After Being Transported into a Book, I Adopted the Villain

Chapter 16 - Big Brother

Chapter 16 - Big?Brother

Ch.16 – Big Brother

Uncle Zhang, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, frowned unconsciously when he heard Tang Li directly calling Shen Yu’s name.

How could that child call his young master by his first name?

Not to mention that this kind of behavior itself is very offensive, if those paparazzi or some passers-by heard it, he was afraid that they will print a false news article about the relationship between young master Shen and his family.

After all, in the eyes of the public, Tang Li is a spy sent over by Elder Shen to monitor Shen Yu.

Uncle Zhang’s face darkened. He said quietly, “Young Master.”

Shen Yu, sitting in the back, saw Uncle Zhang’s mood change. He immediately guessed what Uncle Zhang was going to say next. He rushed ahead of Uncle Zhang and said to Tang Li with crossed eyebrows, “Didn’t I tell you before? Don’t shout my name in public!”

Although Shen Yu had the appearance of gnashing his teeth when he spoke, Uncle Zhang could feel that Shen Yu was not really angry, but instead was either deliberately or unconsciously making excuses for Tang Li.

The unspoken implication in Shen Yu’s words is that Tang Li’s act of calling his name has already been approved by him.

After realizing this, Uncle Zhang was stunned for a moment. Then he looked up into the rear-view mirror and saw that Shen Yu was still acting angry with Tang Li.

He shook his head helplessly and swallowed all his unspoken grievances.

In fact, he did not agree with Shen Yu’s way of raising children. Too much spoiling would only harm the child, and the parent, in the long run.

Unfortunately, as a housekeeper with a fixed salary, Uncle Zhang knows he is not qualified to interfere in the private affairs of his young master. After hesitating repeatedly, he still chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb.

It’s just...

He didn’t know why, but Uncle Zhang always felt that Shen Yu is too good to Tang Li. Other people didn’t treat their own children as good as the young master treated Tang Li.

Even if Shen Yu did not turn his head to see Uncle Zhang, he could easily detect the suspicious eyes of the other party. He was somewhat guilty, but pretended to calmly open the car door and waved to Tang Li, “What are you still stunned about? Quickly, get in.”

The little villain who had been scolded was not angry at all, but instead looked at Shen Yu directly with both eyes.

The little villain’s eyes are full of light, so serious, so focused, as if the whole world could not enter his eyes, only Shen Yu.

Shen Yu felt awkward under Tang Li’s unavoidable gaze. In a moment, his nerves seemed to twist into knots. He could not tell what his actual mood was at that time.

But he knows that he doesn’t like to be looked at like that by Tang Li.

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Most people would hate being stared at as if they were prey.

Shen Yu looked away from Tang Li’s eyes as the little villain got in the car obediently and was ready to close the door.

At that time, a girl suddenly crowded out of the group of students, panting, she ran over and put her hand on the car door, which prevented Shen Yu from closing the door.

When Shen Yu looked closely, he realized that this was the little girl who had been speaking to Tang Li when he came out of school just now.

If he had guessed correctly, this little girl should be a middle school girl who often wrote love letters to Tang Li. She was much more elegant than Shen Yu imagined. She had big eyes, a small mouth, and looked like a water spirit.

“Tang Li, it’s mean for you to just leave without telling me.” The little girl stood in front of the car door with a big grin and complained to Tang Li, who was sitting in the car.

Tang Li sat in the seat next to Shen Yu’s wheelchair, frowning impatiently and answered coldly, “Who are you? Why should I tell you when I’m leaving?

“Why are you doing this?” The little girl jumped up in anger at Tang Li’s indifferent attitude, her face was red, and she said in a charming voice, “I like you so much, yet you still treat me like this. You are like a cold-blooded animal!”

Tang Li sneered, and his eyes looked like they were covered in a layer of ice: “Do you think your opinion matters to me?”

“You...” The little girl’s eyes turned red as she cried out with grievance.

Shen Yu had no interest in puppy love, so when he saw that the little villain was not interested in this puppy love game, he did not want to interfere. However, the little girl kept wiping her tears in front of the car door, and he could not push the little girl away.

