After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 32: Li Er’s Surprise and Uncertainty!

Chapter 32: Li Er’s Surprise and Uncertainty!

Some of them dont conform to the rhyme and tone Empress Zhangsuns expression revealed a hint of doubt. Liu Yongs words didnt match the current style of Tang poetry. The modern term for Tang poetry, Song lyrics, and Yuan opera collectively referred to these traditional forms of literature. Although, in reality, there were differences in the mainstream literary styles of each era.

Therefore, taking two lines from the poem Butterfly Love and looking at them in the eyes of modern people, they might appear to have seven characters each, but they did not conform to the rhyme and rhythm of modern seven-character poetry.

Thankfully, during the early Tang Dynasty, there was chaos during the Northern and Southern dynasties. The current emperor, who hailed from a noble family in the Longyou region, wielded significant influence over the literary world with the support of the Five Surnames and Seven Worthies. However, as opinions were yet to be settled, it might take some time to reach a definitive conclusion.

I do think these two sentences are very good. Being a female officer in the palace, the magistrate of the Princess Residence was undoubtedly competent in both appreciation and literature. Naturally, she could discern the variation between the two sentences.

The son-in-law was previously a common peasant and had never studied phonetic notations. Although it doesnt conform to the rules of phonetics, it surprisingly fits perfectly, the female officer spoke up.

The two incomplete poems exude deep affection, and it is not necessary to focus on the rhyme for them to be beautiful. Moreover, this word is also excellent. Empress Zhangsun gazed at the female officer for a while, then smiled, clutching the half sheet of rice paper in her hand, and departed with a smile.

The female officer hadnt noticed Su Lis handwriting, which was already exceptional. After all, she was just a female officer. In appreciating calligraphy, she could only perceive that Su Lis writing was neat, rigorous, and aesthetically pleasing without recognizing its great fame.

Font appreciation was more challenging than poetry appreciation as it required higher levels of knowledge and understanding. When it came to appreciating poetry, one could make a simple evaluation by memorizing the rhyme and tone. With a quick glance, it was possible to determine whether a poem adhered to the prescribed format. However, there was no fixed formula for appreciating calligraphy. To develop a certain level of appreciation, one had to extensively study the works of renowned masters.

As a mother of the nation, Empress Zhangsun possessed a certain level of calligraphy appreciation ability.

The traces of the brush strokes resemble those of Chu Suiliang! Empress Zhangsun looked at the two lines of large characters in her hand, her face filled with doubt.

The Four Great Calligraphers of the Early Tang Dynasty had a profound impact on the world of calligraphy. Yan Zhenqings Yan style bore the influence of the Four Great Calligraphers, particularly that of Zhu Suiliang.

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The Four Great Calligraphers of the Early Tang Dynasty were Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Zhu Suiliang, and Xue Ji. Among them, Yu Shinan had already passed away due to illness, Ouyang Xun was advanced in age, Zhu Suiliang was in his prime, and Xue Ji had not yet emerged as a prominent figure.

Currently, Empress Zhangsuns primary task was to transcribe Li Ers daily records, which involved documenting his activities. Although Zhu Suiliang had not yet reached the pinnacle of his career, he had already gained a significant amount of fame. Compared to Yu Shinan and Ouyang Xun, Zhu Suiliang was considered a latecomer, but his reputation was catching up with that of the two esteemed calligraphers. Despite being young, Zhu Suiliang possessed a versatile style that earned him praise in literary circles.

Zhu Suiliang inherited the tradition of Wang Xizhis calligraphy, known for its outward softness and inward firmness, rounded brushstrokes, and high esteem. Li Er, too, greatly admired Wang Xizhis calligraphy and held Zhu Suiliang in high regard. Empress Zhangsun had the opportunity to view Zhu Suiliangs masterful calligraphic works on multiple occasions. Hence, she could identify traces of Su Lis font resembling those of Suiliang.

No This is too different the Queen frowned.

Although there were some hints of Zhu Suiliang in the Yan-style calligraphy, it was minimal. After all, Yan-style calligraphy stood as a distinct style on its own. If it were entirely influenced by Zhu Suiliang, it would not be sufficient to establish a new school.

