After Transmigration, Her Whole Family Are Villains

Chapter 52

Chapter 52


Two young men were practicing swordplay on the spacious training field.

The square-faced youth was clearly more skilled.

His swords were drawn and sheathed with precision, without a hint of waste.

After his blade left three gashes on his opponent's staff, He Chen angrily threw away his long spear.

"I'm done sparring with you. Your family has been warriors for generations, giving you an unfair advantage. I've been killed by you thirty times already."

Meng Shaoxia sheathed his sword, took a damp cloth from an attendant, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, grinning broadly.

"If your family was like mine, with martial arts passed down through generations, your parents would have drilled you relentlessly too. However, my skills aren't the best. If I had the chance to spar with Jiang Feng, I feel he would be formidable."

He Chen recalled the sight of the two cripples from before and involuntarily shuddered.

"Not necessarily. They outnumbered us and killed our martial arts instructor with their chaotic fists. Those two cripples were merely ordinary people."

As they spoke of the cripples, an attendant came to report that the two cripples were dead.

Meng Shaoxia and He Chen were both stunned.

In truth, they had seen death on their journey, but for three deaths to occur within two days, all of which were somehow connected to them, seemed too much of a coincidence.

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"How did they die?" Meng Shaoxia asked curiously.

"The male cripple was bitten by a venomous snake and died from the poison overnight. The female cripple, overwhelmed with grief, dashed her head against a wall and died," the guard replied.

"Inseparable in life and death, they were truly devoted lovers," He Chen marveled.

Meng Shaoxia still frowned slightly.

"Come, let's go wash up. Don't we still have to visit the Jiang Family?" He Chen nudged his brother.

They had only learned from the County Magistrate yesterday that the renowned Jiang Family of the capital had descendants living in seclusion here.

Grand Preceptor Jiang had passed away, but Old Lady Jiang still lived.

Grand Preceptor Jiang had an impeccable reputation, with a noble and virtuous character.

Meng Shaoxia's grandfather and maternal grandfather had both mentioned him.

He Chen had also heard elders speak of this man.

However, after the Crown Prince was dethroned and imprisoned, the Jiang Family scattered, and Grand Preceptor Jiang's family was exiled, leaving the capital.

On the journey of exile, the Emperor pardoned Grand Preceptor Jiang, but sadly, due to his failing health, he passed away.

They never expected his descendants to be living in seclusion in Ming County.

And the deceased guard had been the bodyguard of Jiang Family's heir.

Since they were already here, it would be improper not to pay a visit.

Moreover, in recent years, the Emperor had grown increasingly fond of reminiscing about his old ministers, so the Jiang Family might regain its former glory.

Grand Preceptor Jiang had two sons and a daughter. His daughter had married the Seventh Prince, who was not favored by the Emperor and was sent to govern his fief early on.

The eldest son, Jiang Huaisheng, was said to be talented in both literary and martial arts, but was unfortunately implicated due to his father's circumstances.

There was little mention of the younger son, who seemed rather unaccomplished.

However, the Jiang Family had an excellent reputation, without any concubines or the like, and a simple household. Even at their worst, they could not have fallen too far.

Unlike He Chen's family, which was a mess with countless siblings, too many to count.

Meng Shaoxia's family was somewhat pitiable - not that they didn't take concubines, but rather, their lineage was precarious, with all sorts of misfortunes and accidents, resulting in a scarcity of male heirs. In Meng Shaoxia's generation, he was the only remaining son, a lone seedling.

Even the Emperor was concerned about the Meng Family's lineage and jokingly suggested sending a few princes to the Meng Family.

Thus, from a young age, Meng Shaoxia was required to build his strength and health, and whenever he went out, he was accompanied by a horde of guards, for fear that any mishap might cause the Meng Family line to end.

After freshening up and changing into appropriate visiting attire, the two set out to call on the Jiang Family.

They had sent their visiting cards yesterday.

They were going as younger generation members to pay respects to Old Lady Jiang.

Old Lady Jiang herself was quite legendary, said to be a close confidante of Eldest Princess Huiyun, even giving birth around the same time. Now that Eldest Princess Huiyun was devoted to Buddhism, Old Lady Jiang had also retreated to this secluded place.

The once brilliant ladies of their generation had faded into the long river of time.

A new generation of youths now trod upon the morning light.

Knock, knock, knock.

The tiger-head door knocker struck, and the great gates of the Jiang Family manor slowly opened.


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