After thinking about it, Shen Yu handed over a handkerchief.

The little girl caught a glimpse of Shen Yu’s slender, beautiful hand through the misty afterlight of her tears. Suddenly, she stopped crying, and her eyes followed the hand up to Shen Yu’s face.

Shen Yu smiled at her. “It’s not good to see girls crying too much.”

The little girl stared at Shen Yu for a long time. Her cheeks, stained with tears, turned red. She reached for the handkerchief Shen Yu handed over and said, “Thank you, big brother.”

Shen Yu replied, “Of course, it’s no problem at all.”

Now the little girl was no longer sad because of Tang Li’s words. She looked at Shen Yu in surprise and shyness. She quickly wiped the tears off her face with the handkerchief. Then she bit her lip and bravely said, “Big brother, you look so beautiful. My name is Lei Yumeng. What’s your name?”

Shen Yu: “...”

He was surprised and amused by the change of attitude from the little girl.

What a child!

Who knew love can come and go so quickly?

The stunned Shen Yu was about to say his name when Tang Li, who was still sitting next to him, suddenly stood up. He grabbed the girl’s arm with an expressionless face, pulled her aside, and slammed the door shut, leaving Shen Yu alone in the backseat.

The noise was cut off from the outside, and the car was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

Finally Tang Li came back to the car and asked Uncle Zhang, “Can we go now?”

Uncle Zhang was silent, glancing at the rear-view mirror, looking at the little girl knocking on the car door outside, and then at Shen Yu.

Shen Yu looked at Uncle Zhang and paused. He had no further reason to speak to the little girl outside. He nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

As soon as the words came out, the tense look in Tang Li’s eyes gradually relaxed. The expression on his face was blank. His gaze seemed distant, and his eyes were so deep that nobody could tell what he was thinking.

Unfortunately, Shen Yu did not notice this.


Elder Shen lives in an upscale district in the city.

The land price and scenery here are not as good as those of Shen Yu’s suburban villa, but people are not very fond of the cold when they are old, and the atmosphere here is lively, the traffic is convenient, and the other old residents can mingle in the square.

Who can imagine that Elder Shen, who was a business tyrant more than a decade ago, had now integrated into an ordinary person’s life, playing chess, walking around and mingling in the square every day, and then calling Shen Yu to urge him to give this grandpa a great-grandson. It was truly a life of leisure.

When Uncle Zhang drove to the parking lot of the Elder Shen’s residence, it was already seven o’clock in the evening.

Shen Yu got out of the car and tidied up his own clothes and then tidied Tang Li’s. Then he told Uncle Zhang to go out and get himself something for dinner and to use Shen Yu’s personal credit card to pay. Afterwards, he could pick them up when called.

Uncle Zhang responded affirmatively.

Shen Yu was a little nervous when he took the elevator upstairs. He gently pinched Tang Li’s hand.

Tang Li looked up at him.

“We’re having dinner here tonight. If Grandpa Shen or anyone else tells you anything, don’t pay attention to it.” Shen Yu looked at Tang Li’s bright eyes and said with a light smile, “We’ll go home after dinner.”

Tang Li wrinkled his face and nodded very seriously.

Shen Yu touched Tang Li’s head and said, “My Chestnut is really good.”

Tang Li squinted, like a pet enjoying his master’s touch. Subconsciously, he raised his face and rubbed Shen Yu’s palm. After he asked, “Do I need to pretend to be sick?”

Shen Yu was stunned, “Hmm?”

He did not understand what Tang Li meant.

Tang Li said, “If you don’t like to stay there, I can pretend to be ill later so that you can find an excuse to leave early.”

Shen Yu: “... It’s all right.”

Despite the light expression and attitude of Shen Yu, in his heart, he was shocked.

He admitted that the main reason why he brought Tang Li was that he could use Tang Li’s discomfort as an excuse to get away from the dinner arranged by Elder Shen as soon as possible, but he never told Tang Li this idea.

After all, Tang Li is so small that he might not necessarily understand what Shen Yu meant.

