Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 147 - Taking Advantage - Part 2

Aurora approached the group who had been eying her carefully. She did not want to give away her intentions but she still wanted to make a lasting impression and hook the man into her trap.

“W-Welcome ladies. What can I do to help you out?”

The man who looked like the ring-leader of this operation looked a little worried and suspicious to see Aurora approach her.

But Aurora knew a perfect way to make the likely-ring leader let his guard down.

“Hello, mister. I and my friend am new here and we got separated from our friends. Since we are new here, I was wondering if you could help us reach the next night-market location?”

Aurora wanted to gag as she let those polite words out. The man in front of her was eying her in a violating way. It made Aurora want to snatch his eyes out.

But not right now.

When Aurora had eyed the man’s group from afar, it had not looked like a suspicious bunch. Most people were eying Aurora back with a curious gaze.

But now that she had come closer, she could feel the weird energy in the air. There was something wrong with the group.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

No to mention, the ladies and the younger kids in the group were looking at Aurora with a worried expressions.

“Why of course. I will be delighted to help beauties such as you. Why don’t you come in and we can discuss this in more detail.”

Natasha looked uncomfortable at Aurora’s side. Aurora had caught the slight flinch Natasha’s body gave out as the man held his hand out to her.

Aurora felt bad exposing Natasha to such a filthy man so she gestured for Natasha to join the other ladies. She alone was more than enough to take care of this filth.

“Natasha, why don’t you join the other ladies while I talk with this gentleman here. It won’t take long.”

Aurora took Natasha’s hand in her own and looked Natasha in the eye. She made sure to press a small ball of condensed magic into Natasha’s hand and leaned closer to the younger’s ear.

“The ladies and kids likely have some kind of magic that is binding them. I trust you to free them as soon as you can.”

Aurora separated once her message had been passed over to Natasha and then turned toward the wickedly smiling man.

The more she saw of that grin, the sicker Aurora felt. But she held it all in for now since she had a task to accomplish.

“Please come in, my lady. I’m sure we will be having a lovely time here.”

Aurora tried to keep her smile up as the man gestured toward his private tent. Aurora wanted to gag as he opened the curtains for her to step in.

Did the man think that Aurora could not see through his disguise? With how obvious he was being, seeing through it was as easy as a child’s play.

Now Aurora was even more thankful she had sent Rita away on time. The redhead would have exploded in anger and punched the ring leader of this group.

“What’s wrong, my lady? Are you having second thoughts?”

The man asked once again, holding the curtains at the side to make way for Aurora.

Since the curtains were parted, Aurora could see inside the tent. But it was dark and gloomy inside the tent.

Not to mention, there was a weird presence inside the tent that put Aurora on edge. She did not want to get in.

But there was no other choice available to Aurora right now. If she did not enter the tent, then she would lose the opportunity to uncover the truth behind this matter.

The man entered after Aurora and the curtain closed behind him. It was only because of Aurora’s goddess vision that she was able to see clearly in the dark.

Something hairy touched Aurors’a arm. It almost felt like a feather but with a hairy texture.

Aurora batted the object away but then another object touched her. And then another touched her without delay.

The touches were not invasive yet so Aurors could endure them but she decided to draw a line as soon as she felt a human touch.

“That is it. You should not play with fire if you do not want to get burned by it.”

Aurora had a burning torch in her hand. The small fireball she had created was capable of lighting the whole tent.

The man behind Aurora stiffened for a second before he let out a delighted laugh. It was soon followed by more sinister laughs filling the room.

“You brought us a good meal. I can feel her pulsing with power and magic.”

“We would have fun tearing her apart.”

“I can feel my hunger rising at this delicious smell.”

Many voices were coming from around Aurora. They sounded human but had the undertone of being possessed.

Aurora saw a low of human bodies lying around the ground and looked back at her. But the most disturbing one was the half-human half-spider body in the middle of the room.

“Mother. I have brought you your next meal.”

The man who was behind Aurora bowed to the spider. Aurora could feel the magic controlling the man voluntarily.

“You did well. You finally found me a delicious meal. I will reward you well after I eat.”

The spider lady seemed to not think of Aurora as a threat. It was humiliating but also reassuring to Aurora.

But now was not the time to think about it. Aurora was here for some other reason and she also felt creeped out when the spider’s magic touched her head.

“Don’t you dare touch me! I hate bugs like you so I won’t hesitate to light you on fire.”

“Oh! She’s festy. I like her. I will use her body well once I violate her mind.”

The spider was getting ahead of itself. And Aurora decided she did not want to deal with it gently.

One touch of Aurora’s fire was all it took to get the tent to catch the fire. The suddenness of her magic startled the spider and it didn’t even get a chance to retaliate before it was burned to the crisp.

The man who had led Aurora this deep into his tent looked shocked at the display of power. His legs gave out as soon as Aurora’s eyes met his and the bodies around the pair went limp.

“Now I should think of a way to deal with you. Tell me, would you like to be killed? Or spared?”

Aurora had a sinister look on her face and she was sure she was scaring the man.

“P-Please spare me. I will never do something like this again.”

The man pleaded and Aurora decided to spare his life. For now.

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