Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 230 230: A successful Kidnap? [pt3]

“Oh, are you awake now? You should sleep more because we are not quite back home yet. I will wake you up when it is time.”

There was a thin layer of fog around Aurora’s brain. She could hear and see things but could not comprehend what they meant or how to associate them.

She only knew that the voice talking to her was familiar and comforting. And it was soothing Aurora’s mind to hear it being spoken directly in her ear.

Her eyes slipped shut again as the voice caressed her ear and the sweet smell relaxed her more and more.

‘I feel like I am forgetting something. I don’t want to sleep, but the pull is so strong. I don’t think I will be able to resist any longer.’

The sleep did claim Aurora after that as her eyes slipped shut.

All this while she did not even notice the two pairs of eyes watching her struggle. Nor did she feel those gentle hands pulling her closer or those jealous eyes observing this interaction.

“There is no need for you to personally out Lady Aurora to sleep. I am sure the incense we brew is potent enough to keep her under control for now.”

Zoe sounded bitter as she suggested that. It hurt to see her precious Lady Clara’s reincarnation be this intimate with someone.

Now, Zoe had known that her Lady already had a special someone before they had met. There had been a delicious layer of grief covering her when they had first met. That was what had attracted Zoe to the newer goddess.

But it had gradually evolved into something more and deeper. It had terrified Zoe to feel that since Overlookers were not supposed to have emotions.

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And it was not like Lady Clara had been ready for something new as well. She had been recovering from the loss of her first love.

By the time Zoe had bided enough courage to confront her feelings, she had lost Lady Clara for good.

And she had vowed to help out Lady Clara’s reincarnation if she ever got the chance to and fate had smiled at her. But it had also dealt her with a losing hand.

To be faced with something she longed for but could not have was a tough and silly feeling at the same time. It made Zoe feel weak and helpless.

“I know there is no need for me to soothe Aurora but I want to soothe her. I missed being with her like this but I know it would not happen again. If this is the only time I can be with Aurora like this then I would accept it with grace.”

Clove had a bitter smiling face when she said that. It was taking a lot out of her to get those words out.

She had never thought that things would end like this when she initiated her plan. Aurora was someone who was not supposed to be caught up in this mess.

But she had and Clove could not help but feel like it was all her fault.

“Don’t beat yourself over it. Things need to get worse before they can get good. If Aurora cannot understand that then she is not worth your time.”

‘She’s not worth your period. Didn’t she choose those other people over you? How can you sit this calmly and say that nothing happened?’

Zoe knew that these thoughts were the result of her unjust jealousy toward Aurora. She did not like the fact that Clove was paying this much attention to that mutant.

Why did Clara have to meet Aurora before meeting Zoe? It did not feel fair or even worth it to change Clara’s heart but Zoe had no other choice.

Love was an irrational emotion that did not leave one much of a choice or free will.

“I won’t beat myself over things I cannot control. And I also have Zoe to help me so I don’t feel as bad or lonely as I should. I cannot believe how lucky I got despite all that happened.”

‘Don’t smile at me like that or you will end up giving me hope. I do not want to have any more hope since I know your heart is not mine.’

Zoe wanted to yell it all out, but she did not. She did not want to show her undignified side to Lady Clara’s reincarnation.

Nor did she want to make things difficult between them.

“Then, I shall take my leave now. I need to send the message back to the south about what happened here. We should not keep them wondering when we will be back.”

“Sure, do what you have to. Once we go back, we can finally start preparing for the upcoming mess. I heard that we might get a guest soon as well.”

Zoe bowed before she left the room. Her brain was full of thoughts and feelings she should not be having.

Clove watched her leave with an empty smile and an innocent face before it all slipped off from her face.

“I know how you feel about me Zoe, but I cannot return your feelings. I already made my choice a long time ago and now even love cannot stop me.”

Aurora let out a tired groan in Clove’s lap, her eyes furrowing over as if she was about to wake up.

“You need not worry. When you wake up next the world would be a different place you will enjoy living in. I hope you don’t miss us all too much then. This world is going to get a new beginning soon.”

Clove had done it before but she had not been successful fully. But now she had been given another chance by fate to make things right.

And this time, she was not going to let this opportunity slip by her.


“Have you had enough of this small fight? You should understand the difference between you and me by this point. You cannot even get out of my illusion without losing your way.”

Asami taunted the human who was fighting inside her illusion. She had to admit that he was doing so much better than she had expected him to but he was a human in the end.

There were things they were capable of and there were also limitations to his magical powers.

And right now, he could not defeat Asami when it came to powers.

“You talk too much. Do you think you are the only one capable enough to manipulate the abyss’s massive powers? I have a link to it as well.”

All of a sudden, the man’s power level spiked. That instantaneous spike made Asami lose her focus and Alexnader managed to get a successful attack in.

His blade gazed at Asami’s face causing her to bleed but she managed to get out of the way in time.

“You dared to injure my face? Do you not care for your life?”

“My life? I do care about it and that is why I will take you down right here and now. I cannot allow a mad woman like you to roam the streets.”

“Madwoman? I am perfectly social and mentally stable. What would you know about me to make that claim?”

Asami was no longer that lost mad child from her childhood. She had managed to outgrow that phase and mature.

She would not be slandered like that.

“Well, you set up a scam stall and then proceeded to kidnap a child. What can I call you if not a mad woman? If you were sensible then you would have turned yourself in.”

‘T-This human dares to insult me like that? That’s it, I am killing him.’

It no longer mattered to Asami that she needed to keep a low profile. She was going to crush this insect right here and now.

And to add to the injury, she was not even going to sit around and watch it happen. It would be so overwhelming of a victory that she would not need to look back.

“Goodbye. I hope we never meet again.”

A huge hat-like object dropped right on top of that man and he would be trapped inside an ultimate nightmare-like illusion.

By the time he came out, he would have gone mad with everything he had dealt with and then he would be killed off by his people.

Had she looked behind, she would have seen Alexander thaw his way out of that illusion and break free of her magic.

But Asami just flew away, the wound on her face mending itself but not healing completely. It had managed to leave a lasting scar.

‘Darn that man. If only I could tear him to pieces for making me feel this way. I don’t even know why I am getting this irritated over his words. They are not the first I have heard.’

A goddess did not need to feel emotions, but Asami had always felt too much, which was her flaw.

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