Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 18: Blood and Egg (1)

Chapter 18: Blood and Egg (1)

“Where are we…?”

It had been a day since the announcement of the successful candidates. Ronan and Aselle were walking through the forest early in the morning.

They were in the Shemo Forest, which had its roots near the center of the realm. Aselle, who had been grumbling all along, asked anxiously,

“R-Ronan… Are you really sure everything will be okay?”

“You’re still worried about that? I told you, everything’s fine.”

Dark shadows hung under Aselle’s eyes. He hadn’t managed to get any sleep last night. It was because of the incident caused by Ronan and Shullifen yesterday.

Aselle felt as though assassins hired by Shullifen would come in the night and stab them in the heart with a dagger.

“But if a noble like Shullifen gets into trouble…”

Aselle was afraid. He hadn’t only heard stories about a rogue noble named Deirian.

It would be concerning for anyone that a person who managed to provoke the heir to the throne and engage in a sword fight, only to then break his nose and escape, was out there.

However, Ronan was resolute.

“Shullifen is a decent person. He just gets carried away in certain situations.”

His voice was full of conviction. If Ronan hadn’t known about Shullifen beforehand, he wouldn’t have even bothered to engage with him.

Even though they had only spent a short time together, Ronan had managed to understand that. Despite his fixation on strength, Shullifen was a man who could be considered a true companion of a noble.

He valued trust, didn’t belittle others, and knew how to protect the weak.

“So, don’t worry, my friend. He surely took responsibility for yesterday’s events.”

“You really think so?”

“Considering we weren’t arrested this morning, it’s pretty clear.”

“A-Alright, hearing you say that makes sense…”

It was only after this exchange that Aselle finally let out a relieved sigh. Ronan unfolded a piece of parchment he had been carrying and examined it closely.

The crude map indicated the location of a magical fountain called the Fountain of Phaenar. It was a map drawn by Professor Varen Panacir himself.

“He really can’t draw worth a damn. Well, then again, considering his rough hands, it’s impressive he managed to draw something like this…”

The enrollment ceremony was in a fortnight. Before returning to his hometown, Ronan had decided to visit the magical fountain.

He had suggested that Maraya accompany him, but she had to finish her work at the top levels of the hierarchy, so she couldn’t join him.

“It should be around here…”

Following the river that flowed through the Shemo Forest, they were supposed to reach their destination. However, the tall oak trees made it difficult to find the river.

Ronan cursed under his breath as he folded the map.

“Damn it, this is frustrating. Hey, Aselle, lift me up. Up to the trees.”

“Sure thing. Invisible Hand!”

Aselle raised his staff, and Ronan’s body shot into the air. Feeling the significantly improved speed, Ronan couldn’t help but let out a cheer.

“Wow, I’m really faster now, aren’t I?”

The sense of riding had also significantly improved. If the previous sensation was like a child who couldn’t control his strength, holding onto something randomly, the current feeling was like being gently lifted by the hands of a skilled adult.

In no time, Ronan reached the top of the tree and swung his sword.


The green canopy was sliced apart, revealing the scenery of the Shemo Forest.

Between the beckoning trees, a long, narrow river flowed with graceful curves.


This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Ronan walked painfully along the riverbank for a while before suggesting that they use a makeshift raft to travel on the water.

“Doing this reminds me of back then. Time really does fly.”


So, the two of them lay side by side on a flimsy raft. Clouds resembling a flock of sheep traversed the blue sky.

Ronan took the pipe out of his mouth and extended it towards Aselle.

“Wanna try some?”

“Huh? Oh, no… I’m fine.”

“Aww, scaredy-cat.”

Once again, Ronan sucked in a deep breath of smoke from the pipe. As Aselle crouched by the river, dipping his fingers into the water, he spoke up.

“Where did you learn to make rafts?”

“In the army.”

“The…the army? What…?”

“Yep, that’s a thing, my friend.”

Aselle could hardly believe it even when seeing it firsthand. In less than an hour, Ronan had managed to craft a convincing raft. It was one of the survival skills he had picked up during his time as a penal soldier.

The log and tough vines that made up the raft made for a much more comfortable ride than the road. Ronan mumbled,

“Even so, revealing the location of a magical fountain you only know about. That Professor Varen, he must be really big-hearted.”

“Are magical fountains really that hard to find?”

“Seems like it. Finding just one could be worth a fortune.”

Ronan recalled a conversation he had once had with an old man. The old man, who had dedicated his life to seeking magical fountains, likened them to mana collecting in a serene pond.

Mana, floating through the world, getting fixed in one place and creating a very rare pool.

“Once news gets out that a magical fountain has been discovered, it becomes property of the Empire. That’s why they’re even harder to find. And even if you do find one, they don’t share the information.”

“Why not?”

“Even a tiny fragment of rock there can become as valuable as gold. Though, it depends on the circumstances.”

Indeed, some adventurers had called magical fountains above-ground gold mines.

Mana localized in one spot turned ordinary stones into gemstones, unknown weeds into potent herbs.

Aselle nodded, finally understanding.

“So, that’s why you packed so many water skins in your backpack. I was wondering.”

“Because it’s called the ‘Spring of Fennardo.'”

Change affected water just as much. The water that came from springs located in the magical fountain sites turned into water imbued with properties akin to elixirs or potions.

The bag filled with vials and water skins was all for this purpose.

“Speaking of which, Ronan.”


“Is that egg okay? Yesterday…”

“Oh, right.”

Ronan pulled out Marpez’s egg from his pouch.

The ugly lump, shaped like a piece of poop, had the same appearance as always, but today it seemed a bit prettier. It was the prime contributor to their escape from Shullifen’s sorcery.

