A Western Doctor's Happy Farming Life

Chapter 327

The hustle and bustle of ambulances reverberated in my ears, with words like "rescue", "serious injury" and "emergency room" coming from time to time.

Song QingHan slowly opened his eyes and saw a circle of enthusiastic strangers around him. He couldn't help but say, "who are you..."

The men were quiet for a moment, looked at each other, and all of a sudden they said in one voice: "lost memory!"

Brain a pumping pain, song QingHan opened his mouth, seems to want to say what, but the head a tilt, but it is coma in the past.

When he opened his eyes again and looked at the ceiling and the hanging bottle on the top for a long time, he finally realized his present situation.

He went through it again?!

No, or was it his dream?

In fact, he did not go through the strange world of male and female children. Wu Dahu is still a person in his dream, but this dream has become a dream in his dream?

The more he thought about his scalp, the more numb he felt. For a moment, he felt whether he had schizophrenia.

What dream can be so true? Is it true that he can't even recognize people in reality? It's so... Even the pain of having a baby is so clear.

He moved his hand slowly over his stomach, which was now smooth and had no trace of mending.

What a dream.

Those people came to see him again and again. From their mouths, song QingHan learned that the reason why people arrived so well that day was that they were about to miss the golden rescue time. If song QingHan still did not show signs of awakening, the hospital would make a verdict on vegetative people.

Vegetative person is not terrible, terrible is that no one can take care of him, the hospital is not charity, it is impossible to let these machines run for him for free.

Fortunately, things are not too bad, no matter how he wakes up, although in the eyes of those people, his confused appearance after waking up is not much different from that before he wakes up. At most, he will eat by himself.

After a delay of two or three days, song QingHan retrieved his previous memories. However, although he could match the names in his memory with the faces of those people, he could not recover the feeling he had before, as if he and they were no longer close colleagues, but strangers.

Those people saw that he had a cold attitude and no longer visited his ward frequently. After all, no one was willing to be hot faced and cold buttocks. Moreover, everyone had a lot of things to do, so they forgot that he was a teacher and friend to them.

Song QingHan went to the director of the hospital to hand in his long prepared resignation letter. Despite the strong retention of the president, song QingHan resolutely left the hospital where he felt complicated.

I still remember the position of home. Besides, even if his consciousness doesn't remember, and his body memory after cultivating for such a long time is still there, even with his eyes closed, he can know where to go.

When walking to the endless flow of the road, song QingHan, who had not seen so many cars for a long time, subconsciously stopped, turned his head and looked, and quietly stood beside a man who was also going to cross the road.

Seeing that the man had been looking up and talking to himself from time to time such words as "sinful" and "young" in his mouth, he followed the man's line of sight and saw a big face on the LED screen.

It's really a big face, because it's a close-up that can't be magnified any more. It's like I want to shoot the pores on that face.

When the red light turned green, the people around him changed one after another, and some kind-hearted people reminded him that he could cross the road. However, when he found that he had no response, he only shook his head regretfully and left when he had a brain problem.

Song QingHan's hands were clenched into fists at some time, and then hung down on both sides of his body, as if trying to keep calm, so that he would not do anything incomprehensible because of his gaffe.

A slight but firm word escaped from his mouth: "Tiger..."

he jerked up and ran in the direction of his home.

When the green light turned into a red light, his behavior was understood as a suicide road. Several cars were suddenly braked. Finally, the driver put his head out of the window and yelled at him.

These song QingHan do not know, his mind only one idea, that is to quickly go home, to find out the name and address of the person on the LED billboard, and then try every means to find him.

No matter whether those things are true or not, his love for Wu Dahu is true, so even if he has gone through time and space, he has to find Wu Dahu and realize his promise made before his death in his last life - to protect him by himself.

When he got home, he started to turn on the computer with trembling hands, input "man on LED billboard" with a finger of Zen, and pressed enter to screen the information he needed one by one. His frown showed his inner uneasiness. Even when he was in the college entrance examination, he probably didn't think so.

The man was not the same as he thought. He was not called Wu Dahu, but Wu Dahu. The reason for his name is very simple. When he was born, his parents just arrived in Shanghai.Simple, rough, like his dad's family history.

Yes, Wu Dahu is a real rich second generation, but he does not smoke, drink or cause trouble. He has made great achievements all the way, and his love history is also extremely clean, which is about zero.

