Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 266 266: Clicking [pt2]

“How the hell are we going to get out of these ruins? All I can see are these blank walls staring back at us.”

Ava hissed as she smacked a wall to make it fall. But just like before, the division managed to withstand her assault.

Not only did it not have a single crack, but it also didn’t even show any signs of being harmed. That just served to piss Ava off even more.

Aurora could see her temper rising and that was not a good sign. Just because Ava had not used her force yet did not mean she was not capable of it. She was just being considerate of her surroundings.

“Ava, there are more ways to solve a situation than using brute force. It might not be as effective or time efficient as knocking these walls down but we can try to find our way out of this maze by walking.”

Aurora was rational when she said that. But even as she said that she was aware of how big of a risk she was taking by doing so.

There was no guarantee that this maze-like palace even had an exit. Trying to walk out of here could be a big waste of time. But it was better than sitting around.

‘Besides, I promised Rita that I will find her group. I cannot go back on my promise.’

Aurora had a goal in mind so she decided to bring out her ultimate card in such situations. Her system’s navigation system.

This place was a hidden scenario in the tower so Aurora was a little worried about being able to map it out. But even then, this was not her real goal right now.

The blank where Rita and Quince were was blinking brightly. It showed that they were together.

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“Looks like Ur and Rita managed to catch the other two. I can see that they are alright for now.”

It was a big load off Aurora’s chest. Now she could focus more on the situation at hand

“Fine then. They are alright so what do we do now? How will we reach them?”

Ava’s question was valid but Aurora had a solution for even that. She knew a way to force this scenario to shut down.

“Ava, did you not say that you have ruled this floor before? Then how about taking control of this floor back? It should be easy since this floor has no outlooker to take care of it.”

Aurora pointed out the obvious but Ava flinched at the option. To any person who has never seen the future, this might seem like an absurd request.

There had never been a recorded case of an outlooker taking over another’s territory because it was not a dispute anyone wanted to be a part of.

But there was the rumor of one such incident in the future that had shaken up everything the world had ever known.

And it was when the overlooker for the last floor had died. No one knew if they were dead for real or just hiding but it had caused the whole abyss to begin changing.

In the end, things had stabilized but the rumor was that an overlooker had to step in to prevent the collapse.

Aurora had no way of knowing whether this was the truth or not but there should be a way to achieve this if the rumor spread in the first place.

Ava’s reaction only served to make Aurora’s suspicion deeper. There must be some truth to the rumor that one could take control of another floor if they had enough authority.

Technically, even Aurora could have taken control of these floors but it would have required her to get acknowledged by the tower. Aurora did not need to attract attention to herself.

“Oi oi oi, are you serious? Do you have any idea what you are asking of me? You… do right? Why am I not surprised by this?”

Aurora could see it in Ava’s eyes, the uneasiness at the situation she had been forced into. Taking over another territory was not an easy thing to do. There is always a chance for it to cause a ‘rejection’ phenomenon.

‘Rejection’ referred to when the abyss deemed you as no longer fit to be in its area and you have forbidden entry to any floor. It was a rare thing but it had happened before.

Someone who was rejected would lose all their magic and their life would also become ridden with illness. This was a huge risk to take.

And now Aurora was asking Ava to take this risk. The bigger one’s reserve pool was, the more they were prone to these illnesses.

“Ava, I know I am asking a lot from you but please consider helping me out here. I swear that the outcome will help you in the long run.”

Aurora knew she was trying to sell a hard bargain. This plan had more flaws than it had merits for the overlooked. Moreover, Ava was someone who was cautious and liked to have things planned out.

Still, Aurora was confident in her feelings and Ava finally gave in to Aurora’s begging.

“I don’t know how you are so confident but I decided to trust in you before. It means I will need to trust you right now as well.”

If someone said that Aurora was surprised then it would be an underestimation of her shock. Aurora was beyond shocked to hear those words come out of Ava’s mouth but she did not have long to keep feeling shocked.

With the first plan coming to fruition, Aurora could focus on the more difficult of the two parts. And that was to find the center of this floor. It was where the core was situated and where Ava will be able to take control.

“Do you want to take control of this floor first or find our companions first? It can be incredibly dangerous to go after the core alone.”

“And that’s why we are going to go after the core first. We both will be alright even if the abyss protests against us. However, we cannot say the same for other people.”

Ava sighed at the news she heard. Her eyes said that Ava knew that this would happen.

“I knew you were softhearted. I should never have put my trust in you like this.”

Ava’s words were harsh but there was a feeling of a smile in her words. Seeing her like this, even Aurora did not take her words to heart.

“You knew what I was like before you formed a contract with me. Now you have no other choice but to support me.”

Ava smiled a small smile in return as she followed after Aurora.


“So, how did it go? I was surprised when you asked me to send your little friend down into the abyss. I wonder, did you hate him that much, my dear Clove?”

Asami’s voice had a small laugh as she asked that question to the young blond in front of her. Clove remained calm even as she was faced with that ridiculed smile from her current partner.

“Don’t speak nonsense. I just asked you to remove Quince from my sight for now and to make sure he remained safe. I never asked you to send him into the abyss.”

Clove reminded the other goddess who just giggled. Asami looked like someone who had discovered a great secret and was too happy to contain it in her mind.

Asami jumped out of the way of Clove’s knife, knowing that it was not a serious attack by the other goddess.

“Relax. I know that my methods might not seem like the best but I genuinely care about your childhood friend as well. That is why I followed your advice and send him to that goddess ‘Aurora’. You said that Aurora will protect Quince, right?”

Clove felt annoyed at being read this easily. This goddess Asami was a pain in her ass but she was also an ally who helped out a lot when it came to heavy matters.

It was also thanks to Asami that Clove had been able to come this far.

‘But in the end, it is all for Aurora’s sake.’

Clove was a little lost in thoughts but she was knocked back into her right mind when Asami’s hands wandered too close to her private parts.

“Don’t get too touchy with me. I do not like it.”

Clove hit her hands to make Asami let go. As a result, she was faced with Asami’s pouting face but that did not hinder Clover’s self-restraint.

“Fine, I give up. I should go and do some work now. You should also be careful in the future. I heard a few things and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

With those passing words, Asami left the room. But Clove did not feel the sense of danger she was supposed to at Asami’s words.

What was there to fear when the biggest danger out there was Clover right now?

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