime of the Voids. Even those within the Inner Walls.

Jules was just about to bang the door again. But then, a person holding a stack of papers came through the corridor. Making him halt from his actions as the person's face peeked from the towering amount of papers. It was Lilia.

"Oh, so you're back." Lilia said in a normal tone. Greeting the prince as was customary.

"Why is this whore here?"

"Ouchthat actually hurt my feelings." Lilia sarcastically said, walking straight towards the door. The woman held the stack of papers with just one hand as she grabbed for the door. With the prince giving off a smirk as he commented.

"It's no use. He's locked himself " Lilia opened the door with ease.


"Oh were you trying to get in? You're father isn't here though. So no matter how many times you knock, nobody's gonna answer you boy. All that's in this room are paperwork." She said, opening the doors wide open and showing just this. There was nothing but paperwork on King Jubilee's desk.

"Now, if you don't mind, I need my peace and quiet." Lilia said, closing the door at the humiliated Prince Jules.

There was a short silence that followed. The two maids assisting the prince were scared to their wits. Thinking that they were going to get beat up again.

"He's not here?" The prince kicked the vase standing right next to the door. Shattering it as he screamed.

"What the fuck do you mean he's not here! He's the king! He should be in the castle!"

"Did he not here me when I said peace and quiet?" Lilia heard more curses from the prince at that point.

"Well, for one thing, he definitely doesn't resemble his father." She said, bringing out an old walkman she restored and, shutting out all noises with music.

Prince Jules, the one and only son of King Jubilee was a product of a political marriage. The king was forced to marry the eldest daughter of the house of Dimitrius. All to gain a massive support from the people and sustain his position in peace.

The child was also necessary in order to make the binding even stronger. Having a boy at the first attempt was a good thing for Jubilee because, there was no need to make another one.

Having all the privileges of a sole heir, the child grew up to be a twisted human being. Loved by her mother who was known for her competitiveness, the boy was raised in the same spirit. He stooped down on anyone and, made sure that he would be the best on anything he wishes. Even if that means bribing the competition or, killing it altogether.

Thus, the boy grew up. Stacking achievement after achievement. Gaining the praise of the whole house of Dimitrius for his cold composure. His willingness to take whatever means necessary in order to secure his goal.

Jubilee however never acknowledged him. Not his abilities nor himself as a person. The king always gave him a cold shoulder and an indifferent gaze. Like he was nothing but another useless Void. This fueled an emotion on the boy as he grew up. A deep and seething anger towards his father and, a longing for his attention and acknowledgement.

"Elizabeth, prepare my bath. I need to blow off some steam." The prince said, deciding to have sex with the same maid in the bath. Elizabeth was voluptuous and enticing, a rare find he picked up from the slums.

"Nibi, go and collect all the tapes on the culling and, get every piece of information you can on the two titans my father chose." The bloodied maid answered and went on her way.

There was a lot on the prince's head at that point. He never fancied the Culling. All because nobody has ever given victory for the Void. That's why he decided to do this himself.

He wanted to enter the competition and bring this honor. Proving once and for all that he was truly the best. But time and time again, Jubilee scoffed at this idea. Saying things like "don't overestimate yourself boy."

Yet he also watched as Jubilee himself pardoned a boy who disrespected the ceremony for choosing titans. He even held the boy by the shoulder and, gave a burst of laughter as he smiled. All of which were emotions that the prince himself never raised on the king.

Even without seeing Solomon, he already hated the boy. In fact, the Bishop has told him that the boy was probably the sawn of the devil. And all the gossips that came with the culling. All the word on the streets and the talk of the people simply proved this. There was no way for a void to have powers. Not unless they resorted to an ancient craft which the bishop referred to as witchery. The same diabolical thing which the earth titans and prince Blaze resorted to.

"I'm going to uncover everything you old fool. Everything you've built, I'll snatch it away from you."

Within the shadows, a lot of things were unveiling at that moment. The storm that continued raging caused chaos on all domains. There was no room for peace at that point. For the first time in a thousand years, people finally began questioning everything. The system they believed in. Their nature as humans. Their powers. The runes. Everything. For the first time, people dared to question their beliefs on supernatural things and actually tired reasoning with all that was happening.

But the one who held the answers was nowhere to be found. The king of the Void was within Pentagon. Working in secret as he waited for Solomon to wake up.

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