Song QingHan's mood was very complicated after reading it, because no matter what happened in his last life, he and Wu Dahu were well matched. Unexpectedly, when he arrived here, the distance between them was even 1080 Li.

How does it make him live up to his promise?

However, he is not discouraged. In his last life, Wu Dahu spent a lot of effort to catch him. He has not started yet. What can I complain about? Isn't that distance? A bird in Jingwei knows how to fill the sea with stones. Doesn't he know how to build a bridge by hand?

He made up his mind to do it. Without even thinking about it, he grabbed his wallet and mobile phone, went downstairs and took a taxi. He said, "go to Yinlin Pavilion on Beichen road."

As soon as the driver was about to turn over the sign, he heard the destination slip and almost hit the steering wheel.

Where is Beichen road? It was the most prosperous area in the whole city. Every time he drove there, he drove in the middle of the road without bias. He was afraid that he would hit the wall of other people's house a little, and he could not afford to pay for it.

The most important thing is that Yinlin Pavilion is the most famous place in Beichen road. The reason is that there lives the richest man in the city. The high wall courtyard completely separates the view from the outside, but no curiosity from the outside. Pedestrians always stare at the tall courtyard wall and study it for a while. It seems that you can read the rich man's wealth from the structure of the courtyard wall 。

He took a look at Song QingHan in the rearview mirror. He was beautiful and white, and his eyes were dark. He didn't look old, but he was not young. Most importantly, he didn't look rich.

But as the saying goes, "a man can't be judged by his appearance". Maybe this person who doesn't look like a rich man is just a rich man?

His thoughts turned in the driver's mind, and finally returned to the original point. He punched in happily, stepped on the gas pedal, and happily replied, "yes

Song QingHan didn't know why the driver was so happy. He only knew that he was very nervous now.

It's a bit like the bridegroom who is about to see a new bride. He is worried that the other party's reaction is too dull and that the other party's reaction is too intense.

At the time of his wild thoughts, the tall courtyard wall has already appeared in the driver's sight. The driver looks at the security guard standing upright outside the door, and his eyes flash with admiration.

Obviously, we all use the most advanced anti-theft technology, but we still have to place two flesh and blood people at the gate. This feeling is a bit like an ancient mansion. We must pick the best two stone lions towns at the gate. The other meanings are not clear, but they are magnificent!

Song QingHan randomly drew two red bills and put them into the driver's hand. Without even looking at the change the other party had found, he walked directly to the door of Yinlin Pavilion.

The driver didn't stop him. He put the change back into his wallet. He thought that the words of the ancients were reasonable. Fortunately, he didn't refuse to carry the car before, otherwise he would miss a "big customer".

Song QingHan was not as optimistic as the driver. He nervously walked to the front of the security guard, cleared his throat and said in a deep voice, "I'm looking for Wu Dahu. Please tell me one or two."

When he realized that he could speak the old saying, he would like to bite his tongue off, and his ear tip could not help but feel a touch of red.

The security guard looked at him, turned his head again and pretended not to see him.

Song QingHan summoned up the courage to repeat it. Suddenly, there was a solemn voice in the loudspeaker.

"Young master is ill. Don't stop when the ambulance comes in."

As soon as the security guard was ready to answer, they heard a clear voice.

"I am the attending doctor of the first hospital. I can check the patient's condition before the ambulance arrives, so as not to delay the patient's condition."

With a look of astonishment on their faces, they turned their heads and saw that song QingHan was really holding the work permit of the first hospital, and stammered out: "Guan, housekeeper, this man has just arrived, and we haven't had time to drive him away..."

the housekeeper is indeed a housekeeper. He only glanced at the work permit on song QingHan's hand and said decisively, "let him in."

After entering the gate, song QingHan looked at the wide road and felt that when he passed by, the ambulance might have arrived.

But he can think of the problem, no reason, the housekeeper can not think of, so soon he appeared in front of a black man riding a battery car.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

He didn't ask much. He got on the bus directly and felt the light wind blowing on his face. It was not good to have a big heart yard. After he was with Wu Dahu, he would change to a small house.

