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chapter 221 – Getting Mature(1)

chapter 221 – Getting Mature(1)

At first glance, it looked like a large cylindrical column. However, if one were to look at it closely, a vertically elongated handle could be seen behind it. There was a hole in the tip of the cylinder, in which an uncontrollable amount of darkness bloomed.
[Well, what is it…?]
[Is it magic? Is italive?]
The creatures living in this world had high combat power levels, but they were completely ignorant about artifacts and magic-related items. Therefore, they could only watch in confusion. Meanwhile, Kang Shin-hyuk could feel that the power he borrowed from Shu was working properly.
‘Is it really like this? It’s not just making the gun huge. As a result of the desire to want a means of attacking them all at once, the gun chose that path.’ It was just because this could attack everyone. However, the result had been special thanks to Kang Shin-hyuk’s deep understanding of Shu’s ability through his spiritual power. As a bonus, he also had a lot of experience enlargingartifacts.
‘The growing side is similar, although the mechanics are different.’ He knew very well that it was much easier to recreate something that had been seen before than doing it all from scratch.
‘The weapon is suitable too.’ The massive weapon floating above them now was the pistolErebos.
[Thyrsus No.0-Erebos]
[SSS+ Rank]
[Special Abilities: Supply Ammunition, Dark Bullet, Encroachment, Protection]
*Encroachment: Forces the enemy to assimilate with the darkness, inflicting damage over time by instilling poison into the darkness itself. Extremely lowers the enemy’s dark resistance and traps them in shadows. When live ammo is loaded, the energy consumption is extremely reduced, but the effect of the ability is reduced byhalf.
*Protection: The blessing of deep darkness inhabits the gun to protect the user and strengthens their ability to deal with the darkness.
The muzzle was aimed at the ground as an illusion of a golden dragon spiraling around the barrel appeared. When he confirmed that all of his abilities were manifesting, he pulled his index finger to fire off a bullet of darkness straight at them.
It was as if night had arrived as the darkness encroached the earth, and everyone except those protected by the wall was buried up to their waists in it. Not even the storm turtles floating in the sky could evade it.
[Ah, it hurts. This darkness is holding me!]
[Poison, poison in the darkness…!]
It had a more terrible result than the rocket punch Shu threw. She used a force she didn’t fully understand to achieve the best results, using her bare hands to minimize the penalties of her abilities. It was a fighting method based on pure intuition, which was probably why she didn’t check the abilities of the gloves Kang Shin-hyuk made forher.
‘But I can draw a near-perfect understanding with spiritual power.’ That was why, in this one instance, he could use Shu’s ability in a way that was more powerful than hers.
[Anvil, whatjust…]
“It’s not over yet.” Kang Shin-hyuk recovered the huge pistol that had been floating in the sky and opened his hands. Now it was time to use the second artifact that had borrowed her abilities.
[Soul Connector]
[SS Rank]