Unexpectedly, Tang Li didn’t need his explanation at all. Shen Yu’s purpose was analyzed from his words and deeds.

At the same time, Shen Yu’s eyes that were looking at Tang Li, held mixed feelings – the smart and precocious little villain made him feel intimidated.

Shen Yu took the hand of the little villain and found Elder Shen’s house with a familiar ease. The servant who came to open the door belonged to Elder Shen’s house.

Although Elder Shen is not critical of this urban living environment, he would never allow himself to feel any unneeded discomfort in life. As a result, there are more than ten servants and cooks who directly worked for him.

“Mr. Shen is here.” The servant who opened the door laughed and said, “Come in quickly. Elder Shen has been talking for a long time. Miss Yang is here too.”

Shen Yu grinned bitterly when he heard Miss Yang’s name.

He led Tang Li to the living room, and saw Elder Shen sitting on the sofa, talking up a storm and staring at him. Beside him, sat a beautiful girl with long black hair, looking like a little jasper spirit.

Without waiting for Shen Yu to speak, Elder Shen jumped up angrily and rebuked him with an tone of exaggerated hatred: “Do you know what time it is, boy? It’s ten past seven! You let me wait here with Little Yang. You must be really mad at me!”

Shen Yu knows that Elder Shen is an irritable character, so he was not annoyed after being scolded. He turns his head to the beautiful girl and smiles politely. “Sorry, there was a traffic jam on the journey here.”

The girl did not expect Shen Yu’s first sentence after he entered the door to be directed at her, suddenly a little flustered the girl quickly stood up, and with red cheeks, both flattered and shocked, she said: “Oh, it’s no problem at all, I have also just arrived.”

Shen Yu nodded calmly: “That’s good.”

“What’s good?! You’ve got a pretty girl waiting for you, so you’re dare to say it’s good?!”

When Master Shen finished his angry speech, he suddenly saw Tang Li standing beside Shen Yu, expressionless. In a flash, all the fire disappeared completely and Elder Shen’s whole face bloomed with joy.

“Ah, Chestnut! Come over here. Are they still wearing school uniforms nowadays? Is it hard to study? Have you adapted to the new environment?”

“The new school is very good. Thank you, Grandpa Shen.”

“Chestnut is so sweet. I wish I had a great-grandson who is as obedient and sensible as Chestnut.” Elder Shen laughed, glancing at Shen Yu, who pretended to be deaf and dumb, while reaching out to touch Tang Li’s head.

Elder Shen’s hand had not yet touched Tang Li’s hair, when suddenly the little villain backed away.

“Grandpa Shen.” Tang Li said solemnly, “The teacher said that a man’s head cannot be touched casually.”

Elder Shen was stunned, and then he was laughed in amusement: “Good, no one can touch the head of our mighty Chestnut.”

Before long, the servant announced that dinner was ready.

The group headed to the dining room. The table was already full of delicious food. There were no special delicacies. Instead, they were all home-cooked dishes.

Elder Shen’s eyes shifted between Shen Yu and the girl. Suddenly, he thought of something good. He turned to Tang Li and spoke in a kind tone, “Chestnut, this is the first time Grandpa Shen has gotten to see you. Come and sit with Grandpa Shen. Grandpa Shen will tell you a story.”

As he said this, Elder Shen grabbed Tang Li’s hand and winked at Shen Yu.

If Elder Shen and Tang Li sat on the same side, then Shen Yu can only sit on the opposite side with the girl.

Shen Yu felt helpless. Although he rejected the blind date, he could not help giving the girl some face. He sighed and manipulated the wheelchair to the opposite side of the table and made a gesture of invitation to the girl.

“Thank you.” The girl lowered her head and was too shy to look directly into Shen Yu’s eyes. She was just about to sit down when suddenly, a black shadow flashed across her eyes.

The girl paused for a moment. When she finally responded, she found that the chair next to Shen Yu was already occupied by a cold-looking boy dressed in his school uniform.

Tang Li sniffed, looked up pitifully at Shen Yu, and said in a childish tone that Shen Yu had never heard before: “Big brother, I want to sit with you.”

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