After arriving at the place, a middle-aged man in a tuxedo looked at him seriously, stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture. While walking, he said: "the young master accidentally knocked his head in the bathroom a few days ago. After the family doctor checked it, he said it was OK. I didn't expect that the young master would feel headache and crack every day for a while, saying that it was someone else digging his head and just took it Head to the wall, now faint, we dare not move, the ambulance will come for some time, please the doctor to deal with itSong QingHan found that although the housekeeper seemed to have believed him, they had been following several strong men all the time, either with their hands in their pockets or in their coat pockets, as if they would take out dangerous goods from them at any time.

He didn't feel so sad. It was better to be more closely guarded. Otherwise, anyone could go to see Wu Dahu. His life would have been gone.

When he arrived in a cold room, song QingHan felt very nervous when he saw the figure lying in the pool of blood on the ground. He quickly walked over, opened the medical box prepared by the side, put on clean gloves, and pursed his mouth to deal with wudahu's wound.

Thankfully, although he hasn't touched these modern tools for a long time, he doesn't feel a bit raw when using them.

The housekeeper has been in a highly tense state since Song QingHan started. As long as song QingHan dares to act rashly, the pistol with muffler will take his life away in an instant.

Fortunately, there was no, and the blood stopped. Although he was a layman, he could see that song QingHan's technique was astonishing.

Song QingHan had just packed up his things, and the sound of an ambulance came from outside. He stepped aside. After the paramedics came in, he concisely explained the state of wudahu. Seeing the rescue personnel, they all looked at him with strange eyes and said, "I am song QingHan from the first hospital."

Hearing the name, the rescuers' faces showed a sudden awakening expression. They nodded respectfully to him, and quickly lifted wudahu to go out. One of the people who fell behind even asked song QingHan whether he wanted to go together.

Song QingHan naturally wanted to follow Wu Dahu, but he had to talk to the housekeeper to avoid being suspicious.

"Save people to the end, since he has been through my hands, I should always watch him recover."

The housekeeper looked at his back and motioned to the person behind him. The man quickly handed over his mobile phone and whispered, "this song QingHan is famous in the medical field. People are the same as the photos. They should be right."

Seeing this, the housekeeper could not help but feel relieved and took his hand out of his trouser pocket.

It's the first time that he saw the doctor who saved people to the end, but it seems that there is no abnormality at present. Maybe this is just a little eccentricity of genius.

Song QingHan was quiet all the way, only occasionally answering one or two questions from the doctors. After answering, he looked down to see Wu Dahu, as if gazing at his beloved partner.

The doctors saw that he was indifferent and did not find himself bored any more. When they arrived at the hospital, they began to work hard.

Although song QingHan is a doctor, he is not a doctor in this hospital, so he is not qualified to enter the emergency room. Fortunately, he is not in a hurry because he knew that wudahu's injury was not serious when he was dealing with wudahu's wound. The so-called rescue is just to help him do a whole body examination to exclude other complications.

Rao is so. In front of the emergency room, people are standing unconsciously. Of course, there is the housekeeper song QingHan saw before. He is standing in the middle of the crowd, his face is heavy and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

Song QingHan thinks it strange that Wu Dahu's parents did not appear. However, in his logic, Wu Dahu suffered a minor injury, and it is normal that his parents do not appear.

After a while, the emergency room door opened. The doctor pushed Wu Dahu out and said to the housekeeper with a sincere face: "there is no big problem. It's brain injury. You need to rest for a few days."

Looking relieved, the housekeeper followed the doctor and pushed Wu Dahu into the best single ward in the hospital.

After he stood still, he was about to talk to the doctor about Wu Dahu's illness. When he saw song QingHan standing quietly in the corner, he couldn't help speaking.

The doctor didn't think much about it. After all, song QingHan had come with them, and it was normal to be here at this time.

After all the other people left, there were only housekeepers and thugs in the room, as well as song QingHan, who stood in the corner and was quite different from them.

Song QingHan took a look at the housekeeper, but he didn't see anything else. He directly dragged a bench to Wu Dahu, shaved an apple, ate it slowly, and vaguely said, "I want to watch him wake up, or I won't be at ease."

The housekeeper stopped talking. Thinking that song QingHan had just saved Wu Dahu, he would have to drag a bench and sit on the other side.

Apple's crisp voice has been echoing in the room, listening to the thugs subconsciously touch their stomach.

They came out in a hurry before they could have lunch.