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

[Special ability: Shadow Silk, Lord, Spiritualization, Dwarf’s Hand]
*Shadow Silk: It emits the power of the soul into a thread with physical force. It never ceases unless the power of the soul is lost. Allows for movement through the shadows.
An artifact that moved through the darkness and emitted a thread of soul. It wasn’t very high ranked among the artifacts he had now, but none were better for the current situation.
‘Well, if there were just one of them, I would’ve used the Dark Spirit Pearl.’ Had there been one powerful enemy, that would’ve been more effective. However, now there were relatively weak enemies (although they were still SS-rank) stuck in thedarkness.
As a result, the soul connector fired out thousands of threads, not even just from his fingertips but straight out of the darkness around the wall. They penetrated the vital spots of the enemies that couldn’t escape from the darkness, filling them with soul poison.
[Save me, saveme…!]
The sounds of screams resonated out in all directions, but Kang Shin-hyuk ignored it as he focused on controlling the soul connector. His eyes were closed, but he could grasp the enemy’s conditions more clearly than he could by sight alone. In fact, the moment he stretched out the threads, he could tell he had killed enemies everywhere, but some still persisted.
[You’ve borrowed the power of outsiders!]
[We should’ve killed you right away!]
[Yeomin, traitors…!]
They were the leaders of the forces. Surprisingly, they were pushing on despite being weakened by soul poison.
-The ability to manifest wasn’t completely realized. However, it is definitely a record to unilaterally borrow an ability likethis!
‘No, it was a fairly reinforced attack, but I couldn’t kill them. I lack both comprehension and power.’ He clenched his jaw as he manipulated the threads. It was impossible to continue to use Shu’s abilities, but he could still manipulate the projections that had already been made.
[This much…?]
First, the body of the massive rock wolf was wrapped in hundreds of threads and squeezed. Threads weaved their way inside of the cracks in the rock, tearing himapart.
The soul poison took effect a bit later, weakening its source as its body broke and rocks splattered in all directions.
[The rock wolves… kiii?!]
Next was the head of the storm turtles, who was trying to escape even though more than half of its body was buried in darkness.
[How, mybody…!]
Their shells were tough, but he didn’t need to cut through it. He just needed to dig into the delicate flesh hidden inside and inject soul poison into them.
[Kiii! No, everyone willdie!]
Meanwhile, the leader of the swamp pigs realized his impending doom after watching the rock wolves and storm turtles die. He tried to resist the darkness by splashing water around his body, but before he could flee the threads, something bit into his torso.
It was the only surviving fire lizard. Without hesitation, it grabbed the head of the swamp pig and ate it whole. The darkness couldn’t approach it because of the flames itemitted.
“Tsu.” Kang Shin-hyuk stopped controlling the threads and climbed up onto the wall to get anoverlook.
“Why won’t it end with this?” Before him was a fire-lizard that emanated a toxic spark, unlike what had been seen in the previousraids.
[Koo, kooo.]
The one who devoured the swamp pig approached the other corpses, emitting sparks to drive back the darkness. It devoured the corpses it found, its strength growing as it did. It was common for monsters to increase their magic by predating other monsters, but the extent to this one was growing was strange. Perhaps Jormungand was imbuing it.
[Anvil, I don’t think your ability works for it… ah?!]
Kwati trembled and let out a cry. This was because she saw the thousands of threads that moved like waves in a dark sea sink down and lose their power. Shu’s abilities had reached its limit.
“Well, not that it would help.” Kang Shin-hyuk laughed as he watched the monster devour corpse after corpse. It was some bad timing, but now that he had to deal with it using his own ability, he could expect a great reward.
[I will cooperate. After all, the fire-lizard handles flames. At least, I can stop you from getting hurt.]
“Oh, really? That will make things easier. When I signal, can you prevent his control for a second?”
He wanted to say he finally found a place where the Yeomin could play an active part, but he pressed it down.
[But are you okay? My flames won’t hit him at all, and his energy is growing stronger… it’ll be difficult unless you have some weird abilities like you showed earlier.]
“I wouldn’t have come if I was unprepared.” Kang Shin-hyuk quickly drank a spiritual potion.
“I still have some things that can help me.” That would have to beenough.
He produced the Godslayer and put the Dark Spirit Pearl inside it.
-Due to fusing with the [Dark Spirit Pearl], the possibilities of the Godslayer have temporarily blossomed. It has become an SS+ rank. The strength and durability of the sword are amplified, and the power of all special abilities aremaximized!
-You can now handle the special ability [Dark Spirit].
-The special ability [Spirit Sword] has been temporarilyunlocked.
-[Sacred Sword] and [Spirit Sword] have fused to unlock the special ability [Sword of Chaos]. [Sword of Chaos], [Flesh Control], and [Guardian] have fused to unlock the special ability[Dawn].
-The special ability cannot be expressed due to a lack of ability. Forced manifestation could lead to death.
Of course, Dawn was still not available. He wondered if he went beyond the limit of mortals, it would become possible to use.
‘There’s no end togrowth.’
-It is like a child waiting for the moment they become an adult. No matter how old you are, forever like a child… oh, you’re an adult now.Sorry.
‘That was revenge just now.’ But it was alright. The ability he wanted to use was [Dark Spirit], not [Dawn]. An ability that would absorb all darkness and be strengthened byit.
Kang Shin-hyuk jumped towards the fire-lizard as it let out a roar. Its size kept growing with each corpse it ate. 8 meters, 9, 10… the bigger it grew, the brighter the flames it emitted became. Kang Shin-hyuk extended his sword forwards, pulling in the sea of darkness that Erebos had created.
“Kwati, now!” Kang Shin-hyuk made a short leap through space and swung the Godslayer with all his might.
The darkness concentrated at the very tip of the sword and exploded.

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