Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Chapter 54: The Baydian Mountains (3)

Chapter 54: The Baydian Mountains (3)

Of the six villages, four were situated along the foothills of the mountains, following the curves of the river. Ronan looked at the nervous Aselle and began to speak.

“Fighting and killing are distinctly different.”

“What… do you mean?”

“Fighting is the process to achieve a goal. War is a prime example. People usually engage in such nonsense to gain land or money, not to burn enemy territories to the ground and bathe in the blood of captives.”

“That, that’s true?”

“But if killing itself is the goal, the story changes. It ends much faster and conveniently. Think about why King Ballon the 7th was called the Blood Monarch.”

The faces of the three individuals showed confusion. The words that came from Ronan’s mouth were incredibly insightful and coherent, almost unbelievable. Ronan continued after taking a drag from his pipe.

“Aselle, do you remember dropping the mace on the goblin’s face back in the day?”

“That, well…”

Aselle nodded with his mouth tightly closed. It was an unforgettable experience that he would never forget. He still vividly remembered the sound of the goblin’s skull breaking.

“Today’s task is somewhat similar. Just on a larger scale. Your role will be significant.”

“My role is significant…?”

“You’ll understand once you try. For now, let’s head to the river to block it.”

“B-Block the river?”

Aselle blinked in surprise. Without answering, Ronan began to walk with determined steps. The remaining three people exchanged bewildered looks, their eyes moving between each other’s faces.


The orcs of the Stonehorn Tribe became aware of the anomaly just as dawn was breaking.

“Chieftain, Oink! Something strange has happened!”

An orc carrying a battle hammer on his back entered the chieftain’s tent. Soon, the chieftain, who had been sleeping among the female orcs, rose.

“What’s going on, Oink?”

“The river disappeared, Oink! We should be drawing water, but it’s gone!”

“What… the river disappeared?”

The chieftain furrowed his brows. He couldn’t comprehend what was being said.

“Explain clearly, Oink. Why did the river disappear?”

“Oink! It really disappeared! Not just me, but all of my brothers saw it too, Oink!”

“Oink! Calm down!”

The chieftain hurled the handaxe that had been lying next to his bed. With a swift rotation, the flying handaxe embedded itself in the scout orc’s forehead.


“You’re being foolish, Oink.”

The scout orc’s body fell backward. As the chieftain was about to attempt to sleep again, a voice echoed from beyond the tent.

“Oink, Chieftain! It’s a big problem!”


It seemed something significant was indeed happening. With a sigh, the chieftain put on his bear-hide clothing. Stepping outside, he saw the gathered tribesmen bustling around.

“Oink! The chieftain’s here!”

“Why aren’t you chopping wood? What are you doing here, Oink?!”

“Oink! The river disappeared!”

Even the lumberjacks who were busy with their work were saying the same thing. Eventually, the chieftain gathered the tribe’s warriors and headed toward the riverbank. It wasn’t so much to prepare for the actual disappearance of the river, but more to contemplate how to punish the idiots who were spouting nonsense.

However, it didn’t take long for them to realize that their words were true.


The orc chieftain’s eyes widened. Where the river should have flowed, there was only a wide, gaping pit. The rocks that had lined the riverbed were drying up in the morning sunlight.

“Oink!, Oink!… What is this? Oink!”

“Oink! The river really disappeared!”

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

The orcs began to grow restless. The water that should have reached their chests was now merely ankle-deep.

As if entranced, the orcs walked into the depression that used to be the river. Fish, robbed of their home, lay dying with exposed bellies. Amidst the chaos, they were struggling.

“Oink, where did that strange bird go!! Oink!”

“It clearly came this way, Oink!”

A group of orcs emerged from the forest on the other side of the river. Their bodies were marked with red palm patterns. The chieftain orc’s eyes narrowed.

“Oink? Knuckle Blade Tribe?”


It was indeed the Knuckle Blade Tribe across the river. They had been a tribe of frequent conflict, especially after recently expanding their territory.

The answer was clear. The chieftain of the Stonehorn Tribe, gripping his axe, shouted angrily.

“Oink! Knuckle Blade Tribe! It was you guys!”

“Oink! Let us explain! When we went to sleep and woke up, the river was gone, Oink!”

“Kuwaack! The cowardly Knuckle Blades stole the water! Kill them!”

The orcs of the Stonehorn Tribe rushed out. The momentarily bewildered Knuckle Blade Tribe orcs also charged out with roars. On the parched riverbed, the two groups of orcs clashed.

Roaring battle cries and clashing sounds echoed through the mountains. Another group of orcs emerged from downstream.

“Oink? Who are these guys?!”

This time, it was the Sandstorm Tribe from downstream. Their chieftain soon reached a similar conclusion to the other two chieftains. The Sandstorm Tribe’s warriors, wielding clubs, joined the fight, and at the same moment, orcs from upstream also arrived.