I don't know if he thinks the voice is too noisy. Wu Dahu's eyebrows gradually wrinkled, and his eyelids slowly open. He murmured: "Xiaohan..."

the sound of biting the apple stopped suddenly. Song QingHan took a piece of paper, put the remaining half of the apple on it, leaned forward to Wu Dahu, and whispered, "it's me."

Wu Dahu's eyes gradually focused on song QingHan's face, but his reaction was different from Song QingHan's imagination. He even yelled: "ghost!"The housekeeper's forehead leaped. He looked at Wu Dahu, who was shocked, and song QingHan, who was innocent. He held his chin and seriously thought about it. When did he start to be afraid of ghosts?

Song QingHan glanced at the housekeeper. Seeing that the housekeeper was in deep thought, he had no time to control himself for the time being. He directly grasped Wu Dahu's face and forced him to put his eyes on his face and said happily, "I'm Xiaohan, song QingHan, your husband!"

I don't know what terrible picture wudahu recalled. His face gradually became distorted and said in a deep voice, "it's you who have done something to my brain!"


there was a temporary silence in the room. The housekeeper felt it necessary to stand up and explain at this time. He coughed softly and said, "young master, this doctor song QingHan has just helped you with your wound, but not with his hands and feet. You can rest assured that I have been guarding the whole process."

Wu Dahu's face showed a look of obvious disbelief. In his deep eyes, it seemed that there was a violent storm, and the dark tide that song QingHan could not understand was surging.

"He did it! He definitely did something shady to my brain! I dream every day these days! Wake up in the brain does not belong to my memory, he must be crammed in! It must be! "

Did not wait for housekeeper to dissuade, Leng for a long time song QingHan then opened his mouth to ask: "is dream I married with you?"

Wudahu stopped, then reacted fiercely: "it's him! He did it absolutely. How else would he know what was going on in my head? "

After listening to Wu Dahu's words, even the housekeeper could not help but put his eyes on song QingHan, as if waiting for him to give an explanation.

Song QingHan did not make a sound. He looked at Wu Dahu's face for a long time and found that he could not find any trace similar to Wu Dahu from his face.

Maybe... It was just an accident?

Just two people had the same dream?

Moreover, even if it is true, not everyone is as obsessed with the past as he is. Maybe Wu Dahu doesn't want to live like Wu Dahu, so his memory will be confused. When he sees him, Wu Dahu will feel so scared.

Is he a little... Too smug?

Song QingHan fell into meditation. Seeing that his act of holding the apple in his hand aroused Wu Dahu's uneasiness and vigilance, he grinned and stood up and said to the housekeeper, "since he's OK, I'll go back. Goodbye."

The housekeeper didn't know, so he nodded. After he left, he sat down and asked Wu Dahu.

Perhaps the housekeeper didn't notice, but Wu Dahu saw song QingHan's dim eyes after saying that sentence.

When song Han was gone, he didn't even want to see him again.

In his ear came the housekeeper's garrulous voice. Wu Dahu turned his head and looked at the paper soaked in apple juice. He felt that his mood was getting worse.

Song QingHan drooped his shoulders and called for a taxi. As soon as he sat in, he heard a voice of surprise.

"Oh! Isn't this the gentleman I pulled before? What's up? Is someone in the family ill? "

Such a large hospital is standing here. Unless he is blind and hard to use his brain, he can't guess the reason why song QingHan came here.

Song QingHan glanced at the driver, not knowing if his familiar face made him feel relaxed. He leaned back and said: "I'm sick, and I'm very ill. Let's go to the place where I got on the bus before."

If ordinary people describe their destination in this way, the driver must have a good laugh at him, but the one who said this became song QingHan, and the driver felt that there was a sense of closeness in the words.

Look, how much he trusts my memory!

So when he spoke, he did not have any scruples. He looked like a big brother and sympathized: "illness is not terrible, as long as you live strong enough! What I fear most is that I give up everything when I am ill, as if I am going to leave soon! Anyway, no matter what, as long as this second is alive, it is necessary to live a wonderful life! "

Song QingHan looked at him quietly and said that it was a pity that he would not be a salesman. He could earn a suite in a month with this positive attitude.

However, after careful consideration, he thought that what the driver said was reasonable.

