Abyss of Dual Cultivation: Goddess's Lust system

Chapter 90

With the assistance of Alexander, it did not take long for the duo to escape Lady Mei’s pursuit. Mainly because the people around them helped the trio out.

In the end, the trio managed to successfully board the train in time for departure.

“I cannot believe we managed to give Goddess Mei the slip. She’s known to be ruthless and black-hearted.”

Rita melted into her seat as soon as the soft surface touched her bottom. Her eyes closed in pleasure and she looked on the verge of sleep.

The day had been hectic so Aurora did not blame Rita for being exhausted. Even she felt tired from all the detours they had to take.

“Lady Mei might be a goddess but she’s also a public figure. It is difficult for her to do everything she wants. I just took advantage of this fact and helped us escape.”

Alexander sounded confident in his synopsis. And seeing as how he had helped Aurora out, there was a decent enough reason for him to be cocky.

“Man, it must be such to be a higher-up member of the tower. They are always in the public eye. It’s a wonder how they managed to get away with so much.”

“Being under the public eye is not a hindrance but a benefit to them. It helps them sway public opinion and create a false image. But it is not something everyone can understand.”

“Why you? Are you belittling me?”

Aurora was amazed at the change in the native guard. In a matter of weeks, the old and weak guard she had threatened was gone. And in his place stood someone who understood how society worked.

Had it not been for her system, Aurora would have sworn that this was an entirely different person in front of her.

“Rita, let it go. He’s an ally for now so take his words to heart.”

“B-But! Alright. I won’t get angry for no reason again.”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Rita went back to sulking but Aurora did not console her this time. She could not always hold Rita’s hand and make her behave.

Rita had to learn how to behave for the most part. She was an adult now and such behavior was not accepted among the higher-class people.

The rest of the journey passed in relative silence. No one had the heart to talk things out so everyone remained silent.

The night was also equally quiet. The only light to illuminate the outside came from the abyss beneath the train track.

The bridge that lined the two huge masses of land was built a long time ago and was maintained with magic.

For most people, it was the only way to travel across continents. If something ever happened to the bridge, then the most common means of communication would be cut off.

“It is beautiful. The abyss looks like a gigantic water body from this far above.”

Rita sounded lost when she spoke those words. Aurora understood the mysterious allure the abyss cast on the viewer.

When she had first seen this view, she had been bewitched as well. It had been Quince that had knocked him and Clove out of their thoughts.

Aurora still remembered what he had said to her.

“The more beautiful a thing is, the more ugly secrets it is trying to hide. The abyss is a giant gem filled with wonders. But it also hides the deadliest of poison in its fangs.”

Aurora did not know why, but those words had struck her in her heart.

Even more, after she had traveled to the abyss once. The darkness it held could not be compared to anywhere else.

“I’m surprised to hear this from you. As far as I know, this used to be an old tower saying. Hardly anyone uses it nowadays. It makes me wonder about your connections to the tower.

Alexander looked suspicious. Aurora had not expected the man to know this saying. She had not come across this saying after Quince had said this to her that one time.

“Would it surprise you to know that it was someone from the tower that told this to me a long time ago? That person no longer exists but the saying struck me.”

“Is that why you want to take revenge on the tower? For that person?”

“No. He’s not the reason but he is a part of the reason. Not that it matters much now.”

Aurora did not deny the accusation of revenge against the tower. Even she knew that there was no point in denying something true or could easily be guessed.

The talk ended on that note and right in time for the announcement of their arrival to come.

/Reaching Northern Republic center station in fifteen minutes. Passengers are asked to be prepared to step out./

The sun was rising on the horizon and the train was finally pulling up to the other continent.

It was a peaceful time when everyone could enjoy the tranquility and the beauty of the northern continent. The country of snow and wind was being approached by the train.

This journey was going to be over soon.

Or so everyone thought.

/Emergency warning issued. Everyone is asked to not leave their seats and sit tight. An abyss monster has been spotted near the northern continent./

/I repeat, Emergency warning issued. Everyone is asked to not leave their seats and sit tight. An abyss monster has been spotted near the northern continent./

/Forces from the northern front have arrived on the scene./

Aurora cursed her rotten luck.

These attacks by the abyss monsters were common enough to occur outside of the abyss and in areas with such dense abyssal energy leaking out.

But Aurora had not expected the attack to take place just as their party was about to arrive at the station at that.

“What should we do now? Should we sit back and let the Northern Republic deal with the monster? Or should we help out?”

Rita sounded divided. Aurora knew it was because Rita was a noble soul who could not let anyone suffer if she could help it.

But Aurora had no intention of helping those republicans out. Doing so would put Aurora in a tough situation and also cause the republic to question her motives.

“Let’s not interfere more than we have to.”


“I agree. Let’s stay here for now. Things will be over soon.”

Outside, the battle raged on with a ferocity seldomly seen outside of the abyss. Northern forces were slowly but surely taking out the abyssal monster.

Aurora could not see what kind of monster it was that was rampaging outside of the train but she had a bad feeling about it.

“H-Hey, I think I’m going to sleep. I can’t keep my eyes open any longer.”

Rita slumped in her seat as soon as she finished speaking. It would not have been such a bizarre situation had she been the only one to fall asleep.

Aurora’s bad feeling became worse as Alexander collapsed in his seat as well. And not only him, but the whole train couch also seemed to be falling asleep.

The scent that filled the train felt familiar but Aurora could not open the door to check the situation outside.

The curtain on their couch door also hid the outside corridor from Aurora’s view and blocked most of the magical aura from being visible.

Aurora was left with a few visible clues to figure out what was happening outside on the train.

A shadowy hand reached out for the curtain of Aurora’s train curtain and she tensed. She was not in any condition to protect herself from any external attack.


WARNING. ASIOAOJSKD=-=[‘;L.’;.;”;’;/]-==-=’/]

Whatever was outside of the door was causing Aurora’s system to go out of control. It had to be something massive to cause such a disturbance in her magic reserves.

A goddess’s magic reserves were something sacred. Even the curse that had bound Aurora’s magic and held her captive in this form had not touched her system.

‘[Are you there?]’

Aurora’s breath got caught in her throat as she heard the voice question her.

It was a breathy voice that was barely audible to anyone. And Aurora had no idea why it was asking her this question. Did that voice not knock out everyone asleep in one go?

But then one hand became two and then four. It continued until the whole curtain was filled with nothing but the silhouette of those hands.

Those bony hands tried to pry the curtain open and Aurora quickly moved toward her seat and closed her eyes.

Maybe if she pretended to fall asleep, she could get out of this situation without alerting the others about it.

And if things did become dangerous, then Aurora would think of a way out.

‘[Something is different here. Things are different this time.]’

The owner of those creepy hands was not leaving and Aurora’s fists clenched in fear. She needed to do something to make those monsters leave.

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