Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 214 214: The aftermath - part 1

The temple was falling apart with the death of the outlooker. Something about his power had given way in the last second before Aurora’s hands ripped out his pulse.

But the weird thing was, Aurora did not remember what happened in the few seconds she had lost conscious for.

How had she been in a losing position and then ended up killing the outlooker so fast? Things just didn’t make sense.

“L-Lord Shaun, are you done in there? Can I come in now?”

The voice belonged to the Head Priest. The man was likely waiting outside for the door to know what he should do next.

‘Another headache I don’t know what to do about. How did I get myself into this mess again?’

All Aurora had wanted to do was to use the knowledge she had about the future to her advantage but every time she tried to do that, something or other ended up happening that complicated things.

It was like the future knowledge was a landmine telling Aurora to stay away from it.

“Lord Shaun, are you in there?”

The door was opening and Aurora kind of panicked. She had killed the outlander in an uncontrolled loss of power and now had to face the consequences of her action.

(Somewhere in her mind, Aurora’s goddess self could not help but laugh at the absurdity of the situation Aurora was worrying about. She had somehow killed an outlander and was afraid of a few people?)

“Your Lord Shaun went back to the abyss for a bit but handed the authority over to me for all the operations he was heading. He also asked me to get the details of the magic-gathering ceremony from you.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Now that her main lead was gone, Aurora focused her attention on the next best source of information she had. The Head priest looked taken aback at Aurora’s words but he was smart enough to realize that he was no longer safe.

Even a child knew that their priority was to survive the danger and then look for a way to improve the situation. An adult was no different in this regard.

“I s-see. It is fortunate that we have my lady with us. Now, what does our lady want us to do?”

The Head Priest changed his tone easier than a human changed clothes. Aurora did not trust the man but his aura of fear was real. She could use him well.

“I heard that you have a nymph in your temple. I want to meet her for some personal business. And I also want details of everything you people have been doing in the past 100 years. Don’t try to deceive me or you will all suffer the consequences.”

It should have terrified Aurora to know how cold she was being. Her mind had no problem imagining snapping the Head Preist’s neck if he betrayed Aurora.

She had never been this ruthless before but somehow it came easy to her right now.

Her mind almost felt like it was drunk on power. The magic was pulsing in Aurora’s veins, asking her to swallow the second core she had gotten.

“I understand my lady. Do you need to lie down right now? You don’t look so good right now.”

The Head Preist sounded worried about Aurora but his aura said it was more for his benefit than Aurora’s.

No matter how good of a relationship the temple had with the royal family, they could not hide away from Goddess Mei on their one.

As such, Aurora was their only option. If she was powerful enough to drive Lord Shaun away then she was a worthwhile investment.

“What has gotten into me? This unsettling feeling won’t go away. Did something happen in the time frame I lost consciousness for?”

Aurora clutched her hand tighter but she felt something hard in her hand stop it from closing fully.

It was the core she had ripped out of the outlooker.

“What should I do with it? Should I give it to someone and add a new goddess to my side?”

The more Aurora thought about that idea, the more appealing it sounded to her. But for some reason, all Aurora wanted to do was swallow the core.

Her mouth was salivating for her to put the core inside her body and absorb it.

‘No way. Won’t I choke on it if I try to swallow ut?’

But Aurora’s brain and body were at a different wavelength. She could feel the pulse of magic coming from the core. It was so bewitching that Aurora lost control of her impulses.

By the time Aurora realized what she had done, the core was already in her belly and the energy inside it was accumulating with Aurora’s own.

Her throat was burning with the desire to drink something to ease the passageway.

“My lady, I have the nymph with me. Should I come in now?”

The Head Priest chose a dangerous time to come back. Aurora’s mind and her body were at odds with each other.

But the worst thing was the corruption that had taken this time to strike at Aurora’s vulnerability. It was spreading inside her veins, trying to render Aurora useless.

Aurora tried to warn the priest but he was a human without much magic power. He could not understand what Aurora wanted to say.

He had to consider himself lucky to have the nymph lady with him. She was likely the one who sensed that something was wrong with Aurora and instantly blocked the corruption’s attack with her magic.

Since Nymphs’s magic was one of the two counters to the corruption, it was effective against the incoming wave. But it was not able to hold off against the god’s might.

“Head Priest, you head out for now. Things are going to get dangerous here.”

A better and braver person might have protested and offered to help. But the Head Priest was all but a coward who hid behind the others and reaped the benefits.

So all he did was agree and ran away like the coward he was.

Once he was gone, the nymph used what little magic was left in the seals around the temple to seal the goddess inside.

It was only a temporary solution but the nymph had bled her magic in the seal. It was responding to her and surpassing the corruption.

Slowly but surely, the corruption was losing effect on Aurora but it was only a temporary solution.

“I don’t know how you did it, but the corruption inside you is surging. Something excited it recently and your body is fighting hard to combat it. But even that cannot handle the stress of corruption for long.”

The nymph looked emotionless when she said that. She had commendable bravery to be able to stand straight in front of Aurora like this. It seemed as if she did not fear anything at all.

Maybe it was because she had faced a lot of similar situations or if she did not understand how grave the situation was for her. It could be any of the above conditions that made her so fearless.

But Aurora no longer cared. Her brain was in turmoil that wanted relief before she explode. Different energies were colliding inside her right now.

This was worse than being boiled alive. This was like someone was trying to pull out Aurora’s internal organs right now and trying to replace them with liquid fire.

The sensation was not only painful but recurring.

“Just help me out now. I won’t be able to stay sane for long.”

Aurora knew what she had to do to get the corruption out. The nymphs had a soul tree that could take their corruption away as nutrition. Aurora needed to pass on her corruption to the nymph.

“I understand. My name is Phione and I will help you calm down. Now please, focus on my voice and allow me to draw you into my inner world. Don’t worry, there is no danger there.”

The voice echoed around Aurora’s mind in a loving whisper. It wanted Aurora to surrender to it and Aurora tried hard to let her body melt into that voice.

But it was tough for her to do that. Her body was not related at all. This much was just not enough for her.

“Darn, you are a tough one. I cannot believe how much magic you have inside you. But you have to let me in if you want me to help you out.”

Aurora felt something soft touch her face. It was a hand but the touch was softer than anything she had felt in her life.

Someone was cupping her face lovingly and it was enough to throw Aurora off her trail.

“Good, you finally let me in. Now, open your eyes so that you can see my real self.”

Aurora hadn’t thought much of the nymph’s read appearance and that was why the vision in front of her took her back a little.

“A cat-lady? Really?”

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