Wu Dahu resisted so much and gave up? Anyway, he has the memory of Wu Dahu in his mind, but he can't accept it for the time being. He thinks it's someone else's fault.

Anyway, the memory has been in his mind, can he still get rid of it? Sooner or later, we have to accept it!

What's more, he felt sad when he thought that Wu Dahu would marry someone else and have children.

With such a complete memory, what's the difference between him and cheating?

The more the window, the more the driver thought! I'm going to buy billboards! "

The driver was stunned, but he didn't ask anything. He only thought he wanted to say what he wanted to say in his heart before he left. So he turned decisively, even with a smile on his face.After getting off the bus, song QingHan only threw a red note because he had to save money. Who knows how much a billboard costs?

Although the fare is still close to the fare, it is just enough to add the 200 yuan that was given before. What's more, the driver is in a very happy mood now, so he doesn't pursue anything. He even hums a little song and waits in situ, as if to see what song QingHan wants to say.

Half an hour later, the LED light suddenly lights up, a huge line of words rolling up in turn.

Wudahu is cold in Song Dynasty!

The driver opened his mouth wide, as if petrified in general. He couldn't recover for a long time. He didn't even notice the passengers coming outside.

But as soon as the passenger was about to leave, he turned his head and saw the line. His reaction was not much different from that of the driver. His body was stiff, as if he had been pressed some strange switch.

After song QingHan finished this with all his savings, he went downstairs with satisfaction. Seeing that all the people outside had settled down, he looked up at the direction of the building, and subconsciously took a look. After seeing the conspicuous line, his eyes bent and his face hung with the happiest smile after waking up.

Meanwhile, the other protagonist of the event is frowning over the document.

In recent days, due to the influence of those redundant memories, he has piled up a lot of things that have not been dealt with. If he doesn't want to be crushed by documents after leaving hospital, he must start to work hard now.

The housekeeper habitually opened the mobile phone and glanced at it. After seeing the headlines on the major portal websites, he shook his hand and dropped the mobile phone to the ground.

Wu Dahu raised his head in displeasure and said in a low voice, "what's the matter?"

Seeing the housekeeper's lips humming for a moment, Wu Dahu sighed in his heart. He bent down to pick up the mobile phone on the ground. When he returned it to the housekeeper, he glanced at him at will. Then he shook his hand. The poor mobile phone repeated his fate just now, but this time, he was not so lucky. He just snapped and broke into two parts.

Finally, the memory of being pressed down by him was rampant in his mind. Song QingHan's voice, face and smile seemed to be in front of him.

He covered his head, a struggling look appeared on his face, and he howled in pain.

The housekeeper was at a loss. He called the doctor and called the doctor at the same time. He said in a low voice: "take down the billboard quickly! What about mischief? Isn't it? Do you dare to accept this kind of content? "

What he didn't expect was that he didn't hang up the phone, but Wu Dahu's weak voice came from behind.

"Bring me Xiaohan, I miss him..."

the housekeeper's hand stopped, and when he saw the voice of questioning, he said in an inexplicable way: "I will not withdraw for the time being."

The housekeeper may not understand who Xiaohan is in the mouth of wudahu, but now it is difficult to pretend to be stupid.

So after a while, song QingHan was brought by his men. It seems that the means are not very friendly, otherwise song QingHan's face will not appear so blankly.

Before the housekeeper opened his mouth to explain anything, Wu Dahu said directly, "you, come here! You, get out of here

Song QingHan obediently moved over and sat on the bench that had been dragged before, blinking at Wu Dahu.

After the room was empty, Wu Dahu said without expression: "are those... True? You... Have experienced the same thing as me? "

Song QingHan chicken pecked rice and nodded. At the end of the day, he felt that his attitude was a little pressing and might not be very good. He was understanding and said, "we can get along with each other for a period of time. If you still can't accept it, we'll talk about it later."

Wu Dahu looked strange and said, "how can I say something else? Are you looking for your own

Unexpectedly, after listening to his words, song QingHan's face sank. He touched his stomach with a smile, and said slowly, "each one is looking for his own? If you want to be beautiful, I haven't calculated the pain of having a baby with you! "

Seeing him like this, Wu Dahu subconsciously turned away from his eyes. He wanted to mutter, "what did you say before?" but when it came to his mouth, it turned into: "well, that's it."

