After Marrying a Vegetative Princess, I Went Crazy With Joy!

Chapter 9: Purchase attribute small gift packs and attribute upgrades!

Chapter 9: Purchase attribute small gift packs and attribute upgrades!

However, Su Lis point balance was now just above 11,000, which meant that he could only afford to purchase one item at first. After pondering, he decided to prioritize buying a small gift pack of attribute points and a low-quality life potion. The attribute points would help to strengthen his body, so if a product already included them, there was no need to purchase them separately.

The low-quality life potion was essential for stabilizing Princess Changles health. While there was still plenty of time left in the day, some of it would inevitably be spent apart from her, and physical contact wasnt always possible. Therefore, it made sense to prioritize purchasing items that would benefit them both.

On the other hand, while the summary of the art of war was undoubtedly valuable, it wasnt an urgent need. Su Li felt a twinge of greed when he saw it, but he knew that it wouldnt be a big loss if he didnt have enough points to buy it today. After all, he wouldnt have an immediate use for it anyway.

Su Li quietly made his decision and selected the option to purchase a small gift pack of attribute points. As he did so, the product page for the gift pack suddenly went blank, indicating that the purchase had been successful. At the same time, a new kit appeared in Su Lis system space, containing the attribute points he had just purchased.

[Small gift pack of attribute points: Open it to randomly get 1-3 points of free attributes.] [Click to open]

As Su Li clicked open the small gift pack of attribute points, the system page in his mind was illuminated by a burst of golden light. He watched as the classic goose factory lottery animation played out in a fancy display.

The animation eventually stopped, and the message You opened the small gift package of attribute points, and you are very lucky. Congratulations, you have obtained three free attributes! appeared on the screen. Su Lis face lit up with joy he had been lucky today, and it seemed his extended contact with little Changle had paid off.

Su Li knew that the small gift packs of attribute points had varying rewards based on luck. The number of attribute points one could obtain from a pack ranged from one to three, with rewards varying greatly between the European Emperor and the African Chieftain. (Ed note: European Emperor means very lucky, African Chieftain means very unlucky)

Su Lis eyes widened as he saw the classic personal attribute page appeared in his mind. It was like a page from an online game, and he couldnt help but feel a surge of excitement.

He clicked on the Personal attributes tab, and the attribute panel appeared on the screen.

Name: Su Li

Age: 23 (points can be added)

Strength: 61 (points can be added)

Constitution: 57 (points can be added)

Acuity: 63 (points can be added)

Comprehension: 69 (points can be added)

Charisma: 63 (points can be added)

Free attributes available: 3

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

Su Li took a moment to review the attributes and their meanings as described by the system. He noted that the average adult had around 60 points for each attribute, with slight variations depending on the individuals emphasis.

As he understood it, strength was related to explosive power. This attribute could help Su Li become physically stronger and more capable of delivering powerful blows.

Physique, on the other hand, represented overall physical fitness and resilience, such as the ability to recover from injuries, withstand blows, and fight off viruses.

Acuity was linked to agility and included factors such as perception and intuition. This attribute could help Su Li become more agile and better at anticipating danger.

Comprehension was related to a persons ability to learn and innovate. Su Li realized that this attribute was particularly important for him as a scholar and strategist.

Finally, there was Charm, which included appearance, temperament, and command ability. Su Li understood that this attribute could help him inspire trust and loyalty in his subordinates, making it easier for him to lead and command.

He reminded himself that these attributes were innate and couldnt be improved through experience. The only way to increase them was through the acquisition of attribute points, such as the ones he had just obtained from the gift pack.

Su Li realized that no matter how much he learned, his innate attributes would always play a major role in his overall performance. The system confirmed this, explaining that innate attributes served as multiplication bases for physical fitness performance.

He understood that a set of complex algorithms was involved in calculating physical fitness performance, which considered various factors related to innate attributes. The final result was determined based on a series of calculations.

Su Li also realized that acquiring attribute points was crucial for improving his innate attributes and his physical fitness performance.

Su Li realized that his slightly lower physique attribute was the reason why he had slower recovery times when he got sick, slower improvements in physical exercise, and less endurance when working.

He decided that he needed to focus on improving his physique attribute to address these issues. He also knew that he could use attribute points to improve his physique attribute, and he made a plan to acquire as many attribute points as possible to help him achieve his goal.