“Found you, Oink! They’re river thieves!”

Soon, the four tribes were entangled in battle. With each swing of the savage weapons, blood and screams filled the air.

The liquid splashing from the blows became closer to blood than water. The battle was reaching its climax. The ground beneath the orcs’ feet began to tremble slightly.



The chieftain of the Stonehorn Tribe, sensing the anomaly, turned his head upstream. There seemed to be some kind of sound. As the battlefield expanded beyond their immediate fight, a nightmarish sight came into view.



An unseen torrential current surged, breaking trees along the riverbank as it rushed toward them. A few orcs who sensed the danger screamed. They were already trying to flee, but other orcs, already caught up in the excitement of battle, thrust spears and blades into their backs.


“Oinkkkk! I’ve got the Stonehorn Tribe’s chieftain!”

“Oink! Let go of this! Idiot!”

Before long, the swift current reached the orcs. Those blinded by battle finally realized that their own river was reclaiming its water, not being stolen.

“Kwaahh! The river swallowed the orcs.”


“Oinkk…! Save…!”

Hundreds of orcs were swept away by the rushing waters. Most likely, about half of them would perish in the process. Ronan, watching the scene from a nearby hill, nodded his head.

‘There was a reason Adeshan favored this strategy. The effects are deadly.’

Water manipulation (수공, su-gong) was one of the strategies frequently used by Adeshan in his past life. Her rise to prominence had begun after she quelled a rebellion in Tuoang using water manipulation.

While a perfect Adeshan-style strategy would involve setting fire to the forests around the villages, Ronan didn’t intend to go that far. Even Sarante would likely not find amusement in seeing the mountains turned to ashes.

“You all did well. You managed to build the barricade while conserving your energy.”

Ronan spoke as he looked at the three stunned individuals. Marya’s lips parted in astonishment as she watched the scene of carnage.

“Is this… a club activity?”

“Wha… hahaha…”

Braum was letting out an awkward laugh, resembling someone with facial paralysis. Aselle, who had been turned into an outlaw overnight, was gazing at the now-flowing river with a sense of hopelessness in his eyes.

“I’m going to hell…”

The MVP of the operation was undoubtedly Aselle. He had constructed the barricade with the logs Marya and Braum had gathered the previous night, along with the rocks in the vicinity. Thanks to Aselle’s control over telekinesis, the groundwork had been completed in such a short time.

“Now, shall we go for a bit of looting? Marya, Braum, come with me.”

Regrettably, there was still work to be done. Ronan pulled out his spear and gestured to the two.

“Well… we’re finally going.”

“Um! Honestly, it’s nerve-wracking.”

Marya and Braum gripped their greatswords. Ronan grabbed Aselle’s shoulder and spoke.

“Do you think you can do this?”

“I’ll… give it a shot.”

“Good. Just close your eyes and imagine dropping the mace. Cita, you stay here with Aselle.”


Having completed their orc-baiting mission and returned, Cita jumped onto Aselle’s head. Cita was also a vital member of the group. While Aselle executed the assigned task, Cita would be his reliable guard.

Ronan, Marya, and Braum headed toward the closest village. Even if only laborers remained in the village from which the warriors had departed, that wouldn’t be an exaggeration.

Indeed, they were able to enter the Drifting Rock village without any significant obstacles. After scanning the interior, Ronan muttered with a relaxed tone.

“Seems quiet.”

“Quiet? In this state?”

“For orc standards.”

He truly meant it. At most, there seemed to be no more than a few dozen orcs present. With so few remaining, it was practically the same as having no one there.

Only a few orc laborers and goblins used as slaves were left in the village. The orcs who belatedly noticed the presence of the group shouted in alarm.

“Oink?! Humans?”

“Kuak! Kill them!”

The orcs wielding tools rushed toward them. Ronan maintained a leisurely pace as he swung his Lamancha.


With each stroke, two heads fell to the ground. Lamancha, imbued with magic, effortlessly cleaved orc skin as if it were tofu. The smooth carnage continued.



Braum demonstrated the composure befitting a senior student. He stood by Ronan’s side, defending against attacks and systematically taking down each orc.


Orcs whose attacks were blocked by Braum’s greatsword staggered, and Ronan swiftly dispatched them by taking their lives. The orcs, having lost more than ten comrades, now set their sights on Marya.

“Oink! Those humans are strong!”

“Female! Oink, target the woman!”


Marya tightened her grip on her scabbard. She had always faced humans or magical constructs; this was her first time confronting monsters.

As she had learned. Uttering these words, Marya swung her greatsword horizontally.


The orc charging towards her was cleaved in half at the waist, spilling blood and entrails. Marya’s eyes widened.

“Why…why is this working so well?!”

“Even though it’s a small frame, you need to realize how incredibly strong you are.”