It's really strange that as long as song QingHan is around him, the pain in his brain will disappear, and his memory is still there. However, he can treat those pictures which are unacceptable to him calmly, which is totally different from the feeling when he is alone.

Whether it's for the sake of treatment, or to give song QingHan an explanation, it's a good idea to leave him around temporarily.

In the evening, the housekeeper watched the doctor painstakingly add a bed in the ward of wudahu. The expression on his face had to be said to be very wonderful.

The young master of their family, who is as defensible as jade, was taken down by a billboard like this?!

When he was sleeping, Wu Dahu rolled around on the bed and turned his head to song QingHan. Seeing that he was looking at himself with a pair of bright eyes, he felt a little embarrassed. He coughed and covered up: "why don't you sleep? I had a headache....

before he finished his explanation, song QingHan simply said, "I want to see you more."

Wu Dahu stopped and swallowed the latter part of his speech directly. Although his expression on his face looked embarrassed, he felt sweet and Zizi in his heart.It's not that no one has ever been bold to him, but... Song QingHan is different.

He is sure that those memories did not control him, but when he saw song QingHan's face, he felt that it was really different.

They looked at each other for a long time, just like a game. In the end, we didn't know who could not make it, or whether they closed their eyes at the same time. In short, when they opened their eyes, it was already bright.

After a warm and strange sleep, the relationship between the two seems to have improved by leaps and bounds. They even have to sit in rows to eat together. The housekeeper's eyelids jump. They all want to check whether song QingHan has any experience of learning Gu.

After getting along for a while, song QingHan clearly felt that Wu Dahu and Wu Dahu were somewhat different, probably due to personal experience. Wudahu was more childish, but in terms of stability, it was in the same line as Wu Dahu.

At the beginning, song QingHan was still a little lost. When he realized that wudahu was similar to his previous life experience, he was balanced.

How can anyone be the same? As long as the core things don't change.

On the day of discharge, Wu Dahu took song QingHan to the location of the building. Seeing that he had been staring at his face, he did not pay attention to the words on the building. He could not help but cry and laugh.

It's good for song QingHan to look at him all the time, but now he has something more important to show him.

Probably aware of his bewilderment, song QingHan turned his head and looked back. When he saw the lines on the building, his face was stunned. Finally, he slowly drew up a smile and looked back at Wu Dahu and said, "yes, I am yours."

Seeing his bright smile, Wu Dahu's shoulder relaxed, and he could not help but feel a sigh of relief in his heart.

He had never done such a romantic thing, and what he picked up was song QingHan's ideas, so he was worried that song QingHan would not like it.

The housekeeper sat in the driver's seat, looked at the picture of two people looking at each other and laughing from the rearview mirror, and shook his head helplessly.

They are all old people. The first time they fell in love was so sour that he was tired. He wanted to press their heads forward and help them to move forward. Don't laugh at me all day.

I don't know if he is aware of something. Song QingHan suddenly closes his expression on his face and looks at wudahu seriously.

Wu Dahu thought there was something wrong with him. Then he restrained his expression on his face and said in a deep voice: "what's the matter? With me in... "

a fever on his lips made Wu Dahu's nerves paralyzed, which made him feel half numb.

Song QingHan raised his head and looked at him with a smile. He said, "I said I'll protect you. These things you don't understand must be taught by me."

His smile made Wu Dahu's heart itch. He wanted to catch him now and tell him that he didn't need him to teach him. However, due to the housekeeper's constant glancing at this side, Wu Dahu had to endure for a while, suppress the evil fire in his heart and close his eyes to nourish his spirit.

However, as soon as he got home, Wu Dahu directly carried song QingHan into a spacious room and carried out his plan once and for all.

At the end of the event, song QingHan was so tired that he didn't want to move his fingers. He whispered: "but I can't have children now, and I don't know what little stones are like..."

Wu Dahu gently helped him clean up his body. Hearing the words, his eyes darkened, and he whispered: "the children have their own happiness. It's better if they can't have children, so they can be every day in the future...

see you He pressed down again. Song QingHan cried and begged: "no, no, you are an animal! What about Wu Dahu? I want the former one, wuwuwuwuwu... "

Wu Dahu directly pulled his hands over his head, took a breath in his ear with a low smile, and said in a soft voice:" I have been too restrained in my previous life, this life... You should not get out of bed. "

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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