Su Li felt satisfied with his decision to invest all three free attributes into his physique attribute. With his physique now at the level of a normal person, he felt more confident in his ability to handle physical challenges.

He also realized that he would need to continue to work on improving his physique through exercise and healthy habits. He made a mental note to prioritize his health and fitness to achieve his goals.

Attribute points were invested, and 57 became 60, reaching the standard line of normal people.

Su Lis feeling of subtle changes after investing his attribute points could be due to a psychological response to the perceived improvement in his physique. The actual physical changes might not be noticeable after a period of time, but the improvement in his overall physical health could manifest over time with consistent training and exercise.

Prince-in-law, please have a meal! The female officer suddenly said.

When Su Li was setting up the system, the female officer prepared a meal for Princess Changle and Su Li to keep themselves occupied. Princess Changles meal consisted of porridge as she was unable to consume solid food due to her dietary restrictions. On the other hand, Su Li enjoyed a sumptuous spread of eight dishes and soup.

Su Li frowned slightly as he looked at the millet porridge in the female officers hand. The idea of eating porridge to maintain good health was not entirely false. However, it was important to note that not every individuals body was the same, and thus, porridge might not be the most suitable meal for everyone to stay healthy.

In Princess Changles case, despite being in a vegetative state, she could not solely rely on porridge as her diet. She needed to consume protein and vitamins to fulfill her bodys nutritional requirements.

How long has Princess Changle been consuming porridge? Su Li inquired, with a crease on her forehead.

She has been having porridge since she fell into a coma, the female officer responded, glancing doubtfully toward Su Li.

Millet porridge was a highly popular and widespread dish that was often used to nourish individuals. Moreover, given Princess Changles current condition, porridge was the only viable option for her as she was unable to consume any other type of food.

Due to her vegetative state, Princess Changles swallowing movements were limited and instinctive. Thus, if she ingested any other type of food, it could easily become stuck, potentially leading to dire consequences.

Are there any fruits available in the Princess Mansion? Su Li inquired.

Yes, there are some seasonal fruits, the female officer responded.

Su Li pressed on with his questions, And what about vegetables?

Of course, there are vegetables as well. The servants at the Princess Mansion are well-provided for, with access to vegetables, fruits, meat, and pastries, the female officer answered.

Su Li gazed at Princess Changles pale face, feeling a sense of unease. He had seen a similar case in his previous life, where his bosss father had fallen into a vegetative state. In that instance, the boss hired the most skilled nurses to provide round-the-clock care. Despite being in a vegetative state for eight years, his body remained clean and well-maintained, with his hair neatly combed and his face retaining a healthy glow.

Typically, vegetative individuals exhibit stable bodily function, and their complexion tends to remain healthy. As such, Princess Changles pallor was concerning, especially after having consumed millet porridge exclusively for over 20 days.

Although millet porridge could be nourishing, it could not provide all the necessary nutrients required by the body. Other dietary supplements must be incorporated as well.

Lets do this. Ill feed her first. Please go and get some protein to break down into a powder, as well as some vegetables and fruits to extract their juice. Su Li spoke up.

Millet porridge was indeed a healthy dish, but it was wrong to rely solely on it for sustenance. According to Princess Changles current condition, she urgently required protein and vitamins. Since protein powder was not available in this era, Su Li incorporated protein-rich foods into her diet after balancing.

In addition to the protein supplement, juicing vegetables and fruits would provide Princess Changle with the necessary vitamins she was currently lacking.

The female officer was taken aback by Su Lis understanding of Princess Changles dietary needs. However, it was evident that the princess was bedridden and unwell, making it impossible for her to consume just anything. Furthermore, the imperial doctor had warned against feeding her randomly.

Cant you see how pale the princesss face is? Su Li frowned.

Caring for a vegetative person was a challenging task, and it involved many aspects beyond the comprehension of this era, including diet and daily life.

Su Li had previously witnessed how the bosss father was taken care of when he was in a vegetative state, but doctors of this era might not have accepted such care practices. In this era, the authority was with the imperial physician, not Su Li.

Nevertheless, Su Li was determined to do what was necessary. Proper care was crucial, not only to prolong Princess Changles life but also to improve the likelihood of her awakening.

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