“Ugh! Die!”

She felt the shock of taking a life. Marya, with an expression of disbelief, swung her greatsword again.


With a brutish sound, the cleaving strike bisected two charging orcs.


“Oink! The woman is strong too!”

Masterpiece of a blacksmith from a losing battle. As it absorbed mana, her greatsword had grown heavier than Braum’s. Braum, observing Marya’s skillful handling of the greatsword, chuckled.

“Hahaha, is this the difference in talent?”

“It’s a difference in nature. From what I see, something other than a greatsword suits you better, Braum.”

“Huh?! Did you hear that?”

Braum’s face reddened. After asking him not to make such an expression as it was annoying, Ronan finished off the remaining orcs. It was then that a sound like something huge splitting the air echoed above their heads.


Looking up, they saw massive rocks and trees arcing through the air. These were the rocks Aselle had propelled using telekinesis. The flying stones were bound to land on the two remaining villages untouched by the water manipulation.

“Good job.”

They were soaring through the air with exhilaration that overshadowed their worries. It seemed that the advice not to anticipate the tragedy that would unfold upon impact had been effective. Confirming that there were no more charging orcs, Marya and Braum lowered their greatswords.

“Ha! is it over already?”

“Almost disappointingly quick…”

“It’s thanks to your good coordination. Rest a bit; we still need to deal with five more. I’ll clean up and be back.”

With these words, Ronan headed toward the deepest part of the village. As he lifted the tent of the chieftain, female orcs, their offspring, and cowards who had fled from the battle revealed themselves.

“Oink…! H-human…”

There was no resistance apparent in the unarmed orcs. They only stared at Ronan with eyes filled with fear.

Ronan slowly moved towards them. Various bones and scraps of clothing were embedded in the ground beneath his feet. There were many human bones, and most of them bore the distinct marks of teeth. They were likely the remains of adventurers who had passed through the mountains or had the misfortune of being caught.

Yes, they’re all like that.

Muttering to himself, Ronan drew his sword from its sheath.



Bloodied Ronan spat on the ground. The cleanup was quickly finished. The bloody sword, Lamancha, was emerging with its thirst for blood evident.

The Drifting Rock tribe had been completely annihilated. Ronan began to search the interior of the tent for anything worth taking.

Ronan hadn’t held high expectations for finding treasure on monsters like Lunar Goblins. But suddenly, his gaze fell on a corner of the chieftain’s bed. A familiar form caught his eye.

“No way…”

The appearance resembled a bundle of meat, with shimmering golden eyes. There was no mistaking the identity of the creature – it was undoubtedly a Cursed Eye. However, about half of it was missing.

“What the hell, they discarded this precious thing…!”

Anxiously picking up the Cursed Eye, Ronan cursed aloud. It seemed the orcs had bitten into it and then discarded it due to its unappetizing taste. With a deep sigh, Ronan threw the Cursed Eye’s remains away.

“Damn it, this is a valuable…!”

‘Well, yeah, it’s rumored to live somewhere in the mountains, right?’

He had to think as positively as possible to maintain his sanity. Perhaps there were one or two more around here. Just as he was considering this, Marya’s voice reached him from outside the tent.


“What’s wrong?”

Her voice sounded urgent. Ronan quickly exited the tent and narrowed his eyes. Between Marya and Braum lay an elven woman.

“What’s this again?”

“I found her while searching the tent. Did they bring her here to eat later?”

“Damn it, is she alive?”

Marya nodded her head. The elf woman, dressed in a tunic, was tied up with ropes, breathing heavily. Ronan furrowed his brow.

“Why didn’t you untie the ropes?”

“It’s just… no matter how hard I tried, they wouldn’t cut.”


It was incomprehensible. Ronan unsheathed his sword, Lamancha, which was resistant to cutting even the skin of orcs, and struck at the ropes binding the woman’s wrists.


The sensation was like striking the hide of an orc, and Lamancha rebounded.


He tried several times, but the result was the same. Even the all-powerful Lamancha couldn’t cut the ropes. At that moment, the woman’s lips parted slightly.

“It… it’s no use…”

“What’s wrong? Did something happen to you?”

“Ugh… ugh…”

A painful groan escaped her lips. Though she seemed unharmed on the surface, it seemed she might have internal injuries.

Ronan gave her a potion he carried for emergencies. After a while, the woman’s complexion improved slightly, and she opened her mouth.

“Ugh… thank you… I’ll explain everything later… could you take me with you? These ropes… I can’t remove them using conventional methods.”

“Take you with us? Where to?”

“If you follow the mountains… ugh, you’ll find a temple… please… take me there…”

Ronan’s eyes widened. The woman was undoubtedly speaking of a temple belonging to the Seniel. Gradually, words that struck like nails were pushed through her split lips.

“Sara… Sarante… please… take me to him…”

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