Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 112

Rita and Alexander cheered as soon as the Leviathan broke the surface and jumped up.

“So, since we are done with this plan, what’s the next step?”

Alexander asked as soon as he reached a safe spot. His body hurt from all the moment and he could not help but curse his weak constitution.

Why was he so weak all of a sudden? He had trained hard to get to where he had been outside of the trial? What kind of trial was this to render him powerless like this?

“The next part? It’s for Aurora to try and snag the ‘Mystic Pearl’ back from Quince. Our part here is done.”

“But still. Shouldn’t we go up there to keep an eye on things? I can’t help but feel worried for some reason.”

Alexander did not know why he felt such a disturbance in the force. His instincts had always been sharp so he wanted to follow them.

But still, if Aurora had asked Rita to stay away after doing this task, he did not want to interfere. He did not want to spoil her plan.

“Aurora did not ask me to keep away so I was about to head out and collaborate in the relief efforts. You can accompany me so that people don’t ask you questions.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Alexander nodded and followed after Rita.

The scene in front of him looked nostalgic to him. People were running about to try and save their lives from the huge monster. Alexander had participated in such raiders as well when he had been in the tower.

At that time, he had been a coward who could not do much but run away so he had been just like those losers.

“Hey, what are you doing? Hurry up and run away.”

A soldier grabbed Alexander’s arm and he might have broken it had the soldier not run away just as fast as he had come.

Rita had also disappeared from the crown and Alexander was left to fend for himself.

Above the huge crowd, Alexander could make out two forms going toe-to-toe with the Leviathan. It was a magnificent sight to see for most people.

Too bad, the soldiers were not interested to stop around and marvel at the display of their powers.

“He’s still as good as before. But Quince looks older. Is this a result of the trial as well?”

Quince had been someone who Alexander had considered a ‘friend’ a long time ago. Alexander’s father had been a regular to the tower and Quince had befriended a young Quince.

But that had been a tentative friendship and had not withstood the trials of time. And as was natural in such relationships, the two parties drifted apart after some time.

Alexander watched as the huge tail of the Leviathan came crashing down on both parties and send them flying in different directions.

Aurora fell toward the lake while Quince was sent flying quite close to Alexander. It was a prime opportunity for him to take possession of the ‘Mystic Pearl.’

Alexander had expected Quince to be knocked out after taking such a huge attack right in the face but the man was still clinging to consciousness.

It was a valent effort but wasted. With all the injuries on the blond’s body, there was no way he would be able to fight anytime soon.

“Don’t try to stand up. Otherwise, you will aggravate your injuries.”

Quince’s head snapped toward Alexander with a ferocious look. His burning eyes cast a scalding look toward Alexander.

But it was ignored much to the blond’s dismay.

“What do you want? Why did you not leave with the troops? I ordered everyone to leave me behind. You’re too weak to be of any use on the battleground anyway.”

Quince sounded mad but also worried. It was a weird mixture to see on that face. Alexander felt those words jab at his pride.

How dare Quince call him weak? The blond did not even know what all Alexander went through or how good he was.

Quince was just making excuses now and it was pathetic to see.

“I just want something from you. I’ll leave as soon as you hand the pearl over to me.”

“I can’t. If that is all then you can leave now.”

Quince did not even hear Alexander out before he denied it. The disrespect caused Alexander’s face to blacken and he lashed out.

“You! What are you doing? Don’t you know who I am?”

“I know who you are. I just don’t care about you much right now. So sit here and rot.”

Alexander quickly aimed for the spot where he could feel the pearl’s energy coming from. It was a swift take on his part but left Quince speechless.

Alexander would have enjoyed this encounter had it not been because of the trial. The look on Quince’s face was priceless.

“That’s a good look on your face. Lost and not knowing what to do next. I should pull a few more stunts like this in the future to keep you on your toes. Too bad you’re 13 right now or I would have toyed around with you more.”

“Wait, what are you…”

But Quince never finished his words before Alexander caused the magic pearl to burst. The background began to fade to black as soon as Alexander did that.

“You just wait. We’re not finished yet.”

Alexander’s voice sounded threatening but it was nothing more than an empty threat. Both parties knew that Alexander could not do anything right now.

“I cannot believe I just did that.”

Were Alexander’s first words when he came back around. He had never thought he would get to meet Quince again, much less under these circumstances.

“Alexander? Did you get caught up in the trial as well? How lucky that you managed to get the mission accomplished.”

Aurora’s voice washed over Quince’s lingering worried and he quickly came back around to his senses.

“Ah, yes. How lucky indeed. I guess it’s time to forget all this and get going.”

Alexander inserted the pearl into the tiny spherical hole located at the side of the main door.

The door shook and shined white before it opened up slowly. They were finally entering the Royal Palace and they were going to steal from the Northern Republic.

It was a tall order but it brought a sense of excitement inside Alexander’s heart. He could see similar looks of anticipation on Aurora and Rita’s faces as well.

“I can guide you from here. And also, welcome to my home.”

Natasha bowed to them but her words were cold and emotionless still. They send a chill down Alexander’s spine.

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