After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

"Bang bang bang!"

Early in the morning, Mother was chopping firewood.

On ordinary days, the firewood would be chopped in half or at most in quarters with one blow of the axe, just enough to fit into the stove.

But this morning, Qin Luoxia was too excited to keep still.

When others got excited, they would fidget. When Mother got excited, she went at it with gusto!

She continued chopping the firewood that had already been split.

The thick firewood chunks were chopped into small, neat, orderly pieces by her.

Jiang Mianmian felt they could be used as her building blocks to play when she grew up a bit older.

Qin Luoxia looked at her Husband's appearance, feeling that it was thanks to the venemous python gallbladder she had obtained.

Her Husband was usually good-looking, but he always seemed a bit unreal, giving off the impression that he was sickly.

There were also those gossipy old ladies in the village who always said she and her Mother were jinxes, destined to be widowed because her Husband looked short-lived.

Although she had always felt that those old ladies were just jealous of her good Husband who was good-looking and kind.

But deep down, she still had her worries.

Now, everything was good. In the morning, when she looked at her Husband, she blushed. Looking twice, her face turned redder. Looking a third time, Qin Luoxia couldn't help but reflect on herself - how could she deserve to marry such a Husband.

She thought she must have saved thousands of lives in her previous life to deserve such blessings in this life.

As she chopped firewood, she wondered where else in the deep forest she could find another fierce python. Usually pythons that big were solitary creatures who marked their territories. It was already impressive to have one in a forest.

She really wanted to go to the Huayuan Mountain behind Steward Zhao's house. She heard that the forest there was big.

As Qin Luoxia thought, she chopped the firewood vigorously,

Chopping until her face turned as red as the legendary pioneer who split the sky and earth.


In the morning, Jiang Yu woke up and saw her Father.

She stared blankly for a good while before speaking, "Father, are you really my biological father?"

Jiang Changtian reached out and lightly flicked his daughter's forehead.

What nonsense was she sputtering so early in the morning.

Jiang Yu kept shaking her head at her Father and sighed, "I'm done for. I won't be able to get married. Father is like this now. As for Brother Wu and Brother Guo...I really can't stand looking at them o(╥_╥)o."

This was probably why even though Jiang Yu and her sister Jiang Cui fought a lot, Jiang Cui was still willing to play with her. Jiang Yu really could not spare another glance for Brother Wu.

Jiang Changtian said to his daughter, "Don't worry, if you don't like them, Father won't force you to marry."

Jiang Feng looked at his dear Father radiating light, but his heart ached even more.

His Father was such a wonderful man. He did not deserve to go through those things.

Jiang Feng became even more silent.

After finishing chopping the firewood, Qin Luoxia shooed the children away to stop them from continuing to ogle her Husband.

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She dragged her Husband and Jiang Mianmian into the room since Jiang Mianmian was in her Father's arms.

"My dear, you can't go out like this. What if others ask? And I won't be able to find another snake as daring as that one. Let me tidy you up a bit?" Qin Luoxia asked gently.

Jiang Changtian laughed and nodded, also feeling somewhat bitter.

So Qin Luoxia began painting and powdering her Husband's face. She remembered wanting to become beautiful before, wanting to be like the other girls in the village. So she had painted and powdered herself like this, but it always backfired. Whenever others saw her after, they would laugh uproariously. She must have looked hideous.

Jiang Mianmian looked at Mother's skills...this was a mess, it wouldn't hold.

Jiang Changtian took over and said, "Let me do it."

He washed his face again and looked at his reflection in the water basin.

He also froze briefly, as if recognizing the appearance.

Just a flash, a light touch, the ripples in the basin dispersed the image.

He started tidying himself up.

He actually knew how since he was little.

He felt his Mother always looked at him with disgust, wondering if it was because he looked different from his elder brother. When Mother looked at elder brother, her eyes were full of tender love and care.

He would unconsciously paint his own face, trying to look more like elder brother - darker, broader face, shorter jaw, narrower forehead...

