Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 236 236: The abyss nightmare

“This feeling around us…. Fuck, don’t tell me that we somehow ended up in the abyss.”

Karan’s voice echoed the disbelief Aurora felt at that moment but it was no time to be surprised. The real danger had just begun and now they were stuck in an unbelievable situation.

On top of that, this space had a weird feeling about it. This place was a mess even for the abyss.

“We should keep our guard up. Who knows what kind of things this place is crawling up with.”

Aurora could feel a lot of life forms surrounding them and just begging to crawl out of those holes.

In her experience, it meant that there were a lot of swarms in the area who were looking at them a little too eagerly. The pressure of their eyes gave Aurora the creeps.

But it was not like these swarms were going to sit back and allow Aurora to do as she pleased either. It did not take long before one of the smaller but braver monsters decided to crawl out of the hole.

It was one and then another and then another until the whole place was filled with the presence of these monsters.

“Wow, look at the audacity of these creatures. They think they can crawl out anytime to disrupt us. How careless of them.”

Karen looked uneasy but also pissed off. Aurora could see his struggle to maintain his composure but it seemed to be getting difficult by the second.

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

It almost felt like he would erupt due to the pressure when he raised his hand and the earth broke down under the water pressure.

It was a tidal wave that crashed into these monsters and took them away. The pair remained. I scratched in the center of this typhoon. But despite that, the number of monsters didn’t seem to be decreasing.

If anything, for everyone they killed off, another took its place. It seems like a never-ending cycle.

“Where are these monsters coming from? Is there a best nearby? Maybe I should destroy everything in my way to make it easier on myself.”

Karen seemed to be in a foul mood because of these monsters. Aurora could feel his pressure rising faster than these monsters could replenish their number and she knew it was her cue to help out.

She quickly separated the monsters from Karan’s line of sight before aiming toward the spot where the most concentrated energy could be felt. She was more than sure that it housed the monster nest.

Earth pierced the nest and drew out a loud and injured cry before the earth began to shake. The monsters fell into this new crack as they cried out in warning but it was unnecessary. The monster in the middle of the sandy typhoon could be seen.

“The Bahamut. To think we got thrown in the Bahamut’s nest just like that. I don’t know if I should call it lucky or unlucky.”

The Bahamut had not noticed then for now. But it would not stay unconscious of their presence forever. It was time to either kill this creature forever or bow down to it.

“Fuck, now I’m pissed off. I never thought someone would force me to use my weapon. But the abyss has always been unpredictable in that way.”

Karen sounded resigned as his hand brightly under the influence of his power. It was still the next moment and then his hand held a rose whip.

It was golden in color and had a faint floral scent to it. It oddly suited Karan’s appearance and it cracked down on the earth with a resounding sound.

The surrounding earth shook as power traveled through it and the surface broke out into a thorny field of shrubs. They tangled the Bahamut up, stopping its rampage. But even that was not enough to stop the Bahamut.

It was getting injured and bleeding quite heavily. But it was healing just as fast. Now it was a battle of insurance.

Well, this and who could dish out more damage in a short amount of time? But for some reason, Aurora was not too worried about the aspect of their problem.

The real problem was how to pierce the armor around the Bahamut’s body. That was the real problem a hole dealing with the Bahamut.

“Aurora, I will hold the Bahamut in place while you deal the final blow. Think you will be able to dish out enough magic to do that?”

Karen asked as his magic rose in volume. It was all but holding the Bahamut down but the huge lizard-like creature was still trying its best to get up and attack back.

Aurora might have felt afraid of this situation once but no longer did she feel anything of such kind. Instead, she felt excited for some reason as her blood sang to finish the creature off.

“Just give me a few seconds of the uninterrupted attack time and I will finish it off.”

Aurora had no idea where she got the courage of saying all this from. But she knew that she meant it. Every fabric in her body was singing the song of power and the anticipation was rising.

It was not often that Aurora felt like tho but it was an overwhelming feeling nonetheless.

Karen just nodded as more plants joined up in the effort to hold the huge body down. The Bahamut was trying its best to break free and reach Aurora as well but it was not going as well as one had expected it to.

However, that small second was enough for Aurora to concentrate her power and let out a huge blast of magic. It had enough power to pierce the heavy armor that the Bahamut had and hit it straight in the core.

The blast shook the whole abyss floor up as the huge body fell to the ground. It was letting out waves and waves of magic in its surroundings with a clear intention of blowing up.

“Karan, hurry up over here. There’s going to be a huge magic blast soon.”

Aurora spoke up as she held her hand out toward her friend. Karan could successfully ward off that explosion by himself but it would take too much magic and effort on his part to do that.

With Aurora’s help, it would be so much easier to get out of the explosion range and save his power.

Maybe that was what made Karan agree and he held Aurora’s hand before she pulled him closer into her shelter as the abyssal floor exploded.

The earth rose to form a protective dome around the two and Aurora reinforced it with her magic, again and again, to not let it fall.

Karan added his magic into the mix as well as to not let the dome fall and finally, the calamity calmed down. Aurora breathed a sigh of relief as she felt her surroundings come to an easy stop.

But then she heard a pair of footsteps and the sound of clapping. Zoe’s familiar face broke the serenity of the surroundings as she looked down at Aurora impassively.

“So even the abyss is not enough to stop two gods. You both gave admirable performances so I will let you go for today. However, do not tell anyone you saw me or things would get difficult for me as well.”

‘Look at her trying to be generous now that she knows that her plan failed. Still, I should take her out now before she becomes a problem.’

Zoe was an overlooker and had more control over her powers than either Aurora or Karan. If things came out to an overall brawl then their side would be at a disadvantage despite having more numbers.

Aurora knew that she should not think like that but she still felt like that anyway.

Karan was injured as well which complicated things a lot more than Aurora was willing to admit. He might be trying to hide it but the subtle limp in his left leg is as obvious as a glaring red signal.

‘We are outnumbered and lack the tactical knowledge of our surroundings. We’ve got not choice but to back down for now.’

“Alright, we will take the olive branch you are extending. But don’t you dare try to swindle us or we will retaliate.”

This was what Aurora let Zoe know and her smile turned bitter.

“Just go. I don’t want you both here as well. You are just going to make things worse for me over all.”

Zoe sounded like she was holding back to not lash out. It was a cute attempt but useless in the face of everything else.

Aurora gave her one last look as she turned to run away. Karan followed her with an unhappy expression but he did not fight her decision as well.

This was how things came to and end that day and Zoe watched them go with a bitter face before it broke out into a subtle smile.

“Yes, I will let you both go and face your doom. Lady Dehva will be waiting for you at the end of the roads so good luck.”

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