Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 234 234: A surprise indeed [pt1]

“Now, we’ve talked enough for today. We really should get going before we are caught. I don’t know about you but I am terrified of your mother and what she can do. That woman is not stable.”

A shiver went down Karan’s spine as he thought about the ruthless lady he would have to face soon.

Lady Dehva was the most impressive woman Karan knew of and he knew some pretty remarkable women in his life.

However, a certain charm to the Southern leader had made her very beloved in the region and very feared outside of it. It might also have something to do with her beauty and ruthless behavior but Karan was not sure.

He just knew that Aurora had inherited her charm and was impressive in her way. That was what had attracted him to Aurora in the first place.

“I want to leave here as well but I am kind of in a pinch here if you cannot see! I have no idea how to get out of my binds.”

Aurora might not be shackled up visibly but she could feel the weight of her chains nonetheless. And maybe Karan could feel them cutting off her power as well because he winched apologetically.

“Sorry, I cannot help you out. The stones embedded into the wall are cutting off my magic supply as well. But I promise to help you out once we are out of this place.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Karan promised as he pushed the door open more. Elysia was surprised to see just how much power his bare hands held right now.

Usually, Gods and goddesses were lacking in the physical department and they made up for it with the help of magic. Aurora was guilty of doing the same but Karan seemed to possess some actual muscle mass.

The man managed to open the door when the building shook with a violent temper. The earthquake that occurred was strong enough to make some breakable stuff fall violently.

“An E-Earthquake? How is that possible? Isn’t this building supposed to be disaster-proof? I am sure it doesn’t even have a foundation or any connection to the ground.”

Aurora might have a crappy memory but she was more than sure that her birth home had been built with the help of magic and was currency floating a few feet above the ground. It should be impossible for natural disasters to reach this far.

“This should be the tower’s attack to retrieve Mei’s core from these people. I want to help as well but getting you out is the top priority right now.”

Karan said those words almost casually but Aurora felt her heart break hearing them. Mei had grown up on her in the past few days so the news of her demise hit Aurora hard.

‘Mei died? How I that possible? How can a goddess of her level die like that?’

Aurora could just not wrap her head around the fact that Mei had died. She had been so full of life and vigor. But more than that, Mei wanted to know who killed her.

(She knew who it was in her heart but Aurora did not want to admit it to herself. She wanted to give Clove a shred of chance but the more time that passed, the more unlikely that chance seemed to be.)

“You don’t need to worry about who killed Mei or not. You just need to get out of here safely and into the abyss. That would be the best revenge we can ask for in this scenario since we will be depriving these bastards of their biggest weapon.”

Aurora opened her mouth to protest that she was not a weapon. But then closed her mouth since she knew that she was lacking a lot of facts.

If she was indeed a weapon for her mother and her family then things made a lot of sense about her neglect and treatment in the past.

But Aurora still found it a hard pill to swallow.

Her eyes felt wet with emotions and Aurora even felt one slide down her cheek and fall to the ground. Was she crying in this situation? How humiliating.

But the tears refused to stop falling down her cheek and Aurora had no intention of stopping them either. She needed to vent out her emotions and this seemed to be the only way to do so.

“Aurora, are you crying? H-Huh, don’t cry. It is alright and you don’t need to push yourself that hard. Everything will be alright, you’ll see.”

Karan tried to console her but Aurora’s tears picked up more speed and force. She was outright sobbing now and Karan’s arms around her just caused her to sob even more.

It all was so humiliating but Aurora’s body seemed not to care about it. Her tears continued to fall down her face anyway.

It was the second quake that snapped Aurora out of her misery and made her realize that the danger was just around the corner. There was a feeling of uncertainty in the air and Aurora knew that her disappearance had been found out.

“Karan, you can use your magic now, right? Then I need you to help me reach somewhere.”

Aurora knew she was thinking of taking a risk but she no longer cared at all. There was something she needed to get her hands on before she left this place and she would get it at any cost.

If these people had robbed her friend, then Aurora would rob them back. They did not deserve to keep holding on to Mei’s core and there was only one way to ensure that happened.


The castle shook violently from the outside as more and more weapons knocked themselves against its walls. Had it not been magically enhanced, it would have fallen a long time ago.

Not that Seraphina cared too much about it when she had every intention of knocking this place down and then tearing it apart.

She was

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