Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 163 163: Trying something new

“Shit, you both have horrible timing. The night market is disappearing right this second.”

That was a concerning fact. Aurora was sure she should be paying attention to it. If not only for her insides felt like they were dying and her brain was constantly under a fog.

Rita, the one holding her up, must have also realized this fact because her face was a mask of panic.

“Natasha, take Aurora and help her out. I will go and scout the area out.” Rita looked exhausted and for good reasons. Unlike Natasha, she had not gotten a chance to rest.

So this was her attempt to pawn Aurora off to someone reliable and take a small nap.

Natasha realized the gesture of trust and goodwill as well so she did not complain. Being the more perspective of the two, Natasha seemed to have realized the kind of condition Aurora was in.

“You sure you don’t want to watch?”

“Positive. I don’t have enough energy to stick around right now.”

With that last bit of complaint, Rita finally left the room. It was a difficult decision but it was made in good faith. Rita did not look this gifted horse in the mouth and decided to enjoy the moment.

Not that she had much of a choice when Aurora decided to take control of the situation. As soon as Rita was gone, Aurora had pulled Natasha down and her hands snaked beneath the icy empress’s clothes.

“Calm down. I can undress on my own,”

Natasha tried to bargain but it fell on deaf ears. Before she had even finished speaking, Aurora had bare of her clothes and in her underwear..

Natasha didn’t even get a chance to make a move before Aurora’s hands squeezed her breasts and toyed with her nipples.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Natasha felt a moan leave her lips as she felt the sensation. It was addicting to feel this much stimulation on her body.

But Aurora did not stop with her hands. Once the nipples looked abused enough, Aurora’s tongue came out to play as well.

The wet organ made contact with the hot breast and sucked. It sucked like it was trying to get the milk out but nothing escaped Natasha’s body except moans.

“A-Aurora…..don’t….. B-bite.”

Natasha’s voice finally broke its monotonous approach and it got higher in pitch. It only fueled Aurora’s desire more.

The hand which had been ideal until now reached for Natasha’s lips and fingers entered Natasha’s mouth.

They did not sit around ideal once they were surrounded by that warm and wet sensation. They felt around that mouth, forcing Natasha’s tongue to play with them.

Aurora continued this torture until she was sure her fingers were wet enough for the next part.

“Y-You’re…wet….too. Let me help.”

Aurora did not stop Natasha’s hands from wandering all over her body. But she did flinch once Natasha reached her wet pussy.

Aurora was beyond wet at this point but her corruption-riddled brain did not care much for it. She wanted to experience something warm and wet exploding all over her mouth.

Natasha explored the new territory with hesitation. Auror had an intoxicating smell, not to mention, a hot body. Natasha could feel her self-resistance growing thinner the more she played with Aurora.

Her hand hesitantly tried to probe Aurora’s lower lip, just as Aurora breached her pussy with her newly wetted fingers.

The unexpected jolt of pleasure caused Natasha to lose her sanity for a few seconds and her fingers made their way inside Aurora as well.

The heat was wet and throbbing. It was unlike anything Natasha had felt before on her fingers since she did not even remember the last time she had sex.

But Aurora seemed to be enjoying being finger-fucked as much as Natasha was enjoying this. It was almost relaxing as she massaged those tight muscles more and more.

‘I want more.’ The thought was almost unconscious but Natasha did blush as soon as she realized what she was thinking about.

She had not thought of herself as a sex addict but her thoughts were proving something different.

“You want more, right? This much is not enough for you.”

Aurora spoke those words directly in Natasha’s ears. The soft breath that hit Natasha’s ears tingled and made Natasha’s sensitive body even more sensitive to the other’s presence.

Had Aurora managed to read her mind? How did she know that Natasha was feeling this way? Natasha was sure she had not done anything to give herself away.

“I can see it in your body. You want more from me. But you’ll have to be the one to ask for it. If you want to get a proper fucking, then open the drawer and take out what is in there.”

Natasha felt her face go red at the provocation. She didn’t even dare to look Aurora in the eye.

And yet, she wanted this itch beneath her skin to be gone. The feeling of wanting to have something fill her up was getting overwhelming.

‘Don’t think too much. Don’t think too much. Please, don’t think too much.’

This was a mantra at that point for Natasha since she could not stop her free hand from reaching out and opening the side drawer.

Her other hand was still buried inside Aurora’s heat and the pussy was massaging her hand, causing it to get wetter.

Natasha could feel Aurora’s eyes on her the whole time she opened the drawer and took out a familiar-looking material from inside.

“I-It’s a-“

“Dildo. It’s a two-sided fake-cock we can use to sate our desire. Don’t you want to try it, Natasha? Are you not curious about what being fucked feels like? I have been fucked before, so let me tell you – it’s pleasurable. Do you want to try it?”

Aurora’s words were borderline filthy and they were being spoken directly inside Natasha’s ears. Natasha had no idea what to do now.

On one hand, she did find herself curious about the topic of being fucked. She had asked Rita once but her question had been deflected.

“Don’t think too much over it. A ‘yes’ would be enough for us to try this once. If you are not interested in the future, then we don’t have to try this again.”

Aurora’s words fascinated Natasha. She had always been interested in getting fucked and she could not think of a better partner than Aurora.

“Aright. I want to try it out.”

The grin Aurora gave Natasha could only be described as dark. Her golden eyes had a hint of black in them but that was likely due to corruption.

“It is nice that you are acknowledging your desires. Now go ahead and get it ready.”

It took Natasha some time to realize what Aurora wanted her to do. But as soon as she did, her face went red.

“S-Surely there is no need-“

Natasha had her face stuffed before she could even finish those words. The fake cock was stretching Natasha’s mouth to its limits and it was even beginning to hurt.

Not that Aurora seemed to care as long as it was bearable.

As soon as it got to be a little too much, Natasha felt the silicon cock being forced out of her mouth.

She barely made out the half-goddess instating one end of the fake cock in herself before something big probed at her lower pussy lip.

And then something huge breached her opening. It was too much and too little at the same time.

Natasha was not sure if she wanted to pull Aurora close or to push her away. She only knew the stretch her body was feeling at that moment.

Aurora gave her a minute to adjust before the first hard thrust was felt. And another followed without any break, and then another.

‘So this is fucking? I feel like I’ll lose my mind.’

Pain and pleasure were mixing up inside Natasha’s mind and the hard rod was being driven inside her opening again and again.

Aurora showed no sign of even feeling tired but Natasha could already feel her body approaching its end. She felt like she would burst due to all the pressure.

“Let your body go. All you need to do is to relax and come.”

Aurora didn’t even sound out of breath when Natasha felt like she was approaching her end. But it was too much for Natasha to handle.

She felt her end approach like a violent release and the fake cock hit something inside her that unwinded Natasha.

Before she knew it, her body had gone lax and the clear liquid was escaping from around the fake-cock inside her.

A pair of lips ruthlessly attacked Natasha’s limp ones and she did her best to respond to them. But her tired body was too busy trying to keep up with her tired mind.

She wanted to go to sleep and wake up fresh.

“Go to sleep. You will need the energy to escape later,” that sounded like Aurora’s voice but Natasha was too sleepy to hear it properly.

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