So after Jiang Changtian tidied himself up in a few moves, Qin Luoxia saw he looked the same as usual - handsome but without that heart-skipping, stumbling feeling anymore.

He still looked a little sickly.

Jiang Mianmian witnessed the whole thing in her Mother's arms and sighed in admiration.

The people in my family all have such odd skills...

A magical reverse makeup artistry. Father is so skilled with it.

Using just a black coal pen he can change the shape of his face...


A new day.

Father went to work.

After Father left, elder brother also went out.

Mother went into the mountain to dig wild vegetables again.

Jiang Mianmian and sister Jiang Yu were left to take care of the house.

Early in the morning, sister had already changed into her new embroidered shoes. She was very happy at home, walking with a clip clop sound.

Jiang Mianmian did not envy her. She easily bent her little feet, sniffing them whenever she wanted, biting them whenever she wanted. Her little feet had freedom.

She was a little concerned about yesterday's red bubbles. They were so sweet.

When she looked at her little black ants again, she felt that black ugly look was actually quite affectionate.

The little black ants were a bit fierce. With the current food shortage situation, anything somewhat edible would definitely be harvested. She didn't know where the little black ants were getting their food from.

When Jiang Yu put her into the wooden basin, Jiang Mianmian started looking for the little ants.

The little ants were still in the hole they dug. Seeing her arrival, they stuck their heads out.

In order to eat a red bubble, Jiang Mianmian boldly reached out to touch the ant's head.

It felt like two little needles, a little numb and tingly.

Then she tried hard to think "want to eat, want to eat!"

But after she touched it, the ant didn't move and just went back into its hole...

Jiang Mianmian stared wide-eyed in curiosity. Could it be on its "period" and didn't want to move?

Speaking of, the ant she raised should be male right? Only the queen ant is female.

Jiang Mianmian couldn't help but complain with a few "eh yah yah" sounds.

So difficult to communicate! She couldn't speak. The ant couldn't speak either...

Even if she could speak in the future, the ant still wouldn't understand her...

Raising a lonely pet!

Jiang Yu sat under a tree pounding clothes.

Although the family was poor, there were five people, so there were still a lot of chores to do.

Jiang Mianmian decided to ignore the little ant and never touch it again. She turned over to bask in the sun and prepare to sleep.

Just then she noticed what looked like a long red line on the road not far away.

Looking more closely, a group of small ants were carrying one, two, three... red bubbles in her direction.


Jiang Mian thought her eyes were playing tricks on her.

She rubbed her chubby little hands over her eyes.

Then she clearly saw that four ants were neatly carrying one red bubble. The trail of red bubbles advanced steadily in an orderly fashion.

Jiang Mianmian watched as if witnessing a streamlined industrial assembly line of an ant kingdom.

When the red bubble entourage arrived under the wooden basin, her little black ant actually got up to receive them...

Comparing her little ant that she was used to against the others, it was simply a crane standing among chickens, shockingly huge.

It was also shockingly arrogant.

The other ants needed four to jointly carry a red bubble. Her little black ant directly hauled a red bubble alone, huffing and puffing as it climbed up to her and pushed the bubble into her hand.

Happiness came too quickly and suddenly!

Jiang Mianmian felt as if seeing the little ant waving its strong little limbs, saying "I'm supporting you!!"

Today, Jiang Mianmian was already adept at stuffing the bubbles into her mouth.

These were a little sour, not as ripe as yesterday's.

Tears rolled out of Jiang Mianmian's eyes. Her face scrunched up into a ball. For a moment, she couldn't tell if it was from the sour red bubbles or from the sour feeling that her little ant actually had a group of little followers now...

Glancing over, sister was still diligently pounding clothes, water splashing onto her face.

Jiang Mianmian's hands were full of red bubbles now.

The wooden basin was also covered by many red bubbles.

She felt she was almost buried by them...

Would she be mistaken as the ant queen? With a group of ants huffing and puffing to bring food to her...

She was so big, white and tender, unable to move...

Constantly drooling, wanting to eat...


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