Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 228 228: A successful Kidnap? [pt1]

“I think I should have reported someone who is here to create chaos but since Lady Asami gave me such a special gift I think I would forgive her. It is not every day one gets to lay their hands on a goddess’s corps.”

Ava walked through the uneven cave where Mei’s dead body lay.

The body no longer belonged to a young and vibrant lady but lay between a sword formation and was not old and withered. It was a pity to see her in such a state when the goddess had been so full of spirits just a moment before.

“Such a pity that not even your hair survived once your core was removed. You are in such a sorry state. But don’t worry, I will help you fix it.”

“After all, you are a very important specimen for me.”

Ava laid her hand on Mei’s dead chest and light shot out from her body. It surrounded Mei’s dead body and slowly it recovered to its former state.

There was not a single flaw on that beautiful face left but there was no life in that body either. It was just a well-rested corps.

Well, that was until Ava opened her hand and threads came out. They were no ordinary threads as well, but webs made up of special enzymes.

Mei’s skin darkened once it came into contact with the threads but she could no longer make any moment to save herself.

Slowly, those threads entered her body and her arm began to move. Mei’s eyes opened as well but there was neither light in them, nor any recognition.

“Welcome back my dead puppet. I am so glad to see that you managed to stay intact throughout the process. I knew saving this card would come in handy in the future.”

Ava sounded delighted to see Mei waking up. And why should she not be when she had a very powerful puppet in her hand?

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Not only was it good for Ava to have a former goddess in her collection but it would also serve as a big surprise factor for everyone later on.

“Now then, what should we do with your dear little friend, Seraphina now? She’s going down a warpath she has no hope of winning and her opponents are not people I am concerned about. But they did take Aurora away which could be a problem for me.”

Mei’s hand moved to touch Ava’s shoulder but her expression was still blank.

“Ah, so you are saying that I should not worry about it? I see that you are worried about me. It makes me so happy.”

Ava placed her hand right on top of Mei’s in a mockery of kindness. The dead person could neither feel her emotions nor hear her voice.

This was no more than a show or a play put up by one person for their own entertainment.

“What is that? We should go back home now? Alright, I am missing home as well but we should wait a little longer for Asami to do what she wanted to. I wonder if she ended up taking my advice. She will meet someone entertaining if she did.”

Ava did not have a habit of meddling in things outside of the abyss. But it was no longer possible for her to sit back and watch everything happen either.

Especially when things were getting so interesting and two of the twelve holders had already been killed.

It was only a matter of time before everyone else would be dragged down into this abyss as well and will be forced to participate in a survival game.

But why did it even matter when the abyss had already chosen a winner?

“Let’s go back and wait for our turn next. I want to enjoy my life to the fullest.”

Ava kissed Mei lightly on the lips but the puppet did not respond. No puppet ever did when Ava did these things to them. They did not have feelings or emotions.

They were just like Ava and that was why she felt sorry for them.


“Ugh, I cannot wait, it took me so long to set up my stall. I wish I could just use my magic and be done with it. Why did I have to pretend to be human right now? It is not fun.”

Asami complained about it but she was having fun. The fair was making her forget why she had been here in the first place.

But the happy laughter surrounding her was breaking that illusion of peace for Asami and dragging her back into the mission.

‘I guess I will get to harvest magic again. These kids should have a good amount of magic because of their upbringing.’

“E-Excuse me but is your stall open right now? I am interested in it.”

The kids had started to flock around Asami already, their beady eyes looking over the colorful decorations that lined the wall.

It was also familiar to Asami. This made it easier to approach the kids and reel them in.

She could even see her target girl in her line of sight. The star-shaped patterns were so obvious that Asami didn’t even have to look around for them.

“This game is really simple. Just knock over all the balls and you will win a prize.”

Asami handed the ball over to the eager kids but none of them would be able to knock these balls down. Asami’s magic prevented that from happening unless she wanted it to.

Was it a dishonest practice? Of course. But Asami was not about to get caught up.

After all, who would even be able to prove that she was cheating? Her magic was undetectable.

‘It’s fun to con people. Especially unsuspecting children since they get triggered and competitive so easily.’

“Hey, let me try it out. I feel like something fishy is going on here.”

The black-haired kid had a particular aura around him. The lack of magic he supported made Asami’s senses stand up and she instantly let her magic go.

The ball tower came trembling down at the black-haired child’s shot.

“Wow Damian, you won this! As expected of the ace of Rocx academy. I am sure brother Alexander will be happy to see you succeed.”

‘So this is the outlander I was told about? He is really young but I can see how he would become a problem in the future. His ability to cancel out magic can become a threat to me. Should I eliminate him now?’

Asami was about to make her move when she felt her target approach. That sobered her right up and she instantly held her temper back.

She could not let herself go right now. Not until there was no other problem.

“Damian, you did it. Which toy are you going to choose? Will you give it to my brother? Or keep it?”

Emily was a talkative child and bubbly as well. She looked nothing like the reports said her to be.

Her shyness was nowhere to be seen.

“You can have the gift if you want to since I don’t need it. Are you happy now? Now can you leave me alone and stop following me?”

‘Perfect. I don’t need to even make this game winnable for my target and cause a commotion.’

Things had taken an unexpected turn but Asami was not sad about it. Instead, she was delighted to see that things were going her way for once.

“Wah, will you give it to me? Thank you. I will say a few good words about you to my brother.”

“There is no need to–forget it. It’s not like you will listen to me anyway.”

The black-haired child spoke badly. The children around him looked used to this bickering anyway and they didn’t even bat an eyelash.

“So, who is going to be next?”

Sufficient to say that no one else won a game that evening. Not even the most talented of people could beat Asami in a game that she had full control over.

And they left the stall with tearful looks and threats of ‘we’ll report you for fraud.’ But Asami was far from worried since she would be dipping out anyway.

The sun had all but set in the sky and the effect of the magic amulet should be kicking in any second now.

Soon, that girl Emily would walk out here on her own and accompany Asami back to the south.

Asami could already make out the silhouette of that girl from the corner of her eyes. She had already crossed the threshold.

But surprisingly enough, she was not alone. There was another child with her who had similar star-shaped pupils and a familiar face.

‘Well, this is a surprise. I only got the report saying that there was one child, not two of them, and even twins at that. This makes things interesting for sure.’

“Well, hello there. Where did you come from and what is your name? Don’t be afraid of me, I am just a small-time merchant. You can call me Asami.”

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