Looking at the egg that still remained silent, Ronan murmured,

“It’s not pouting like a sulking child, is it?”

The egg didn’t answer. That was to be expected. After throwing the egg into the air and catching it, Ronan closed his eyes.

Ronan and Aselle spent that night on the water. A radiant cluster of stars that wouldn’t be out of place even if they spilled over became their makeshift blanket.

Ronan dreamt of the Marquess who would burn down Jido with fire and Shullifen who would dance and beg for his life.

It wasn’t until the next noon that the two finally arrived at the Fountain of Phaenar. The leaves of the trees influenced by the magical fountain emitted a faint glow.

“Here we are. The air feels nice.”

At the center of the small spring, water bubbled up vigorously. It was small, but it seemed rather deep.

Bushes with a bluish hue grew around the spring. Discolored rocks, evidence of ongoing petrification, jutted out here and there.

“It’s more ordinary than I thought.”

Ronan commented with a hint of disappointment. While it had its own charm, compared to the landscapes he had seen so far, it was quite mundane.

“It’s… kind of awkward. Maybe it’s my mood.”


But Aselle was different. He was showing a reaction similar to when he first saw the landscape of Jido. Inhaling deeply and exhaling with awe, Aselle murmured,

“This is the first time I’ve seen a place so rich in mana in my life.”

“What the hell, what’s different? I can’t see anything.”

“It’s just… there’s so much. Mana, yeah. It’s visible, like, really visible.”

At this point, he felt like he could cast much stronger spells. The analogy of a pond where mana collected was accurate. The mana that was usually spread out and hard to see was scattered throughout like fruits hanging from a tree.

“My mana is filthy.”

Ronan sucked on the pipe more forcefully. That darn mana.

By now, he was determined to succeed in mana attunement, even if it meant getting dirtier. As Aselle, who had been looking around slowly, widened his eyes.


“What’s up?”

“Ro…Ronan! Your pocket!”

Aselle pointed his staff at Ronan’s pocket. Ronan raised an eyebrow.

“Pocket? Why?”

“The egg…! Take out the egg! Quickly!”

He saw it. The masses of mana around them were swirling and being sucked into Ronan’s pocket.

Ronan took out Marpez’s egg. Aselle nodded rapidly.

The egg was not only absorbing ambient mana but also drawing in the mana that permeated the ground and trees.

“What’s happening?”

“Oh, the egg is absorbing mana!”

Ronan tilted his head, looking curious. To him, as the unseen, it just felt oddly out of place. The egg absorbs mana? All of a sudden?


Then, it happened. The shell, which reminded him of a dried piece of dung, began to crack slightly. Ronan, astonished, brought his face closer to the egg.

“It’s Hatching?!”

However, contrary to Ronan’s expectations, the cracks didn’t spread or anything.

Instead, only the color and texture were changing. The rough, brown surface that resembled dried excrement was slowly transforming into a smooth black.

“…What is this?”

Over a few minutes, the egg underwent a transformation.

Once the change was complete, the egg was unbelievably beautiful. The flawless shell resembled a black pearl.

Ronan tapped the shell as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“This is insane. It’s not some caterpillar, but an egg going through molting.”

“The absorption is still ongoing.”

“At this point, it’s not enough even if it sprouts steel feathers or feathers of flame. Something even more incredible needs to come out.”

Although a change had occurred, it was meaningless without hatching. Ronan muttered while putting the egg back.

He walked toward the spring where water was gushing. His face was reflected on the continuously rippling surface. His long hair was sticking to his face.


Suddenly, a gust of wind brushed his mind. He felt like he knew the identity of the unease he had been feeling since he arrived here. Ronan’s mouth slowly opened.



“Isn’t something weird?”

“What do you mean?”

“Didn’t that lion say that this was a place where he often saw illusions and other beings gather?”

Aselle tilted his head, his words incomprehensible in English. Ronan’s hand rested on the hilt of his sword.

“Did he… say that?”

“Illusionary creatures are much trickier than ordinary beasts. Naturally, if illusionary creatures live here, there must be other animals too, right?”


“But why can’t we see even a single one?”

Aselle fell silent. He couldn’t even hear Ronan’s common bird noises.

The sound of bubbling water from the spring, the rustling of leaves in the wind, those were the only sounds that reached his ears.

Suddenly, a chilly shiver ran up his spine.

“Ha… brace yourself, Aselle.”


“It smells like blood.”

Ronan turned his head in the direction the wind was blowing.

The wind that tickled his nostrils carried a tang of blood. His dilated pupils gleamed sharply.


In an instant, Aselle stepped back, staggered. Ronan swung his sword into the air.


A broken arrow fell to the ground.

Aselle’s face turned pale.


“The guest arrived first.”

Ronan grabbed Aselle’s nape and hurled him behind a nearby rock. Another arrow flew where he had been standing.

Aselle watched Ronan’s back, panting. He was already running in the direction from which the arrows had come. Aselle gripped his staff.

“I…I will…!”

He couldn’t become deadweight like last time. Summoning his courage, Aselle stuck his head out from behind the rock. Pointing his staff at Ronan, he cast a spell.

“Invisible Hand.”


Large and small rocks and pieces of wood started to float around Ronan’s body, rotating around him.

Two arrows flew from different directions, bouncing off the rocks and ricocheting away. Ronan turned to face Aselle and grinned.

“It’s settled.”

“W-what the hell is that guy?!”

A bewildered cry reached them from not far away. It was an area densely covered in thick bushes, larger than a person’s height.

After confirming the direction, Ronan kicked the ground and started sprinting.

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