All-in-One System: All I Need is Erotic Coins

Chapter 119 Damian Is An Idiot

The cave Ashley found turned into their home. It was a place with everything they needed to survive: fresh water, eatable fruits and herbs, and fish.

They could get all of that, plus a little sunlight without leaving the cave, but staying inside for a long period would make anyone crazy. So after they worked on building their homes inside the cave, and making it sustainable, everyone wanted to leave.

It was dangerous to leave, of course, the tribe men could find them, or worse, find their hidden location, but it was impossible for them to remain down there for eternity.

"I still have the birds to check the surrounding area. We will move through water and only come out far from here. Also, it would be best if we split into teams while exploring, so it will draw less attention." Damian said.

For the past three days, everyone focused on making their cave a suitable place to live, and Damian was the one calling the shots. No one said a word about it. He became their leader.

But if they wished to leave that island, and find out who did that to their plane, they had to leave and explore it.

So Damian came up with a few security measures to make sure the natives of the island would not find their hidden cave.

"We need to explore this island and map everything. Meet here in four days?"

"Okay. Me and Creed know each other well, so we will be a team," Ashley said.

Ashley and Creed would be a team, Aurora and Magnus another, and Damian would go alone.

Aurora would be better with Magnus, as she could copy his ability, which was more suitable for combat. Plus, Damian wanted to act alone to make full usage of his invisibility cloak!

This chapter upload first at NovelUsb.Com

After setting the teams, they left. Each team explored one part of the island, and map it out if possible.

"Stay safe, Aurora," Damian said, giving her a kiss.

Damian trusted Magnus, so he was not worried about her safety. "If anything goes wrong, return to the hidden cave, or try to find me,"‌ Damian said.

"You betcha, bro. We will get out of this place. Don't worry," Magnus said.

The moon was glowing in the sky. There were many stars too, as there were no city lights to get in the way to make the sky look worse.

Night time was the best time to leave their cave to avoid being spotted by anyone. Damian put on the hood of his cloak and activated its power, becoming invisible!

That item became more precious every day, and the power of turning invisible made every situation more bearable.

"I am the one responsible for the central part of the island," Damian thought.

He used his Telekineses, not to fly high on the sky — he did not know if the tribe men had any ability to see through his invisibility, so doing that was risky — but to float, eliminating his footprints, and muffling his sound.

The bright moon made it easier for him to see in the dark, but when Damian reached the deeper parts of the island, the dense forest blocked some of the moonlight, and seeing became hard again.

But getting used to it did not take long for him, and despite not having a night-eye, Damian's vision was still significantly better than normal people, or even better than some super humans as well.

"A footprint?"

Damian saw a footprint in the mud. He lowered his body to have a better look, and judging by the appearance of the footprint, it belonged to someone who did not have shoes.

That was the first clue about the natives of that island. A good start.

He followed the direction the footprint led him, seeing more of the same on that muddy path. After following the trail for a few minutes, Damian had a bad feeling about all of that.

"Isn't this too easy? All the natives would know we were here on the island, especially after the loud plane crash."

Damian realized something was off, but it was too late. He heard a noise coming from behind him, and when he turned around, a woman half-naked was staring at him, wielding a stone spear.

For some reason, she could see through Damian's invisibility, so he deactivated his cloak, turning around to face her.

She had red-paints all over her body, and a soft black-hair with a bang.

"Don't attack me," Damian said, moving his hands in front of his body, trying to look friendly.

He was sure she would not understand him, as tribes usually had their own dialect, but she did!

"You are a survivor of the plane crash, right?" she said.

"What? You understand me? I thought tribes here spoke something else!"

"I am not from the tribes here. Follow me. We have to go before they arrive here."

The way she spoke sounded like she was afraid of something, but Damian was having a hard time trusting her.

"She's not from the tribes? But she looks exactly like a native," Damian thought.

It was not his fault. Anyone else would have the same conclusion.

"Prove I can trust you," Damian said.

"Too late, fuck. I knew trying to help you was stupid."


Before Damian tried anything, a fishing net flew toward him coming from one of the nearby trees. It locked him in place, but when he noticed what it was, he laughed.

"You fear tribal men with fishing nets?" Damian said.

He grabbed the fishing net and exerted his strength, which was quite high after unlocking his bloodline, yet nothing happened.


Damian growled, using everything he got, but the fishing net did not break.

"Telekineses it is then," Damian thought.

If the fishing net could not be broken using force, then using his Telekineses to toss it away had to work, right?

But once again, Damian tried to use his ability, but it did not work!

"This is impossible. What the fuck is happening here?"

"I told you, stupid. They have a shaman who can suppress abilities, you idiot."

After she said that, a man came from the forest, carrying a censer in one of his hands. The smoke coming from the censer entered inside Damian's nostrils, making him fall asleep.

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