Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 198 198: A journey begins

“Taking our lord to another continent? I cannot allow that. No, I won’t allow that to happen. You cannot take Lord Ur out. What if something happens to him? Our lord is a delicate being. He won’t be able to survive long without us and…”

Ely’s words poured out her mouth without stopping. She was brave enough to be able to say all this even when her lord was all warped around Aurora like a tight blanket.

The young, but noticeably larger dragon had all but abandoned his comfortable cushion as soon as Aurora had arrived and was running toward her.

It had not taken long for the dragon to begin nuzzling Aurora’s head in the form of a greeting. He was almost like an oversized puppy.

And oversized zealous pussy with scary claws and immunity to most magical spells. The dragon was a deadly being after all.

“Awww, come on Ely. Nothing would happen with us around. Besides, Ur wants to accompany Aurora so we should let him.”

Ely became even more violent at Rita’s words. Aurora knew that Rita was just picking a fight with the angry Viera. It was her way of making friends with the other female.

But Ely did not seem to think along similar wavelengths. Her claws were ready to fight and Ely was one step away from attacking Aurora and taking the baby dragon away by force.

And she was not the only one who was ready to do so. The other Viera around the room were tense and ready to act as well.

‘It’s cute that they think they can stop us. I guess it’s a good thing I asked Astoria to step in for me.’

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Astoria didn’t need to step in but it would certainly make things easier for Aurora.

“What is going on here? I told you all to keep a low profile but I could hear your voice on the surface. Keep your voice down.”

Astoria came down the stairs in her usual no-nonsense attitude. She looked much better today than she had for the past few days.

‘It seems like Rex is not the only one having a hard time with Lady Violet. Astoria looks like finally got some sleep today.’

And it was all because Astoria was finally off Lady Astoria’s duty. That had been assigned to Alexander since he was the chief interrogator.

Aurora already knew that Lady Violet and Alexander were going to rub each other in the wrong way. They were both too similar to not disagree in the first few minutes of the meeting.

‘I don’t envy Rex for having to deal with their shit. He deserves that much for being the headmaster.’

Aurora refused to feel guilty for the way things had ended. Nothing was her fault.

“Lady Astoria, please stop Lady Aurora’s madness. She wants to take our young lord out in the open. It is too dangerous for Lord Ur to go out for now and we cannot—”

“Stop nagging. Let Aurora take Ur out. It’s not like you’ll be able to stop Ur if Aurora asked him to come along. He’s only going to listen to her.”

The dragon kit chirped from around Aurora, his voice adding agreement to Astoria’s argument.

The tight grip the dragon kit had around Aurora made it difficult for her to move around. The dragon kit was even glaring at Ely, daring her to suggest separating Ur from Aurora.

Aurora could see defeat splash around Ely’s eyes but she was not giving up yet.

“T-Then, let me accompany you all. I have been looking after Lord Ur’s needs all this time. I know how to take care of him and—”

“Ely, you are a queen. Your people need you in Ur’s absence so you should stay back. Ur will be just fine with us and we’ll bring him back safe and sound.”

Ely finally backed down. It was not like she could go against Astoria’s orders either since Astoria had Lord Ur’s essence inside her as well.

It was an awkward position for Ely but she finally backed down. (Not that she had a choice since Lord Ur was refusing to even look at her.)

“Alright, you win for now. I will not stop you from taking Lord Ur. But please bring him back in one piece. No matter what the Eastern Empire offers you, you have to bring Lord Ur back with you.”

Oh, so that was the real concern Ely had. She was afraid that Aurora would offer to send Ur to the Eastern Empire for momentary gain or an alliance.

“Don’t worry. I have no intentions of letting other people have Ur. I need him with me for future tasks.”

Ely had a relieved and worried expression on her face at the same time. It was quite adorable but Aurora did not have much time to sit back and enjoy it.

She had a lot to be done still and she also had to meet Lady Violet before heading out.

The council representative had asked to meet with Aurora before the younger left for her journey. And quite frankly, this meeting scared Aurora. She did not want to hear anything Lady Violet had to say to Aurora.

“Astoria, take Ur and get him ready for the journey. I assume you know what I want you to do? I will meet you and Rita at the main door at 4:00 PM sharp.”

Aurora did not answer any of the questions Astoria was having and the elder did not ask. This easy friendship was something Aurora had come to adore in her life.

It was quite unlike Rita, who was glaring daggers into Aurora’s back at this moment.

“Before you ask Rita, no! You cannot accompany me when I go out to meet Lady Violet. She asked me to come alone so I will go alone.”

Rita’s pout was adorable but useless. Aurora had become immune to that smile long ago.

Not that it seemed to be clicking in Rita’s mind. The younger still tried to sway Aurora’s heart.

As for the lunch meeting? It was as normal as Aurora hoped for it to be. Lady Violet did not make any unnecessary demands from Aurora. Nor did she ask any out-of-the-blue questions.

She was civil and polite. But Aurora still got a feeling that the elder was observing her and deciding what to do with her.

The more time that passed in lady Violet’s company, the more Aurora found herself tensing. Even a little move Lady Violet made seemed like a shock to Aurora.

“You know, you don’t have to be so tense around me. You are afraid of me for some reason? You shouldn’t be.”

Lady Violet’s words attempted to lighten the mood but all Aurora felt was more dread. She wanted to look up at the other female but she was not able to raise her head.

Aurora had a feeling that she would be found out the second she looked the other female in the eyes.

“You remind me of someone with your timid nature and your refusal to look up at me. I wonder how that child must be doing out in the world. The last I heard, she went missing. Do you know what the funny thing is? That child had the same name as you.”

Aurora gulped the drink as soon as she heard Lady Violet’s words.

She knew that there was no chance in hell that she had been discovered. Lady Violet had not attempted to drag her back home which was testament enough that Aurora was free for now.

“Are you looking around for that child?” Aurora knew the answer but she still needed to confirm with the elder. She needed to know if her decision had been the right one or not.

“Me? I am not particularly concerned with that child but her parents are good friends with me and they are looking everywhere for her. If I found that child, I would take her back to her home but I won’t go out of my way to look for her.”

‘My decision was the right one. I am so glad I took the risk.’

As soon as the thought came to Aurora’s mind she felt sick to her stomach. She had sacrificed something great to gain her freedom and it did not feel good.

“Are you alright? You look a little sick. Should we call it a day?”

Lady Violet did not sound concerned for Aurora but Aurora still took it as a win. She nodded and excused herself from the gathering.

This much socialization had been enough for her. All Aurora wanted to do was to leave now and get away from this place.

This was suffocating to her. And Aurora finally could breathe freely again once she was out of the academy’s gates.

She had left a dangerous opponent unchecked within the academy’s boundaries but Aurora did not have the heart to go back in there.

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