However, even Empress Zhangsun couldnt perceive much at the moment. Appreciating calligraphy required passionate enthusiasm to truly develop a discerning eye. Her husband, Li Er, was a passionate enthusiast in this regard.

The Lotus stepped lightly as Empress Zhangsun returned to the palace. Li Er was dealing with state affairs in the Ganlu Temple.

How is Changle? he asked as he heard the footsteps and looked up to see the Empress. He knew that today his goddess of mercy had gone to visit his daughter.

She looks great. She doesnt appear sick. If it werent for the fact that she hasnt woken up, I would genuinely think shes fine. She never looked so good before she passed out Empress Zhangsun spoke up, recounting every detail of what she had seen and heard that day to Li Er, word for word.

Amidst her account, she mixed in positive praise of Su Li, emphasizing his performance in taking care of Changle for a month without any mishaps. She believed Su Li to be a trustworthy and responsible child whom she could entrust with Changle.

His clothes arent even properly fastened? Li Er chuckled but didnt express any further opinion. He understood that the male and female perspectives were different, and he felt that Su Li was merely putting on a show. He considered himself a slightly clever peasant who didnt deserve his daughter. She was truly a proud daughter of heaven.

By the way, I found this broken piece of calligraphy paper at Lizhi Palace. It has a great aura, and the palace maid said its made by the son-in-law. I havent looked into it much, but I brought it for you to take a look, Queen Zhangsun said with a smile as she handed Li Er the two lines of Su Lis incomplete poem.

A peasants son may not even know all the characters. What good words can he write? Li Er sneered and took them. Then, his gaze turned thoughtful.

Unlike Empress Zhangsun, Li Er loved the art of calligraphy, especially the works of Wang Xizhi. Although his own calligraphy was mediocre, his ability to appreciate it was outstanding.

The palace maid only thought the characters looked good. Empress Zhangsun thought they were quite good, but she couldnt explain why. Li Er, on the other hand, was different.

I see the brush strokes. They resemble those of Zhu Suiliang Empress Zhangsun spoke up. As Li Ers close confidante, she had encountered Zhu Suiliangs ink treasures many times, so she could easily perceive the brush strokes resembling his. But she couldnt see anything more.

Not only that Li Er waved his hand and frowned, gently smoothing the paper with both hands and leaning closer. Empress Zhangsuns face showed a hint of surprise. As someone who had seen countless works by famous calligraphers, she knew that Li Er would only assume this posture when he encountered a truly outstanding work.

Empress Zhangsun didnt interrupt but began to ponder, How can a peasants son possess calligraphy that even her husband will admire?

If Im not mistaken, there are only one or two strokes that resemble those of Zhu Suiliang, but there are also traces of Cai Yong, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, and Chu Suiliangs calligraphy, Li Er spoke as he examined the writing.

As someone who had studied the works of famous calligraphers, Li Er immediately recognized the extraordinary qualities of the writing.

Not only that, but he has a deep understanding of the calligraphy of Cai Yong, Wang Xizhi, Wang Xianzhi, and Chu Suiliang, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has mastered it.

But if thats all, its just copying others works Each of his calligraphy and painting strokes, whether horizontal or vertical, has its own form, style, and structure. It has truly become a unique style! He should be recognized as the pioneer of a new school! Li Er spoke with confidence.

This was the perspective of a passionate amateur calligraphy enthusiast who had studied art for many years. It was hard to determine the quality of the writing, but in terms of appreciation ability alone, even Zhu Suiliang would have to acknowledge Li Ers skills.

Your Majesty, even Zhu Suiliang wouldnt receive such high praise! Empress Zhangsun exclaimed in surprise.

Zhu Suiliang has been immersed in calligraphy for many years and has thoroughly studied the essence of the calligraphy sage. He also has his own style and has created his own school, so he is not far from it. But this writing is still superior to his!

Li Ers gaze then turned to Empress Zhangsun. Are there any other samples? he asked.

There is only this one, Empress Zhangsun replied.

Ill go check on Changle. Li Ers eyes flashed with doubt.

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