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Chapter 179 New Dimension Quest (5)

Chapter 179 New Dimension Quest (5)

Klang! Klang! Klang!

The sound of metal being beat resonated through the temporary workshop built in the castle. A red metal block made of melted dwarves’ nails was being molded by the steady hammer fall.

-Bartender’s whisper: So you went to another world?

-Yes. I’ll be back by the time you come back.

-Bartender’s whisper: If you’re late, I’ll scold you.

-Please do, Madam.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

He was using a tremendous amount of physical strength and spiritual power to work, but messages were flying in from Claire at distant intervals to rejuvenate him.

-Bartender’s whisper: Is there a pretty girl there?

-No one is prettier than Claire.

-Bartender’s whisper: So smooth. Prove it.

-How can I do that?

-Bartender’s whisper: I don’t know.

-You don’t?

-Bartender’s whisper: Yes.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

He wondered what sort of relationship they had in the first place. Things had felt more comfortable than before, but he was more cautious because of it. He tried not to let it bother him, but the age difference was a problem. As he considered it, another message came in.

-Bartender’s whisper: Because of somebody these days, I can’t see you.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

-Bartender’s whisper: I miss you.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

Kang Shin-hyuk beat on the metal for a while to calm himself down before he responded.

-I also miss you.

He felt weakened as he recognized the trouble in his mind. The conversation had ended with that, but it had been enough to charge his energy. Shin Eunah would send him a message that she wanted to see him every three hours, but why was Claire’s destructive power so different? Of course, he knew the reason well.


Klang! Klang! Klang!

In order to meet her quickly, he had to focus on what was in front of him. Kang Shin-hyuk put his spirit into the metal as he beat it. The hammer conveyed his clear will into the materials with sincerity and affection, filling the metal with a heart that would not be shaken. If anyone stepped into that space now, they would be able to recognize his heart. In that atmosphere, he didn’t realize his spiritual power changing colors as he worked.

Klang! Klang! Klang!

How much more must he swing the hammer in that trance? When he woke up, the metal was a little lighter compared to the original red color it had been. A metallic belt that had a pinkish color was now before him.

-You have created an artifact with intense emotion. As a result, you have successfully created the artifact [Guardian Will(SS)] with special latent power!

-Metallurgy skill proficiency has increased to S-rank. Stamina has grown to SS-rank.

-Your affinity has greatly increased, and the rarity of the [Resist Fire(S)] has grown to become [Resist Fire (SS+)]. Skill proficiency has grown to S-rank.

-Synchronization has greatly accelerated- current rate of 53.5%.

“…” Without the help of Lee Na-hee, he had created an SS-rank artifact using only SS-rank materials. However, the message that had appeared the moment the artifact was completed made him hesitate from enjoying his success.

“…Did I make a mistake?”

-I would laugh if I knew.

“It’s an absolute secret.” The image of Claire bursting with laughter came into his mind, but fortunately, he was leaving it here. Kang Shin-hyuk sighed and checked the artifact’s information.

[Guardian Will]

[SS Rank]

[Special Abilities: Guardian, Regenerate, Aurora]

*Guardian: When the owner is in a dangerous situation, it creates a shield of spiritual power to protect them.

*Regeneration: steadily restores the owner and itself to their original state.

*Aurora: Accumulates energy from light. This energy is consumed to manifest the other special abilities, and the surplus energy is randomly beneficial.

It was embarrassing, but Kang Shin-hyuk thought the power of love was amazing.

“I want to use it.”

-The effect of learning Light Mastery is showing itself properly. 80,000HP bonus from a relieved administrator!

No doubt that meant the artifact’s third special ability, Aurora. Honestly, it felt like a waste to leave such an item here.

“Uh… well, I suppose I can create something like this again.”

-Of course. You also have the Guardian ability already with the Godslayer sword.

The administrator was right; he was feeling a bit greedy. He knew it would be a great help to this country.

‘Well, I would rather give it to Claire than wear it myself.’ He was too embarrassed to tell the administrator this, though. He already had been working on a separate gift for her, and he could give her better armor once he had increased his skill. Kang Shin-hyuk shook those thoughts away and hefted the belt in his hands.

‘Then, let’s do this.’ First, he activated Light Mastery, then used Golden Dragon to imbue the light with his energy and put it into the belt.

-Light Mastery (SS) proficiency has increased.

As a skill with high rarity, it wouldn’t grow easily, but that was one of his goals while he was here.

‘Now…’ Kang Shin-hyuk left the workshop with the belt, causing one of the soldiers waiting outside to step back.

“Is this a gift for Her Majesty?”

“Call Zeke.”

“For Sir Zeke?!” There seemed to be some misunderstanding. The soldier ran away before he could correct it, however. Soon enough, Zeke arrived, and Kang Shin-hyuk asked him to pull back the soldiers on the barriers around the city.

“If I do that, the monsters will infiltrate the city.”

“It’ll just take a short moment, don’t worry.” Zeke was still skeptical. Finally, he let out a sigh after Shin-hyuk brought up Milia.

“Damn, threatening Her Majesty. Yes, I see. It is the kingdom you saved, so do whatever you want.” Kang Shin-hyuk threw the belt into the air while he gave instructions to the soldiers retreating back from the barriers. The belt, which was thrown with the force of an SS-rank (from wearing the soul connector), quickly soared to an invisible height. It didn’t fall, however, as Kang Shin-hyuk held it up with Wind Mastery.

“Get into a good position…” Kang Shin-hyuk remote-controlled its position before stimulating it with spiritual power. For an SS-rank artifact, it should be easy enough for it to reveal itself beyond the laws of this world.


“Look, a huge circular wall…!” Kang Shin-hyuk laughed happily as the belt became huge and cast a distorted shadow over the entire kingdom. It was of a higher rank than the Heroic Shield, which was known as an impenetrable wall. He may not have fully exhibited Anvil’s abilities from his heyday, but it was a mighty display of the skill he had.

“Anvil, is that…?!”

“Are the soldiers back? Here goes!” The circular wall began to fall slowly. Kang Shin-hyuk ignored the various reactions around him as he fine-tuned the position of the wall as it steadily lowered. He had to make sure it was positioned perfectly as he had calculated it, almost like Tetris.

“Anvil, if you do that, all the barriers will fall!”

“That’s fine, as this will be the new wall that will protect this country.”

“Hah, but it could disappear at any moment…”

“It won’t.” Perhaps Zeke recalled the sight of Kang Shin-hyuk collecting the Heroic Shield. This was something he willingly created for the inhabitants of this kingdom, however. As long as his will in the belt wasn’t disturbed, it wouldn’t happen again. Kang Shin-hyuk filled the belt with spiritual power after confirming the humans had fully withdrawn. The belt then landed firmly on the ground.


A heavy vibration ran through the kingdom as it landed.

-It’s a success.

The belt wrapped around the city perfectly.

“It really worked.” He smiled as he could feel particles of mana and spiritual power in the air around him. Little by little, life was returning to the dry ground. Perhaps that was thanks to the regeneration effect of the Guardian Will; it’s ability to restore its owner steadily. That was now extending to the entire area within it.

-If Master Halo finds out, he will be envious.

“In that world, it would be fortunate if the artifacts I created didn’t need to get bigger.” The reason why it was possible here was the difference this world had with the earth. Kang Shin-hyuk turned to Zeke, who was watching him fearfully.

“Next is the fieldwork. I would like to select a suitable area for a field to grow crops in.” He brandished the two large scythes from his inventory.

Not knowing what they were, Zeke had no choice but to nod.

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